
Terry Schaivo/Social Security/Military Enlist Age

GaryCGibson - 04:21pm Mar 22, 2005 EDT (#397 of 399) The physical Universe exists within the will of God. At the largest and smallest scales it's parameters are unknowable except as revealed by Non-Contingent Being.. The scalable universe is rational.

k, "Public Relations and the Media" #361, 22 Mar 2005 11:51 am If you can't recognize the points in the post Gary C Gibson, "Public Relations and the Media" #355, 22 Mar 2005 11:00 am -oh well; I'd say your points are comprised of begging the issue exclusively.

Anonynymity on NPR Discussions with a nom de plume from a language of a people with a non-democratic history doesn't help either to inspire confindence that the psued is actually seeking to support and strengthen civil rights of Americans. Stalin of course was eager to send people to 'Nirvana' to accomplish his political objectives and mold the state into his own evil image so far as possible. I had written about many issues regarding the Terry Schaivo issue and the problems posed by the relatively new phenomena of liquidating lives intentionally and with the acquiessence or support of the Judicial Branch.

Its a fundamental corruption of the right of the state to give license-a licence to kill-to citizens instead of seeking to preserve them from injury. Rep Delay pointed out that Ms. Schaivo had not even had a complete NMR or PET scan...and when courts are giving a liscence to kill to spouses (no Henny Youngman jokes here) there should at least be some permanent objective record of the brain condition of the individual being terminated lest there be some subtle possibility of more crime than that of the homicide of a very brain damaged individual occurring.

It has been known historically that dissimulation and collusion has been involved, that spouses have had disagreements and even harbored harm or less than perfect love toward their 'legally encumbered one', objective standards for the 30, 000 to 40,000 people on life support need to be established so there isn't a spree to discontinue them or even a few individual cases of terminating so one that preferred to live...it must be the case that such exist.

Despotic governments prefer to accomplish non-standard actions upon citizens without due process of law...lazy democracies slip toward tyranny (Aristotle), corrupt neo-Corporatists and spoiled internationalists disrespect indiviudal liberty, Wal-Mart-the major employer of non-entrepreneurs in America-gloms up the business of entrepreneurs with an increasing international advantage-oh well. On another issue; social security reform. The only good way is to limit payments to U.S. citizens that have a retirement income of fewer than $20,000 a year. Its a social insurance program not a Wal-Street investment account.

Wall-Street insiders such as CEO's are selling their shares in the market my Dallas Morning News confidant reported. The ratio of sales to purchases is 70 to 1. They are selling 2.5 billion dollars worth for every 60 million they purchase. Is the market overvalued...the President wants the public to invest and wait to find out.

The privatization of social security has as a reciprocal the public ownership of private corporations. It seems more like a Hickel plan of a fake commonwealth that just enriches the rich. GWB wants a 2 trillion trim for the insiders now that ANWR is nearly in the bag for his retirement account. With a higher standard of living there should be fewer people in old age that need the emergency relief of social security as it was intended aand envisioned perhaps during the depression following the 1929 stock market crash.

With a phased in drawdown of payments to retirees based on means over 10 or 20 years social security accounts could easily stay solvent. And if military retirees draw social security in addition to retiring at full pay, I'd say they are serving themselves a bit overmuch if they weren't critically wounded.

If GWB would now advance the military enlistment age from 39 to 51, I could return to archeo military employment in Iraq as a combat engineer or chemical speciali

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