American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Hurricane Katrina, Hot Air and the Bush Response to Global Warming
'The hurricane in New Orleans presented several aspects of disaster for some, and profit for others in various speculative businesses perhaps. For myself the used sailboat I bought in that area may be gone with the wind to compliment the loss of ownership of my 'home' property in Alaska the same weekend.
It would have been better if it had stalled on some oil rig in the Gulf, and petered out...yet Tennessee beckoned Katrina onward. For Rush Limbaugh's bizarre reasoning that reliance on fossil fuels from abroad is a good reason to plunder remaining American oil reserves and that Katrina's windy effects on raising U.S. oil prices to 70 per barrel provides a lesson that drilling in sensitive nature reserves is intelligent national policy instead of swiftly moving the nation toward a non-fossil fuel based national transport infrastructure...nuts.
The lesson from Katrina's intensity in a season of numerous hurricanes is that the Bush administration's lacking environmental approach to global warming supports numerous hurricanes in the warmer Atlantic spawning ocean of hurricanes. It is also possible that the numerous offshore oil rigs of the Gulf and extreme auto pollution of the Gulf States increases the attraction for and intensity of traveling hurricanes.
Hurricanes after all are just a lot of evaporation and hot air rising up toward cooler air inn the upper atmosphere set to spinning by the corriolis force or spin of the world. The warmer the waters of the Atlantic are, and the more asphalt and auto pollution are put out in that area to concentrate the greenhouse effects the likelier are hurricanes to arrive.
President G.W. and the Republican congress refused to increase SUV mileage several years ago, and only belatedly passed it this month when oil prices rose towards 70 dollars a barrel. Incidentally I predicted in discussions last year that oil prices would reach 100 dollars a barrel U.S.
On Recent Federal Macro-Economic Failure “Where Ricardo and Mill Rebut and Confirm Arguments of Mainstream Economists Supporting Globalization”
What are some of the problems the U.S. economy presents to voters now? For one thing the federal current accounts deficit is nearly 7% of the annual gross national product. There may be a half million jobs lost annually to outsourcing. Outsourcing white collar jobs is an increasing trend that may begin to affect more than the poorest quarter of the U.S. population that has so far born the brunt of the policy of globalization.
The administration and some broadcast networks have reported perhaps with pride that they have planned to allow enough illegal immigrants in the United States over the next few decades to change the racial mix of the nation to a majority of non-whites yet that its fine because the nation used to be (100%) non-white except for some Albs and Vikings mixed in...that should be a consolation to the aboriginal Americans that any sort of non-white is just the same generally as Amerindian ancestry, and a way to disregard the loss of comparative economic advantage to China and India because for the second and third world new majority dire poverty will be an improvement from starvation; These are interesting derivatives of national planned parenthood facticities.
As the price of oil continues to increase and Americans continue to motor about in their aloof middle class royalty life style with derision for the disadvantaged in the U.S., with indifference regarding porous borders, in failing to prevent the dumping of cheap immigrant labor in non-exportable semi-skilled labor markets in the U.S., they may consider the declining value of the dollar that will make Wal-Marts made in China goods less affordable for the working class, the increasing unwillingness of foreign banks and private investors to buy U.S. federal bonds to fund the federal deficits and federal policy of outsourcing blue and white collar jobs while failing to create equal or better replacement jobs.
The fundamental trouble is the failure of the administration to be more than a free-rider on global economics spending savings of accumulated advantage for present prosperity. Its policy of borrowing and non-creativity in the field of capitalism’s implicit policy of creative destruction ignores the real existential/empiricial macro-economic environmental opportunities that comprise and essential component of real-world economic opportunities. A nation that is fundamental stagnant, for instance in spending 268 billion on a backward looking bridges, potholes and of highway bill instead of forward looking mag-levways, fuel cell and power lines in highways for electric cars new-tech approach cannot expect the rest of the world to stand still as they advance and America comparatively declines. At least Americans can wait in line happily as they pay 100 dollars a barrel for oil perhaps next year, and ask for obsolete protectionist measures instead of a Japanese M.I.T.I. style motivation to implement perpetual leading-edge technological infrastructure revolution that creates jobs and comparative advantage with export synergy. The environment should be the inspiration and core of the empirical motivation to get beyond ossified macro-economic federal policy. federal budget deficit
President W. Bush Considers Iranian Nuclear Options
Pursue wind and solar power not nuclear
Iran should pursue construction of 300 foot tall air generators, hydrogen fuel cell clean and invisible when burning, fields of mirror solar power concentrators and voltaic panel construction for sale to Muslim nations for low-cost home power in poor regions of the planet awaiting the missionaries of home-produced independent electrical energy. Instead Iranian leadership has followed the Bush lead along the road to global risk from nuclear fallout ala Chernobyl in the event of any war or catastrophe that would creat6e a shortage of nuclear plant operators in effect allowing the plants to run wild to meltdown without human supervision. Because Jesus Christ cannot be utterly certain to return before or during the next international war or social disaster to rescue the damned to become radioactive short term profit victims from themselves, conservative leadership in politics would structure a Kyoto protocol exchange for nuclear power plant and weapons construction for alternative
renewable energy technology and material such as was made for the CO2 emissions of the global nations that the U.S. administration refused to sign.
