
Charybdis & Scylla-The 2010 Election Choice for More Public Debt

The logic is somewhat mysterious to me. The President plans to add a trillion dollars of debt each year if he is reelected in 2012 from the present. That would make a total public debt of 20 trillion dollars. Why does such economic planning appeal to youth?

Eventually those trillions add up to become real money. If deflation were to occur for some reason that could seem like a zillion dollar debt (isn't that the next level up from trillion?).

Us classical liberals of the George Washington-Thomas Jefferson ilk got off the Democratic fag-n-feminism bandwagon some time ago, and jetisoned the usurpation of liberalism by socialism long before from the conestoga of progress. Well, that leaves what, Republicans to vote from?

Globalism versus perversion and socialism, Cherybdis and Scyllla--these are the American political parties against environmental reason, national security, full employment and no public debt for all Americans. While God is alive, politics is dead except for the corporate carrion buzzards picking over the garbage of classical economics.

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