May the inflationary Universe continuing to expand represent the leavening of sin? Bread leavened with yeast rises inflating in size and scale. Some scientist speculate that the Universe rose from a zero-scale singularity atemporal state inflating faster than light for a fraction of a second before continuing to increase. Jesus Christ is the spiritual bread of life Who overcomes the world. The leavened bread of this world, and also of its high entropy economics, is sin.
Before God created time and space, or perhaps contemporary with it-for it is difficult for us presently to juxtapose eternal non-temporality with time, a perfect Garden of mind or spirit may have existed in which Adam and Eve could live without the leavening of temporality. Temporality was deleterious in regard to a pre-dimensional Garden of Eden, and the peace consistent with the will of God.
God forbid Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, or of the tree of life, yet once they willfully sinned the correction of quantum valence phase transition into an inflationary, temporal universe—even perhaps with an eternal recycling expansion and destruction was inevitable.
If the expansionary Universe may be symbolized with the leavening of bread rising along with sin and departure from the unleavened preternatural condition of the Garden before space-time, then perhaps the destiny of the unsaved may be associated with that temporal inflating Universe into eternal flames of correction.
Hell may be the eternal removal of sin from the perfect will of God. If an eternal condition in accordance with the will of God is the right destiny, and the removal of sin from human conduct such that The Lord may donate a pure spiritual grace for salvation of the faithful, the temporal destiny of mass-energy may be in the fires of correction. In ancient Biblical Israel the Levite priesthood kept the fires for the sin offering perennial burning. Perhaps a similar reasoning of fate was why Mayor Bloomberg supported the construction of a 13-story mosque near ground zero in N.Y.C.
Cosmology today might speculate about the eventual destiny of this material universe in a big crunch of gravitational collapse and fire or plasma. Extreme heat and compaction of mass-energy in a black hole where time stops in accordance with principles of general relativity as it is compacted perhaps to a neo Hartle-Hawking quantum fuzziness reflecting conditions before the first trillionth of a second of the start of this Universe is another astrophysical example of the potential for mass-energy to end in flames. Extreme, pure heat with zero entropy—eternal flames, may guard the most pure realms of absolute spirit associated with the eternal perfection of God. None except the redeemed through the atoning sacrificial work of the Savior Jesus Christ may enter into the perfect eternity of God.
The unleavened bread of simple faith, in the plain truth of the Word of God, transcends the temporal world and inflationary universe of sin and broken forms. This temporal Universe may be one pocket Universe of an eternally chaotic expansionary realm of temporality in which every sort of creature may abound. The sole salvation from the leavened bread moksha (mocha) of time and consumption temporal leavening of sin is with faith in Jesus Christ that the Spirit draws us to. The body and blood of Christ are a transcending way to the Spiritual rather than temporal material.
This Christian way of removing our dependence pervasively upon the forces of the mass-energy continua and dimensions of space and time, for God is more than that, and bringing us beyond that conveyor belt of perpetual recycling and burning up of sin and imperfection that is the perpetual destiny of the lost, is a mysterious and beautiful thing. ‘For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in Him might not perish, but would have everlasting life.’ The words from the book of John provide the transcending answer to the question of why does the Universe exist, and what is our human role in overcoming the challenges it presents implicitly. None may overcome the temporal condition of sin and imperfection without the grace of God proved through Jesus Christ.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Timeline: Muslims Destroy WTC 9-11, Build 13 Story Mega-Mosque Near Ground Zero
Timeline: Muslims Destroy WTC 9-11, Build 13 Story Mosque Near Ground Zero
This is becoming a factual historical sequence for the city of New York. It is somewhat remarkable yet commensurate with the lax defense attitudes regarding border and national security of the era. With so much Muslim purchases of global corporate influence through profits from oil sales the purchase of expensive and sensitive New York City real estate for development into a Muslim cultural center for missions to godless New Yorkers is easy to understand.
Mohammedans lack a sense or theology of sin. It is easier to comprehend how some fanatics may find it practical to make real world ad hominem attacks on civilians of a politically antipathetic nature if one lacks a sense of sin and the implicit moral wrongness of certain acts. Muslims and atheist homosexuals each lack a sense of sin. It is a paradox that two groups so far apart on fundamental social and political orientation should strive for controlling political influence of the city of New York through the corporate world power center of the East Coast.
For the time being the U.S. military is a target of an Obama Administration policy to make openly homosexual sailors, marines, airpersons and soldiers a new norm. The increasing Eastern urban Muslim fundamentalism may be a reply to such secular insinuations of sin as a government supported policy; one wonders where and when Muslim fundamentalists will reach into the Department of Defense through official advancements to vie for control of a military without a sense of sin.
The President of the United States today B. Hussein Obama nominally represents the Muslim and pro-homosexual union of duplicity of effort. His middle name is that of Muhammad’s uncle and he is also the top homosexual militant in the United States through his effort to end ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ military policy on homosexual behavior in favor of the deconstruction of sin.
