
4th of July, History and National Character

"Kerry saw very little action in Vietnam, and labored mightily to get sent stateside, probably on a Section 8 psych waiver (his records are sealed).

Back home Kerry's anti-war activities were financed by the Soviet KGB. At the very least, Kerry was a "useful idiot" of communism."

Well, on this last Talk of the Nation thread, I suppose I need something to write about, and as usual Mr. X has provided one of the best topics to write about

Senator Kerry's military record should be covered by the American Disabilities Act if he did have some sort of sopological disorder, yet he probably was sent stateside because of his well-known third Purple Heart award that is a qualifier for the big PX. On the 2nd of July it is better to honor the nation's veterans, rather than to dishonor Silver Star winners with dubious qualifications, self-indicted war-criminal alumni and several months up the river drawing Viet Cong AK 47 and mortar fire.

Actually Moshe Dayan's tour of Vietnam was more interesting. He observed a Korean Company that had been attacked by 3 battalions of N. Vietnamese Regulars, and noted that the U.S. launched 21,000 artillery shells in the field in front of the Korean positions to thwart the NVA assault...more than 250 dead were left on the battlefield.

Dayan seemed to believe that American tactics were to just discover where the VC were at, and then blast them with mass firepower including the B-52's. Moshe went along with an air mobile U.S. battalion operation to land in the area where VC were reportedly at, and observed that one role of the combat patrols was to serve as 'bait' to draw enemy fire whereat the superior firepower could be directed. Dayan thought that U.S. policy was to use an incredible amount of firepower to demoralize the enemy and produce casualties, while simultaneously bombing the North. Instead of a real military tactic to win, the U.S. plan was to accomplish a psychological victory over the communist forces.

Mr. Dayan observed the action as a 'journalist’ and within a few months was again leader of the Israeli Defense portfolio in battle against the Egyptian led combined forces of Jordan, Syria, Iraq and Egypt.

Today American policy in Iraq has set its own course, yet fortunately kept out of the overwhelming numbers of troops approach to victory; Israel always had fewer numbers than the opposition forces yet did o.k. And to stop terrorist infiltrators the army often sent out ambushes in the nights to stop probably infiltration routes from being safe.

I would not be the first to say that Americans are spoiled, prosperous, vicious, corrupt and etc. pertaining to people they deem it useful to victimize, so their is no point in adding anything to that. Yet it isn't the American character as a prosperous lot living on social inheritance that leads the nation into paths pioneered by the decadent Roman Empire and even Republic in giving up right reasoning on foreign policy. The insularity from decency and intelligent though follows the spoiling with comfort of the people and without special effort to overcome the inertial sloth of prosperity and power decline and fall is a usual course for civilizations to take.

When one has a vast comfortable middle class willing to exploit illegal alien labor, convinced with all the power of prosperity and greed, lust for power and worldly advantage that they should all be ahead of everyone else, and have a class right to victimize whoever it's useful to victimize, a lot of daft college graduates and people with class sinecures and double family earner high incomes naturally tend to desire to extend their class power universally following a blind course of will.

The nation of course has an expensive volunteer Army, yet Americans are obviously reluctant to serve in during war while upper class interests bully them about to get transnational wealth while running up a federal budget deficit. At the core of the Iraq issue Americans would be serving a valid moral cause to secure the peace for Iraq, yet President Bush must instead appeal to a motive for war such as protecting America from terrorism that has a ring of bogusness to it, because Americans when cognizant of foreign affairs have the crude, blunt mass firepower approach to it, and if the ignorant foreigners don't like our glorious peace and democracy, uf da!

These are somewhat bad years in the United States, and if poor, one can't just 'love it or leave it', pursuing one's enlightened self-interest abroad isn't cheap for some Americans these days, and Americans aren't so welcome in many areas if they require work I think.

