
President W. Bush Considers Iranian Nuclear Options


Military 'intelligence'/Aardvark Spooks and 9-11 terrorist cell secrets
With the startling news that a military intelligence secret aardvark unit learned of Muhammad Atta/boys secret New York City terrorist cell before 9-11 but were afraid to let the F.B.I. know for fear of violating the military’s strict don’t ask, don’t tell policy and possibly the constitutional lift and separate provisions one must wonder what secret protocols have informed Iran’s decisions to break the U.N. seals on it’s nuclear power plants and renew nuclear power development following the Bush administration’s signing into law the Energy bill with vast pork incentives for nuclear power plant construction and fossil fuel development. The Highway Bill to hell is paved with asphalt intentions.

Pursue wind and solar power not nuclear
Iran should pursue construction of 300 foot tall air generators, hydrogen fuel cell clean and invisible when burning, fields of mirror solar power concentrators and voltaic panel construction for sale to Muslim nations for low-cost home power in poor regions of the planet awaiting the missionaries of home-produced independent electrical energy. Instead Iranian leadership has followed the Bush lead along the road to global risk from nuclear fallout ala Chernobyl in the event of any war or catastrophe that would creat6e a shortage of nuclear plant operators in effect allowing the plants to run wild to meltdown without human supervision. Because Jesus Christ cannot be utterly certain to return before or during the next international war or social disaster to rescue the damned to become radioactive short term profit victims from themselves, conservative leadership in politics would structure a Kyoto protocol exchange for nuclear power plant and weapons construction for alternative

renewable energy technology and material such as was made for the CO2 emissions of the global nations that the U.S. administration refused to sign.

Pres. W. might even bring about political trust by permitting nuclear weapon time-sharing from the haves to the have nots and thus obviate the need for nuclear weapons development programs. While this is a Strangelovian sort of option, there isn’t a real reason that is very valid why every Muslim nation should each development a nuclear weapons program and waste cash on that sort of idiocy.

Those cowardly broadcasters of hel
On this above point I should remark that some of the broadcast media of hel will bite on it. To digress; that amoral and cowardly broadcast media desire simply to have power on everything through intimidation, and believe that saturation broadcast control even of everyone's blog ideas is within their right. In their bent, amoral 'reasoning' that is usually simply critical and devoid of positive thought nuclear proliferation by myriad new weapons producers is better than any time-sharing of a few finite numbered weapons in return for non-production of more fissile materials. For the amoral media macho posturing regardless of consequence is always better than reasoned arms reduction and non-proliferation because the broadcast powers of the trans-nationals do rely upon the fundamental nuclear arms cache of the U.S. Government to back up their belligerency. To circulate a few warheads from the Pakistani's ample supply in a controlled and monitored way between a few Muslim nations would be better in my opinion than unlimited rogue nuclear weapons development such as the media of hel would prefer as exists at present. Does anyone really want to use the blasted things anyway?

If the cowardly broadcast networks targeting and repressing individual bloggers as if blogs were some sort of rich Ivy League lecture circuit instead of a web-addressed opportunity for expression of personal opinions that the cowardly broadcasters should protect and defend instead of attack are really concerned about a fair trade of time-sharing some nuclear warheads in return for destruction of nuclear plants signers to the plan could jointly participate in air missions to annihilate the nuclear plants, or government sponsored terrorists with the permission of the signer nations/governments could destroy them as a training exercise for the aardvark units to learn if they could pass on the information if given a phone number of other U.S. intelligence agencies or even the broadcast media (or my weblog).

With the U.S. energy policy being what it is, it is difficult to imagine a course that would dissuade Iran from continuing nuclear development. The administration may perceive Iran through crude oil eyes with the additional vision deformation of nuclear power plants becoming suitable for trans-national neo-corporatist/socialist control one day when the Iranian government is brought into line trans-nationally.

Vulnerable nuclear plants need operators that could disappear in wars
Cluster micro-cruise missiles, terrorist attacks, designer genetic meltdown plagues and a variety of wicked worldly ways may reduce nuclear plant operator population someday. Iran could export alternative energy technology and produce cash if the administration is laggard and recalcitrant to liberate its people from an expensive, dirty fuel and lead the way to low-cost, clean, safe, independently produced home power.the administration's goals fulfilled of making America a cheap labor force in debt to transnationals

The administration is pursuing its ideal goals for trans-national profits of flooding the U.S.A. with low cost illegal workers and ill-educated next generation, preventing widespread growth of independent national home and auto power, creating a vast national debt for the wealthy to draw interest on (financing it), indenturing American workers in effect for a generation and subverting future environmental and energy independence etc. While the economics of the rich flourish the cost is to the environment of the globe that is renewable only so far, and should be considered as more than an economic externality remediable if necessary when the auditing of local governments really twists the arms of octopussi.

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