
The second Bush administration has now set into it's three year mission to redistribute two billion dollars of taxpayer indebtedness to Wal-Street and agitate, lever and finesse the plundering of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuger. It woulds have been good if the Democratic Party the last election had run an electible candidate instead of a self-described warp criminal.

With 300 million citizens and perhaps half theoretically affiliatedf in some way with the Democratic Party at least throuigh familial associations it is remarkable that they must run such dogs without fundamental qualities such as could make them phi beta kappas, movie stars and sof forth aloing with some record of public service. How can the alternate party be so bloody lame?

The Demo Party in removing the Republicans from the Presidential office in 2008 need to stay away from divisive immoral issues and focus on environmental, economic and national security issues instead. Fundamental lack of respect for basic human rights and the civil liberty of equal regard for the rights of others is a pervasive and damaging consequence of becoming mired in the corruption of the homosexual and abortion agenda's, and the Hollywood entertainment of Democrats with their products that make the masses prime chumps for Global Corporate leadership.

Social Security is a part of a more general social environment of national security and self-reliance. Secure borders, a tightened labor market and better savings rate for ordinary citizens, alternate nationally produced vehiclesx running on home-produced fuel-cell electric power fed into in highway power grids (with aux batteries), higher wages for low paying jobs that cannot be outsourced when illegal aliens aren't available to fill them...social security can be found in people paying more social security taxes because they have higher wages to pay them wiith, and because their would be a means test to prevent people from collecting monet they don't need as in any reasonable insurance policy.

It is evident some Democrats want the genius of Mr. G.W. Bush to emerge and be allowed free reign to lead the people with tough guy speeches into a malleable political form that wwill stuff the stocking of global corporations for decadesa to come grabbing the people by the short hairs now. Yet the people were daft enough to reelct the President when no one was run against him with suitable qualifications for the job. The elected Bill Clinton to a second term too unfortunately when the perfectly decent Bob Dole was available.

Will Chelsea Clinton be available to keep the dynasty alive in 2026, or will Neal Bush seek to take the top job after G.W.'s other brother serves two terms...wait and see as oil price rise to 5.00 a gallon, ANWR is a swamp without oil underneath having subsided a bit too in global warming? AT least those new high tech tires with no inflatable rubber will be out in a year or four.

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