
Floating Dollar and Ecosphere Values

President Reagan’s first budget director David Stockman might be regarded as the last American fiscal realist. Stockman reviews the nation’s financial woes due to monetary policy and taking the dollar off the gold standard and letting its value float without a necessity of reality checks.

The clever Nixon administration in order to win re-election took the dollar off the gold standard rather than exercising fiscal austerity. The Federal Reserve became free to print up as much currency as it wanted merely needing to finesse out inflation or deflation and the rest is history. Today with 19 trillion dollars of public debt and seven years of free ‘loans’ to big banks so they can print up their own e-dollars financial reality has gone the way of the buffalo without consequence, in theory.

Stockman takes exception to the idea that there aren’t consequences for the fiscal relativism that supports moral relativism. In his 2013 book ‘The Great Deformation’ he says that the nation has outsourced its business and imported goods with foreign purchases of U.S. bonds financing the cycle that even so seems to be inefficient i wanted to suggest a way to return the dollar to a material commodity; an unconventional one such as the total number of tons of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the total quantity of fresh water on the Earth available for drinking, or species biodiversity (number of living species), or even a basket including several ecospheric facts.

When species for instance become fewer the dollar decreases in value and when they increase (if possible) the value of the dollar would rise. Abundance rather than scarcity would be used to determine the value of the dollars. Because capitalism as it presently is has no cognizance of ecospheric value, tying the value of the dollar in a positive way to ecospheric values might be an approach to providing incentive to capitalists to restore the planetary ecosphere.

The Dark Side of Muslim Migration

The problem of Muslim immigration through Democrat Party accomplices in government to the United States exemplifies political reasoning deficiency in government. For Democrat party leftists viewing national and global demographic issues through a Stalinist historical lens moderated a little with Leninism equivocation of all non-straight white males is natural; all are viewed as allies to subvert traditional American constitutional and historical values. Thus Muslims are regarded as peers of value in the destruction of historical American values, prioritized and defended with Pelosi rhetoric and the Obama veto.

It is the case that numbers differ in ordinality as well as cardinality, yet if numbers may be used representational symbols for the purpose of drawing an analogy, the Democrat party fails to discern the different values-demographic values if you will, and regards 2s as equal to 0s and 5s as equal to fire. While fire may be a fish out of water in any given number series with a non-zero value, if it is nothing at all comprising a set then any sort of non-real element is as good as another. Democrat party pragmatic fiction paradigms discern no substantive differences between the import of Muslims and say, for example, Mexicans. Mexican illegal migrants and dual passport holders graft America into Mexico with inherent corruption of national democratic self-determination by the electorate. Muslim migrants comprise a growing internal proletariat with implicit seditious political values. Theocracy is the destiny of any actualized Muslim nation and war exploiting any means at all to arrive there is orthodox policy of the Quran. The left fail to recognize Muslim immigrants as the humble beginning of their own political extinction even given historical example such as the left’s support of the Ayatollah Khomeini in his revolution against the Shah with the communist party being the first purged after the populist Muslim Revolution took power.

ObamaClintoncrats would have the Muslim migration issue of just letting in desparate women and children while their dead jihadist husbands or live fighters are battling in Syria. There is more to it than that. The American left have made interpretation of the constitution a floating value exercise in unreality comparable to the floating value of the dollar set into being by the Nixon administration in 1971. Instead of strict construction and conservative interpretation of the constitution staying as close to making decisions based on what the constitution actual contains and letting the congress add anything else, the Supreme Court has taken to expanding terms and ideas such as privacy to include abortion (the founders would never have allowed that) and have made decisions for homosexual marriage that also would never had been sanctioned by the conservative Christian founders of the nation.

