
Fox News Tech Report on '100 Year Starship'

America's personed space program is in a solipsistic yin entanglement not getting anywhere solid such as the moon or Mars. Fox News has a story on the secret D.A.R.P.A.-N.A.S.A. program to send and maroon astronauts on a 100 year mission to Mars--also known as the 'fire and forget strategy'.


The wright way to go about solar system colonization would be to create an ecological economic low entropy economy in the U.S.A. for a good example to other nations, build a moon research colony and electromagnetic mass driver for launching things from the moon, send a fleet off automatic spaceship cycling between Earth and Mars (as Buzz Aldrin suggested), and keep fabbing things on the moon to launch at low cost to mars for automatic caching of materials to work with.

Martian colonization would be a research base rather than a political entity like a colony, and zero population growth on Earth and elsewhere should keep the entire solar system population to just 9 billion intelligent, well educated and high tech, spiritual souls that respect liberty. The moon needs only a few thousand to build machines and super-conducting electrical facilities around the lunar surface, and mars should just be a terraforming project above and below ground with people working on that a long time. Humanity needs to learn to become ecotopia engineers occupationally as much as being warriors, blowing things up and waging economic war with senseless abandon.

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