Successor systems in ecosystems follow the demise or destruction of a given existing ecosytem. This occurs in politics too. In Afghanistan today we see an American led foreign social ecosystem management structure attempting to transform the kinds of human life liviong there. They are trying to harden the native Afghans to have a kind of Taliban or fundamentalist Muslim resistance. Yet while the Afghan ecosystem may have fewer fundamentalist Muslim warriors today, there are hordes of them over the border in Pakistan nurtured in natural fundamentalist Muslim seedling facilities waiting to return and recover the governing ecosystem.
The United States for a few decades has involved there economics in foreign government cultivation generally without success. The last Shah of Iran was one such project that was overtaken by native plants choking out the royal garden.
In America today a federal judge acting on behalf of the Log Cabin Homosexuals of Illinois has order a butch receptive military to become law worldwide. Our American unholy war on traditional morality is a reason why some perceive the U.S. Feminist-Homosexual Jihad on fundamentalist Mohammadanism in Afghanistan as a holy war. There can be no mistaking the fact that the post-modern atheist politicalo action is an unholy war led by mufsidoon warriors possibly associated with Satan.
Oh well, that makes it a hard sell in the Central Asian Muslim countries with their Islamic Law vs American Unholy Law of Satanic Perversions. We will learn how the gardening project goes, hoping that the budget for the unholy war is reduced a little. We hope to buy propane for-ourselves in Alaskan homeless camps this winter. Knocking the ice off the coffee cup and drinking ice coffee to get a cold chill reminds me of Solzhenitsyn's Kolyma transit camp facility dilema of the herring and ice water of hunger option too much.
I have been reading the Ptarmigan’s Dilemma by John and Mary Therberge this October in Alaska and made it through an interesting section on ornithological facts. I should mention that the major premise of the book is on the subject of the organization of life and of ecosystems too. As a soul with an avocation in philosophy perhaps I have a different perspective on life and its development from non-living materials and of the cosmological relationships of all things. Yet I like the Therberg’s book for several reasons especially with its attention to detail of the natural world.
When I learned today on the broadcast news of the order of a federal judge in California that the U.S. military should immediately end its practice of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ in order to allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military, I was reading about the number of notes per second some select songbird species can sing—as many as forty. Human beings comparatively have the capability of singing four notes per second.
The competition amongst birds to sing in order to communicate territorial claims and find a mate in more populous areas compels certain features and variation patterns of song coding that will enable them to recognize their own species. Perhaps modern humans in urban environments are better than bird brained creatures, yet we see the same intensity in language development in rave speech today that might be compared with birdsong. At any rate, the genotypes and phenotypes of birds tend to be exclusively devoted to evolutionary self—interest, as perhaps was the federal judge’s decision to force a heterosexual military social environment to openly allow potential predator and minimally anti-communication reinforcing homosexuals openly in their midst.
The evolution of social environments and of governments is a complex affair comparable in several ways to the evolution of ecosystems. Human ecosystem development often comprises simple exploitation of its resources. Americans in particular tend to live in a veritable technological existential automobile commune of variegated structure that reinforces fossil fuel consumption and patterns of social behavior that reinforce those particular social values with a mythos of free enterprise capitalism overlying the continental phenomena of highway expansion and larger vehicles. Environments over-stressed by a given species and generally the human species often collapse.
It is the collapse of environmental systems that is of interest. In reading The Ptarmigan’s Dilemma I was again reminded of the complex interaction of various species in supporting the entire structure. Birds may bury seeds or transport them for sprouting; bovine hooves may create indentations in the sod for seeds to sprout and so on. The natural relationships in any given ecosystem are complex as are those of human social institutions such as government.
In the United States the people have a tradition of government with the consent of the governed. Perhaps today with so many urban Americans, so few farmers and people living directly off the environment as primary producers in a renewable way ( I believe the Therberges called it living off the interest of nature rather than on the principle) the concept of the consent of the governed might be changed such that it morphs into a metrosexual-existential paradigm of bread, circuses (pro sports) and good corporate or government jobs rather than of individuals and families well able to earn a living without being within a tightly supervised social establishment.
Compiling national debt may be one simple way that the people of the United States will create a successor system to a government by the butch. Returning the United States to just fifty individual states as nations would eliminate the debt and permit at least a few states to work toward ecological renewal and full employment without growth in consumption of natural resources.
Some people theorize that the elites may have designed a two tier plan to reduce global population through intense biotechnological structuring. A world populated by non-reproducing athletes and butch supervisors of an androgynous nature could simple discontinue the entertainment-athlete class in a generation crashing the human population. With most people working at entertainment or non-materially productive work primarily in a non-ecological economic based economy, discontinuing the pleasured drone athletes could even seem humane. It is a brave new world.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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