
On Systematic Philosophy

Since the Protestant reformation of the 16th century theology has taken various new turns. From the scholasticism of Aquinas theology branched toward Melanchthon, Luther and Bible based theology. Scholasticism and the Summa Theologica in particular took a more philosophical approach to logical contemplations about God, existentially. Bible theology on the contrary considers what theological meaning is Biblically implicit.

Methods of Bible theology and theology of the New Testament generally worked through a position that the Bible is inerrant and divine revealed word of God. God makes known to human beings through the prophets, Apostles  and the Lord what He wants known of himself. Philosophers and academics on the contrary generally seek to use reason to consider how or why God exists, if he necessarily must exist,  what characteristics He ought to have and so forth. Theologians such as Karl Barth of the revealed word camp believed that such efforts comprise natural philosophy and cannot provide information about God at all.

There were several developments in theological critical approaches to the Bible and New Testament theology though. A primary division was between those that believe that all of the Biblical canon is inspired word of God and those that believe some of it is or that fallible humans put together the Bible books and may express some revealed word or even none. Various literary analysis and critical approaches to the Bible and New Testament were created since the 17th century and into the 20th Some have regarded the Bible as just more literary to consider as if it were an ordinary book and others have sought for an historically true Jesus amidst all the good news gospel writing describing the life, times and saying of the Lord Jesus.

In the revelation from God is the only way to reliably learn of good school such as conservative theologians trend there are some that approach the New Testament with a systematic theological methodology searching for particular features in many Bible books. One might also use that approach in philosophy. A systematic philosophy should be a little more active than simple classification of various ideas among various philosophers. Systematic philosophy as a tool used to examine various cosmological concepts could apply logical evaluation of their consistence with or coherence in any given philosophical hypothesis. An example might be consideration of the existence of a kingdom of hell and a kingdom of God simultaneously within the natural world; if the kingdom of God is within oneself is that a penultimate transcendence of the material world where the kingdom of hell is seeks to increase?

Systematic philosophy books have of course been written. I just didn't realize what they were. One can use the search for common meanings or ideas among philosophers as far apart in time as Socrates and Sartre, and of course in history too, as Toynbee showed in his recurrent historical cycles approach to consider the rise and fall of 26 civilizations. Systematic philosophical methods may reveal true concurrences of ideas or events yet create a sin of omission of comprehensive theological or philosophical meanings as well as commit wonderful technical reviews of select points.

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