
Latin King Goonies Fail Federal Workplace Hate Free Crime Environment-G.W.H. Bush-Gates-Rumsfeld Contractor Era

Finally the federal judicial effort to provide special protection to special elements of society have paid off. The vicious gang beating by gangsters of a gang recruit applicant and his acquiantances has brought charges that hate was an additional element of the Latin King Goonies Gang decision to victimize homosexuals.


Normally, gang beatings, robbings, stabbings, extortions and murders of straight people and straight gang rivals occur without the bias of hate. Usually gangsters are kinder and gentle-like Don Corlione perhaps. Gang workplace rules for criminal activities have now come under federal scrutiny and are likely to improve.

If only Elliot Ness would have had such powerful federal weapons to fight hate perhaps the Lavender Hill mob of Chicago could have expanded its rum running turf and prevented the St. Valentines Day massacre from occurring-perhaps, maybe.

The Federal hate crimes laws to prosecute gang members in Juarez Mexico and Tijuana reaching over the border into the United State may not slow down killing much, yet at least Americans can rest assured that it won’t be done hatefully.

The hate of gangs may actually increase in era of high unemployment as the broadcast media seem to have easy money, morals and corrupt power. Yet what are gangs that the federal government is mindful of them?

Brown and Root was a large Defense contractor in the Vietnam era that built most of the largest U.S. bases in Vietnam. Former Defence Secretary Rumsfeld visited Cam Ran bay in 1965 as a congressman Of course he served along with George H.W. Bush in the Nixon administration-one as the youngest defense Sect. ever and the other as Chief of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The G.H.W. Bush effect on U.S. politics and defense contracting through the era of the Father, the Son and the Rumsfeld-Gates axis has continued for a few decades with some member of that group virtually continuously in service of the U.S. Government. While not exactly a gang it does present an evident appearancee of a conflict of interest with defense contractors, foreigh military engagements and U.S. foreign policy. The drift of thte United States toward making hate crimes a kind of marlin waiting capture by federal authorities also increased in this era, with present Defense Secretary and former Clinton C.I.A. Chief Bill Gates advocating for an open homosexual presence in the U.S. Military.

Since Defense Secretary Gates was so well informed about the Pakistani-Kashmiri-Afghanistan terrorist networks, it is a wonder that since taking office as Defense Secretary the United States has not developed a better policy to conclude the Kashmir-Pakistan-India line of control problems and ran the border legally halfway between K-2 and the nearest glacier to the east. With such a development Pakistan might agree that the presence of any terrorist training bases in Pakistan should put Pakistan non the watch list of nations supporting terrorism.

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