Pres. W. might even bring about political trust by permitting nuclear weapon time-sharing from the haves to the have nots and thus obviate the need for nuclear weapons development programs. While this is a Strangelovian sort of option, there isn’t a real reason that is very valid why every Muslim nation should each development a nuclear weapons program and waste cash on that sort of idiocy.
If the cowardly broadcast networks targeting and repressing individual bloggers as if blogs were some sort of rich Ivy League lecture circuit instead of a web-addressed opportunity for expression of personal opinions that the cowardly broadcasters should protect and defend instead of attack are really concerned about a fair trade of time-sharing some nuclear warheads in return for destruction of nuclear plants signers to the plan could jointly participate in air missions to annihilate the nuclear plants, or government sponsored terrorists with the permission of the signer nations/governments could destroy them as a training exercise for the aardvark units to learn if they could pass on the information if given a phone number of other U.S. intelligence agencies or even the broadcast media (or my weblog).
With the U.S. energy policy being what it is, it is difficult to imagine a course that would dissuade Iran from continuing nuclear development. The administration may perceive Iran through crude oil eyes with the additional vision deformation of nuclear power plants becoming suitable for trans-national neo-corporatist/socialist control one day when the Iranian government is brought into line trans-nationally.
The administration is pursuing its ideal goals for trans-national profits of flooding the U.S.A. with low cost illegal workers and ill-educated next generation, preventing widespread growth of independent national home and auto power, creating a vast national debt for the wealthy to draw interest on (financing it), indenturing American workers in effect for a generation and subverting future environmental and energy independence etc. While the economics of the rich flourish the cost is to the environment of the globe that is renewable only so far, and should be considered as more than an economic externality remediable if necessary when the auditing of local governments really twists the arms of octopussi.
Tithing Mecca at The pump
If I recollect correctly Saudi Arabia is receiving about 200 million or more every day from the U.S.A., but what are the gas stations and other sales outlets receiving for handling the Saudi tribute? If one tries to make a purchase at many outlets of food or whatever the clerk very well might indignantly ask “No fuel!” One is virtually unpatriotic if independent from machine slave transporters for a short time. It is the era when skinny legged classes live at the top of the hill.
The trans-national policy cannot be to co-opt U.S. politics and labor through reliance on fossil fueled vehicles for life support units economically speaking for neo—corporatists employees. Since Row vs. Wade women have been a coinciding factor in the decline of labor unions and male wages in the U.S.A. While female earnings have gone up as they were used as union busters perhaps by the trans-nationals for 30 years male earnings have stagnated. The male leverage in unions upon trans-nationals was undermined by the ready and willing female work force that only wanted to subvert male earnings superiority.
While the upper classes may have been aware that women workers could be used to break up the tight negotiating relationship existing between male earners of the lower and middle classes and trans-national corporations, they did not fail to support the redistribution of the same portion of the income pie equally more or less between men and women. Their own upper class share increased dramatically the same 30 years, with female earnings of the upper classes rising too. I believe that less than one % of the U.S. population now own more than 8 percent of national wealth and income.
The only reason I mention this last point is that as an independent tradesman I sometime encounter U.S. female and even males that believe that any sort of male self-employment is inherently chauvinist. It’s a good leverage point for trans-nationals to quash independence and move the nation further toward neo-corporatism, a stagnant family household income, waves of cheap illegal workers to serve the easy working middle class perhaps with home improvement projects etc.
Over time reliance on foreign fuels, fossil fuels, illegal immigrants for dirty and cheap work, reliance on trans-nationals for employment (they’ll take care of you real good) and etc. may pay off deleteriously in the nation’s economic and political security. It’s not a good idea to have such and economic structure and also relies upon nuclear weapons and a huge defense budget for keeping on either. A better policy would be to take the lead in environmental conservation technologically and geographically, and lead the world toward a better environment with security for small businesspersons while getting the women to realize that its o.k. not to be molded by a transnational into some sort of ideal feminine or pimped role.
