
Neo-Corporatism, Classes and Individuals

Gary C Gibson. - 10:18am Mar 18, 2005 EDT (#19 of 25)

" I seen much war in my life and I detest it profoundly. But there are worse things than war, and they all come with defeat"- Hemingway

The Bush administration has defeated American energy independence and balanced budget efforts for the present. ANWR has been set up for oil drilling bowlers for whom the Senate victory two days ago was sweet. They have sought to plunder it for more than 20 years. Ernst Hemingway and the international brigade lost to Spanish fascists and also experienced the bitter pill of defeat.

Hemingway and so many of the leftist leaning writers tended to line up with the leftist Republicans in the Spanish Civil War that of course lost to the fascist forces of Franco and the Flangists started by Rivera. More than a million died in that war that started when the elected leftist government was deposed by a fascist coup d'etat being reduced in the north and south by fascist gains down to an interior rump from Madrid to their sentimental home at Barcelona. The loss by the non-fascist forces did allow Franco's fascists to rule until the 1970's, and the class-oriented alterity to civil opportunities would have been terrible to some.

In some ways there are parallels between the GW Bush profit in the coup d'main of 9-11 that made their political consolidation and eventual plundering opportunities of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge a veritable fait accompli and the Republican-Fascist struggle in the 1930s in Spain. The leftist leaning, or at least liberal leaning advocates of human rights and civil rights in the United States have been temporarily crushed by trans-national neo-corporatist forces.

The economic infusion of new blood and power into the U.S. Military industrial complex and de rigueur patriotic loyalty to foreign oil for fuel as well as the plundering of ANWR has put trans-national oil companies into the driver's seat for the next few decades to take the Congress where they like. Neo-Corporatism requires the subordination of democracy to corporate will, free expression may be co-opted indirectly instead of through law. Property rights, individual rights and national economic self-reliance may be subverted and subjugated in order to allow the growth of large trans-national corporate political and economic hegemony over the U.S.A. presently. Wal-Mart is a very large corporation that has the advantage of communist suppliers in China or at least communist ruled suppliers in China, and a vast labor pool of low-paid, non-union American employees that are perhaps not of a first rank caliber.

The effects of the combination are to have cheap products and a cheap workforce centrally directed initially by the Walton family, and eventually by trans-national stockholders. That sort of collectivized clump of people and business presently seeking even to draw in 'entrepreneurs' to their office supply products tend to drown out independent American competitors. It is just one way that the power of trans-nationals and broadcast transnationals are collectivizing the U.S.A. and co-opting it politically into a neo-Corporatist context.

Gary C Gibson. - 10:31am Mar 18, 2005 EDT (#20 of 25) http://www.ggibsonsblog.blogspot.com/
One might theorize various social structures regarding the way the United States is presently structured and consider its speed and form in vectoring to international power. Too many voters have a residual cold war alternator paradigm of socialism/communism or transnational corporations. In the 1950's and 1960's transnational corporations were not as influential upon American lifestyles as they are today. The choice of capitalism or communism isnot appropriate for the 3rd millenium.Instead the paradigm should be How can individualism be retained in the poltical environment when trans-nationals have so much collective power to control economics and government? The problem is in awakening a political intelligence in America that would require politicians to conserve the physical and geographic health and prosperity of a tripartite political form in environmentalism, immigration and economics.

Some opponents of American liberalism have sought to destroy the fundamental concepts of liberalism that have been the foundation of the U.S. Democracy from the beginning. Liberalism was about inbdividual rights of property and properties of rights...it was never about collective rights or communes, nor about homosexuality expropriating marriage to kill that institution and make it a disposable debauchery certificate for economic purposes. Liberalism is coopted by trans-nationalist that hate American enegy independence and the prosperity of individuals outside of corporate control...at least as employees they can be fired if non-conformist.

Conformation racks of bombs in military aircraft are like those social roles the broadcast media and Hollywood set for the masses to fall into,roles in which intelligence and independence are undesireable,and in which conformity to expectations and standards set by trans-national CEO's are overwhelmingly determinative. Don't get me wrong; in no way am I am optimist regarding the American ability to free themselves from the 'conservative' transnational power during the next 30 years. I expect the normal four year cycle of politics to remain subordinated to trans-national structures and conformation. Enough celebrity trials and foreign involvements will keep the mildly politically interested daft. When President Bush meets with President Vicente Fox in a few days he will be discussing what is truly of importance the trans-national and thus American interest. Actual national politics primarily of interest to Americans were outsourced.

The U.S. war in Iraq stopped a Democide of innocents, and perhaps may bring a democracy to exist experimentally for a time, yet it's coupling with trans-national oil interests that are fundamentally inimical to continuing national infrastructure and technological progress and that leave a vast cost of economic externalities for future generations to pay is devastating. OPEC recently met in Iran to discuss world oil production and pricing. They are already pumping to capacity because they want to cash in on the high prices,and thus cannot really increase output much even if they say they will. Luckily for OPEC and the Trans-national Oil companies demand for oil is increasing all over the world, and supply can't increase much, Americas began dropping long ago. International terroism can keep rasing prices as over-supply occurs or if prices or demand drop, by targeting pipelines and infrastructure in oil producing nations.

