
Senior Analyst Juan Williams Binned by N.P.R.

Political correctness has censured free speech once again, and former NPR Senior News Analyst Juan Williams is out on the street looking for a job.

It is easy for me to sympathize with Williams. On December 24th 2009 I was permanently banned from writing at Helium.com for using politically incorrect words occassionally. Reportedly, Mark Suckerberg's half billion subscribers at Facebook will also now be banned from using politically incorrect language in reference to homos.

It is ironic that the biologically correct Juan Williams prototype of half hispanic half negro ran aground on the problem of psychological subjectivism. Williams said that he experienced a bit of fear when flying on airplanes and Muslims in full regalia are aboard. That sort of politically incorrect feeling draws perilously near 'hate thought' that may rear its ugly head in 'hate speech'. It may be borderline paranoia while flying with Muslims with checkered PLO head rags to think of hostage taking, hijacking and crashing in to the White House with 'Allah Akbar' shouted through the intercom.

The next incarnation of an appropriate NPR Senior News analyst may be a homosexual Muslim half-negro, half-hispanic feminist with no sort of subjective psychological activity that might occur to erupt as free speech describing personal opinions.

Perhaps the only place such radical liberals without politically correct good sense can go after being disgraced at NPR is to cable news channels as anchors or co-hosts of Cross-Fire The Reality Show.


As a footnote I should mention that Rush Limbaugh reported that George Soros gave NPR a million dollars to pay for 'Enterprise Reporters'. All of my essays are available and of better quality than the usual NPR aloof space-out insider junk. I accept pay pal payments for each article at $10 each for reprints. Additionally my novel 'St. Novilistricka ; Dimensions' is for sale (buy all rights its worth four or five movie screenplays) for one million dollars.

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