On the problem with the French; after the First World War the United States refused to sign the peace guarantee with France and signed a separate treaty with a new German government instead. France also asked for too much from Germany then. Clemenceau realized that American refusal to guarantee the peace after the First World War would inevitably lead to a round two. When the second brawl occurred and the 3rd Reich spilled over the border knocked by Hitler's fascist rhetoric into Paris there would be those that would look askance in the future toward a policy relying upon American political and military support for their security.
Clemenceau found their French Government as much to blame as the American for allowing Hitler to have so much rope.
Yet if Hitler hadn't been inclined for a quick invasion of Europe and North Africa, and had waited until nuclear weapons had been perfected possibly with the jet Messerschmitt too, it might have been bad for American international interests.
After the Second World War France pursued some rather importunate colonial retention policies, setting bad examples for the United States in Vietnam. France choose to get its own nuclear force de frappe and have an independent deterrence policy while being something of a neutral after a time regarding the cold war. It was a conservative policy in light of the French geographic location between the Soviet Union and the West. France pursued a non-belligerency policy with several nations and built a rapprochement with Germany.
France has worked toward a modern existentialist position internationally in recent years, willing to work with many nations through personal interactions instead of through traditional nationalist force as a military tool of confrontation. The United States after the second world war for a time was a dominant or nearly dominant economic power, but with its vast debts and refusal to move into a new energy base and transport modality synergistically coupled with environmentalism it has fallen into being the worlds greatest debtor nation relying upon international cheap labor to enrich it's trans-nationalist while producing cheap imported goods for domestic consumption on borrowed international currency from China, India and Japan essentially.
France shouldn't be an example for the U.S.A. of a decline into situationalist ethics, yet it should be an example for realpolitik. The United States and Russia have had a nuclear arms balance for nearly 60 years, yet when China becomes a major nuclear power and even equal it may radically destabilize that balance.
A disarmed non-nuclear world is an even more bizarre concept, since humanity is just as wicked as before the first and second wars, and conventional weapons, concentration camps and biocides could do a more complete job of human eradication that a nuclear exchange (what a term) I'd think.
Retire Shuttles to Space/Gravity
Some ideas include:
· 1) Refitting for space-station to lunar orbit shuttling
· 2) Relocation to L3 and L5 for emergency and storage shelters
· 3) Adaptation for deposit on the moon as shelters or spare parts clumps
· 4) Adapt a shuttle for permanent space orbit between Mars and Earth
N.A.S.A. should develop a recycling ethos using every piece of equipment, as did the plains Indians use every part of the buffalo.
It may be that all clumps of mass in the Universe can be given a value specifically representing there gravity, and that the combined values of all the stars, planets and other mass in the universe can be considered in relation to space, the curvature of space by gravity and if it will cluster/compact over the given area of space overcoming distance. Gravity, may exert its power upon a Higgs Field (or vice versa) underlying the universe, and that field or unknown field could be represented by a value called a ‘cosmological constant’ that supports the 4 dimensional appearance of curved space in a gravitational field: matter in the field just interacts with the properties of the field.
The Earth is the center of the Earth majority local gravitational field, and the moon is its major minority. Democracies may be designed to have rule by the poor, yet gravitational systems are ruled by relation to the Higgs field and the location of the mass relatively withon. The Earth’s G-Field value is contained within a metagravitational field with sundry levels of protocol, perhaps with an unknown ‘center’( inversely located in another universe perhaps) because of the latent superluminal potential of a Higgs Field (that is believed by some to have inflated the Universe in its own field characteristics at superluminal speed in the first ten to the negative 35th second of the existence of the Universe), and the contiguous interacting localities of the field interacting with mass and motion in the 4 dimensions to seem to be gravity.
Moving the space shuttles to final rest in Mars-Earth orbit or upon the Sea of Tranquility will require some intellectual heavy lifting by American scientists and engineers as well as contractors, yet overcoming the bureaucratic lethargy would be a worthwhile taxpayer exercise to get more bang for the buck.
Fed Neo-Corporatists Seige U.S. Library Readers Privacy
Administration policy to undermine American economic security and independence from trans-national control may be discerned in the application of a Trojan Horse modified Faketriot Act to allow slow learning federal thugs to discover what books intelligent readers are checking out of public libraries. One can always buy my books from the internet bookstores, of course, if too fearful of making the F.B.I.’s tope ten readers list.
