
Clintons Form Another Tempo of Doom Presidential Race

Since Bill Clinton was elected in 1992 the U.S. Presidential scene has been considerably dumbed down. The Clinton's never go away nor does their influence. Recollect the high quality of the 1992 Presidential field on both sides. That 1992 primary was rich with George Bush I, Ross Perot,pat Buchanan, Bob Kerry, John Kerry and alas Bill Clinton-favorite of the media. Now the field is rather sterile and national economic outlook poor.

Because Bill Clinton was elected and Wall Street integrity gutted followed by the Lewinsky scandal rerunning a vicarious substitute for Ronald Reagan-believed at the time to be G.W. Bush II, was enabled. Though a morally good guy G.W. Bush II wasn't the brightest bulb. He completely bungled Iraq reconstruction and piled up a vast public debt that President Obama would later more than double. With so much public debt and an ongoing foreign nation building fiasco President Obama was easily elected against the only Republican of stature with electability that seemed interested in running, Sen. John McCain.

President Obama was the anti-Hillary choice of Democrat youth. He was the hope of racial progress. So while some of East St. Louis are rioting and looting over a fatal police shooting of a large black 18 year old, the President instead of visiting to give a civics lesson to the blacks of East St. Louis is out on vacation at Martha's Vineyard maybe saying yawnces with the late spirit of patron saint Ted Kennedy.

One wonders if Hillary Clinton could have given civics speeches to rioting blacks of East St. Louis and moves on to consider that with Hillary Clinton in the 2016 primaries there isn't likely to be a single alternative female candidate running. Democrat Party policy seems to be that the only female with a chance to get elected would need to stand on her husband's shoulders because they are so short on capability. The Clintons are like Jupiter and Saturn gas giant planets with vast gravitational power sweeping and clearing out the qualified candidates from both parties. I think Democrat women, queers and any other natural democrats like Bill Clinton and Hillary is his primary coat tail.

There are probably dozens of politically qualified women that could serve in the Oval Office without being on their knees. Yet none will run of Hillary is in the race. It is as if they believed British P.M. Margaret Thacher was really elected for her fish and chips recipe and highest-quality fudge brownies she enticed Ronald Reagan with.

President Obama's years of post-Bush II bungling on Middle-Eastern policy was lately rectified a little with relief provided to a religious minority surrounded in a mountain by Al Qaeda of Iraq affiliated Caliphate mufisdoon threatening them with death. He has also reasonably provided weapons to Kurds willing to defend themselves and their little homeland. Hillary Clinton however has taken an anti-Obama foreign policy tact in an untimely way to advance the gloomy prospect of yet another Presidential election influenced by the Clintons.

President Obama as a lame duck might be motivated to show the people of East St. Louis that they too as a minority are in the police department, internal affairs review board, bureaucracies and elected offices of the city. He can show that civil disobedience rather than civil participation is not a good choice. Demagogues and crowd agitators that expect democracy to be intimidated by mob demands ought not be given support. These are things that a President interested in civil progress rather than political points might be interested in. Looking ahead to the 2016 election though, the politicians seem to want to just take reasonable public positions on issues that might make them better insiders.

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