It is possible to take language and give words any sort of meaning none likes. Kripke in ‘Naming and Necessity’ written about 1971found that words have at least a little implicit meaning or neo-Platonic non-associationist character. Even if one takes Quines ‘Word and Object’ criteria as a paradigm for philosophy of language interpretation of referent meanings with words finding their meaning from historical context, a functional neo-Platonic value is present; words to not just become blank tools for containing any sort of meaning like algebraic literals when used in historical settings. One cannot take the Bible and say it is a NASCAR guide to the year 2050 and use a computer editor to creating a new lexicon making it say so and keep any semblance of the actual historical meaning it had when written. The judiciary need to keep in mind how the founders thought and what they would have intended themselves when interpreting the constitution if they want to have any sort of veracity. Congress is supposed to add new laws or change the constitution via constitutional convention-not the judiciary as it interpolates entirely fictitious interpretations of it as it has throughout the last century.

How often may one listen to Democrat politicians declare that America is a nation of immigrants therefore Muslim immigrants must be admitted in large numbers? It is a syllogism applied far too broadly for meaning. Ask instead how often in American history before the 20th century or even the 21st did the United States or even the Western hemisphere nations import large numbers of Muslims? Did American founder Christians have any help at all from Muslims?

In the moral decline of the 41-42-44 years the United States has become the target of Muslim jihadists. If economics may be viewed as a tool of colonialism through other means, Muslim agitators have targeted large colonialist economic symbols such as the WTC for destruction. Besides being of symbolic power their destruction created a temporary imbalance in economic competition between rival civilizations.

Logical politicians might wonder why Muslim refugees ought not be relocated to Muslim nations where their presence would not support the development of a dar al harb-zone of war-in a non-Muslim nation. The left fail entirely to comprehend that Islam, like the Communist party of the former Soviet Union in a Trotskiite phase, is expansionist and obligated to subdue the entire world to Islam. It is not wise to encourage them in expanding by the establishment of a substantive internal proletariat within the united States or Europe. it is a paradox that the left in their antipathy to conservative traditional values morally speaking fail to comprehend that the Muslim migrations are a virtual direct feedback response loop antigen of correction to their corruption of moral values. The first time a Muslim suicide bomber takes out an abortion clinic the left any change their opinion on the wisdom of admitting Muslim ‘refugees’ to the U.S.A. or Europe.


Political Superficiality and Environment

One may wonder if national politics aren't rather superficial. Presidents take office and perhaps address a few issues, are automatically re-elected and the next election cycle is well underway before the second term ends. Meanwhile the broadcast media covers select topics interminably and issues remain that outlast administrations.

So I will comment on a pair of issues briefly; those of Muslim terrorism-expansion of the zone of war. The second issue is the relationship of the ecosphere/environment to economic theory selection.

Global Muslim terrorism occurs for several reasons with the basic causes being that it is a religious obligation for followers of Muhammad to expand the area in submission to Allah through war if necessary. There are also  racial, economic, demographic and geographic elements that stimulate conflict. Muslim terrorists seem to like to attack in November and December. If they had attacked at Halloween the plentiful talk of fear might have been more appropriate. Europeans have had millions and millions slaughtered in wars. France and the media ought to be able to survive the fear factor of the large scale criminal work of Muslim expansionists.

Notable as well is the fact that most Middle Eastern Muslim nations have oppressive non-democratic rulers or royals rather than democracy, and that democracy isn't part of their cultural, historical heritage fundamentally. Shifting political refugees from Muslim conflict redistributes population to Europe that with its nominal allegiance to values forced upon it by the victorious world war two allies has mandatory blindness to sundry social, religious and gender characteristics that are important in the Muslim world and unimportant (ostensibly) in the west. Middle Eastern nations themselves have substantial sectarian separations as well as economic. It is not really a good idea for Europe or the United States to serve as annexes to Middle Eastern conflict that receive refugees. A better place would be the creation of a global refugee clearing house-maybe Madagascar, where an actual working Refugee nation could be structured to receive and process people to optimal locals such as returning home after the end of conflict.