Administration goals to grossly violate the nation’s right to read books from libraries without federal bureaucrats gaining knowledge of what books what citizens have read is consistent with the goals of wanna-be Banana Republic style dictators, Stalins, Hitlers, Idi Amins and neo-corporatist political pimps. They have the noise tool of media broadcasting that Ceasar regarded (hearing) as the most vulnerable of human senses; the media may brainwash and though program the masses ad nauses making more inroads for neo-Corporatist and federal control of private lives and private interests.
Presently many public libraries do not require an electronic smart card for computer use, and ask for no ID in some cities. A broad application of a Patriot Act to include all library records would be of no use at all in wiretapping the computers for communications in those cases, and is simply a specious Trojan horse pretext to put the neo-corporatists into the private intellectual capital data bases of all Library users.
Most federal judges would give the Department of Homeland Security wiretap warrants for public computers specifically used by terrorists. The administration seems to believe Congress such a collection of reformed drunks that it would simply dump all libraries into a universal bill tom outsource U.S. Privacy to neo-corporatist trans-nationals that are more of a danger to U.S. independence than the plain Saudi bombers that are affiliated with a family member of an investor in the President’s former oil business.
The trans-nationalist party has no right to know if a Patron reads Bill Clinton’s ‘My Lie’, George W. Bush’s ‘Workouts and Cookouts of Waco’, or ‘Oz’s Harrowing Potty’, politics and inventions require private reading without federal awareness. The broad application of a N.E. Patriot Act won’t be sweet to traditionalist revolutionaries in cowboy country able to read the constitution. Folks have bled for those rights and amendments that the administration assaults with ferocity. They shouldn’t be left to perish in a desert of imagination and infrastructure decay.
Making the F.B.I.'s Top Ten Readers List
The administration as a neo-corporatist power might seek to advantage ignorant and illiterate citizens that blindly follow with nose in the Elephant’s rear neo-corporatist will to drill oil, redistribute U.S. wealth to OPEC nations and consolidate the concentration of national wealth in one-tenth of one percent of the people of the United States for about 7% to perhaps 10% or 15%.
The administration allowed 538,000 jobs to be cut in the U.S.A. in the first half of 2005; many were good paying manufacturing jobs.
Gutting the spirit of the first amendment to survey the reading of all citizens that use public libraries may give trans-nationalists a boost up and identifying and subduing American intellectuals over the next 50 years—it’s a corrupt and dangerous practice that will do virtually nothing to discover the alleged Al Qa’eda bookworm.
In attacking the spirit of the first amendment the administration will need to monitor all college libraries to discover what biology students are reading up on pathogens, and physics students on nuclear and quantum mechanics and perhaps take them in for interrogation…yet the students are simply striving for that A grade I’d guess.
Al Qa’eda seems to utilize primary instruction facilities such as flight schools, and making suspects out of college students before any crime has been committed violates the essential premises of justice. If the Bush administration wasn’t so ignorant spiritually its actions might not be so untrusted as simple crude hatchet jobs on American civil liberties. There are better ways to make armadillo barbeque than to eliminate intellectual freedom in the U.S.A.
There are innumerable individuals that research any number of different reading materials in libraries for sundry reasons; anti-intellectuals with a list of dangerous books in government should not begin the process of intimidating library patrons, the government might reasonably ban all proscribed and potentially dangerous books from libraries in the U.S.A. instead of laying out snares that the unwary might step into and become the F.B.I.’s ‘armadillo stew’.
The administration usually isn’t so noted for what it does as for what it doesn’t do. The nation’s infrastructure is rotting and the federal expenses are largely transfer payments to neo-corporatists. At least the administration wasn’t able to get a tort ‘reform’ bill through congress and into law that would eliminate the citizen’s class action defenses against royally rich trans-national corporations that could just tramp with elephants feet all over the mousy citizens of the United States afraid to check out books on quantum mechanics, radiation, biology, engineering or whatever.
If the President’s desire to make trans-national corporations bullet proof were to be enacted international drug manufacturers might experiment with the U.S. public effectively with experimental drugs with potentially dangerous side effects, or even with biological control pharmaceuticals, and be quite free from concern about punitive class action lawsuits.
Some Existential Criteria of Epistemology, Cosmology and Belief
A few words about philosophy in general would be in order first, I suppose...
The universe has one basic issue that philosophers have addressed for 3000 it made of one substance, and is it thus monistic? Can there be different basic substances; that is can there be a true pluralism, and is that even logical?
If there were two absolutely different substances, or unified fields in modern terms of physics, would it require different universes for each to be in, of, as?