That ability of muslim terrorists to drive up oil prices and keep Muslim OPEC nation coffers overflowing will perhaps moderate the interest of OPEC members in capturing Bin Ladin, a family member of President G.W. Bush's oil business partner in Midland Texas years ago. Fundamentalistmuslims may learn to vote for leaders, yet in the transnational era the Democracy may be coopted by oil interests, terrorists, and or clerics on a secular platform that are careerists rather than devotees of God.

Gary C Gibson. - 11:03am Mar 18, 2005 EDT (#21 of 25) ...Fundamentalist muslim revolutionaries in the mid-east awash with oil money may also perpetrate terrorism on trans-nationals and Americans. Inventions and new technology for U.S. Ground transport infrastructure is the immediate price being paid by giving Pres G.W. Bush a second term to swagger stick the foreigners threatening American trans-nationals and cowering some voters perhaps (they voted for him a second term).

Oil reliance and rotting infrastructure is the price paid. As foreign interests prosper the nation is economically down-sizing to a collectivized lot of SUV driving followers of trans-nationals brainwashed by trans-national corporations that own mass broadcast corporations. The infrastructure reliant on fossilfuels and the lack of political will to be better and more efficient than foreign competitors serve to reduce the nation's long term prospects. While middle easterners and other OPEC member nations propsper and radicalize on oil profits, China's economy swells while America's comparatively lags behind. WHile neighbor nations should have good prosperous and environomentally sound lives too,trans-nationals aren't looking after U.S. interests, but their own international stockholders.

Gary C Gibson. - 12:57pm Mar 18, 2005 EDT (#23 of 25) I believe there may be two theoretical basis for political structures fundamentally...they are class and individuality. Individuals may be recognized and represented as in the U.S. constitution.

I believe there may be two theoretical basis for political structures fundamentally...they are class and individuality. Individuals may be recognized and represented as in the U.S. constitution.

Alternatively there may be class structure approaches that seek to represent themselves exclusive with abstract legal definitions. It is a paradox that classes of the rich, classes of trans-national corporation owners, classes of slaves and classes that recognize themselves or are recognized by adverse others pro forma have a class structure approach in common with the Marxist paradigms of classes before supposedly a classless society would arrive.

The problem with compulsory classlessness is that it requires a draconian authoritarian government to enforce it usually molding everyone into just one class that can be considered as a non-class for the purposes of propaganda organs. In the decadent phase of a modern society, that one might consider to be a form of Tybee’s universal phase of a civilization in a dilute form, actual control of borders and such would be replaced with paper redefinitions of classes and structures to accommodate the political reality of the day.

President Bush's meeting with Vicente Fox may work to further yield physical control of the border and economy. Like a man with a foot on two ice floes moving apart, at some point the President must choose to stand on one or the other or fall into the cold, dark sea. He cannot be a transnationalist and a nationalist simultaneously.

The President cannot be a post-modern nationalist that seeks an independent energy infrastructure for individuals perhaps produced by home fuel cells tied into highway power lines for electric cars while remaining in the transnational camp.

When the World Bank was established it was supposed to have some sort of impartial purpose of benefaction for the rest of the world. That it was headquartered in Washington DC instead of Nairobi and that it's head was appointed by the President of the United States were just happy meals for Americans. With the appoint of World Bank President Wolf, that facade of impartiality has finally rotted away to reveal a rather clumsy administration preference for transnational power over the second and third world led by the oil oligarchs.

Some politicians like Rep. Gary Miller of California believe they can keep native born children of illegal aliens from becoming U.S. citizens by passing a law to deny them the right. That approach of creating classes of citizens to paper over political reality is of that decadent Toynbean paradigm of making fictions in law and convoluted classes while disregarding fact. It is a method usually followed by the kicking in of the rotting door of the nation by an internal and external proletariat...yet it works for a time, as the once creative majority becomes a repressive minority.

Class structures are an undesirable format if one wants to create and sustain a society with social equality and justice for all individuals. Citizens must be wary of concentrated wealth in collective businesses and its potential and actual adverse political influences on the self-determination and political and social equality of individuals. False classlessness such as an authoritarian government within a Marxist paradigm is an extreme repression of individual liberty. Petite collective social paradigmata such as transnational corporations present and mass collectives such as are found in communism present solid challenges to Americans seeking to conserve a primacy of personal self-reliance and liberty independent of global corporate rule.

Obviously many Americans just don't care enough about the slow transition to diminished national economic and political liberalism enough to select politicians that will halt the downward spiral of the United States into the maelstrom of a Babylonian Trans-Nat. empire with it's feet on every shore. Isolationism isn't required

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