
Reverse Causation Creation Theory Quantum Action Design Chaos

Obviously the effort by some to prove that life is accidental or a consequence of probabilities, that evolution means only an apparent design of a life friendly universe compiled through automatic self-organization of natural mass-energy and that all intelligence is simple a phenomenal accretion of quantum composition seems to entail the corollary that intelligence and thought really are meaningless. I am skeptical on that point and should mention that I believe God issued everything including the realm of quantum uncertainty for His own purposes.

For the edification of those that believe multi-verse theory is pseudo-science, I will proceed to recount the argument from the double-reverse causation of the Universe with verisimilitude of a football quantum play book design.


I do not wish to be critical of Cynthia Sue Larson’s exposition of reverse causality and the creation of the Universe. It is artfully presented. If such reverse causality is actual, and if it may be affected by intention, the subject becomes even more confusing. We are certain that the unscrupulous will turn good science to a bad end just like they did the A-bomb.

Plainly though, the point of view could be exploited by post—modernist elites in government in support of a Zarathustrian recurrence or default pre-determinism along a line of all possible meaninglessness of government and sardonic right of profit taking from the rubes.


How would a reverse causality creation theory actualize if it really existed? This is not some kind of evil demonic reversal of all physical process suitable for Halloween. If I understand it right (I probably don’t) the quantum mechanical realm of all possible quantum positions could be regarded as a cloud of unknowing or uncertainty continuously being all possible universe of which this universal download is just one example.


It could be more accurately described with an Apple notebook and pen using football schematic diagrams that could be an upgrade on Feynman transactions to a cosmological level. I just have this web-book so I will skip that.

Describing the football playbook of reverse causality, we may select Brett Favre or Michael Vick as our quarterbacks, and Randy Moss or Steve Smith as our receivers. If the quarterbacks are considered to be the focal point of space-time and of the universe, and the end zone is considered to be the eternal, non-temporal realm of quantum sum-over histories of all possible universes, we can ask, how can quarterbacks dropping back to pass cause the end zone of the future to exist and vice versa?

That is not a simple question. How can eternity involve the future and cause a quarterback to exist, drop back and throw a deep post pattern pass completion to the receiver in the end zone of the future? Another question we can consider is how can the quarterback cease to exist in the past? That cannot be answered with an easy Eleatic paradox how can the turtle cross to the finish line explanation.

Well we will skip it for now and return to the subject of how the future fits into eternity and how the past fits into eternity and of what order they should rightly be in. How can the future cause the past and reverse our usual ideas of causality?

Obviously we would not be very satisfied with a reversal of causality either in a logical philosophical paradigm, for then it would be as little different perhaps as the matter-anti-matter spin that is meaningful mostly when they recombine and annihilate or consolidate yielding a little extra on the matter side of things. Some might look for a solution to the issue of reverse causality by making a general analogy to the matter-anti-matter symmetry and say that the Universe’s time dimensions are reversible to yet not meaningful, however that isn’t the Hawking-Hertog way of thinking on the subject as Larson mentioned it, so we must let that go for the present.
The atemporal quantum realm of an unknown field pervading the metaphysical substratum of support of the Universe with or without dimensions is said to have no temporal order—and I find that hard to believe for myself. Mustn’t all things, even chaos, have a kind of order, and that order is a de facto direction of time?

Chaotic mass evolves into four fundamental states , experiments have indicated. Obviously there are issues with recursion of quantum mechanical uncertainty, modular phenomena, temporal order and Universe issuances that would make us wonder why the Universe does end up suitable for life—even if there is an all-possible-universes- pre-temporal field of uncertainty ‘above’ or before it in a random, chaotic, quantum realm.

So this chaotic, meaningless, quantum realm of a cloud of uncertainty issues a temporal universe with fuzzy logic like a solar flare or intense gravitational weight in the rubber sheet of space-time. The Universe then proceeds from the distal end of the flare back to the sun and the source of all quantum confusion and chaos.

Thus the explanation of how the quarterback dropping back to pass can use reverse causality-or even be formed by it, to toss the universal football of time into the future end zone while simultaneously be created or first-caused by it is simple and plain. Pseudo Science 0, Science 1. Praise God.

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