God as three persons in the Christian's trinity recognizes the implicit oneness and pluralism that is paralleled in the essential requirements for the existence of objects in this universe that are simultaneously just one substance in many forms. Non-Christians have trouble historically digressing into worship of the forms and not God for-himself through his designated agent of salvation Jesus Christ.
It is notable that three objects are required if one is tow describe relative motion of any sort of objects at all.
Physics postulates just one unified field, perhaps all the stars and galaxies of the Universe and possible adjacent universes are various temporal forms of it that one could call 'objects' comprising a contingent in-protocol, hierarchical pluralism. Everything that exists in this universe follows from the creation or source as well as the ongoing unified physical field that supports it.
Some physicists would delete any mention or investigation of a purposeful creation of the Universe from their thought. They would deny that there could be any way to examine the veracity of their notions, and allow an intrinsic and cultivated bias to grow into economic and political realms of support for atheist ascendancy on earth. They would limit cosmological though to somewhat contiguous observable events and eliminate virtually any references from physics that could lead into questions or considerations with the criterion of an intelligent designer of this Universe that has given actual guidelines and rules for the users of it.
Ratiocination and rationality implicitly occur within an existential criterion of being. Individuals think and make categorical judgments within that criterion. Positive rewards or feedback regarding correspondence of hypothesis, observational testing and conclusion guide trust in the veracity of the rational paradigm. One must provide a metaphysical leap of faith without sound empirical basis in order to give anything other than a temporary and conditional, subjective value to the results of whatever belief one has tested and found a conclusion for. It is not possible to give some sort of absolute or transcendent truth value to subjective, empirical beliefs. Testable hypothesis simply provide answers to problems in such a way that one can say that the results are functional or effective in the present criterion empirically or existentially.
One should be aware that paleontologists speculated that life began on Earth 2600 million years before present, while the time of the age of the Biblical patriarchs from Adam to Noah after the flood, multiplied by Peter's value of one day to God being equal to a thousand years is about 2500 million years before present. Adamas in Semitic languages such as Arabic meant 'brown dirt' initially.
One can review the pre-Socratic philosophers set the agenda for much of the next 2700 years of speculation about the cosmos. Incidentally recently I wrote a book named 'Creation and Cosmos; The Literal Values of Genesis'.
The page just went down today for a while; I got a warning from the physics forum yesterday about mentioning the word 'intelligent design'...some may have an unwonted bias for dumb design or natural gift universe with mankind at the top of the evolutionary rung in the Universe unchallenged by the existence anyone smarter, more powerful and good.
Aristotle invented classical logic, yet it wasn't until the 19th century that Frege invented symbolic logic. That allowed linguistic philosophy to develop including some researches about language and the nature of language use in science; thus in and out are subjective terms and not absolute values (one is always simultaneously in one thing and out of something else I suppose.
God in the Bible has indicated that the supreme value for human beings seems to be one of relationships and especially with Him rather than in the mass or energy of the universe. There was a philosopher named C.D. Broad that wrote a book titled 'The Mind and It's Place in Nature', yet that was nearly a hundred years ago and much advances in learning has occurred. Mind is a co evolutionary product of mass energy with the ability to transcend aspects of being for-itself with creative thought. It's realm of existence is the brain and environment proximally adjacent, yet the entire universe is cut of one cloth and mind/brain is influenced by things from gravity to temperature, cosmic travel speed and etc. A soul is the entire phenomena of a human life being alive. God has the coordinates to reassemble it should be choose to someday.
Some questions hit the beach of many topics that require years to learn more about, just mentioning Kant and the Critique of Pure Reason as well as P.F. Strawson's 'Individuals'. You might read the neo-Platonist writer Plotinus for an idea about the similarity between mystic experiences of Greeks of the 7th century in order to compare it to the priestly notions from the Vedas regarding the nature of God. I recommend always keeping a little Gideon’s Bible with you for life.
Now to these other topic...
Philosophical Criteria of Cosmology and Mass Acceleration
... regarding the nature of the cosmos. One might simply leave off Universal speculations of ultimate causes with a Brahman style attribution of an ultimate Being of which temporal phenomena are pluralistic and contingent, yet that would be un- (knowledge)scientific and unnecessary.
I’d like to address the question of the nature of God as developed in various faiths on the subject of monotheism briefly. The object of thought about one universal God obviously would tend to elicit similar conceptual development regarding His nature. One may discern in the forerunner of the Hindu religion and the Vedas a development of the notion of Brahman that isn’t entirely dissimilar from the Christian/Jewish ideas about the nature of God. There is one God in each, yet the Christians have three persona or protocol facts of God that are the way human beings incarnate in-the-world relate to the Creator.
