
Toynbee Cycles of Civilization; Muslim & Homosexual Expansionism

It is worth considering the effects of geography, climate, economics and demographics on the traditional Toynbee historical cycles of civilization in addition to the usual factors such as religion, technology and culture viewed from anthropological and sociological angles. That would require more time than the intent of this paper allows; merely to note the Obama spin on Syrian civil war escalation and the subsequent effect of an exodus of refugees fleeing from war torn Syria to Europe expanding the swamp in which terrorism may thrive.
Because the evidence in support of the Obama administration foreign policy increasing the capability of terrorist Muslim elements to expand the dar al harb is substantial I shall skip over that onto a few very brief comments on extraneous factors due to the limits of time for comment.
The Muslim is an arrested civilization that lay dormant under the expansion of western civilization and the ability of Asian of prior ages to withstand Muslim invasions. The broadcast media left continue a fairy tale idea bout Muslim war as not being normal-they opine it is an exceptional characteristic of extremists-a few no goods that are unfortunately not well educated and exploited by a few with significant book larnin. The media ostrich factor is accelerated by media atheist preferences joining the left-atheist belief that Muslims can be converted to hedonism and godlessness eventually or that marriage in Muslim law might be compelled to allow homosexual marriage. The media-atheist-left-elite probably few a future Muslim world where prosperous butches may take five men to serve as wives a normal evolution that will occur when enough dope and court appointees of the left evolve into power. The entire left view of foreign relations is preponderantly in error and unrealistic.
The Muslim faith is as expansionistic as the homosexual political elite is in American civil politics. Neither implicitly seeks a separate and secure social existence. Rather they work the social-political world to a msulo-centric or homocentric way of life. Each needs to be contained so far as they are ideological entities, yet tolerated within objective social boundaries.
The United States should admit zero Syrian refugees that are not Christian. There is no reason to allow President Obama’s worst case foreign policy to succeed in building a larger terrorist swamp in the U.S.A. even if the Europeans are already losers in that regard.
A stable planetary society should be simply to reach except for the choice of the left to oppose Christianity and western civilization after the end of the cold war though its origins are earlier. Homosexual elites have selected the Mongolian invasion wave of conflict like millions of Genghis Khans rather than simply using existing tools of western civilization to assure equal writes while respecting the traditions and structures of others instead of co-opting, subverting and annihilating them. The usurpation of heteromarriage in the west for homosexuals instead of homosexuals creating their own relationship bonding was a long-term political schism foundation that will put a wedge into the resolution of planetary intra-political problems building real complexity and challenges for finding any sort of non-poisoned pill water.
The homosexual elites fail to comprehend that their wishes are not universal. Homosexuals may like to have a portion of poop in every glass of water and declare it discriminatory and biased when people demand plain, unpolluted water to drink. The U.S. Supreme Court in pooping into the heterosexual water reservoir and requiring by law that all of the nation’s drinking water receive a minority quantity of feces spoiled the national peace for the long-term. The nation cannot hold a glass of its foreign policy to the world and say-‘here, drink of this oh thirsty and down-trodden wanderer’.
In the Ukraine the government elites just made a sweeping homosexual defense law. In the middle of a civil conflict it provided evidence for the real agenda of the radical atheist left in forcing out Russia entirely from its Ukrainian homeland because Russia is still largely heterosexual. Like a demented Dr. Strangelove who secretly desired to pollute Mandrakes’ precious bodily fluids with e coli, western elites are blighnt in myopia with political though as dim as narcissistic black holes warping images of their own precious sins as ideal atheist images back unto themselves as utopian vista.
The Muslim world can be carefully contained with strong national border defenses everywhere. In the modern world with extreme environmental challenges it is necessary to have an economics founded on environmental and empirical efficiency. The market alone without regulation and guidance from ecological economics will reduce the habitability of the planet and endanger life for humanity. People ought to remain in their own nations and transition them to environmental sustainability at a low entropy-high production objective scientific efficiency. That is challenging to get started in a world of political leader-idiots.
Homosexuals may legally form homocouples yet should not corrupt marriage and leave it alone. Atheists should leave Christianity and the world’s major religions alone, while economic rationality and planetary exploration goes forward to build off-world habitations for humans with extreme efficiency ratios to energy and mass reduced to higher entropy.
The United States should admit zero Syrian refugees that are not Christian. There is no reason to allow President Obama’s worst case foreign policy to succeed in building a larger potential terrorist swamp in the U.S.A. even if the Europeans are already losers in that regard.

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