
Obama Administration/Democrats Develop Zero Tolerance for Political Dissent

The firing of former Senior Analyst Juan Williams by N.P.R. for expressing his feelings of fear encountering costumed Muslims in airport flying contexts (because of the 9-11 history & universal jihad aspects of that militant religion of conquest too possibly) was cold blooded. Yet the hate speech of the head feminist of N.P.R. explaining that Juan Williams 'should have told a psychiatrist' instead of Fox News what he felt in airports exemplified disregard for freedom of speech and the American Disability Act's fundamental concept of ending bias against insane news media personnel and all others including right wing nuts and environmental wackos.

Degrees of insanity of liberal bias in the neo-Trotskite N.P.R. and other news co-conspirators bring many persons of interest to mind on the subject of pay back for sticking their head out of the goo to express a subjective opinion. Plainly some sort of public points system like that for driving should be established for Internet writing at sights controlled by the corporate world as well at at government agencies so commentators no when they have made too many remarks and are getting enough points to be in danger of suspension. Stalin had his NKVB Chief Beria take dissindents to his office basement and shoot them in the head. It would have been a kinder, gentler evil empire if they had just been given enough points for exile to Siberia.

An essential characteristic of the intolerant liberal state and news media that has taken moral depravity and the replacement of a straw man white America and black apprentice society with anything besides as the ultimate good is direct attack upon individuals for non-conformity to the absolute requirement of the Democratic contra-American elite's rules of march.

Writing here at gather the only direct personal attacks I have ever got occurred when I wrote in dissent to the pervasive homosexual agenda of the Obama administration and Democratc controlled congress the past two years. Writing at Helium as well my 25 dollars per month for life (I was only a couple of months away) and monthly writing fees were killed for using the words homo and faggot in a few articles on the political phenomenon of gaying the miloitary and homosexual pseudo-marriage expropriation of the heterosexual norm.

Making direct personal attacks on writers and commentators for expressing antipathetic political ideas is more of a criminal rather than an intellectual or civil reply. The homosexual and anti-American Democratic Party broadcasters seldom use other means than direct attacks in whatever way they can get away with. It is ironic that the national Democratic Party is more repressive than the conservative branch of ineffective, anti-ecological health bi-partisan U.S. political condition.

Juan Williams was compensated by Fox News with a three million dollar television contract. If the Obama administration would fire it N.P.R.'s inhuman executive it would be a start on making a token semblance of concern for free speech and human emotion. N.P.R. owes Williams an apology.

The corporate Internet hosts and the U.S. Government should develop acompetent recognition of the right of individuals to express personal opiinions about political and social phenomena without reprisal by powerful groups and individuals---that is too close to censorship and state terrorism for our liking. Personal attacks to silence antipathetiic poltiical opinion is a kind of bullying that the administration and the extreme left seem to want to encourgage pervasively as a way to force through their own particular political agenda.

When a writer one day expresses a concept such that 'the public should not have to pay for sex changes offered by the U.S. Military for re-enlistment bonuses for homos' he or she should not lose out on fair writing opportunities at Internet writers sites or be audited by the I.R.S. or fired by N.P.R. in retaliation.

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