
Humming Birds and Ecocide in Corporatist-Socialist Axes of Economic Evolution

Ecocidal politicians often threaten paving over semi-wild land for development or dumping industrial waste into rivers, yet there are deeper, subtler assaults on life in the western United States.

Illegal aliens corrupting wages of the north are just one economic fact of the era; another is the sprawl of farms in Mexico to grow cash crops for export to tables in the U.S.A.

In Mexican fields smothered beneath human excrement stimulating economic growth of vegetables for American plates lies another story; making the farmlands required clearing of semi-wild lands with wild flowers serving sweet nectar to migratory hummingbirds. Hummingbirds with heart beats as high as 1600 beats per minute are the top fuel eliminators of the sky’s cardiac competition.

Alaska has an excellent naturalist who has detailed much of the ecosystem of the north. A recent subject study was that of Hummingbirds that migrate from Mexico to Alaska seasonally. These birds are in decline because of the loss of habitat in Mexico and on the route north that had nectar-refilling stations before ecocide and herbicide were developed.

In Alaska hummingbirds are one of the basic pollinators of wild blueberries that are an essential food for a large web of life. Bear eat blueberries along with countless birds and other species including insects and humans.

Human social development today should concentrate on halting large sale international migration for economic growth and focus upon population stabilization and low entropy economic security for all people accentuating low cost intellectual occupations.

In order to slow down ecocidalist tendencies in classical economic practices Mexican ecological habitat land ‘islands’ designed, as nectar-fueling stations for hummingbirds should be constructed south of the border with U.S. assistance. A 1650-mile border control canal and berm control infrastructure should also go ahead to keep illegals in their own nation where they could be employed fighting drug cartels.

In the world today classical economic planners such as Tim Geitner seek to add entropy to the ecosystem in trying to make uniform economic growth on a global basis a policy alongside entropy in national independence environmentally. Using the Boyle’s law principle of expanding gas uniformly in a given area in global society is just bad thinking. It is better to increase quality and lower entropy locally as does life, and defer the entropy to externalities that are not harmful so far as possible. One cannot violate the second law of thermodynamics yet one can finesse it to advantage and direct entropy increase to areas where such efforts will serve humanity and all life more profitably.

NPR and other leftist elite organizations of political agitation have sought a global high entropy social structure with the environment human and social developed to one gay evil conformity. Differences and independence, environmental health and local ecological autonomy are regarded as segregationist. Foe-be-yas are decreed by the Ayatollahs of the Atheist Religion upon those that do not regard standardized, high entropy collectivism as the ultimate destiny of mankind, but consider that an absolute doom.

Some things for the continuity of life require segregation. Cell membranes segregate cell from non-cell. Predators and prey have a balance because they are not fully integrated. Not all things economic are more effective with totalitarian control of the Earth by non-working investors gambling on the market with sound calculations of probabilities of profit. Equally human opportunity for all people is a good ideal, yet that should not lend itself to exploiting and destroying the quality of life in order to concentrate wealth globally. There is nothing wrong with different races of humanity. Racial harmony does not require extermination of racial differentiation through compulsory breeding policies enforced through economic policy.

Because the political history of segregation in the United States has given the word a pejorative political meaning the past several decades I must write a little more to explain why an irrational political stampede to knock down all fences and barriers to economic development globally is not a good response nor appropriate correction to human social injustice.

If human beings had the ability to conduct their economic activities in a very high tech and careful manner so the environment would be little affected and no species would be exterminated, would there exist any reason at all-religious or otherwise, to destroy the health of the world’s ecosystem? Wouldn’t those that sought to destroy the ecology of the Earth be considered evil? They would, and therefore we should conduct or economic affairs with the goal of neutralizing all displacing actions upon the world ecosystem. Electric ships with no noise or chemical pollution in the oceans, factories located underground, no net-loss of biosphere in all constructions—these are simple goals of a society advanced in knowledge beyond the scientific ignorance of the 19th century.

Anti-segregation ideology is politically exploited today in support of global corporate profits and a totalization of the planetary political systems. It is necessary on the contrary, to place ecological and political firewalls and barriers to ecocide and gross human subjugation to corrupt authority.

In diversity is strength is a cliché that can find confirmation even in biology. The human genome is strong and responding to natural selection challenges because of its diversity. In a monogenetic context it would be slow or incapable of offering up successful responses to unforeseen environmental challenges. In the future of space exploration if humanity does not destroy itself the next 300 years, a variegated human genetic and racial diversity would be a better foundation for the diversification of isolated human space adaptation than a standard, uniform production model.

Ecological segregation for conservation of life should reinforce human personal development rather than degrade it as should complete high-entropy integration into a standard global collective with inescapable dystopian under the control of elites with scientific lackeys programming the human genome.

It is well known that capitalism with wrong value theory variables input creates a permanent class of excluded and oppressed people. Eliminating social oppression and class inferiority through strong local and regional empowerment of ecosystems and interaction of humans with environmental security is not in the present global corporate-socialist collective playbook.

Humanity will not eventually become out of touch with the general human condition. Fellow humans will always have the capacity to step in and remedy gross social injustices if they have the freedom to act. The greater dangers to human quality of life arise from destroying the ecosystem and political firewalls enabling independence rather than through imagined recrudescent ancient racial subjugation political systems.

In the United States liberals and conservatives together support equal opportunity and a reasonable standard of living for all citizens regardless of their genomic individuation. National political standards should reinforce perpetuation of genomic individuation rather than seek to eliminate it, allowing nature to take its core of exogamous synthetic union of new lines in marriage like relationships. The people of the United States should not allow the stampede inciting fear of segregation to let developers, corporatists and socialist totalitarians bury national sovereignty, ecological vitality and full employment beneath the ideological sludge of uniformitarianist consumerism.

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