Will the world’s best Muslim terrorists visit the New York Ground Zero Muslim Culture Center on vacation terror planning junkets? Perhaps future Al Qa’eda missions will be inspired from visits to the unofficially named Oz Bin Ladin Commemorative Victory Mosque. If America today seems to have its head up its as in some respects, perhaps it does, we humble cannot offer our personal opinion on that controversial topic.
Mayor Bloomberg of N.Y. City has supported construction of the mosque as some sort of an expression of tolerance for different religions and cultures. Just a decade after 9-11 that is asking like asking the people of the United States to tolerate construction of a 13 story Japanese Shinto Shrine at Pearl Harbor in 1951, if the Japanese had not lost the second world war, but had only retreated a little to ‘safe mode’. The defense against illegal alien terrorists and legal visiting Muslim terrorists is not yet over.
We understand Mayor Bloomberg’s Jewishness as a factor in shaping his attitude about Muslims, yet he has got it wrong. To Americans the Jews are not just another middle eastern tribe like those of Muslims that Jews might hide behind in the U.S.A. Americans regard the Jews as a special people because of the shared religious history.
Some Jews may worry about latent Aryan supremist blue eyed blondes waiting to incinerate the remnant of Jews. There is no need to safeguard their own minority religious security in the United States by flooding it with Muslims and rashly supporting a mosque of traumatic insult near ground zero.
How often have liberals protested civil war monuments or confederate flags on state property even after 150 years post-war? How vitrolic are the anti-ten commandments statue protesters to keep religious symbols away from public spaces, yet there is a blindness on the crash power symbolism of construction of a mega-mosque near ground zero. Is New Jersey or Massachusetts really that bad of a spot to build a mosque?
The trauma of World War Two gave some Jews 'the queer eye' for Europeans perhaps, yet Mayor Bloomberg could perhaps alternatively have been pursuing an appeasement policy in view of the nation of Israel's precarious position amidst hundreds of millions of Muslims. Such wrong political judgments have led in history to a record of becoming locally out of touch with political interests. Mayor Bloomberg said that giving in to popular sentiment would be giving in to terrorism; actually it would be giving in to democracy, which is not terrorism.
I do not wish to pick on Mayor Bloomberg. I write about issues rather than individuals unless the political office of the person concerned and their official job performance is the issue. Ad hominem attacks are the common method of homosexual militants these days. They were also the real practice of Hitler's S.A. American Christians will continue to support the nation of Israel--while they can.
The Jewish religion is an exclusive, tribal, non-missionary oriented religion that has a lot of wealthy people and has historically had some troubles in blending in to foreign nations following the Diaspora from their own. The Muslim religion is not however, a demure, worship in minor buildings and make a lot of money and influence politics globally like Trotsky and the Solomon Brothers kind of religion.
Muslims are not a bunch of Pharisees trying not to break any of 2001 religious laws and quietly worship in a Synagogue. Muslims have no concept of sin or atonement. They are expansionary as a matter of jihad upon infidels of the Dar al Harb even if trading with the business week from the strength of crude oil dispensationalists. Tolerating the construction of a Mosque near ground zero is absolute idiocy, and like unto giving the Tiger a large piece of raw meat. The ‘moderate’ Muslims set to build the Mosque near ground zero are at best like placing Hugh Hefner to supervise a nunnery…for perennial enmity of non-Muslims with no guilt about it is just a way of life.
Mayor Bloomberg’s ‘moderate; Jewishness and synagogic ideas of tolerance developed with just 13 million Jews on Earth (one for each year of the Universe) is not the same as the moderation of a billion plus followers of the false prophet of Mecca. Mayor Bloomberg could have been more pragmatic and suggested the Bronx or New Jersey as a place to build the mosque. The ‘Imams’ plan was far less than sensitive, and very pushy. Mayor Bloomberg will be remembered next time large Muslim terrorism occurs in N.Y.C. Jews has a historically recurrent problem of making bad political judgments for others because of their historical conditioning. The one place they are good at making political judgments without surprise, is Israel.
This is becoming a factual historical sequence for the city of New York. It is somewhat remarkable yet commensurate with the lax defense attitudes regarding border and national security of the era. With so much Muslim purchases of global corporate influence through profits from oil sales the purchase of expensive and sensitive New York City real estate for development into a Muslim cultural center for missions to godless New Yorkers is easy to understand.
Mohammedans lack a sense or theology of sin. It is easier to comprehend how some fanatics may find it practical to make real world ad hominem attacks on civilians of a politically antipathetic nature if one lacks a sense of sin and the implicit moral wrongness of certain acts. Muslims and atheist homosexuals each lack a sense of sin. It is a paradox that two groups so far apart on fundamental social and political orientation should strive for controlling political influence of the city of New York through the corporate world power center of the East Coast.
