
GaryCGibson - 02:17pm Mar 11, 2005 EDT (#240 of 240)

The physical Universe exists within the will of God. At the largest and smallest scales it's parameters are unknowable except as revealed by Non-Contingent Being.. The scalable universe is rational.

Epistemological criteria for human intelligence and its nature are necessarily an issue with those contemplating the ability of humanity to recognize issues such as what is or isn't true,what truth is, if truth is immutable and unchanging, if people are able to formulate true ideas regarding the cosmos or subjective neoro-psychology and neuro-psychological cosmologies with veracity...etc.

Postulates that are answered more than tautologuously would be an element of a process. Is extra sensory perception a phenomenon of the non-locality of waveforms and sub-atomic particles/waves, and a number of other questions and criterion pertain to what one postulates. In considering various questions regarding the nature of the physical universe and its history, as well as the contents of the Bible it is helpful to accurately comprehend the contents of each and whatever else is used for rational investigation tools and studies. Some still believe the Big Bang theory instead of the hyper-inflation theory with a space-time inflaton ballon instead of a detonation of a singularity into a pre-existing vaccuum.

Cosmologies will come and go, farther and better structured cosmologies will arise, and the Codex Sinanticus will be put online over the next four years to give the earliest exisiting bible in the original greek to scholars and others that want to see what was written in the first to fourth centuries without the possible alterity of scribes in subsequent millenia. Each element of the cosmos and the Bible may be integrated and contemplated,humans see through a glass darkly, and mathematicians must utilize non-visualizable mathematics to model some super-string and M-Theory cosmologies.

Many of the ideas formed about the Universe are simply Kantian and phenomenal in character-yet not without purpose. Even this post excerpt about water changes as understanding changed... " In the beginning God said let their be light, and their was light. Of course it might have taken several billion years which were to God as a day figuratively speaking before human eyeballs could evolve to process incoming photons via a chemical reaction in the retina through bionerve pathways into images and forms in the brain of phenomenalities of the 'outside' world.

In the meantime the most abundant element in the Universe formed-hydrogen, as well as other elements through star formations and nuclear reactions following the coalessence of waveform particles through gravitational force and pressure. Water (H20) was eventually abundant, and the water was divided from the heavens and the Earth eventually...after enough material swirled into compaction to form a planet such as the Earth, enough water fell to Earth's surface from 'the heavens' to permit an oceanic slosh of water to accumulate.

Water ice is still plentiful in 'the heavens'. Heaven of course may be different things at different times to different people in different languages and cultural contexts. Freedom is free, or svaboda as those clever Russian rocket scientists might say, yet interpreting natural history and finding present technologies than can advance space exploration toward the future can be a tedious process requiring much inventiveness and liberal determination.

The heaven that God has for-himself...that is,not the one that people think of as space but the one that is the pure realm of potential and actual forms expressed by the infinetly creative will of God, is a difficult concept for humanity to comprehend sometimes, yet emulating the infinite goodness of God so far as anyone can comprehend even a bit of anything about the creator all everything, is worth doing in creative technological research."

The President and Americanism with Oil on It (Baked Alaska)

  • Reason and faith can discover a cosmic structure fit for rational parameters subject unto God's moral law.Baghdad's police chief could have used one of those nice light armored personnel carriers (not an M-113) to stay alive when driving about the city between ambush points, such as some British soldiers once used in the former conflict in Northern Ireland. Common sense should be an element of democratic planning, yet it is something the Democrats tend to lack and the Republicans a surfeit of. Mr. G.W. Bush has launched his northern prong of the two part second term offensive with three years remaining on the mission to conquer the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and annihilate the resistance to complete reliance on foreign and OPEC oil resources forever, and the southern offensive to eviscerate U.S. social security with illegal aliens, cheap shock workers, another two trillion taxpayer indebtedness to foreign lenders and so forth.

