
ANWR, The Media, Politics/Turf

GaryCGibson - 05:12pm Mar 17, 2005 EDT (#155 of 160) The physical Universe exists within the will of God. At the largest and smallest scales it's parameters are unknowable except as revealed by Non-Contingent Being.. The scalable universe is rational.

"And thoughts like that above can be used as lazy dismissals of political reality that is too complex to handle." reply "Public Relations and the Media" #147, 17 Mar 2005 3:41 pm Zebra, I am glad that you recognized your limitations and tendency to write brief, lazy posts too often critical of others in order to compensate for your intellectual deficiencies. Incidentally, "are" would have been a better choice than "is" in your false proposition. Obfuscating issue is a tendency that the unscrupulous utilize as a primary method of argumentation about political issues, along with ad hominems and straw men arguments. It serves to support unsupportable and untruthful points without making an honest effort to objectively reason. I put consideral work into my social sciences and humanities researches, and once got a 99% rank on the CLEP general social sciences and history exam. Of course the crooked don't appreciate CLEP testing sometimes, because it isn't a class oriented turf approach to prosperity or grades in college. The knee jerk red herrings regarding socialism and communism are simply that when the subject is environmentalism or ANWR, unless one is writing about political packages in addition to environmentalism perhaps, or feudalism and the environment, the mafia and the environment, gangs and the environment, gangs and natural resource extractions and so forth. In the little West Texas town that I am in today there is a large billboard on the main highway to Austin. It has a picture of a lime green, dented 1970 approx. Ford Comet, or whatever the name of that car was that looked like an oversized Pinto. On the door of the car painted over the dent is a dark green paint in the shape of the state of Alaska roughly. The caption on the billboard reads "Your first car was ugly, Texas doesn't have to be". Below and to the right was the standard state of Texas motto for highway programs "'Don't Mess with Texas". When I first saw that sign after returning from the West it made me relize how predatious the administration is regarding oil in ANWR. To an Alaska it is an avoidable declaration of plunder, and the right to mess up Alaska. Alaska can just become like Texas after all, and the old growth of the Tongass Forest can be cut down too. The local newspaper had the large type headline 'Senate Opens ANWR Drilling' or something similar, as if it was VE Day or something (these West Texans will take those Alaska jobs, wouldn't hire me, and in this locale I couldn't get enough of a minimum wage opportunity to buy a boat and get out of the damn adverse turf. To remain is to be time trimmed. As a Christian one must use rationalization when people without as much personal ability get so far ahead materially, and when their ethos and supremacy as a class becomes such an onerous experience.That corrupting class selects the more inefficient transport methods to prosper themselves and there progeny happy not to look ahead, counting on better weapons and the kindness of strangers.. Below the Newspaper headline is a photo of a Karate do-er close up, with another little headline...Champion Martial Artist Tosses Chumps or something similar (I didn't buy the paper) it cost 50 Cents. Politics and media relations affect the outcome of events, and reveal the inner intentions of powers sometimes. If people are working on political issues such as the defense of ANWR from transnational wolves attacking in packs, it isn't helpful to have the chaff of off-topic social philosophy tossed in at critical moments. Sure you might argue without relevance on another topic like illegal immigration and why environmentlists aren't opposing it, yet a reasonable individual should comprehend that they are different issues, although one can find a common set of phenomena involved in it at a certain level.

GaryCGibson - 05:44pm Mar 17, 2005 EDT (#159 of 160)

Rreply, "Public Relations and the Media" #157, 17 Mar 2005 5:43 pm ( ZEBRA)- please take me off your chatting list for a while, I haven't the time to read your posts about ANWR presently, did you write anything about it recently? I recommend that you purchase all of my Waveform Politics books (try Borders books or http://www.Lulu.com/GaryCGibson for a discount-and use UPS Media Mailing for the lowest price-shipping take about 10 days) to get up to speed on what my point of view is. In California a Rep Gary Miller is introducing legislation to deprive native born children of illegals of U.S. Citizenship. He has trouble recognizing that the children didn't choose to be born in the U.S.A., and that it's their native country when they are born in the U.S.A. Geography and political issues are inextricably linked in most important cases, in some way. Politics including environmental issues involve self-determination geographically. Congress should defend the borders against illegals instead of trying to become nazis deporting innocent babes to some other nation than that of their birth. Geography is an important part of the idea of natural rights, if that is corrupted and obfuscated any sort of bs could be promulgated as law at the behest of trans-national corporations and the ovens of Auswitch could swingingly be reopened for business eventually. Judiciaries have a jurisdiction that historically is territorially based. The right to be free must be inalienable instead of alienated immediately be quank act of Congress.

One must be free some place, instead of in an abstract document. Lawmakers lose sight of physical reality perhaps as it pertains to cizitens best interests, and instead pursue the interests of transnational corporations or foreign princes and potentates developing an allegiance to filthy lucre sourced abroad in Chines or Indian loans, in the Suadi or Kuwaiti Royal families or wherever. Those lawmakers do not have an aggressive interest in securing a balanced budget, nationally self-reliant infrastructure at least in a few vastly red or deficit generating foreign trade areas and so forth. Those lawmakers are free to legislate in the financial and environmental best interests of U.S. Citizens instead of foreign and trans-national corporations...they just don't always. Then of course there is the scurrilous notion that trans-national corporations must somehow plunder ANWR in order to guard against socialism. While a communist dictatorship doesn't traditionally allow individuals to opt out, in practice vast trans-nationals have oppressing power and develop economic hegemony over transport and political processing to such an extent that ordinary citizens as individuals cannot readily 'opt out' or dissent either...and then of course sometimes the corporations or endowed collectives become mean and actually target and obstruct individuals deemed to be osticles to their consolidation of power and wealth derived from sales to the public or acquisition of public lands for their own leveraged use. When laws and citizenship become so flimsy and simply tools of the powerful democracy has been lost.

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