
Fed Neo-Corporatists Seige U.S. Library Readers Privacy

The Attorney General said Sunday the Fed’s desire to completely violate library patron privacy and violate the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution categorically is an effort to surveil or plant spyuware on public library computers potential used by terrorists to disrupt their communication infrastructure by denying the use of libraries as ‘safe havens’ for terrorists and as a collateral target, American intellectuals; private citizens building intellectual capital in privacy and other non-subjugated minions of trans-national neo-corporatism walloing in an oily tradition of Benito Mussolini.

Administration policy to undermine American economic security and independence from trans-national control may be discerned in the application of a Trojan Horse modified Faketriot Act to allow slow learning federal thugs to discover what books intelligent readers are checking out of public libraries. One can always buy my books from the internet bookstores, of course, if too fearful of making the F.B.I.’s tope ten readers list.

Administration goals to grossly violate the nation’s right to read books from libraries without federal bureaucrats gaining knowledge of what books what citizens have read is consistent with the goals of wanna-be Banana Republic style dictators, Stalins, Hitlers, Idi Amins and neo-corporatist political pimps. They have the noise tool of media broadcasting that Ceasar regarded (hearing) as the most vulnerable of human senses; the media may brainwash and though program the masses ad nauses making more inroads for neo-Corporatist and federal control of private lives and private interests.

Presently many public libraries do not require an electronic smart card for computer use, and ask for no ID in some cities. A broad application of a Patriot Act to include all library records would be of no use at all in wiretapping the computers for communications in those cases, and is simply a specious Trojan horse pretext to put the neo-corporatists into the private intellectual capital data bases of all Library users.

Most federal judges would give the Department of Homeland Security wiretap warrants for public computers specifically used by terrorists. The administration seems to believe Congress such a collection of reformed drunks that it would simply dump all libraries into a universal bill tom outsource U.S. Privacy to neo-corporatist trans-nationals that are more of a danger to U.S. independence than the plain Saudi bombers that are affiliated with a family member of an investor in the President’s former oil business.

The trans-nationalist party has no right to know if a Patron reads Bill Clinton’sMy Lie’, George W. Bush’sWorkouts and Cookouts of Waco’, or ‘Oz’s Harrowing Potty’, politics and inventions require private reading without federal awareness. The broad application of a N.E. Patriot Act won’t be sweet to traditionalist revolutionaries in cowboy country able to read the constitution. Folks have bled for those rights and amendments that the administration assaults with ferocity. They shouldn’t be left to perish in a desert of imagination and infrastructure decay.

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