    The Presidential plundering of oil is going according top plan with oil prices and profit for Exxon-Mobil and Halliburton predictably up. Neo-Corporatism indirectly oppresses free expression and controls markets while subordinating free enterprise small businesses as they grow to eliminate rivals. Neo-Corporatism and trans-national stockholders of American economic developments will tend to marginalize and outright oppose renovations or revolutions in national energy and transport infrastructure. Neo-Corporatist transmissions will condition the public to rave and denigrate individual rights while corrupting liberalism in a reductionism of independence to the meaning of debauchery. Neo-Corporatism will define individualism as communism and corporatism as independence and capitalism.

    Though Muslims from non-oil producing nations like Spain may declare a FATWA on Os Bin Ladin, the U.S. administration may not reign in the terrorist from a family of a former Bush oil business partner before GWB leaves with the swag bag stuffed to overflowing and the nation with a legacy of vast debt in 2009. Is the middle east moving toward democracy, or are the people set to reject rule by people that cut off their heads to double their pleasure and terror when not blowing themselves up with plastic explosives in public places...it is possible. Yet is America moving toward neo-Corporatism with transnational rule adversely impacting national economic and social development would seem to be a more interesting question.

    Americans seem presently to readily inclined to fall in step with neo-corporatist or pseudo-authoritarian government so long as it doesn't market itself that way and as they are moderately prosperous even if there is a vast national debt and present federal budget deficit. Democracies have the inherent problem of arousing the people to action against clear and present dangers while failing to create a stir in their troubled sleep against more complex economic and political dangers, even from within. The public may be briefed 24 times a day on the Michael Jackson trial, and fail to consider more substantial economic issues at length. The public relies on neo-corporatist media to inform them of important issues in a way that is similar to a public that would trust an oil man to safeguard ANWR, discover alternative fuels to replace oil, or lower the cost of oil per barrel. The U.S. democrats will be conditioned by neo-corporatists to believe that debauchery, homosexuality etc. are the main issues for Americans...until the wave hits there door they can't believe it could-reasonable concern is Chicken Littlish.

    Democracies tend to be manipulated by corporate entertainment into disregard of their own best political interests-even the British magazine the Economist had a homosexual photo mocking the sailor kissing the wife at the end of WW II with a sailor dude smooching another dude instead...the Brits have royal tradition and a corrupting urban environment that promotes depravity while making profits for transnationalists. Authoritarianisms sometimes like public...


The second Bush administration has now set into it's three year mission to redistribute two billion dollars of taxpayer indebtedness to Wal-Street and agitate, lever and finesse the plundering of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuger. It woulds have been good if the Democratic Party the last election had run an electible candidate instead of a self-described warp criminal.

With 300 million citizens and perhaps half theoretically affiliatedf in some way with the Democratic Party at least throuigh familial associations it is remarkable that they must run such dogs without fundamental qualities such as could make them phi beta kappas, movie stars and sof forth aloing with some record of public service. How can the alternate party be so bloody lame?

The Demo Party in removing the Republicans from the Presidential office in 2008 need to stay away from divisive immoral issues and focus on environmental, economic and national security issues instead. Fundamental lack of respect for basic human rights and the civil liberty of equal regard for the rights of others is a pervasive and damaging consequence of becoming mired in the corruption of the homosexual and abortion agenda's, and the Hollywood entertainment of Democrats with their products that make the masses prime chumps for Global Corporate leadership.

Social Security is a part of a more general social environment of national security and self-reliance. Secure borders, a tightened labor market and better savings rate for ordinary citizens, alternate nationally produced vehiclesx running on home-produced fuel-cell electric power fed into in highway power grids (with aux batteries), higher wages for low paying jobs that cannot be outsourced when illegal aliens aren't available to fill them...social security can be found in people paying more social security taxes because they have higher wages to pay them wiith, and because their would be a means test to prevent people from collecting monet they don't need as in any reasonable insurance policy.

It is evident some Democrats want the genius of Mr. G.W. Bush to emerge and be allowed free reign to lead the people with tough guy speeches into a malleable political form that wwill stuff the stocking of global corporations for decadesa to come grabbing the people by the short hairs now. Yet the people were daft enough to reelct the President when no one was run against him with suitable qualifications for the job. The elected Bill Clinton to a second term too unfortunately when the perfectly decent Bob Dole was available.