For the time being the U.S. military is a target of an Obama Administration policy to make openly homosexual sailors, marines, airpersons and soldiers a new norm. The increasing Eastern urban Muslim fundamentalism may be a reply to such secular insinuations of sin as a government supported policy; one wonders where and when Muslim fundamentalists will reach into the Department of Defense through official advancements to vie for control of a military without a sense of sin.
The President of the United States today B. Hussein Obama nominally represents the Muslim and pro-homosexual union of duplicity of effort. His middle name is that of Muhammad’s uncle and he is also the top homosexual militant in the United States through his effort to end ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ military policy on homosexual behavior in favor of the deconstruction of sin.
Will the world’s best Muslim terrorists visit the New York Ground Zero Muslim Culture Center on vacation terror planning junkets? Perhaps future Al Qa’eda missions will be inspired from visits to the unofficially named Oz Bin Ladin Commemorative Victory Mosque. If America today seems to have its head up its as in some respects, perhaps it does, we humble cannot offer our personal opinion on that controversial topic.
Mayor Bloomberg of N.Y. City has supported construction of the mosque as some sort of an expression of tolerance for different religions and cultures. Just a decade after 9-11 that is asking like asking the people of the United States to tolerate construction of a 13 story Japanese Shinto Shrine at Pearl Harbor in 1951, if the Japanese had not lost the second world war, but had only retreated a little to ‘safe mode’. The defense against illegal alien terrorists and legal visiting Muslim terrorists is not yet over.
We understand Mayor Bloomberg’s Jewishness as a factor in shaping his attitude about Muslims, yet he has got it wrong. To Americans the Jews are not just another middle eastern tribe like those of Muslims that Jews might hide behind in the U.S.A. Americans regard the Jews as a special people because of the shared religious history.
Some Jews may worry about latent Aryan supremist blue eyed blondes waiting to incinerate the remnant of Jews. There is no need to safeguard their own minority religious security in the United States by flooding it with Muslims and rashly supporting a mosque of traumatic insult near ground zero.
How often have liberals protested civil war monuments or confederate flags on state property even after 150 years post-war? How vitrolic are the anti-ten commandments statue protesters to keep religious symbols away from public spaces, yet there is a blindness on the crash power symbolism of construction of a mega-mosque near ground zero. Is New Jersey or Massachusetts really that bad of a spot to build a mosque?
The trauma of World War Two gave some Jews 'the queer eye' for Europeans perhaps, yet Mayor Bloomberg could perhaps alternatively have been pursuing an appeasement policy in view of the nation of Israel's precarious position amidst hundreds of millions of Muslims. Such wrong political judgments have led in history to a record of becoming locally out of touch with political interests. Mayor Bloomberg said that giving in to popular sentiment would be giving in to terrorism; actually it would be giving in to democracy, which is not terrorism.
I do not wish to pick on Mayor Bloomberg. I write about issues rather than individuals unless the political office of the person concerned and their official job performance is the issue. Ad hominem attacks are the common method of homosexual militants these days. They were also the real practice of Hitler's S.A. American Christians will continue to support the nation of Israel--while they can.
The Jewish religion is an exclusive, tribal, non-missionary oriented religion that has a lot of wealthy people and has historically had some troubles in blending in to foreign nations following the Diaspora from their own. The Muslim religion is not however, a demure, worship in minor buildings and make a lot of money and influence politics globally like Trotsky and the Solomon Brothers kind of religion.
Muslims are not a bunch of Pharisees trying not to break any of 2001 religious laws and quietly worship in a Synagogue. Muslims have no concept of sin or atonement. They are expansionary as a matter of jihad upon infidels of the Dar al Harb even if trading with the business week from the strength of crude oil dispensationalists. Tolerating the construction of a Mosque near ground zero is absolute idiocy, and like unto giving the Tiger a large piece of raw meat. The ‘moderate’ Muslims set to build the Mosque near ground zero are at best like placing Hugh Hefner to supervise a nunnery…for perennial enmity of non-Muslims with no guilt about it is just a way of life.
Mayor Bloomberg’s ‘moderate; Jewishness and synagogic ideas of tolerance developed with just 13 million Jews on Earth (one for each year of the Universe) is not the same as the moderation of a billion plus followers of the false prophet of Mecca. Mayor Bloomberg could have been more pragmatic and suggested the Bronx or New Jersey as a place to build the mosque. The ‘Imams’ plan was far less than sensitive, and very pushy. Mayor Bloomberg will be remembered next time large Muslim terrorism occurs in N.Y.C. Jews has a historically recurrent problem of making bad political judgments for others because of their historical conditioning. The one place they are good at making political judgments without surprise, is Israel.
Scientist Hypothesizes a New Theory of Gravity and Comments on 'The Cosmic Jackpot'
Recently reading 'The Cosmic Jackpot' by Paul Davies I have found that it is a useful review of elements of multiverse theory. One may get to multiverse theory without superstring theory, yet today most of the work is done with super-string or membrane concepts.
