
God's Creation, physical/cosmological analogues etc.

Gary C Gibson - 02:49pm Feb 10, 2005 EDT (#111 of 156)

On the idea of placing Jesus Christ within a secular political context, I believe it tends toward an importunate effort. God is non-contingent being and he simply won't fit into human sandals other than the one's he chose to wear when incarnate.

Some people believe, in erro perhaps, that the evolutionary theory has life being created by a lightening bolt as if by Zeus. Yet in science theory and the Bible man is created from inorganic solids or compounds at some point becoming more complex.

Lightening bolts are an electric charge that could provide some sort of Frankensteinian imagery to creation theories n science and evolution even if by some being floating on a cloud from another dimension. Yet those electrons have other scientific explanations contemprarily that I may say something about.

If an electron travels at the speed of light, and they are posited to, then if it also spins it could travel faster than light and violate that principle of the special theory. Fortunately all particles in superstring theory are thought to be made of one dimensional strings, or no dimensional or one-dimensional branes, that are tied into other, smaller, faster and cheaper dimensions.

Those strings are not made of the kind of string that one has fraying off of one's clothing perennially before church. Instead the strings are analogies to describe forms of vibrational 'energy' perhaps non-visualizable to even very good mathematicians that have created the term 'string' to illustrate the principle.

The strings and branes (another tough to visualize entity perhaps like a flat soap bubble thats really tiny-- smaller than the plank length (smallest normally measurable size of anything theoretically) and those extra dimensions of small size in which they exist were all created when a very tiny singularity containing a Higgs Field hyper-expanded in a fraction of a second 14 billion years ago to a very large size because of quantum uncertainty, or a characteristic of instability in quantum configurations of which everything is made below atomic scale.

Time and space were created together from that singularity. Time exists integrally as a part of space, yet the formations of matter are affected by gravity and the statistically measurable characteristic of matter to move toward its most simple and lowest energy state through entropy. The singularity at the beginning was the most ordered conditionin of the universe paradoxically. It is like an hourglass flowing from the top to bottom analogously.

God created the world by a spoken word providing the initial order and vibrations. Special relativity renders Universal history viewable from all times to an omnipresent observer, yet God is above the waveform universe that he issued. He can create it in a deterministic general parameter yet permit uncertainty. He can foreordain, predestine and allow free will.

Life was not created by a flung lightening bolt, or by some electrons nor even strings or no-braners, it was created by God through his will.

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