Will Chelsea Clinton be available to keep the dynasty alive in 2026, or will Neal Bush seek to take the top job after G.W.'s other brother serves two terms...wait and see as oil price rise to 5.00 a gallon, ANWR is a swamp without oil underneath having subsided a bit too in global warming? AT least those new high tech tires with no inflatable rubber will be out in a year or four.


Comet Wrangling

Would it be practical for N.A.S.A. or space entrepreneurs to intercept comets with their abundance of frozen water and redirect their course to a lunar orbit for the purpose of providing a water resource to early colonizers of the Earth's moon?

Some studies have been researched to suggest that various forms of extraterretrial body intercept technologies should be developed to forestall another planetary impact of a life on Earth ending asteroid or very large meteor. The ion engines and other parameters considered might as well be adapted to regular water supply provisioning and have ongoing value instead of being simply mothballed as a potential emergency tool. In ongoing use the comet and asteroid moving technology could evolve in efficiency through practical application.

In the beginning God said let their be light, and their was light. Of course it might have taken several billion years which were to God as a day figuratively speaking before human eyeballs could evolve to process incoming photons via a chemical reaction in the retina through bionerve pathways into images and forms in the brain of phenomenalities of the 'outside' world. In the meantime the most abundant element in the Universe formed-hydrogen, as well as other elements through star formations and nuclear reactions following the coalessence of waveform particles through gravitational force and pressure. Water (H20) was eventually abundant, and the water was divided from the heavens and the Earth eventually...after enough material swirled into compaction to form a planet such as the Earth, enough water fell to Earth's surface from 'the heavens' to permit an oceanic slosh of water to accumulate. Water ice is still plentiful in 'the heavens'.

Heaven of course may be different things at different times to different people in different languages and cultural contexts. Freedom is free, or svaboda as those clever Russian rocket scientists might say, yet interpreting natural history and finding present technologies than can advance space exploration toward the future can be a tedious process requiring much inventiveness and liberal determination.

The heaven that God has for-himself...that is,not the one that people think of as space but the one that is the pure realm of potential and actual forms expressed by the infinetly creative will of God, is a difficult concept for humanity to comprehend sometimes, yet emulating the infinite goodness of God so far as anyone can comprehend even a bit of anything about the creator all everything, is worth doing in creative technological research.

Rounding up a fair water supply for future lunar colonization should be an affoirdable and useful project for those interested in moving beyond the exploitation, war and pollution contexts.


Insecticide, Texas Politics and plundering the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Friday 4:30 pm approx.-- Painting exterior of nice home in West Texas. Weather gray and overcast; wind moderate 15 from the north. Downwind was speed-painting trim to beat anticipated inclement conditions; suddenly I got a good breath of insecticide and an eyeful. Waited a few seconds to decide if I could continue painting, stopped and went inside house.

The 'Bugs are Us' guy in the bright yellow pickup truck with a bed full of equipment and pumps perhaps in pursuit of fire ants or termites had launched at aerial mist spray from the next yard upwind. An accident-all I heard was some disparaging language in the cell phone he was using walking about the yard.

It reminds me of the atrocious West Texas water supply, not to mention my days at army chemical school learning to identify hazardous military hyper-insecticides like GB and GA or VX. The water is amongst the worst tasting in America perhaps because of decades of Permian basin oil drilling and the polluting drilling fluids that have been pumped into the underground water reserves over the last century. Of course cotton crops from Amarillo to San Antonio haven't helped either. Each pair of jeans requires about 3/4's pound to produce some article mentioned maybe in pop mechs.

Chemicals have been a stumbling bloc for Texans, they produce and use a lot, believing it of immaculate conception and application that can do no harm to left wing eagles even with DDT. The founders of the nation may have been liberals, but Americans today think that means socialism and debauchery, and have forgotten what personal liberal ideas mean in the headlong rush to become conservative Tories and royalty or neo-Corporatists. Immigrants from authoritarian nations tend to be conservative too, and the liberal heritage has been eclipsed by a generation of the indolent and aggressively conservative.