The transcendent God of the Hindu belief was originally though of as a transcendent being that is the ground of everything for-himself. He is a Universal deity that allows various temporal forms to exist. He created the universe and world, yet it is contingent being dependent upon His absolute reality. That isn’t too different from the metatheological Christian ideas about God. In fact the Muslim idea of God isn’t very dissimilar either in the monotheistic conception, yet Hinduism over time has added a lot of ‘clutter’ or complicating ancillary elements to the original simple faith as one might expect. Christians have Jesus Christ as the one simple way to relate directly to God and surpass the temporal ‘Maya’ or contingent being of the temporal experience that is fraught with evil pervasively in the form of original sin (a missing the mark of perfection). In the temporal world all must be imperfect and decay with life and death built upon the changes. In an eventual heaven in a perfected realm eternity and perfection will prevail under the guidance of Jesus Christ directly.
In the world theories of knowledge are used in various criteria situations. Some scientists may be dependent upon economic allegiance to atheism form promotions and a priori close out metaphysical and epistemological speculations. That inherent bias is paradoxically similar to some of the middle age sectarian biases against some modernizations of cosmology.
Kant's idea of noumenality may have recognized implicitly the limits that chemical reactions transforming photons and field data into images have; that is vision and perhaps even ratiocination is probably delimited by the criterion of human experience within the Universe...what does a forest look like for-itself when no one is there.
I would not here over-emphasize and stress the points about conjecture that reach into synthetic selection by extra-universal beings of universes that comprise aspects of the unified field of potential and actual universes should they would be far in advance of present science perhaps to conjecture about what displacement effect the creation of new universes would have on existing universes.
Especially if extra dimension of super-string theory are still theoretical, though there are tests for gravity in extra dimensions pending I recollect, it would be difficult to place ideas about extra-universes and dimensions into testable contexts. Even so...From a philosophical point of view the reversibility of time's order as a physical possibility that recognizes the isotropy of time. The second law of thermodynamics that makes an initial low order of entropy and highest ordered state of a theoretical singularity at a big bang the most probable origin for the flow of mass and time apparently does not require that time flow in a forward direction. Many or most quantum mechanical processes would work equally well mirrored the opposite way. Anti-matter may be isotropically spinning particles (thee was a recent article in Scientific American on that subject).
Pre-big bang conjecture's regarding various infinities as methods to avoid the implausible conundrum of an absolute non-Deistic first cause are aspects of the present ground of speculation available for ordinary social consideration.
The limits to mass acceleration toward light speed with the associated conversion and relations of mass and energy are implicit aspects of the criterion that ordinary people want to consider in order to learn of the nature of the Unified Field that comprises the cosmos. It’s been speculated that the hyper-inflating universe expanded faster than light for a fraction of a second and that allows for the size and age characteristics to be reconciled doesn't it? The Higgs Field allowed light and gravity to exist later when it slowed down to sub-light speed.
Of course I haven't written that well, I was remembering some of the recent popular works such as 'The Fabric of the Cosmos' that have made some interesting points on the area, and hoped to clarify the reason why I wondered about the associated characteristics of mass accelerating with gravity, extra-dimensions and energy.
Gravity rather than being a thing for-itself seems to be a description of the effects that various forms of energy have and how they react or relate in various speed/time configurations? Time, speed of energy and mass of this universe probably have a different nature for-themselves than for-human perceptions and experience within the unified field.
As mass is accelerated toward light speed it may be assumed that relativistic effects give mass toward it perhaps from some field. Yet mass moved toward light speed isn't generally considered from a super-string or M-Theory paradigm is it? It would seem to me, just logically (I enjoy symbolic logic yet that isn't very useful here) that one might infer that mass could force itself into micro-dimensions with the extra speed in part, and that the energy required to accelerate the mass isn't solely the cause of extra mass being added to it to move it toward an infinite value.
The nature of infinities in physical cosmology seems quite interesting and a benefit rather than a detriment to thought experimentation regarding the convertibility of matter and energy within dimensions of time and space.
URL= Intersecting p-brane Solutions in Multidimensional Gravity and M-Theory/URL
Matter or mass seems to have the least speed and the most time. Planets, neutron stars and black holes lead a way toward infinities as they develop infinite qualities for-themselves in increasing mass and ability to apparently affect or curve space-dimensions and time.
I suppose one would like to get an A on a report card if Elijah every returns in a cosmic chariot and asks what one has learned or speculated about macro-cosmology (the universal field, like the Kingdom of God lies within it is written).
Just the few, the pre-destined, and the determined get through all of the physics instruction need for that, but that isn't an excuse for slackers to summarily dismiss interest in cosmology.
