
On Recent Federal Macro-Economic Failure

Nobel laureate Paul Samuleson wrote in 2004 that international trade can create ‘dead weight’ losses for the U.S. economy (not a quote of Mr. Samuelson). U.S. political leadership seems to have developed the habit of lowing along on inertial power advantages that go to trans-national corporations many of which are American. Since Business Weeks December 2006 issue on the potential pitfalls in American economic leadership has the administration changed it’s policies at all, no.?

http://ideas.repec.org/a/aea/jecper/v18y2004i3p135-146.html “Where Ricardo and Mill Rebut and Confirm Arguments of Mainstream Economists Supporting Globalization”


What are some of the problems the U.S. economy presents to voters now? For one thing the federal current accounts deficit is nearly 7% of the annual gross national product. There may be a half million jobs lost annually to outsourcing. Outsourcing white collar jobs is an increasing trend that may begin to affect more than the poorest quarter of the U.S. population that has so far born the brunt of the policy of globalization.

The administration and some broadcast networks have reported perhaps with pride that they have planned to allow enough illegal immigrants in the United States over the next few decades to change the racial mix of the nation to a majority of non-whites yet that its fine because the nation used to be (100%) non-white except for some Albs and Vikings mixed in...that should be a consolation to the aboriginal Americans that any sort of non-white is just the same generally as Amerindian ancestry, and a way to disregard the loss of comparative economic advantage to China and India because for the second and third world new majority dire poverty will be an improvement from starvation; These are interesting derivatives of national planned parenthood facticities.

As the price of oil continues to increase and Americans continue to motor about in their aloof middle class royalty life style with derision for the disadvantaged in the U.S., with indifference regarding porous borders, in failing to prevent the dumping of cheap immigrant labor in non-exportable semi-skilled labor markets in the U.S., they may consider the declining value of the dollar that will make Wal-Marts made in China goods less affordable for the working class, the increasing unwillingness of foreign banks and private investors to buy U.S. federal bonds to fund the federal deficits and federal policy of outsourcing blue and white collar jobs while failing to create equal or better replacement jobs.

The fundamental trouble is the failure of the administration to be more than a free-rider on global economics spending savings of accumulated advantage for present prosperity. Its policy of borrowing and non-creativity in the field of capitalism’s implicit policy of creative destruction ignores the real existential/empiricial macro-economic environmental opportunities that comprise and essential component of real-world economic opportunities. A nation that is fundamental stagnant, for instance in spending 268 billion on a backward looking bridges, potholes and of highway bill instead of forward looking mag-levways, fuel cell and power lines in highways for electric cars new-tech approach cannot expect the rest of the world to stand still as they advance and America comparatively declines. At least Americans can wait in line happily as they pay 100 dollars a barrel for oil perhaps next year, and ask for obsolete protectionist measures instead of a Japanese M.I.T.I. style motivation to implement perpetual leading-edge technological infrastructure revolution that creates jobs and comparative advantage with export synergy. The environment should be the inspiration and core of the empirical motivation to get beyond ossified macro-economic federal policy.

http://www.kowaldesign.com/budget/ federal budget deficit

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