The Planck length may be a variable constant subject to relativistic shrinking it is speculated. That would be equivalent to a variable Speed of Light theory (VSL) with DSR II or double special relativity criteria in at the opposite end of the size scale. The Plank length was named for Max Plank, yet in case it is wrong it would not be his fault since he did not invent it.
The plank length is less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a meter, and supposedly the size of the Universe near the start of the Universe was smaller than that--yet if gravity does not exist as people believe it does, but is only an apparent force produced by some subtle statistical quantum effects reinforcing mass interaction, then all bets are off for using gravity as a plug-in for equations for calculating quantum mechanical theoretical issues.
Davies helpfully explained many issues about the Hartle-Hawking approach to Guth's inflation theory. Time at the earliest point becomes a dimension of space--and I think that's on the right track especially as regards the strangeness of intervals, being and nothingness and so forth.
Philosophically space with four dimensions near Time=0 (that never actually occurs but is instead fogged in through uncertainty) (time is a spatial dimension at the 'start' era) simply existed in very compact condition. That seems really weird.
Imagine a tiny four-dimensional string or brane, hyper-cube or whatever of space just sitting there in the midst of nothing that after forever inflates faster than light to the size of a grapefruit-ha!
How many of thse smaller than a breadbox by far sourdough starter four dimensional space units might exist--an infinite number?
Once an inflationary universe starts because of anti-gravity (if gravity doesn't exist then inflation with anti-gravity probably doesn't exist either) it may go on forever inflating. Because of quantum uncertainty 'pockets' of the inflaton have some mass with enough local gravity to break off and act like a little pocket universe such as ours.
The universe with pocket universe spaced far apart could be really trillions of trillions times larger than the possibly 13.7 billion year old universe time two (light expanding outward away from a ‘center’) that astrophysicists consider the observable universe.
Time hasn't a narrow beginning from a singularity in these vague and uncertain quantum mechanical inflations from Hartle-Hawking field. Instead time is an attribute of the mass energy field that arose from the four-dimensional space hyper-cube. There is no real beginning of time, for before time existed there was no time, and in the initial quantum uncertainty area the precise boundary starting point of time is vague--yet like the turtle in the Eleatic paradox, it does actually start some where we may consider, even if the infinite number of parallel spaces and intervals of small size are not all toeing the line as good units should so they can be rightly counted.
Recently I have been reading opinions against string theory because it isn't provable so far, and in the history of physics good theories usually produce meaningful predictions and results that are not purely theoretical more quickly--string theory has been around about 30 years.
This could be an era of just pure mathematical-cosmological hypothesizing that will pay off down the road. There may be an infinite number of universes, or just one universe of nearly infinite size, or perhaps something entirely else, yet philosophers have considered what the universe is, and what its contained in since at least Parmenides and his deliberations on the plenum or volume in which a sphere is contained (something like the Earth) before Plato. It is worthwhile considering such issues still, along with our reading in neo-Platonism (The Enneads) and in the philosophy of logic, in order to find such truthful knowledge of the universe and of meaning as Our Lord Jesus Christ and the will of God deems feasible, right, proper and useful for human enterprise in comprehension of divine purposes or for execution of the divine will.
The Planck length may be a variable constant subject to relativistic shrinking it is speculated. That would be equivalent to a variable Speed of Light theory (VSL) with DSR II or double special relativity criteria in at the opposite end of the size scale. The Plank length was named for Max Plank, yet in case it is wrong it would not be his fault since he did not invent it.
The plank length is less than a trillionth of a trillionth of a meter, and supposedly the size of the Universe near the start of the Universe was smaller than that--yet if gravity does not exist as people believe it does, but is only an apparent force produced by some subtle statistical quantum effects reinforcing mass interaction, then all bets are off for using gravity as a plug-in for equations for calculating quantum mechanical theoretical issues.
Davies helpfully explained many issues about the Hartle-Hawking approach to Guth's inflation theory. Time at the earliest point becomes a dimension of space--and I think that's on the right track especially as regards the strangeness of intervals, being and nothingness and so forth.
Philosophically space with four dimensions near Time=0 (that never actually occurs but is instead fogged in through uncertainty) (time is a spatial dimension at the 'start' era) simply existed in very compact condition. That seems really weird.
Imagine a tiny four-dimensional string or brane, hyper-cube or whatever of space just sitting there in the midst of nothing that after forever inflates faster than light to the size of a grapefruit-ha!
How many of thse smaller than a breadbox by far sourdough starter four dimensional space units might exist--an infinite number?
Once an inflationary universe starts because of anti-gravity (if gravity doesn't exist then inflation with anti-gravity probably doesn't exist either) it may go on forever inflating. Because of quantum uncertainty 'pockets' of the inflaton have some mass with enough local gravity to break off and act like a little pocket universe such as ours.
