
Democrat Presidential Candidates are a Sorry Lot

Democrats traditionally increase debt. The exception was the 1999–2000 version of Bill Clinton who balanced the budget when the Republican Congress had him by the b__ls because of the Lewinsky lying crisis. They insisted on cutting government spending and he signed off on it.
President Obama created greater public debt than any other president, yet reduced the rate of increase of public debt his final three years. President Trump had solid debt increase his first two years and reduced the rate of increase his third year staying true to the modern form.
I did omit W from above- he did seem to accept public debt increase too well.
Democrat Presidential candidates are fairly uncreative, dull and the product of socialist pyramid approval structures. race, gender and perversion are more important issues for Democrats than substantial ideas about reform. They are generally happy with the economic system in its largest parameters and, except for AOC who would like to change it substantially (though not enough or correctly) adding 11 trillion dollars of public debt, the Democrat candidates are somewhat deaf to the idea of balancing the budget without increasing it too with vastly more taxes. Democrat leaders want to enrich themselves.
Few really creative and intelligent people enter politics to reach a high level these days-especially in the Democrat Party. There are so many reasons why they don’t.
One is that the Democrat Party isn’t one of ideas. They have a different idea of freedom than most Republicans perhaps. Democrats distrust strait white men and U.S. history because the history of the nation being one led mostly by strait white men. The Democrat assumption is that the whole constitutional paradigm and foundation of the nation by white men was bad because non-white men and women were not enfranchised. They fail to realize that white men revolted against white men over issues of freedom and rights with race having nothing to do with it generally.
To simply elect people that aren’t white, straight and male without good ideas won’t get good political work done for all citizens if the non-straight, white males are elected. Good ideas are totally separable from race, gender and perversion. Americans need to be more educated to expect good ideas for reform and actually encounter them through the media; lots of good ideas. people should want to elect the best ideas instead of the best skin color or gender.
Balancing the federal budget, reforming government, reducing public debt, restoring ecospheric health, stopping illegal immigration, creating a more egalitarian distribution of wealth without crass redistributionism, keeping Americans out of the dangerous scuppers and whirlpools endemic to dire poverty, building a moon base, safeguarding national defense and helping neighboring nations out of poverty with hope for all- these are ideas with possible content that work yet are not recognized by the race-card playing Democrat party.

Would Demos Really Vote for a Candidate Descended From Slave Plantation Owners?

When Kamala Harris said she was descended from prominent Jamaican slave owners that presented a conundrum for the party faithless; wouldn't they seem like step-n-fetch-its if they chose a leader descended from slave owners?

Democrats are such a racist party without good ideas that skin coloration alone is a qualifier for the top job. Female and homo are additional points for the party of perversion.

I cannot imagine voting for anyone descended from slave owners intentionally. The United States is about democracy and resistance to slavery- maybe Democrats can nominate people descended from Klan leaders as well and, of course, Robert E. Lee.

With hundreds of millions of native-born Americans it should be possible for the Democrat Party to find candidates that have a lineage of freedom rather than the slave-owning side to put up for their top jobs.



Competent people in a nation give wide birth to select historical currents, persons, symbols and directions in order to avoid conflicts of interest. There is no need to cut the corners as if there were few potential candidates with middle of the road qualifications free of conflict of interest.

An example would be German electors that run a candidate with ancestors that were high in the Nazi Party or cousins of Adolph Hitler; there must be a few competent Germans without that heritage to run for the top job. If China ever became a free market social democracy should it run heirs of Chairman Mao for the Presidency? What about Benedict Arnold- surely he must have some fully qualified descendants that could run for the White House?

The Democrat Party could at least look to the United States instead of Jamaica for a candidate with ancestors that were proud and prominent owners of slaves. Since Democrats want to make slaves of Americans socially to the very rich through real politik, it behooves them to find candidates with ancestors experienced owning slaves in the United States.


Simplified Intellectual Properties International Court for China Trade War?

Wouldn’t a simplified intellectual properties adjudication process in an international court make it easier to defend against and find compensation for theft of intellectual properties? China with its communist background has a different attitude toward ownership of intellectual properties. 

Intellectual and technical transfer from the west with its intellectual properties rights have built China up substantially in the intellectual vacuum created by pervasive government repression of individual intellectual and spiritual freedom.

Communism represses individual creativity. It strips individual creators of the fruit of their labor (no reference to Elton John at all). Communism kills motivation for invention, and with liberalization Chinese inventiveness increases, yet the dark specter of communist authoritarianism remains to guide the invisible hand of Adam Smith's invisible half-brother; Shady Smith; Pickpocket Extraordinaire.

The trade war should be resolved reasonably soon in order to facilitate orderly business processes that should be guided to an ecologically sustainable direction. China with its history of over-population has required severe birth control measures for national viability. Communism may be the best form of government for state repression of population growth beyond the Nazi concentration-liquidation camp methodology.

In my opinion humanity is best at expansion and least competent at social design. Governments are good at repression but virtually incapable of intelligent ecologically sustainable design. The U.S. Democrat Party is a good present example of that; it seeks to flood the United States with illegal aliens by the tens of millions to swell the domestic population closer toward the 400 million level that radically over-stresses the national ecosphere. In some way intellectual creativity need accompany ecological and demographic sustainability or the usual human social structure of expansion in unplanned sprawl followed by mass war casualties to destroy the structure when it becomes untenable recurs.