Texan labor standards seem worse than that of many parts of the nation. At a Miracle Grow plant south of Abilene at graveyard shift when temporary and regular workers used compressed air to clean off the machinery, almost no one was wearing a protective filter mask or eye protection in the cloud of chemical dust that would grow the wrong cells in human beings. Texans have sought for a way to develop new sources of cheap labor after slavery and segregation dried up. Now to a certain extent it’s China, but like slavery the exploitation of others eventually results in the social demise of the perpetrators as the grapes of wrath are trod.

The pervasive use of chemicals and accompanying criminal dumping of toxic wastes may have been perpetrated in the state of Texas and offshore in the Gulf of Mexico for decades. The administration of course would like to follow the Soviet model of exploiting the high artic and accelerating global warming with rampant oil development on the Arctic Ocean littoral. They may soon use the higher oil profits they've managed that has put Exxon-Mobil back to numero uno in planetary businesses and mover Halliburton toward the black after taking over Brown and Root and it's litigious obligations as inspiration to assault the nation's final; large oil safety reserve in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve and drain it to make America forever reliant on trans-national oil sources until some liberals break free from the Global neo-Corporate Tories with an electrified interstate power grid and individually metered cars with electric engines. Each homeowner could have a home fuel cell and sell electricity to the grid in excess of his auto power consumption.

A transnational oil supremacy transaxle of evil that would sink the aircraft carrier America in 6000 feet of water in the Atlantic has no qualms about plundering ANWR for cheap profits, running up trillions and trillions of national debt, compelling interest payments on the debt to Global Corporations for decades or centuries and generally attacking American financial independence.

The issue of Global Warming and the percent of atmospheric carbon dioxide may seem trivial to the privileged, yet the world's oceans have already absorbed a third of the carrying capacity of CO2. Sending diesel engines to tramp the north slope of Alaska won't help the nation to prosper, nor will the administration's inability to concentrate on liberating the nation from over reliance on foreign leadership and production serve to create a healthy and secure nation in the future.


China-Mart, 43, and the Anti-Secession Bill in Beijing

Walking into a Wal-Mart Super Center recently I was astounded to see a woman seated high on an elevated shoe-shine stule chair with naked feet being rubbed and washed by another, smaller woman kneeling on the floor. Wal-Mart, perhaps over influenced by the ancient Chinese tradition of servility, has imported and emulated elements of that practice in Texas. Texas with a tradition of segregation and servile roles for some elements of American society, would obviously be a good place to market such a groveling, foot-washing tradtion. Americans over-readily adapt to the new ethos of service workers waiting upon them, and give up their liberty and hertitage of egalitarian social justice and roles so easily that they allow millions and millions of illegal migrant or immigrant workers to arrive each year to serve and ultimately replace their freedom with their own.

Wal-Mart's Chinese production contributes a full 1% of the annual gross national product in China. Chinese law-makers planning to pass an anti-seccession law to intimidate the Taiwanese and to expand their extortionist influence on the free Taiwanese have relied upon the Bush administration's interest in oil profits and its lack of integrity to set up a second term challenge to parallel that of the first term of President G.W.B. when it attacked and captured a U.S. Orion spy plane flying in international airspace near China. The Communist Government knows that the Bush administration and it's neo-Corporatist Government is interested in plundering two trillion dollars from U.S. taxpayers to drive them into additional servitude with generations paying interst through taxes to Beijing after first providing a windfall to private collectives on Wal-Street as a vast front-loader fee.

An administration with environmental integrity and sound ethics would support the Taiwanese by advancing theit cause to have a seat in the U.N., and woiuld of course support them in event of war should the Communists attack when the Tiwanese declare formal independence of the collectivist mainland government.

Yet President Bush may be too far mired in the pit of oil interests and transnational collectives to have any awareness of thye tremendous damage that he is wreaking upon the present and future U.S. economy. It is well possible to have a government and economic policy that accentuates the individual instead of the vast collective corporate interests spanning across global boundaries instantanteously. It is possible to develop a U.S. produced non-fossil fuel transportation infrastructure, and to discourage a decadent slight into oriental despotism even though that may be part of the ante-bellum heritage of the south in that it's oppression of the southjer blacks was like the royal oppression of Chinese peasants.