The universe with pocket universe spaced far apart could be really trillions of trillions times larger than the possibly 13.7 billion year old universe time two (light expanding outward away from a ‘center’) that astrophysicists consider the observable universe.
Time hasn't a narrow beginning from a singularity in these vague and uncertain quantum mechanical inflations from Hartle-Hawking field. Instead time is an attribute of the mass energy field that arose from the four-dimensional space hyper-cube. There is no real beginning of time, for before time existed there was no time, and in the initial quantum uncertainty area the precise boundary starting point of time is vague--yet like the turtle in the Eleatic paradox, it does actually start some where we may consider, even if the infinite number of parallel spaces and intervals of small size are not all toeing the line as good units should so they can be rightly counted.
Recently I have been reading opinions against string theory because it isn't provable so far, and in the history of physics good theories usually produce meaningful predictions and results that are not purely theoretical more quickly--string theory has been around about 30 years.
This could be an era of just pure mathematical-cosmological hypothesizing that will pay off down the road. There may be an infinite number of universes, or just one universe of nearly infinite size, or perhaps something entirely else, yet philosophers have considered what the universe is, and what its contained in since at least Parmenides and his deliberations on the plenum or volume in which a sphere is contained (something like the Earth) before Plato. It is worthwhile considering such issues still, along with our reading in neo-Platonism (The Enneads) and in the philosophy of logic, in order to find such truthful knowledge of the universe and of meaning as Our Lord Jesus Christ and the will of God deems feasible, right, proper and useful for human enterprise in comprehension of divine purposes or for execution of the divine will.
Progress On McGinnis' Book on Sarah Palin Written Next Door?
When Joe McGinniss, an author, rented the house next door to former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her family in May 2010 we thought that was 'going to extremes'. This is the United States though so stalking celebrities and politicians by the media and extended political writers isn't too unusual. We wonder if his book on the Palins is making progress?
The Palins built a very large fence between the tow yards at the Lake to reduce McGinnis' voyeuristic opportunities a little, yet its the creativity that counts and scuba diving or ultra-light over flights are still good prospects for surveillance.
There are many spy devices; motion censors, bugging implements and cameras also available for media and extended data gathering associates available on-line and in local spy ware shops in select neighborhoods. Evidently people will pay serious money to provisioners of inside 'scoops' on famous political people for the listeners need something to talk about. Every time another Mel Gibson recording is released the local media go over it mining for insights into the lifestyles of the person of interest. If there were intelligent things broadcast besides, it wouldn't be so objectionable to occasionally here bleeping statement analysis as one channel surfs in vain for the big wave of intellectual broadcast talk.
Sarah Palin and Mel Gibson at least have some northern things in common; Mel Gibson made a film about a Scottish rebellion and Sarah Palin has Moose living near here property as well as a writer with a Scottish name or alternatively an Irish beer made in cork. I doubt if the final story on the Palins will be corked by McGinnis this year. In fact it’s possible that if a Republican administration is elected in 2010 Sarah Palin may become the next Secretary of the Interior, a job for which she is reasonably well suited.
The Palins built a very large fence between the tow yards at the Lake to reduce McGinnis' voyeuristic opportunities a little, yet its the creativity that counts and scuba diving or ultra-light over flights are still good prospects for surveillance.
There are many spy devices; motion censors, bugging implements and cameras also available for media and extended data gathering associates available on-line and in local spy ware shops in select neighborhoods. Evidently people will pay serious money to provisioners of inside 'scoops' on famous political people for the listeners need something to talk about. Every time another Mel Gibson recording is released the local media go over it mining for insights into the lifestyles of the person of interest. If there were intelligent things broadcast besides, it wouldn't be so objectionable to occasionally here bleeping statement analysis as one channel surfs in vain for the big wave of intellectual broadcast talk.
Sarah Palin and Mel Gibson at least have some northern things in common; Mel Gibson made a film about a Scottish rebellion and Sarah Palin has Moose living near here property as well as a writer with a Scottish name or alternatively an Irish beer made in cork. I doubt if the final story on the Palins will be corked by McGinnis this year. In fact it’s possible that if a Republican administration is elected in 2010 Sarah Palin may become the next Secretary of the Interior, a job for which she is reasonably well suited.
Dangers of Mexican-American Dual Citizenship to U.S. Electorate
If U.S. citizenship were ever to be given to illegal aliens, as many as 18 million citizens with dual citizenship could be added, along with their children, to fundamentally undermine the sovereignty of the United States electorate over its own self determination.
Citizenship by naturalization (INA § 337, 8 USC § 1448)
If the United States were to have as many as 40 million citizens of Mexico able to vote in Mexican and U.S. elections, the nature of the political philosophy in the United States could be essentially corrupted.
Naturalized citizens may keep their foreign citizenship today.