Plainly the media and the Obama administration wish to minimize the President's substantial contribution to accelerating and supporting the Syrian conflict. The rational policy stance was to let the Assad government defend and to not throw military and financial accelerants to 'moderate' muslim rebels or any other persons seeking to depose the lawful Syrian government. It is something of a new error to believe that any government following a purging of Allawi and Christian Syrian leadership will become anything more than fundamentalist.

A second point is that of the natural resources of the Earth. Consider them as the hardware of a computer and the economic methods of using them as an operating system. One might also think of them as circles of importance with the Earth at the center and environmental methods of exploiting those resources at larger, outer circles.

Government should have rational and objective criteria for sustainable resource use that are the fundamental social relation to natural resources; economic theory selection methodology should act through the regulatory criteria of government with compliance.

A capitalist and communist economic methodology each may misuse and abuse or exhaust natural resources. Governing criteria that objectify sustainable resource use might serve either system or any other. capitalists that wish to do business exploiting natural resources would need to do so within regulatory parameters cognizant of all other users.

Government already regulates and sets many parameters where it may need to do so and often where it doesn't. The basic relation of government to economics does occur at two levels-or should. The first should be a comprehensive environmental regulation and conservation of all natural resources and then setting sustainable criteria for their use quantitatively. The second level comprises the relationships of business and society in-themselves where the prevention of crime is required and where society won't pay for important things of praxis such as traffic lights and sewage treatment themselves.


Toynbee Cycles of Civilization; Muslim & Homosexual Expansionism

It is worth considering the effects of geography, climate, economics and demographics on the traditional Toynbee historical cycles of civilization in addition to the usual factors such as religion, technology and culture viewed from anthropological and sociological angles. That would require more time than the intent of this paper allows; merely to note the Obama spin on Syrian civil war escalation and the subsequent effect of an exodus of refugees fleeing from war torn Syria to Europe expanding the swamp in which terrorism may thrive.
Because the evidence in support of the Obama administration foreign policy increasing the capability of terrorist Muslim elements to expand the dar al harb is substantial I shall skip over that onto a few very brief comments on extraneous factors due to the limits of time for comment.
The Muslim is an arrested civilization that lay dormant under the expansion of western civilization and the ability of Asian of prior ages to withstand Muslim invasions. The broadcast media left continue a fairy tale idea bout Muslim war as not being normal-they opine it is an exceptional characteristic of extremists-a few no goods that are unfortunately not well educated and exploited by a few with significant book larnin. The media ostrich factor is accelerated by media atheist preferences joining the left-atheist belief that Muslims can be converted to hedonism and godlessness eventually or that marriage in Muslim law might be compelled to allow homosexual marriage. The media-atheist-left-elite probably few a future Muslim world where prosperous butches may take five men to serve as wives a normal evolution that will occur when enough dope and court appointees of the left evolve into power. The entire left view of foreign relations is preponderantly in error and unrealistic.
The Muslim faith is as expansionistic as the homosexual political elite is in American civil politics. Neither implicitly seeks a separate and secure social existence. Rather they work the social-political world to a msulo-centric or homocentric way of life. Each needs to be contained so far as they are ideological entities, yet tolerated within objective social boundaries.
The United States should admit zero Syrian refugees that are not Christian. There is no reason to allow President Obama’s worst case foreign policy to succeed in building a larger terrorist swamp in the U.S.A. even if the Europeans are already losers in that regard.
A stable planetary society should be simply to reach except for the choice of the left to oppose Christianity and western civilization after the end of the cold war though its origins are earlier. Homosexual elites have selected the Mongolian invasion wave of conflict like millions of Genghis Khans rather than simply using existing tools of western civilization to assure equal writes while respecting the traditions and structures of others instead of co-opting, subverting and annihilating them. The usurpation of heteromarriage in the west for homosexuals instead of homosexuals creating their own relationship bonding was a long-term political schism foundation that will put a wedge into the resolution of planetary intra-political problems building real complexity and challenges for finding any sort of non-poisoned pill water.
The homosexual elites fail to comprehend that their wishes are not universal. Homosexuals may like to have a portion of poop in every glass of water and declare it discriminatory and biased when people demand plain, unpolluted water to drink. The U.S. Supreme Court in pooping into the heterosexual water reservoir and requiring by law that all of the nation’s drinking water receive a minority quantity of feces spoiled the national peace for the long-term. The nation cannot hold a glass of its foreign policy to the world and say-‘here, drink of this oh thirsty and down-trodden wanderer’.
In the Ukraine the government elites just made a sweeping homosexual defense law. In the middle of a civil conflict it provided evidence for the real agenda of the radical atheist left in forcing out Russia entirely from its Ukrainian homeland because Russia is still largely heterosexual. Like a demented Dr. Strangelove who secretly desired to pollute Mandrakes’ precious bodily fluids with e coli, western elites are blighnt in myopia with political though as dim as narcissistic black holes warping images of their own precious sins as ideal atheist images back unto themselves as utopian vista.
The Muslim world can be carefully contained with strong national border defenses everywhere. In the modern world with extreme environmental challenges it is necessary to have an economics founded on environmental and empirical efficiency. The market alone without regulation and guidance from ecological economics will reduce the habitability of the planet and endanger life for humanity. People ought to remain in their own nations and transition them to environmental sustainability at a low entropy-high production objective scientific efficiency. That is challenging to get started in a world of political leader-idiots.
Homosexuals may legally form homocouples yet should not corrupt marriage and leave it alone. Atheists should leave Christianity and the world’s major religions alone, while economic rationality and planetary exploration goes forward to build off-world habitations for humans with extreme efficiency ratios to energy and mass reduced to higher entropy.
The United States should admit zero Syrian refugees that are not Christian. There is no reason to allow President Obama’s worst case foreign policy to succeed in building a larger potential terrorist swamp in the U.S.A. even if the Europeans are already losers in that regard.