The Rush Limbaughs of the world in the transnational corporate, collectivist sphere of influence may enjoy a prestige of emplacing themselves at the pinnicle of a collectivist hierarchy, yet the historical trend of oppressing masses is not what America was about, and it will more quickl;y accellerate the nation's slide into dependence and decadence, corruption and chaos, rave and ruin thatn any other single likely to occur political direction. Their is no substitute for secure borders and a do it yourself attitude with inventiveness and fundamental human decency with right reason leading the spirit of America to a coincident experience with the sacred and the politically neccessary.

The Republican administration shopuld stay out of ANWR, balance the federal budget, share international defense costs, cut highway spending in that vast collective pork-barrel to let alternative transport possibilities grow, etc.


'Waveform Politic; A War to End Democide' published

Gary C Gibson - 03:26pm Feb 24, 2005 EDT
Reason and faith can discover a cosmic structure fit for rational parameters subject unto God's moral law.

It is interesting that the NPR people choose the topic when the President launched into the intercontinental charm offensive even venturing to Russia.

In the modern world it is perhaps inevitable that organized crime and racketeering would ordinarily globalize. There should be global psychiatric organization eventually to subdue dissidents as well. If one is unlucky enough to use public libraries in Texas presently, and write anything very often not optimal for the Texas administrations and their lackey's sense of political correctness, it is possible to experience public verbal abuse actually.

Everyone doesn't need to think alike, think the same things, nor have the same level of education. If in Texas a sort of common crude, drunken, or reformed drunken weltanschauung and social pledge of idiocy is common or desirable, and enough have it, or alternately, if some organizations are powerful enough, the temptation to assure politically correct thought with public attack on the phenomenally politically unconformist may arise with psychiatric accusations by quank public citizens as a weapon. Psychiatry nicely juxtaposes as a tool when used to enforce the desire of powerful insiders to control the political thought of the polity within geographical areas..

I hadn't given it much though before, but the goal of renormalizing non-conformist thought, or even of forcing anybody into supporting or being subordinated to evil political thought, can very well be supported by general social organizations of psychiatry and psychology quite readily, especially of there are a lot of personnel in the porganizational structure that believe that there way of thinking and experience is the actualized earthly way of the most very good.

Last night before closing I published Volume 3 of Waveform Politics; A War Ends Democide" on the internet, yet all the people that are stout Republicans drove their SUV's and trucks here and there on public highways like good communists, received their electricity from public utility lines like good communists, flushed their crap down public sewers like good communists, fly about the nation with public air traffic controllers and publicly funded airports (in many cases (keep the jets from colliding, and so forth, yet those precious morons have the rudeness to harass a private citizen doing a little free enterprise on a public computer...as if Texas doesn't have ridiculously high sales taxes on all the Chinese made goods one purchases here. In some ways the globalist powers and the pervasive public dangers presented by instantaneous communications and the implicit utility for racketeering and organized crime are well served by the development of psychiatry as an informal yet effective tool for gang hegemony. Even in Texas the authoritarian mentality that is in the historical continuity of the most crude and repressive thugs through history back to the Neolithic can express itself.

Perhaps the good Texans have been taken over by the mass communication Texans of the era of Bush ego blimpism that feels an inherent need to force it's self-admiring manure heeled ignorance upon the intellectual liberty of the nation. I believe it may be the pervasive ecological ignorance of the Bush administration that supports general world political skepticism regarding the administration political veracity.

Gary C Gibson., "World Views of Science" #4, 24 Feb 2005 1:42 pm NPR YOUR TURN Discussions

Co2 levels are increasing, and the administration is led by the President left behind on reacting to the world Global Warming/CO2 increase problem the responsible parties addressed at Kyoto.

Continued next...