Proposals to pass laws to prevent children of illegals born in the U.S.A. from being U.S. citizens are fundamentally flawed with politically imprudent thought, for the amendment to confer U.S. citizenship upon all people born in the United States was made following the American Civil war and the emancipation of the slaves in order that they too might be recognized as citizens. None will have luck in trying to roll back that fact.
The sole remedy to defend the rights of political self-determination of U.S.citizens from illegal foreign immigration is simply to prevent immigration from all sources to the U.S.A. from exceeding 250,000 souls annually with adequate border security and law enforcement ability in the states to arrest and convey to the federal government for processing illegally entered persons into the United States.
Citizenship by naturalization (INA § 337, 8 USC § 1448)
If the United States were to have as many as 40 million citizens of Mexico able to vote in Mexican and U.S. elections, the nature of the political philosophy in the United States could be essentially corrupted.
Naturalized citizens may keep their foreign citizenship today.
Proposals to pass laws to prevent children of illegals born in the U.S.A. from being U.S. citizens are fundamentally flawed with politically imprudent thought, for the amendment to confer U.S. citizenship upon all people born in the United States was made following the American Civil war and the emancipation of the slaves in order that they too might be recognized as citizens. None will have luck in trying to roll back that fact.
The sole remedy to defend the rights of political self-determination of U.S.citizens from illegal foreign immigration is simply to prevent immigration from all sources to the U.S.A. from exceeding 250,000 souls annually with adequate border security and law enforcement ability in the states to arrest and convey to the federal government for processing illegally entered persons into the United States.
Another Theory of Gravity (excerpt from St. Novilistricka: Dimensions 2nd edition)
Gravity may not exist. The behavior of matter we observe and call gravity exist obviously, yet the idea that has been given of a basic force or particle causing mass to attract at a distance may be wrong. Newton and Einstein each formulated laws describing the behavior of gravitational effects, yet Einstein went a bit farther and postulated that space-time is warped by gravity producing the attracting effect on mass. That paradigm of thought though mathematically consistent in describing gravitational behavior may be wrong as an explanation.
The gravitational effect may be restricted entirely to mass and energy without anything more than the displacement of space. In the increasing presence of mass space itself may be forced out of mass with corresponding effects on the quantum mechanical realm. In the quantum mechanical realm of uncertainty and entanglement of existential quantum probabilities a concentration of mass locally may increase the probabilities of the existence of mass given for a local area.
Mass has an unknown origin in the history of the cosmos. Speculation about big bang and inflation cosmology has reached even unto M-Theory or super-string theory and a pre-big bang era regime of a universe before this universe. Many of these hypothetical models arise as a consequent of the general theory of relativity and its equations exploited in an effort to find a theory of gravity that would fit with quantum mechanics. That entire effort may be wrong, as might hypothetical concepts about the cosmology of this Universe and space-time.
Logically an infinite singularity of mass at the beginning of the Universe is rather satisfying conceptually. Into an infinitely small and concentrated mass (or nearly so) a vast infusion of space was made sending it inflating outward faster than light. The subsequent history of the universe is of the work of mass to return to its initial nearly solid singular condition, and the four forces of nature are simply phases of the return of mass in various protocols of valence shells through charge paradoxes toward one untroubled infinite state.
Gravity does not need to exist as an independent force at a distance, and neither does space-time require any ability to be deformed, warped and so forth. Gravity may be nothing more than the natural coherence of one mass infused with space in the process of removing space from itself. The original space-time froth or emulsification of mass with space expanding faster than light slowed to sub-light speed, or a speed consistent with the maximum rate of travel of photons of the electro-magnetic field that would form one of the larger macro-scalar elements of the mass-energy field.
What is the nature of space? Space may be simply all possible dimensions fully extending of which the mass-energy of the Universe occupies a few. Instead of space-time there may be mass-time and space-dimensions. Time as a dimension may also be in a process of expulsion from mass generally as a temporal universal phenomenality.
Quantum mechanical uncertainty and field characteristics of intervals, aggregation and probabilities of determinism may pervasively cohere as characteristic of all mass sorting itself out of space. The mass-space segregation effects may create local and general streams of travel for mass to potentially take as increasing probabilities coinciding with Newtonian and Einstinean gravitational theory description parameters. In some ways the quantum realm associated with mass may form a comparative, analogous 4 dimensional (or more) structure of rivulets of potential flow for mass within the space dimensions. Time may be a ghostly, apparent attribute of mass extended in a space infused, emulsified state created as mass eliminates space in a protocol of renormalization. Time may be a local condition of mass and its pace of recovery from being spaced out in the beginning, and time may also be a relativistic measure of the field condition of mass regarding space content.”
The gravitational effect may be restricted entirely to mass and energy without anything more than the displacement of space. In the increasing presence of mass space itself may be forced out of mass with corresponding effects on the quantum mechanical realm. In the quantum mechanical realm of uncertainty and entanglement of existential quantum probabilities a concentration of mass locally may increase the probabilities of the existence of mass given for a local area.