Paris Bombings; New Muslim Offensive?

The recent saturation of Europe with Muslim refugees from President Obama's Syrian conflict stimulation brings the long-term prospect for terrorism, yet evidently there were bombings and shooting in Paris today.

Since the Clinton administration began the trend of American foreign policy action of benefit to Muslims the dar al harb has expanded. Since the end of the cold war Muslim expansion with terror has developed to fill the void of Soviet-West conflict, even so the Obama administration nhas consistently failed to support Russian interests in Ukraine and Syria and instead has enabled civil conflict across the Muslim world with daft policy.

Muslim of course have a right to believe wrong theology, yet the U.S. administration hasn't really a right to enact bad foreign policy even though it subverts congressional law making when in can through executive action.


ISIS has predictabkly expanded its terror to Lebanon from Syria and has made a new terror declaration of intent on Russia. The foreign policy analysts in D.C. just don't get it.

Steroids for Over-60 Laborers and Painters

Because muscle repair slows down with increasing age the use of steroids in low doses regularly to compensate for aging seems reasonable enough. One wonders however what steroids with users and control groups have been done.


Once while riding a bicycle through West Texas looking for a house to paint I stopped at a store to buy some potted lunch meat and noodles and a 90 year old man started a conversation about the bike. He said that he had recently had to stop swimming because of injuries that just don't get better quickly. That brought me to wonder if steroids are used by those of us that will need to look for work in the 60s and even 70s; will it be easy to get low doses of steroids for muscle damage.

I personally have had surgically unrepaired knee, shoulder and back injuries and even an elbow on my first parachute landing. With age its good to have healthy muscle regeneration when riding I bike for several hours against the wind each day if travelling cross-country. Not only does once maximum and sustainable heart rate decline over 60, one reaches it easier when the temperature is over 90 degrees. Regular steroid use would be a substantial benefit for those that must journey to find employment routinely.

