
Will Lisa Murkowski Emasculate The Alaska Republican Party Nov. 2nd?

Lisa Murkowski formerly a Republican of Alaska is poised to snip the political effectiveness of the Alaska Republican Party in the bud at least for a while if she can accomplish an orchiotomy upon its ability to get a the legitimate Republican candidate-Joe Miller, elected.

Murkowski according to polls is drawing female voters away from both major parties to join her neo-independent campaign for the U.S. Senate. A Republican formerly since being appointed to the U.S. Senate by her father the Governor of Alaska former U.S.Senator Frank Murkowski, Lisa switched allegiance and became a rogue elephant following her loss in the Republican primary election to bronze star winner and Economics M.A. from the University of Alaska holder Joe Miller, Esq.(Yale Law School).

With a network of heavily financed special interests campaign contributors on her side, Lisa had little to lose and much to gain in running a rogue political campaign. The Democratic candidate-a fisherman and part-time mayor from Sitka Alaska is drawing just 25% of the vote in polls as his Democratic women have defected to the Murkowski camp. Patty Murray, a former Independent turned Democratic Party Senator from the state of Washington is another gender first candidate who recently received support from Secretary of State and Perennial Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

These are interesting times. While fewer Republican women are defecting to the Murkowski campaign so far, we must wait until next week to discover if the new Independent Gender Ad Hoc Party has cut the balls off of the Republican Party machine-even if it has a candidate endorsed by the Tea Party who is for cutting the cost of government himself. Alto may become the new singing voice of Alaskan Republicans for a while.

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