
Political Superficiality and Environment

One may wonder if national politics aren't rather superficial. Presidents take office and perhaps address a few issues, are automatically re-elected and the next election cycle is well underway before the second term ends. Meanwhile the broadcast media covers select topics interminably and issues remain that outlast administrations.

So I will comment on a pair of issues briefly; those of Muslim terrorism-expansion of the zone of war. The second issue is the relationship of the ecosphere/environment to economic theory selection.

Global Muslim terrorism occurs for several reasons with the basic causes being that it is a religious obligation for followers of Muhammad to expand the area in submission to Allah through war if necessary. There are also  racial, economic, demographic and geographic elements that stimulate conflict. Muslim terrorists seem to like to attack in November and December. If they had attacked at Halloween the plentiful talk of fear might have been more appropriate. Europeans have had millions and millions slaughtered in wars. France and the media ought to be able to survive the fear factor of the large scale criminal work of Muslim expansionists.

Notable as well is the fact that most Middle Eastern Muslim nations have oppressive non-democratic rulers or royals rather than democracy, and that democracy isn't part of their cultural, historical heritage fundamentally. Shifting political refugees from Muslim conflict redistributes population to Europe that with its nominal allegiance to values forced upon it by the victorious world war two allies has mandatory blindness to sundry social, religious and gender characteristics that are important in the Muslim world and unimportant (ostensibly) in the west. Middle Eastern nations themselves have substantial sectarian separations as well as economic. It is not really a good idea for Europe or the United States to serve as annexes to Middle Eastern conflict that receive refugees. A better place would be the creation of a global refugee clearing house-maybe Madagascar, where an actual working Refugee nation could be structured to receive and process people to optimal locals such as returning home after the end of conflict.

Plainly the media and the Obama administration wish to minimize the President's substantial contribution to accelerating and supporting the Syrian conflict. The rational policy stance was to let the Assad government defend and to not throw military and financial accelerants to 'moderate' muslim rebels or any other persons seeking to depose the lawful Syrian government. It is something of a new error to believe that any government following a purging of Allawi and Christian Syrian leadership will become anything more than fundamentalist.

A second point is that of the natural resources of the Earth. Consider them as the hardware of a computer and the economic methods of using them as an operating system. One might also think of them as circles of importance with the Earth at the center and environmental methods of exploiting those resources at larger, outer circles.

Government should have rational and objective criteria for sustainable resource use that are the fundamental social relation to natural resources; economic theory selection methodology should act through the regulatory criteria of government with compliance.

A capitalist and communist economic methodology each may misuse and abuse or exhaust natural resources. Governing criteria that objectify sustainable resource use might serve either system or any other. capitalists that wish to do business exploiting natural resources would need to do so within regulatory parameters cognizant of all other users.

Government already regulates and sets many parameters where it may need to do so and often where it doesn't. The basic relation of government to economics does occur at two levels-or should. The first should be a comprehensive environmental regulation and conservation of all natural resources and then setting sustainable criteria for their use quantitatively. The second level comprises the relationships of business and society in-themselves where the prevention of crime is required and where society won't pay for important things of praxis such as traffic lights and sewage treatment themselves.

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