Gary C Gibson - 03:26pm Feb 24, 2005 EDT (#24 of 33)

It is possible that fossil fuel producers may act as ad hoc gangs to force public reliance on oil for transportation in the U.S.A. over the long run. It may be an ad hoc phenomena with no simple causal tree diagram that perpetuates a federal budget-busting deficit and diverts progress to profitable fuels for the United States in domestically produced alternate energy forms.

Of course Al Qa'eda is a gang, yet it runs in the same technological financing circles as Saudi oil people and Texas oil people, some could even have worked for Exxon-Mobil at some point in time. It might have been U.S.A. Today that reported that a book on Internet scamming and fraud was written by the Bali Bomber recently. Evidently he urged Al Qa'eda to plunder cyberworld for all they can, perhaps inflating the instances of identity theft.

Late last year I wrote on discussions about the value of inventing disposable pre-paid visa cards for Internet purchases, and they now sort of exist (it takes 7-10 days to receive a pre-paid visa debit card in the mail) with convenience store access cards at 10 dollars. Those are useful for Internet purchases, and have a built in cap that prevents some gang member from running up large bills.


Waveform Politics; A War to End Democide interestingly, my book covers at my storefront were-fogged...its a new phenomenon I hadn't seen before.

The problem of the general formation of ad hoc political cults of evil in the era of mass global communications will not go away anytime soon. Elsewhere I have considered the subject at some length.

Sartre in the Critique of Dialectical Reason formed a paradigm that one might use as a theoretical template of organizational analysis. In it one might toss the demographics, the educational, the technical communications, the software of broadcasting, the political phenomenon, the prior experience of individuals in military service, and so forth and structure an understanding of how the phenomenal elements of ad hoc organizations move and form, transition and fade.

It might have been Donald Rumsfeld that said something like the enemy has brains and learns too. That is gangs and organizations learn to adapt fairly quickly to measures taken to delete their structure from being. The United States is somewhat slower to adapt being spoiled by the prior construction of an economic infrastructure that has become outsourced abroad to a certain extent, and by their social and personal comfort even if built up presently upon red ink. Americans have been slower to form new political paradigms that would conserve their civil liberties, national security and political independence than the Global Corporations, international terrorist organizations and simply evolutionary social phenomena that make a destructuralization of national sovereignty easier that seeking to conserve it.

If the nation could be considered a ship, global communications might be thought of as wormholes in sovereignty drilled through the hull by each line sent abroad. Transnational Corporations are like heat grenades dropped on the keel plating.

Texans may be lucky enough to be able to ignore the entire phenomenon and just swear allegiance to trucks, and oil in Arabia and maybe Alaska too. With oil at 50 a barrel and the local dude in the White House they can always hope it goes up to 100 bucks a barrel-gas isn't at 4 dollars a gallon yek.


Gary C Gibson - 03:27pm Feb 24, 2005 EDT

Technological advance is good, yet it is not simple to change the political philosophies as fast as the changes to society many fail to realize. The environment is a commons that many will deplete as an historical larder of endless production, yet it will take the masses of humanity to renew or replace it if possible, as no individual will want to pay the bill.

When the nation formed individuals were the essential political sovereign...now gangs and organizations have transcended individual political power, and shape congressional actions. Waveform broadcasts may program the citizens into brainwashed tools quite unlike their 18th century predecessors that were somewhat more independent in thought and experience of the world. Nature has given up its common shelter for humanity with its opportunity for individual supply and become an abstract unharvested profit for corporate power.

With an Associate degree from the University of Alaska I had tried without luck to get a job on the North Slope and pile up the money so I could escape the despond of poverty as Texans flew overhead on their way to Barrow. Even after the devastating oil spill at Valdez that still guts the health of the local waters so many years later I hope that some slight glimmer of economic opportunity can exist that profits not only ones’ self, but the national budget picture too with a positive sum strategy. Yet with the organization and consolidation of energy and transnational corporate power I believe it unlikely that an American citizen can get beyond the range of the calculating and evil, the indifferent and aloof, the reckless and the ignorant personnel that structure business opportunities in accord with their calculation of maximal profit regardless of the costs to the environment. Organizations and their intentional and unintentional effects on individuals are pervasive and unavoidable even as an individual might wish to avoid them. It is a phenomenon of the times.