Mass has an unknown origin in the history of the cosmos. Speculation about big bang and inflation cosmology has reached even unto M-Theory or super-string theory and a pre-big bang era regime of a universe before this universe. Many of these hypothetical models arise as a consequent of the general theory of relativity and its equations exploited in an effort to find a theory of gravity that would fit with quantum mechanics. That entire effort may be wrong, as might hypothetical concepts about the cosmology of this Universe and space-time.
Logically an infinite singularity of mass at the beginning of the Universe is rather satisfying conceptually. Into an infinitely small and concentrated mass (or nearly so) a vast infusion of space was made sending it inflating outward faster than light. The subsequent history of the universe is of the work of mass to return to its initial nearly solid singular condition, and the four forces of nature are simply phases of the return of mass in various protocols of valence shells through charge paradoxes toward one untroubled infinite state.
Gravity does not need to exist as an independent force at a distance, and neither does space-time require any ability to be deformed, warped and so forth. Gravity may be nothing more than the natural coherence of one mass infused with space in the process of removing space from itself. The original space-time froth or emulsification of mass with space expanding faster than light slowed to sub-light speed, or a speed consistent with the maximum rate of travel of photons of the electro-magnetic field that would form one of the larger macro-scalar elements of the mass-energy field.
What is the nature of space? Space may be simply all possible dimensions fully extending of which the mass-energy of the Universe occupies a few. Instead of space-time there may be mass-time and space-dimensions. Time as a dimension may also be in a process of expulsion from mass generally as a temporal universal phenomenality.
Quantum mechanical uncertainty and field characteristics of intervals, aggregation and probabilities of determinism may pervasively cohere as characteristic of all mass sorting itself out of space. The mass-space segregation effects may create local and general streams of travel for mass to potentially take as increasing probabilities coinciding with Newtonian and Einstinean gravitational theory description parameters. In some ways the quantum realm associated with mass may form a comparative, analogous 4 dimensional (or more) structure of rivulets of potential flow for mass within the space dimensions. Time may be a ghostly, apparent attribute of mass extended in a space infused, emulsified state created as mass eliminates space in a protocol of renormalization. Time may be a local condition of mass and its pace of recovery from being spaced out in the beginning, and time may also be a relativistic measure of the field condition of mass regarding space content.”
Judge Bolton Kills Job Hopes for Millions of Americans In Gutting AZ 1070, Receives Death Threats
Illegal aliens from Mexico largely are here to take jobs. With so many Americans unable to find work the presence of 18 million illegal job seekers is especially irritating to U.S. citizens. The Democratic Harvard legal class is a supporter of illegal alien workers in the U.S.A. Those illegals drive down the value of labor in the southern states and make it very, very hard to find work in Phoenix and elsewhere for northern visitors. If it were a chess game, the illegal workers are an army of pawns displacing U.S. pawns on the U.S. side of the border. Happy judges believe that an existential corporate and federal bureaucracy without exploited individual trade work and labor is the future for us all-yet not in this world lifetime for many will such a bureaucratic utopia occur. Happy judges may side with them, because them is global.
When the Obama administration choose to keep Americans out of labor jobs in the south that can be filled by illegal aliens working for less than half the minimum wage, and to expend 34 billion on extended unemployment benefits and another 33 billion of a troop splurge surge in Afghanistan it killed the hopes of many American workers for a level field for cash earnings this fall and winter. As long as they have heat in the White House in the winter so its like Hawaii,the President is o.k. with illegal aliens and defeat of American efforts to keep illegal workers out of the job market by the millions.
Illegal alien workers kill the ambient labor market. With tens of thousands of illegals in Phoenix available for easy casual hire why would anyone beside corporate hire an American citizen at labor ready or labor finders in Phoenix. I rode a bicycle at 3 or 4 in the morning for miles to wait for hours one year and could not get work.
The only interesting thing that year was watching the space shuttle orbit overhead. The space shuttle burned uo flying over Texas one day. That was all that work for some of us Americans President Obama has burned up the Orion program to return Aericans to the moon. Government lawyers are fully employed of course--they have no competition from illegal aliens in the legal profession.
It occurs to me, that Judges and lawyers have passed a state bar exam and are the least mobile members of society occupationally. They practice law in one state, know everyone and the particular laws as best they can, have the most detachment from the ordinary laborer's employment realm of volatility and insecurity. They do not comprehend that male Americans out of work commonly travel interstate to find jobs--even temporary jobs. Deciding to let 18 million illegals saturate the southern labor market does real harm to the poor working class that are citizens.
