
Some Reasons Why Globalism May Be Evil to National Interests

Globalization as a political phenomenon, wrote the historian Arnold Toynbee, is a universal phase of a civilization-it is the nova of a star at the end of its cycle of history. A wise national leadership would not over-extend its border security rationality, its economic resources and need for more consumption and power without much personal labor and just go global.

There are innumerable ways to view environmental and existential political expansion and absorption of smaller nations into larger glomming powers and principalities. Many of those are dystopian paradigms.

Ghengis Khan was a globalist as was Adolph Hitler, Imperialist powers of a global nature from Ancient Rome to the Assyrians and the British Empire would stop when they were stopped. That phenomenon exists with Wall-Street global financial powers as well. Sometimes imperialistic they have eliminated the protections of Glass-Steagle and made home mortgages tradable commodities for global rulers.

Concentrating wealth has a small worlds networks criteria of advantage of preferred locations enabling everyone to drop their dime in the Wall Street outlets instead of their won business or that of a neighbor. Globalists may unite with the state and become a corporatist entity such as Mussolini designed not much different from a global socialist totalitarian rein of repression of individualism. Certainly America will not retreat from modern global communications, yet neigther should it retreat from a stalwart nationalism conserving the proprietary interests of the citizens that already are Americans.

One need not be frightened of globalism and its political spin each day as megalomaniacs seek to buy up everything and put on the imperial purple or download human freedom into a totalitarian box with diminishing over-used natural resources as drone workers.

History has many lessons for Americans, yet the practical freedom and liberty of individuals in relation to government powers meant to serve rather than oppress is fundamental.

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