Globalization of organized crime may accompany globalization of business as bad money follows good. It is one reason why I believe that civil rights activist should focus their efforts more upon assuring economic civil liberties for individuals specifically recognized in the gigabyte power of computing. Elevating people nationally out of poverty should be a non-racial, non-gender, non-divisive way to attack the core of contemporary social and economic repression. Propaganda power and time obscurantism can render most other political efforts at mass levels into manipulated ineffectiveness. The contestants in the last Presidential election were a case in point. The choices should have been a bit better.

Summer's Controversy and Hillary

Gary C Gibson - 11:15am Feb 25, 2005 EDT (#147 of 147)
Reason and faith can discover a cosmic structure fit for rational parameters subject unto God's moral law.

Help those that can't afford to love America or leave it; buy a liberal a sailboat to leave for France.

This Summers conundrum is a sort of Salavdor Dali-sized political dramaturgy leaning over-much on the The Vaginal Monologues The issue is about elites and wealth, business power and network, the Prestige of Harvard in a world neither sexually egalitarian nor American, and with a wobbly tendency to transit toward authoritarianism.

Harvard just barely places ahead of my old school The University of the State of New York(Excelsior College) for alumni connections,social prestige and monetary endowment,one day a USNY alumnus may be elected to congress, or become a colonist to Europa...who can say, the possibilities are limitless, the probabilities somewhat less.

American females of the comfortable middle class would reasonably seek to take the top paying jobs and government/collegiate sinecures available to the most privelaged social mileau firstly. The present insiders would seek to keep whatever advantages they have of course. Others would sail to France or Germany in relation to their political spin state toward the left or right.

To mollify an agitated crowd Harvard may need to release President Summers to free agency,and then hire some well known female celebrity to become President. If Hillary Clinton were not in the U.S.Senate she would be an obvious choice.

President Summers was an old loyalist of Bill,his adroit oriental timing in tossing out Harvard's big bone of chauvinism to the leading national feminist masses may be such as to provide a bit of early political support of indignation and wrath needed to coagulate some of the milk in the nascent pudding of Senator Clinton's potential Presidential campaign to return the White House to the Clinton clan in 2008.

These elitist political issues fail to be of serious interest for those whom are merely poor. Raising one's income from 4000 a year to 24,000 a year is much more life changing than raising one's income from 50,000 annually to 250,000. The difference of moving from 3000 nights sleeping on the ground in a tent to awakening on a super-soft,scientificly comfortable feathery mattress high above the ground...to step downto the polished floor each morn,with a climate controlled environment, a refrigerator and a lifetime larder of food,high-techj eqp and to watch never-ending reruns of Ophrah or Washington Week in review is substantial.

Help the digruntled right wing move to Germany...give them a plane ticket and apartment on the Ruhr

From 50,000 to 250,000 a year may mean just more floor space and a more prestigious neighborhood and car. 4000 to 24,000 means having one's own teeth to old age,and having health insurance or even affording tyo raise a family in the expensive U.S. social environment. 50,000 to 250,000 means being able to have liver transplants, two or three families,and to afford tuition for one's kids and grandkids at Yale or Harvard.

Yet the top jobs and the striving for them are issues the elites care mightily about in the U.S.A. If they were as interested in keeping net loss of biota and ecological and social health and civil liberties improving instead of being degraded it would be of more interest to the poor.


The Exxon Valdez and Pres.GWB's Texan Tack

Gary C Gibson. - 06:44pm Feb 17, 2005 EDT (#67 of 72)

The Dallas Morning News reported the death of the former Exxon CEO in Texas some days ago that was in charge when the Exxon Valdez ran onto Clinton Bligh Reef in March 1989 spilling millions and millions of gallons of oil in the formerly pristine Prince William Sound. While there are laws against spilling oil corporations still will do that anyway. The judgment against the Exxon Corporation transnational is still not out of court. Perhaps the President of the U.S.A. will offer some tort reform to help them with the load.

