Gary C Gibson - 03:26pm Feb 24, 2005 EDT
Reason and faith can discover a cosmic structure fit for rational parameters subject unto God's moral law.
It is interesting that the NPR people choose the topic when the President launched into the intercontinental charm offensive even venturing to Russia.
In the modern world it is perhaps inevitable that organized crime and racketeering would ordinarily globalize. There should be global psychiatric organization eventually to subdue dissidents as well. If one is unlucky enough to use public libraries in Texas presently, and write anything very often not optimal for the Texas administrations and their lackey's sense of political correctness, it is possible to experience public verbal abuse actually.
Everyone doesn't need to think alike, think the same things, nor have the same level of education. If in Texas a sort of common crude, drunken, or reformed drunken weltanschauung and social pledge of idiocy is common or desirable, and enough have it, or alternately, if some organizations are powerful enough, the temptation to assure politically correct thought with public attack on the phenomenally politically unconformist may arise with psychiatric accusations by quank public citizens as a weapon. Psychiatry nicely juxtaposes as a tool when used to enforce the desire of powerful insiders to control the political thought of the polity within geographical areas..
I hadn't given it much though before, but the goal of renormalizing non-conformist thought, or even of forcing anybody into supporting or being subordinated to evil political thought, can very well be supported by general social organizations of psychiatry and psychology quite readily, especially of there are a lot of personnel in the porganizational structure that believe that there way of thinking and experience is the actualized earthly way of the most very good.
Last night before closing I published Volume 3 of Waveform Politics; A War Ends Democide" on the internet, yet all the people that are stout Republicans drove their SUV's and trucks here and there on public highways like good communists, received their electricity from public utility lines like good communists, flushed their crap down public sewers like good communists, fly about the nation with public air traffic controllers and publicly funded airports (in many cases (keep the jets from colliding, and so forth, yet those precious morons have the rudeness to harass a private citizen doing a little free enterprise on a public if Texas doesn't have ridiculously high sales taxes on all the Chinese made goods one purchases here. In some ways the globalist powers and the pervasive public dangers presented by instantaneous communications and the implicit utility for racketeering and organized crime are well served by the development of psychiatry as an informal yet effective tool for gang hegemony. Even in Texas the authoritarian mentality that is in the historical continuity of the most crude and repressive thugs through history back to the Neolithic can express itself.
Perhaps the good Texans have been taken over by the mass communication Texans of the era of Bush ego blimpism that feels an inherent need to force it's self-admiring manure heeled ignorance upon the intellectual liberty of the nation. I believe it may be the pervasive ecological ignorance of the Bush administration that supports general world political skepticism regarding the administration political veracity.
Gary C Gibson., "World Views of Science" #4, 24 Feb 2005 1:42 pm NPR YOUR TURN Discussions
Co2 levels are increasing, and the administration is led by the President left behind on reacting to the world Global Warming/CO2 increase problem the responsible parties addressed at Kyoto.
Continued next...
Gary C Gibson - 03:26pm Feb 24, 2005 EDT (#24 of 33)
It is possible that fossil fuel producers may act as ad hoc gangs to force public reliance on oil for transportation in the U.S.A. over the long run. It may be an ad hoc phenomena with no simple causal tree diagram that perpetuates a federal budget-busting deficit and diverts progress to profitable fuels for the United States in domestically produced alternate energy forms.
Of course Al Qa'eda is a gang, yet it runs in the same technological financing circles as Saudi oil people and Texas oil people, some could even have worked for Exxon-Mobil at some point in time. It might have been U.S.A. Today that reported that a book on Internet scamming and fraud was written by the Bali Bomber recently. Evidently he urged Al Qa'eda to plunder cyberworld for all they can, perhaps inflating the instances of identity theft.
Late last year I wrote on discussions about the value of inventing disposable pre-paid visa cards for Internet purchases, and they now sort of exist (it takes 7-10 days to receive a pre-paid visa debit card in the mail) with convenience store access cards at 10 dollars. Those are useful for Internet purchases, and have a built in cap that prevents some gang member from running up large bills.
Waveform Politics; A War to End Democide interestingly, my book covers at my storefront were-fogged...its a new phenomenon I hadn't seen before.
The problem of the general formation of ad hoc political cults of evil in the era of mass global communications will not go away anytime soon. Elsewhere I have considered the subject at some length.
Sartre in the Critique of Dialectical Reason formed a paradigm that one might use as a theoretical template of organizational analysis. In it one might toss the demographics, the educational, the technical communications, the software of broadcasting, the political phenomenon, the prior experience of individuals in military service, and so forth and structure an understanding of how the phenomenal elements of ad hoc organizations move and form, transition and fade.
It might have been Donald Rumsfeld that said something like the enemy has brains and learns too. That is gangs and organizations learn to adapt fairly quickly to measures taken to delete their structure from being. The United States is somewhat slower to adapt being spoiled by the prior construction of an economic infrastructure that has become outsourced abroad to a certain extent, and by their social and personal comfort even if built up presently upon red ink. Americans have been slower to form new political paradigms that would conserve their civil liberties, national security and political independence than the Global Corporations, international terrorist organizations and simply evolutionary social phenomena that make a destructuralization of national sovereignty easier that seeking to conserve it.
If the nation could be considered a ship, global communications might be thought of as wormholes in sovereignty drilled through the hull by each line sent abroad. Transnational Corporations are like heat grenades dropped on the keel plating.
Texans may be lucky enough to be able to ignore the entire phenomenon and just swear allegiance to trucks, and oil in Arabia and maybe Alaska too. With oil at 50 a barrel and the local dude in the White House they can always hope it goes up to 100 bucks a barrel-gas isn't at 4 dollars a gallon yek.
Gary C Gibson - 03:27pm Feb 24, 2005 EDT
Technological advance is good, yet it is not simple to change the political philosophies as fast as the changes to society many fail to realize. The environment is a commons that many will deplete as an historical larder of endless production, yet it will take the masses of humanity to renew or replace it if possible, as no individual will want to pay the bill.
When the nation formed individuals were the essential political gangs and organizations have transcended individual political power, and shape congressional actions. Waveform broadcasts may program the citizens into brainwashed tools quite unlike their 18th century predecessors that were somewhat more independent in thought and experience of the world. Nature has given up its common shelter for humanity with its opportunity for individual supply and become an abstract unharvested profit for corporate power.
With an Associate degree from the University of Alaska I had tried without luck to get a job on the North Slope and pile up the money so I could escape the despond of poverty as Texans flew overhead on their way to Barrow. Even after the devastating oil spill at Valdez that still guts the health of the local waters so many years later I hope that some slight glimmer of economic opportunity can exist that profits not only ones’ self, but the national budget picture too with a positive sum strategy. Yet with the organization and consolidation of energy and transnational corporate power I believe it unlikely that an American citizen can get beyond the range of the calculating and evil, the indifferent and aloof, the reckless and the ignorant personnel that structure business opportunities in accord with their calculation of maximal profit regardless of the costs to the environment. Organizations and their intentional and unintentional effects on individuals are pervasive and unavoidable even as an individual might wish to avoid them. It is a phenomenon of the times.
Globalization of organized crime may accompany globalization of business as bad money follows good. It is one reason why I believe that civil rights activist should focus their efforts more upon assuring economic civil liberties for individuals specifically recognized in the gigabyte power of computing. Elevating people nationally out of poverty should be a non-racial, non-gender, non-divisive way to attack the core of contemporary social and economic repression. Propaganda power and time obscurantism can render most other political efforts at mass levels into manipulated ineffectiveness. The contestants in the last Presidential election were a case in point. The choices should have been a bit better.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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