Even so the question remains about the health benefits and detriments of regular low-dosage steroid physical maintennence offsets for aging. Women may drop out of marathon activity a decade sooner than men and not be concerned male muscle deterioration with age creating some political recalcitrance or disinterest in keeping aging laborers healthy. Even so the next time I take a loaded bike through the desert I would like to know that in addition to 5 hour energy to relieve exhaustion there is prospect for legs remaining healthy and strong  another decade or two.

Cynics and Unelected De facto Leaders

A trend for Nobel Peace Prize winners toward arrogating authority illicitly is something of a paradox; how can these worthies esteemed as champions of peace and decency in politics bite the apple of authoritarian doom themselves? Barrack Obama took the lawyer-chief executive road on the dark side of im0perialism to exploit alleged executive authority to insult congress and act as a lawmaker himself-as has the Supreme Court in recent times, soaped undermining the democratic foundation of the nation where the popular assembly called congress makes the laws, the President executes 9rather than opposes) the laws made by congress and the Supreme Court decides if the laws made are consistent with the constitution (an example of an unconstitutional law would be one making the President and imperial dictator).

Lawyers elected as Presidents seem to have a tendency for legal incest. Instead of faithfully executing laws made by Congress they oppose Congress and like a Harvard law Oedipus they kill the father law-maker Congress (perhaps tragically) and make the laws themselves while they dining doing so.

That trend started by F.D.R. in a different circumstance of economic depression followed by war allows foreign and domestic destruction of individual rights and development economically and socially. When the public perception of willful law-breaking and non-democratic control becomes the new normal situation the idea of democracy is occluded by the fact of something more like national socialism. It would be news for the news media and the Democrat party to recognize that individual brilliance and truth are killed off by the legions of semi-collectivized average ad hoc union sycophants that desire control of positions not through competition and merit but in the destruction and degradation of better rivals. When winning through corruption and subversion are held to be the highest values and methods by the government one discovers the reality of 20 trillion bucks of public debt, leaky national borders, stimulation of global terrorism and intelligence agencies that enhance planetary increase of Muslim terrorism while ostensibly in opposition.

Another Nobel Prize winner in Burma has declared that if her party wins election she will become the official unelected de facto leader of Burma. Hillary Clinton, Imelda Marcos and Marie Antoinette were all dynamic feminists close to the reigns of power. How many such persons were unelected de facto leaders of their nations? It is not just destroying America's best small cheap computer maker-Compac, by a lunking grouper, in a somewhat fair grab of corporate gluttony to force an ella gordo posture on a lean rival. What godfathers and godmothers of political power are designing news farces of democracy for the future?

In Alaska recent high school academic tests have shown that 50% of students fail. That ought to be troubling, except it was finessed a priori with recent legal dope sales in the state. Teacha-leave the kids alone-all-in-all it's just anotha brick in da wall. Unelected de fagto leaders. The little kids on the billboard of tomorrow may hold a cup out and say; 'got dope' or 'got queahs?' one might think from recent national trends.

In some regards international relations, interventions and conniving policies of government are comparable to setting weather systems if it were possible. That is, nations and policy do not occur in a vacuum; to change low pressure to high pressure creates changes in proximal areas and states. Neither are weather systems inherently stable-and one cannot simply rely on the cabbage patch excuse of 'it's evolving' for intelligent policy design. Perhaps I shall write more about this later.

The Democrat Party policy of enhancing Muslim expansion in the west may be a consequence of incompetent concepts of liberalism that enacted seldom produce actual democracy rater than Muslim expansion or dictatorship as they evolve through periods of anarchic social disorder. The contentment in government personnel and the media (another pressure policy factor suppressing citizen rule) whom believe they have evolved beyond mere basic needs of food, shelter and clothing and should be advancing further up Maslow's ladder to power liberates bureaucrats from feeling the consequence of profuse political egg breaking. Presidents after Reagan seem to have risen to their highest level of incompetence. Some might wonder where are the quietist Presidents (is Harry Reed available) that let nice bureaucrats get things done?

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...