It isn't known, so far as I'm aware, if the changing forms of the cosmos within the dimension of time comprises an absolute or necessary characteristic of beingness, yet it is required for the form of life that gives rise to intelligence in the context known on Earth.
URL= Three Dimensional Gravity and M-Theory/URL
I didn't want to go too far out in speculating about wormholes (Paul Davies wrote a book on 'How to Build A Time Machine') and or other forms of life, I enjoy writing science fiction and need to build up enough intellectual capital to create some synthetic approaches of potential interest while simultaneously writing some speculative philosophical cosmology.
With intelligent design such a primary aspect of human life on Earth, it would seem against the probabilities to preclude the search or consideration of intelligent design from analytical criteria developed to research or just search the philosophical nature of the Universe. If intelligent life ever existed in any potential universe, and if it did not destroy itself, the learning of physics and cosmology would probably advance it to the stage of intelligently designing universes for-themselves, and of course, I believe that Jesus Christ created this particular one, though that’s an apparent non sequiter for atheists.
The anthropic principle has been treated by some rather well in recent years, yet shouldn't it be a criteria for examining uncertainty at the cosmic scale, as well as a criteria of forming paradigmata for quantum mechanics and unknown macro-cosmic 'borders' that escape definition such as do black holes? What if Shakespeare was correct in writing in Hamlet that all the world's a stage...and in this universe instance it was designed by intelligent beings for some unknown would be silly to just rule out the possibility that the magnificent universe could not possibly be artificially designed and constructed.
URL= The Anthropic Principle
Philosophical Criteria of Cosmology and Mass Accelleration
I’d like to addressthe question of the nature of God as developed in various faiths on the subject of monotheism briefly. The object of thought about one universal God obviously would tend to elicit similar conceptual development regarding His nature. One may discern in the forerunner of the Hindu religion and the vedas a development of the notion of Brahman that isn’t entirely dissimilar from the Chrisitian/jewish ideas about the nature of God. There is one God in each, yet the Christians have three persona or protocol facts of God that are the way human beings incarnarte in-the-world relate to the Creator.
The transcendent God of the Hindu belief was originally though of as a trancendent being that is the ground of everything for-himself. He is a Universal diety that allows various temporal forms to exist. He created the universe and world, yet it is contingent being dependent upon His absolute reality. That isn’t too different from the metatheological Christian ideas about God. In fact the Muslim idea of God isn’t very dissimilar either inn nthe montheistic conception, yet Hinduism over time has added a lot of ‘clutter’ or complicating ancillary elemnts to the original simple faith as one might expect. Christians have Jesus Christ as the one simple way to relate directly to God and surpass the temporal ‘maya’ or contingent being of the temporal experience that is fraught with evil pervasively in hthe form of original sin (a missing the mark of perfection). In the temporal world all must be imperfect and decay with life and death built upon the changes. In an eventual heaven in a perfected realm eternity and perfection will prevail under the guidance of Jesus Christ directly.
In the world theories of knowledge are used in various criterial situations. Some scientists may be dependent upon economic allegiance to athewism form promotions and a prioewi close out metaphysical a nd epistemological speculations. That inherent bias is paradoxically similar to some of the middle age sectarian biases against some modernizations of cosmology.Kant's idea of noumenality may have recognized implicitly the limits that chemical reactions transforming photons and field data into images have; that is vision and perhaps even ratiocination is probably delimited by the criterion of human experience within the Universe...what does a forest look like for-itself when no one is there.I would not here over-emphasize and stress the points about conjecture that reach into synthetic selection by extra-universal beings of universes that comprise aspects of the unified field of potential and actual universes should they exist...
It would be far in advance of present science perhaps to conjecture about what displacement effect the creation of new universes would have on existing universes.Especially if extra dimension of super-string theory are still theoretical, though there are tests for gravity in extra dimensions pending I recollect, it would be difficult to place ideas about extra-universes and dimensions into testable contexts. Even so...
From a philosophical point of view the reversibility of time's order as a physical possibility that recognizes the isotropy of time. The second law of thermodynamics that makes an initial low order of entropy and highest ordered state of a theoretical singularity at a big bang the most probable origin for the flow of mass and time apparently does not require that time flow in a forward direction. Many or most quantum mechanical processes would work equally well mirrored the opposite way. Anti-matter may be isotroptically spinning particles (thee was a recent article in Scientific American on that subject)
Pre-big bang conjecture's regarding various infinities as methods to avoid the implausible conundrum of an absolute non-Deistic first cause are aspects of the present ground of speculation available for ordinary social consideration.
