This is a post written in dissent to the Mayor's plan to close down a small branch library located at a mall in Anchorage. I ride a bike and walk rather than drive a car. I am not cntributing significantly to greenhouse gas global warming. I read a lot of books from the library on cosmology, history, environment and so forth and plan to continue reading in my tent even when the temperature drops below zero this winter.
In Anchorage one can be stranded and unable to leave the state. S.E. Alaska is a much warmer yet one needs a passport too get in to Canada basically and return to the U.S.A. south in Juneau. Living in Fairbanks and going broke one winter I hitchhiked south to Georgia just ahead of an Arctic high pressure front dropping temperatures in the Yukon nearly to minus 50 F. The two libraries in Anchorage that will remain open are several miles away from the southern part of the city and practicallly beyond safe winter walking or bike riding distance.
While taking a college course on Siberian history at the University of Alaska Fairbanks a fellow student got to classes by riding a bike all winter. They ride bikes in the snow in Finland in the winter too. Good clothing is required.
Libraries and education help support economic development. You wouldn't believe how many road construction projects they spent on this year in Anchorage. Intelligent people would have high quality elevated electric people movers in a city like Anchorage with regional lots to get those SUVs off the roads and to reduce highways maint. costs. Greed and crass materialism with an idiotic corrupted Adam Smith invisible hand rationale for economic development status quo kickbacking to excuse intelligent development prioritizes pouring asphalt and concrete over libraries, advancing education, Internet access and radical new mass transit structures. The daft equate better social physical infrastructure with socialism and inefficiency and global corporatism with the call of the wild.
Mayor Sullivan's plan to cut the library at the Diamond Mall before building a new library seems a normal progression of global corporatism to silence dissent and isolate the city and state's excluded from prosperity members of the community. Cutting off public Internet access is equivalent to closing down the free press in the modern high-tech world.
The City of Anchorage is the larges population center north west of Vancouver British Columbia and is amongst those with the least number of library branches per capita in the United States. Internet access and the opportunity to read new quality books are important modern avenues for economic opportunity especially for those not privileged to simply attend Harvard and have loads of dumped economic opportunity to purchase books.
Libraries help support economic development. Without adequate libraries and library access investors from outside tend to look at Anchorage as a rather primitive resource based economy run by and for the benefit of large global corporations. Libraries and Internet access are as important of public service for many as highways. Until being banned from writing at for using politically incorrect terminology for the homosexual political agenda I earned as much as 200 dollars a month posting essays there. While highways provided a traditional kind of farm to market highway, the Internet is also a kind of producer to market highway.
I have used the Diamond Library quite a bit this year since arriving from Juneau to look for a job in April with no luck. I ride a bike all over town and will find it improbable to get downtown or too N.W. Anchorage to get library access after the snow flies and temperatures drop.
A good modern library plan would instead keep the Diamond library open until a new library in S.E. Anchorage can be constructed. IT should be a monolithic dome of concrete that has an effective r-value for insulation of 100. They have a low cost per square foot area (see and are earthquake resistant.
Building a new library on city land should be a goal of the Sullivan administration in order to keep Anchorage from slipping further into the dark side of the force of ignorance and anti-ecological economics. It should be a national economic and ecological efficiency use example leader and bring Anchorage up to compete with cities as advanced as Albuquerque New Mexico.
The Mayor should go back to the drawing board and find a budget that will not censor Internet access to the poor. As a University of Alaska S.E. graduate (associate degree) unable find work and stranded here for the winter, with the last chance to get a job at Kodiak processing Pollock gone without being hired, living in a stone age kind of tenting environment already, I do not look forward to having the Mayor close down the Diamond Library and Internet access in the December's darkness.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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