
Promises from God; What are They?

The promise-fulfillment paradigm of the Bible generally refers to a concept that God making promises to some or all of humanity will keep those promises. That’s a non-technical way to look at it. The paradigm does give one pause to consider several elements of it in order to have more understanding. For one thing a promise implies some sort of obligation from the promise-giver, and of course God has no obligation to humanity at all. The pottery maker is not at all indebted to the pots. Even so God is necessarily truthful and we may interpret select words from God as promises that are matters of fact.

There are covenants made between God and humans in the Bible in at least five instances. One can say that God treats humanity compassionately. Presently though I want to consider some of the meta-theological paradigm of promise fulfillment instead of the actual promises.

Promises from God- statements that would seem prophetic to humanity if not made by a Person capable of making the future happen the way he says it will, could be subject to some sort of structural analysis I suppose. That analysis might determine subject and predicate relationships or referent and object; logical relationships in the language context as well as temporal arrangement. If all of these prophetic statements from God that appear to be promises can be viewed in the perspective of God’s eternal being for whom time passes in a non-linear fashion I would guess; that is God might be thought to occupy the center of temporal time in any-given-universe with the temporal order existing all around him and so linear time occurs at the same instant for Him, then God is interpolating pieces of the complete complex of Universal compresence to people from one temporal location to another.

  When subject-humans receiving the divine information-the promise move through time and encounter the circumstances that comprise actualization of the promise it can then be said that the condition of promise fulfillment as occurred. There are numerous instances of promise fulfillment in that context given in the Bible.

Promise fulfillment may be a knowledge protocol affair of compartmentalization of information within structures of creation of the omniscient Being. In order to create temporal structures and beings essentially a realm of non-sentient mass and energy supporting limited-sentient beings in some way is generated. Promise fulfillment continually reifies to the information classified beings the presence of the future. Less than omniscient sentient beings have an implicit insecurity or uncertainty about existence that may move along the temporal world-line with jolts and pains, dangers and health-tuning challenges that is alleviated somewhat with the interventionist contact from God the non-temporal Creator. God relates select information of the narrative from the future of the world-line of everyone in the Universe or at least of the planet Earth and gives that to humanity. Those with faith in God accept that prophetic data as true.

In the garden of Eden paradigm Adam and Eve (Adamas and Edith?) hadn’t the problems of temporality. One almost might interpret their paradigm as an experiment of God in generating independent beings with limited sentience. Edith (Eve) was for some reason a believer in falsehood given unto her inducing her to eat from the tree of knowledge.

While God would not tell a lie apparently deception did arise from some fallen super-angel. The appearance of falsehood in the perfectly true realm/existence of God seems almost a necessary enabling condition for the existence of temporal structures wherein beings with non-omniscience that are subjectively separate from God exist. In a sense any temporal realm apart from God that has sentient beings within it requires an element of fiction or falsehood to exist. God is omniscient and omnipotent and is all that is. Apart from God nothing else is except that he wills it to seem so.

One can well say that the paradigm of the Genesis story while having several historical facts that are difficult to interpret accurately was an act of theological genius. Adam and Eve existing without mortal bodies in a project area on non-temporal God, Adam and Eve given intelligence yet without an ability to obey the will of God to the letter since they had free will. Adam and Eve without a knowledge of what falsehood is were easily deceived though some have pointed out that Adam seems to have willfully gone along with Eve who was the one deceived. Adam evidently did not experience the deception of the fallen angel directly.

That might be a significant point itself; Eve was taken from Adam’s symbolic rib, while Adam was made from dirt (Adamas), yet both were in a non-temporal realm of being before mortality was made to exist. The dirt (Adamas) is probably not star dust. Instead it is perhaps the fundamental set-aside paradigm for potential temporal being.

It is difficult to continually correct one’s language terms to correspond with basic theological parameters for being that God is entirely Spirit. What appears to be mass and energy in the set-aside of God is for us humans the context for writing. Natural philosophy explaining the set-aside for God that seems for incarnate humans to be the Universe-in-itself permeates the language and influences the ideas with which we write about Genesis and the parameters of Genesis.

 Words and referent objects or events from long ago are difficult to flesh out. There may have been a particular flood in Mesopotamia and a proto-civilization Genesis refers to-perhaps a drown mud-brick town a couple hundred feet below the sea level of the Persian Gulf. Regardless of the temporal meta-ontology of physics of the set-aside realm Adam and Eve from a non-temporal condition were downloaded to emerge into a temporal set-aside Universe. The set-aside Universe may have been created in phases, at once, with an appearance of billions of years having passed or any number of other configurations by omnipotent God. Creating the state of steady-state entanglements with logical probabilities and quantum uncertainty to permit temporal change from a field that at heart arises from Spirit is a mechanics of mystery to humans; even to cosmological physicists who are left with numerous theories about Universal mechanics.

Adamas and Edith were put into the containment vessels of mortality since they ate of the tree of knowledge. If Adam and Eve having ate of the tree of life existed forever and with willful disobedience to God’s instruction concerning the matter of not eating from the tree of knowledge corrupting them from the start, correcting them would have been problematic. With eternity to go wrong and with infinite increase of their intellects within God’s meta-structure it might have created a kind of chaos, perhaps not.

One could compare the situation to a computer’s operating system within which are installed or made a couple of small programs that increase their size and access outside their own lines of code to takeover like a virus the operating system. As in windows that could lead to the system just locking up or freezing. Rebooting the system would require a meta-operator outside the operating system.

Plainly God would not be too challenged by Adam and Eve virus’ within His being. Even so it must be a challenging work to create sentient beings and place them within a suitable context for development and moral guidance. Promise fulfillment is the ongoing presence of a continuum of the kingdom of God existing for-humans too as time rolls on. Jesus Christ the Son of God is the basic promise fulfillment for humanity. A particular being is the promise and fulfillment of Universal God, for humanity. With the Lord Jesus Christ the lost may be saved, reconciled and freed from the sin of moral corruption. 

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