The limits to mass acceleration toward light speed with the associated conversion and relations of mass and energy are implicit aspects of the criterion that ordinary people want to consider in order to learn of the nature of the Unified Field that comprises the cosmos. It’s been speculated that the hyper-inflating universe expanded faster than light for a fraction of a second and that allows for the size and age characteristics to be reconciled doesn't it? The Higgs Field allowed light and gravity to exist later when it slowed down to sub-light speed.Of course I haven't written that well, I was remembering some of the recent popular works such as 'The Fabric of the Cosmos' that have made some interesting points on the area, and hoped to clarify the reason why I wondered about the associated characteristics of mass accelerating with gravity, extra-dimensions and energy.Gravity rather than being a thing for-itself seems to be a description of the effects that various forms of energy have and how they react or relate in various speed/time configurations? Time, speed of energy and mass of this universe probably have a different nature for-themselves than for-human perceptions and experience within the unified field.
As mass is accelerated toward light speed it may be assumed that relativistic effects give mass toward it perhaps from some field. Yet mass moved toward light speed isn't generally considered from a super-string or M-Theory paradigm is it? It would seem to me, just logically (I enjoy symbolic logic yet that isn't very useful here) that one might infer that mass could force itself into micro-dimensions with the extra speed in part, and that the energy required to accelerate the mass isn't solely the cause of extra mass being added to it to move it toward an infinite value.The nature of infinities in physical cosmology seems quite interesting and a benefit rather than a detriment to thought experimentation regarding the convertibility of matter and energy within dimensions of time and space.
'Intersecting p-brane Solutions in Multidimensional Gravity and M-theory'--
Matter or mass seems to have the least speed and the most time. Planets, neutron stars and black holes lead a way toward infinities as they develop infinite qualities for-themselves in increasing mass and ability to apparently affect or curve space-dimensions and time.I suppose one would like to get an A on a report card if Elija every returns in a cosmic chariot and asks what one has learned or speculated about macro-cosmology (the universal field, like the Kingdom of God lies within it is written).Just the few, the pre-destined, and the determined get through all of the physics instruction need for that, but that isn't an excuse for slackers to summarily dismiss interest in cosmology.***It isn't known, so far as I'm aware, if the changing forms of the cosmos within the dimension of time comprises an absolute or necessary characteristic of beingness, yet it is required for the form of life that gives rise to intelligence in the context known on Earth.
Three Dimensional Gravity and M-Theory-- didn't want to go too far out in speculating about wormholes (Paul Davies wrote a book on 'How to Build A Time Machine') and or other forms of life, I enjoy writing science fiction and need to build up enough intellectual capital to create some synthetic approaches of potential interest while simultaneously writing some speculative philosophical cosmology.With intelligent design such a primary aspect of human life on Earth, it would seem against the probabilities to preclude the search or consideration of intelligent design from analytical criteria developed to research or just search the philosophical nature of the Universe. If intelligent life ever existed in any potential universe, and if it did not destroy itself, the learning of physics and cosmology would probably advance it to the stage of intelligently designing universes for-themselves, and of course, I believe that Jesus Christ created this particular one, though that’s an apparent non sequiter for atheists.
The anthropic principle has been treated by some rather well in recent years, yet shouldn't it be a criteria for examining uncertainty at the cosmic scale, as well as a criteria of forming paradigmata for quantum mechanics and unknown macro-cosmic 'borders' that escape definition such as do black holes? What if Shakespeare was correct in writing in Hamlet that all the world's a stage...and in this universe instance it was designed by intelligent beings for some unknown would be silly to just rule out the possibility that the magnificent universe could not possibly be artificially designed and constructed.
The Anthropic Principle
Creation and Cosmos; The Literal Values of Genesis
Tegmark, Greene, Multiverse, Mass and 'Sticky' Gravity Increasing toward Light Speed
If it is possible in theory to create a wormhole to another space-time and 'birth' a pre-designed universe one-day, or if such was already done and universes created by intelligent design came to dominate a finite number of universes through a process of natural selection perhaps better known as synthetic selection (because of the intelligence factor), how would those synthetically designed universes fit into the overall field on universes comprising the natural endowment of universes?
Would synthetic universes displaces pre-exisiting universes potentially?
On a derivative question...Is the Higgs Field underlying the Universe, or are the extra dimensions believed to form a contiguous substratum for it, the cause for the limit on light speed for mass?
Does mass accellerating to light speed completely detach from the extra dimensions and then become infinitely heavy by associating with the dimensions of this universes soley while temporarily severing ties with the extra dimensions, or vice versa?
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