
Junior Won't be Left Holding Rove's Swag Bag

Carl Rove, the President’s Chief of Staff may have gone over the edge in the tradition of Haldeman and Erlichman to use crime for political purposes. Yek what did the President know, and when did he know it?

With the President’s party firmly in control of both houses of Congress the President need not worry about the appointment of a special prosecutor to discover if his Chief of Staff perpetrated a possible felony act to violate national security and divulge the identity of a C.I.A. operative married to Ambassador Wilson that said in an out of goose-step way an African nation wasn’t a source of uranium to the former dictator and irrepressible democidalist leader of Iraq Saddam Hussein. Instead the President, whom may be an accomplice to the felony violation of law that his Chief Rover is associated with perpetrating, can relax at least until after the general election in 2006.

The nation should be aware of the danger in electing a congress that is of the same party as the President; he basically cannot be impeached even if his Chief of Staff stole the family jewels of Mayor Daley and Senator Kennedion.

President Nixon had a far more challenging term of office that did the boomer version of Bush the Elder. Two lame boomer presidents in sequence leads this writer to wonder if the nation can survive a third without continuing moral, infrastructural, financial and security decay. What would John Edwards do if in the President’s shoes, play dumb and count on trans-national corporate advisers to hold sway over public opinion?

In this era when anyone can write on the internet and in effect be a journalist, it is dubious that trans-national corporate employees naming themselves ‘journalists’ should have an exemption from testimony in criminal investigations behind a rubric of ‘free speech’ or some similar dissimulation of constitutional intent. A special citizenship right to exemption from testifying before a grand jury should not be given to trans-national corporatists that can receive a ‘leak’ from any hypothetical treacherous source in government or organized crime. Anyone that rights a blog should have a similar right under the constitutional right to ‘free hearing’ as the trans-nationalists have with CNN, ABC, The AP and so forth.

Must one have a college degree to be qualified as a journalist or employed by a trans-national? Why should hard-working ordinary Americans be denied the right to award themselves the appellation of ‘journalist’. If anyone interested in becoming a journalist with recognition by an agency that I will create if enough people are interested, just buy a copy of each of my books at http://www.lulu.com/garycgibson and email me with your name and address and proof of purchase (offer void where prohibited; expiration August 1, 2005).

Don’t start expecting President Bush to start singing ‘Swing Low Sweet Chariot’ right away; it’s unlikely that Chief Rove will emerge from behind the cloak of separation of powers to frankly talk about his role if any in risking the career and life of the spook that was shot in the back by some treacherous rat in the administration possibly.

Seriously though Joseph Stalin probably was the first savage to use psychiatric labels for political control, and crimes by politicians have needed to assume a cloak of plausible deniability as media coverage increased at least until the media became corrupted itself. G.W. Bush hasn’t the intellect to originate Nixonian scale civil rights egresses, yet the Patriot Act be exploited by some administration officials to violate civil rights for political purposes; who can say? It’s hard to imagine President Bush as a James Cagney sort of guy, yet one would like the President to say it isn’t so with some credibility even so.

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