The administration has a blunt fossil fuel hammer the electorate approach assuring prosperity for the neo-corporatist oil crowd, and assuring an obsolescent infrastructure for the nation. Neither party would utilize rational alternative health care for the poor as I'd written about earlier, nor do they seek to fundamentally liberate the people from reliance on corporate fuels for transport either, when solar power, wind power, battery technology, power lines in roads and fuel cell technology could easily lead in the direction of home-produced power.

No it is no wonder that people tend to resist the beef-fed egoists that can develop in a nation as prosperous as the United States. It is amazing that it has a grace of Go d quality dumb luck in surviving so long in reasonably good shape, and then good women like Justice O’Connor retire, heavens!

American domestic and foreign policy is set by some rather aloof and comfortable people that generally have never experienced protracted adult poverty nor social adversity to an extent needed to create a desire for improving the national infrastructure nor social opportunities with a purpose. Americans may be somewhat like the Indians that were drowned out by foreign interests, in that exfiltrating jobs and ownership and infiltrating illegal aliens coupled with z.p.g. for the prosperous American 'ladies' has made the middle class a sort of irrelevant group desiring more and more goodies with a vengeance.

U.S. security has numerous structural holes in it, and will dynamically continue to do so long as the nation exists with detached from efficiency leadership hidden behind the smokescreen of transnational corporate power.

Ronald Reagan did say that the nation's best times were ahead; that may have been true yet the worst times are ahead also, as any nation should use rational economic and social policy to renovate perennially against decline and fall, or exfiltration of self-determination.

The nation may be in a long slow drain of exfiltration of jobs and leadership under the trans-national stars. One day it may awaken to find that it is no longer an independent or meaningfully identifiable nation at all. Various corporate boards, neo-corporatists political designers, international socialists and megalomaniacs may help the process.

One should not me that most Americans are really wicked, it is simply that the major broadcast powers, cinched media and corporate personnel, and corrupt government bureaucrats and leaders fed with all of the world's best prosperity materially yet with little training in moral philosophy, independent political reasoning and so forth occlude the well-fed masses that just want to be bigger and meaner than you. The ladies expect the guys to be stupid and 'hunks', and they will do the brainwork and liaison for a sojourn in serial monogamy for a while to raise a spoiled, tragically brainwashed kid force fed on rem-reasoning and Satanism raised by child-care centers until public schools and packed off to Harvard theoretically, with half qualified for psychological labels.

The ladies are in to many cases under qualified for certain positions yet neo-corporate forces employ them well to subvert national independence. Again I do not blame women seeking to escape drudgery jobs with dirty hands for non-labor, easy chair, high paying jobs with trans-national corporate and undemanding yet Satanically indoctrinated state governments, its just that the concatenated effect of so many 'flies happy in a pile of manure' has deleterious long-range effects on better environmental use, energy and current accounts phenomena, and even of national viability.

Some nations like Israel had highly motivated people that recognized the right of their fellow citizens to earn a living, and did not obstruct them to favor foreign interests, nor ply them with incessant derision and sabotage social opportunities as do some of the trans-national corporate world graduated from college as middle classers lusting for power. Other nations failed to have enough motivation, Toynbee noted that easy living Greek regions developed the least of the ancient city-state areas.

If the United States is in its first trimester, a poisoning abortion seems to be in progress that may take 50 years to fulfill, and I don't believe I'm writing with the feeling that an American Indian might have had when the Euros and Africans arrived to replace them. I believe that using history as an excuse for political indifference is perhaps a very weak choice. If the nation is worth saving it is worth having some good leadership with real ideas of value to reversing the trend of national dissolution and invigorating instead a feeling of shared national liberty, independence and prosperity valued in second or third place to higher values of environmentalism, relation to God and fellow citizens and so forth.

Instead of exploiting women, minorities and any other people that feel oppressed for ends that result in the decline of national independence, it would be less disingenuous for fair politicians to employ those citizens in fields that lead to a reversal of a decaying infrastructure and exfiltration of economic independence. A nation can participate in free trade agreements, yet it needn't be stupid and rely on technicalities with blind trust that it's also a comprehensive weltanschauung of inevitable benefits.

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