Auto emissions are one of the primary sources of greenhouse gases around the world. The conflict of interest with the national financial interest, the world environmental interest, and the Bush branch of the Republican Party's vested oil interests is astounding.

Even the congress has been corrupted by the Texas oil republican's voracious appetite for oil wealth in disregard for planetary ecology vitality, the national budget deficit, national debt, national security and trade deficit. The House energy committee has a Texas Republican in charge, the house national resource committee has a Texas Republican in chair, and of course the Texan Tom Delay leads the Republican majority. All are predators seeking to plunder Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for the benefit of themselves as transnational corporations. Texas Republicans are the center of the maelstrom of environmental evil and regressive environmental legislation in America.

The egoistic flatlanders are of course compelled to build on the plains, prairie and hot humid, mosquito infested coast because its there, and the land, like the building design, is ugly and featureless to the ignorant. All that could be seen in it traditionally was the potential for profit, such as running cattle to the railheads for shipment to the Eastern beefeaters.

The tradition of plundering the environment still exists. GW permitted renewed devastation of the nation's beautiful federal forests in S.E. Alaska recently, he through open all Arctic Petroleum Reserve acreage to oil exploration over the next few years-all of it.

The aesthetic, human, environmental and social values of conserving natural beauty is non-existent in the President's brain. He is a front, as I believe RN said, for transnational corporations. His aesthetic and spiritual value of the natural beauty of life is dead through disuse.

The Texan social philosophy of pig-headed work is fine in its place, it is simply ignorant of other important issues and values. It runs roughshod over vital public areas for proprietary causes of greed and avarice, power and privilege. Like the Pharisees they obey a letter of the law but not the spirit, unlike the Pharisees, they synthesize much of the law themselves.

They will leave untold costs that the nation will be paying for generation after generation, after they have stuffed their personal financial accounts with ill-gotten wealth instead of boldly leading into new technologies of conservation for profit that haven't been done before.

Texas is a refuge for the worst of America's environmental predators...the slaughterer of the California Redwood forests lives here, it is a sanctuary for those very unmeek people that would extend inherited building design so far as to displace God's remaining realm of natural creation perhaps.

Shag carpets, square rectilinear brick houses, deforestation and new pickup trucks, sofas, large screen TV’s to watch football in Miami or Seattle, toys for the children too, their way is the meaning of life, and all of value within a sanctified paradigm driving the world to hell even. Environmental rationality is a useful trait in politicians when it can be found.

Fishing has suffered damage in Alaska by the oil spill. The entire marine food chain has been upset. Lobster crud disease


Global Warming article in SA

Gary C Gibson. - 01:05pm Feb 16, 2005 EDT (#15 of 15)
The physical Universe exists within the will of God. At the largest and smallest scales it's parameters are unknowable except as revealed by Non-Contingent Being.. The scalable universe is rational.

'Did Humans Stop an Ice Age?' is the cover question.

The March 2005 Scientific American has an interesting article on page 48+ on the history and causation factors of global warming. The author; William F. Ruddiman, has provided a new theory that human activities are the essential catalytic element in the present global warming period beginning with the rise of farming some 8,000 years ago.

There are three primary causes of alterity of the Earths temperature variability over time... They are orbital cycles at periods of 22,000 years, 41,000 years and 100,000 years. The amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface in a particular area can change by as much as 10%.

Glacial and interglacial periods over time have a fair periodicity that was changed beginning 8,000 years ago when greenhouse gases were released anomalously as a consequence of human agricultural practices.

The two primary greenhouse gases are methane and carbon dioxide according to the article. Methane production could change as a consequence of the wetlands and marsh grass that increase in warmer times, yet rice farming and other agriculture techniques also can increase methane production.

According to the theory in the article, the world should have reached the interglacial high point of carbon dioxide parts per million 8000 years ago and no increased further; the world should have gone toward another ice age.

Present industrialization emissions have only increased the concentration of greenhouse gases to higher and higher levels as the world continues to increase its atmospheric temperature.

It is a bold theory and published in a timely way...yek the administration's people perhaps can't read that sort of article and make any environmental inferences toward public policy changes toward eco-conservatism.

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...