Some kind of international court and process for compensating victims of intellectual properties theft need be made between China and the world. fair hearings and just compensation for victims along with protection against frivolous lawsuits need be made. China and other governments should pay into the fund from business profits. Hearing officers would decide the legitimacy of claims and scheduled, standardized payments that are structurally scheduled would be made. National governments basing the convicted perpetrators would be free to seek pay-back from their perps.

In addition to the Intellectual Properties Court it would be useful to reform the patent process globally and reduce the exclusivity period to three years in order to accelerate human technological development. After three years anyone could produce the patented item legally if they pay 10% royalty to the patent holder.

Technology transfer in some ways is a separable items. The phenomenon is a result of weak national governance and policy. It is a result of capitalists seeking after cheap foreign labor and foreign markets. Nations including the U.S.A. could require foreign companies to transfer technology too in order to do business in their country. Trade agreements and equalize and yet so may national policy.


Regarding 'Fair' National Income Distribution

The GINI Index exists and is ubiquitous for the purpose of comparing fair income distribution.

Gini Index Definition

Gini coefficient - Wikipedia

I am not sure what ‘fair’ distribution is. There is some relation between production and output/income. Should non-producers have the same output and income as non-producers? From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs is a Marxist paradigm and quote. That doesn’t seem right to me; there should be a lot of surplus wealth used for nothing good in that paradigm. Maybe it could be adjusted in some way so it worked without government goons deciding what everybody needs.

There should be a minimum livable income and a maximum allowable income to prevent social misery and the end of democracy with plutocracy. Besides that there should be equal opportunity to be productive and end the prospect of oppression by corporations, individuals or the state.

Maybe there are clever, better ways to regard fair distribution of wealth. Certainly public resources should be equally accessible such as forests, oceans etc and not exploited or destroyed for the benefit of corporations or governments.

If Canada Joined the EU

Canada isn’t in the European Union. They could make a deal with the EU to allow European leadership to make Canada a cute, loyal vassal state if the Canadians were nice enough. Canada is tight with Britain, and Britain is trying to ditch the EU with Brexit; one would think that a Canadian submission to the EU and the Huns of Hungary (such as GM Richard Rapport who could conquer Canadian chess rankings) would be counter-cyclical regarding Canadian tradition and current history vis England.

The United States would need a new defense posture concerning the possible perfidy of the EU on the northern border. Probably it would be requisite for the U.S. to end N.A.T.O. and form and alliance with Russia to offset the European edge. Central American and latino problems would arise in greater substance than at present with Communist China levering South American powers too along with Europeans leaders of the left and right to squeeze the United States with adverse military and trade agreements.

Suspension of US Democracy While Foreign Governments Rule Immigration Policy

The Democrat party seems like an alien party trying to rule in behalf of foreign governments; especially those of Central America sending illegal aliens north. U.S. citizens are no longer self-determining regarding who and how foreigners arrive in the United States. Immigration policy is set by foreign governments that choose to create conditions in their own nations that would drive their people away.

The poor of those nations haven't competent government leadership to assure reasonable living conditions and security so they flee north. That situation need be corrected with pressure put on Central American Governments as well as security on the U.S. to halt the illegal flow of migrants across the U.S. border.

The U.S. Democrat is party degrades the value of U.S. citizenship and kills political self-determination. Democrat Party leaders determine U.S. policy so far as they can- even through illegal means, and are a party of lunatics undermining the opportunity for Americans to have calm, rational, stable politics that allow the marketplace of ideas to change the course of the nation in a steady, measured way to sustainable economics and the end of misery for the poor of the U.S.A. Democrats are a party that would enslave citizens socially and economically and force them into their evil, godless mold. Democrats are like Marxist-Leninists that are satisfied with the CPSU leadership class becoming empowered while the proles look up their noses on high from below.


Middle East May Not Need a 'Peace' Plan

Central economic planning didn't work too well for the Soviet Union. A Middle east Peace plan that is some kind of socialist coordination template with donors or others providing $50 billion to Palestine doesn't seem like a good idea. That would enable Palestine to buy better weapons to attack Israel with.

U.S. Presidents are not obligated to provide a peace plan for Palestine. Free enterprise lassez fare might work better. Middle East problems are better solved by Middle Easterners. The United States should just support Israeli defense needs and let the terrorists beyond their borders find their own funding.

Rube Goldberg schemes might be good for post-presidency Trump Inc investment prospects in Muslim nations yet they are wrong for Americans. Central Americans need a Marshall plan more than Palestine, and Marshall plans should just go to friends and beaten enemies rather than present enemies such as exist in the Middle East. The Von Trump-Kushner Peace Plan for Enriching Palestinians seems wrong. Put together a moon financing package for the moon base. Get Central America fully recovered and looking to the future with hope. Let the Palestinians keep electing gangsters. Until they choose to put down the suicide vest let them find their own financing. Maybe President Trump and Kushner are working on a package for Iran. The logic is somewhat off.

Palestinians and the Arabs with nation status should pay reparations for attacking Israel so many times. They should also pay for the terrorism.

If the Palestinians were reasonable people that had an ethic of peace and free enterprise themselves investment from Jews and others would allow them to prosper. For some reason U.S. administrations are spaced on the Middle East too often. There is not even a war going on today. The need for a Peace Plan is somewhat untimely. Maybe there is a need for a Crime Plan to stop terrorism.

On Golden Pond or Lake of Fire?

 I was wondering if a second Biden term would bring a Lake of Fire to the world with nuclear holocaust, or a golden pond for a reelected oc...