Female Judges are never subject to the draft for war. Judge Bolton effectively attacks U.S. sovereignty and for national defense against illegal labor competition form illegal aliens in sympathy with the Harvard agenda of elite socialist-corporatist globalism. A bureaucratic-organizational promotional interpretation of law for economic and social advancement does not coincide with the real world of structure of macroeconomics and its relationships to material production and competition in the long run. Neither do these judges comprehend direct trade occupations of unstructured kinds that are fundamental to economic existence.
The U.S. Supreme Court is also increasingly full of non-working class judges with aloof Harvard connections fully detached from the world of working, lint laboring Americans. These judges are pro globalist and make federal and corporate bureaucracy the sole meaningful reality around which they construct abstract layers of politically correct security for themselves while gutting the real economic health of the nation.
Judges are all politically biases in the United States. They are graduates of particular elite Universities at the Federal level and don't work physically for a living. Such judges would not be in the Poor and Middle Class Conservative's Party. It is not surprising, though it is regrettable, that Judge Bolton receives death threats following her importunate decision to eviscerate much of Arizona Bill 1070. When make a decision on such an issue of importance to many, even the statistical number of irate drunks with telephones would produce a volume of ‘off the B’ utterances. If she had decided for the law, the threats from adverse Mexican Drug cartels might have been quite or not made at all; she might have just been terminated.
Perhaps even the author of footprints received threats and persecutions in the United States; Americans are of such a disposition that the globalists and their lackeys will persecute anyone for not being a proper sycophant. It is hard to compare theistically inspired poetry with maladroit and evilly inspired legal decisions of course, yet they are each made in the U.S.A. If judicial decisions are eventually outsourced to Mexico for $1.98 per judgment, perhaps the federal budget will be balanced and judges vote more against illegal alien lawyers and outsourcing of legal decisions to judging boilerplate sweatshops abroad.
Most modern judges have political class ties in the United States inimical to actual practical work. The judiciary is increasingly corrupt as is Congress and the Executive branch of Government. From my philosophical point of view its simply Toynbean decay as usual. One doesn't live forever, so one gets political and economic relief in the next world at least, and removal of the ruling class is impossible anyway.
When the Obama administration choose to keep Americans out of labor jobs in the south that can be filled by illegal aliens working for less than half the minimum wage, and to expend 34 billion on extended unemployment benefits and another 33 billion of a troop splurge surge in Afghanistan it killed the hopes of many American workers for a level field for cash earnings this fall and winter. As long as they have heat in the White House in the winter so its like Hawaii,the President is o.k. with illegal aliens and defeat of American efforts to keep illegal workers out of the job market by the millions.
Illegal alien workers kill the ambient labor market. With tens of thousands of illegals in Phoenix available for easy casual hire why would anyone beside corporate hire an American citizen at labor ready or labor finders in Phoenix. I rode a bicycle at 3 or 4 in the morning for miles to wait for hours one year and could not get work.
The only interesting thing that year was watching the space shuttle orbit overhead. The space shuttle burned uo flying over Texas one day. That was all that work for some of us Americans President Obama has burned up the Orion program to return Aericans to the moon. Government lawyers are fully employed of course--they have no competition from illegal aliens in the legal profession.
It occurs to me, that Judges and lawyers have passed a state bar exam and are the least mobile members of society occupationally. They practice law in one state, know everyone and the particular laws as best they can, have the most detachment from the ordinary laborer's employment realm of volatility and insecurity. They do not comprehend that male Americans out of work commonly travel interstate to find jobs--even temporary jobs. Deciding to let 18 million illegals saturate the southern labor market does real harm to the poor working class that are citizens.
Female Judges are never subject to the draft for war. Judge Bolton effectively attacks U.S. sovereignty and for national defense against illegal labor competition form illegal aliens in sympathy with the Harvard agenda of elite socialist-corporatist globalism. A bureaucratic-organizational promotional interpretation of law for economic and social advancement does not coincide with the real world of structure of macroeconomics and its relationships to material production and competition in the long run. Neither do these judges comprehend direct trade occupations of unstructured kinds that are fundamental to economic existence.
The U.S. Supreme Court is also increasingly full of non-working class judges with aloof Harvard connections fully detached from the world of working, lint laboring Americans. These judges are pro globalist and make federal and corporate bureaucracy the sole meaningful reality around which they construct abstract layers of politically correct security for themselves while gutting the real economic health of the nation.
Judges are all politically biases in the United States. They are graduates of particular elite Universities at the Federal level and don't work physically for a living. Such judges would not be in the Poor and Middle Class Conservative's Party. It is not surprising, though it is regrettable, that Judge Bolton receives death threats following her importunate decision to eviscerate much of Arizona Bill 1070. When make a decision on such an issue of importance to many, even the statistical number of irate drunks with telephones would produce a volume of ‘off the B’ utterances. If she had decided for the law, the threats from adverse Mexican Drug cartels might have been quite or not made at all; she might have just been terminated.
Perhaps even the author of footprints received threats and persecutions in the United States; Americans are of such a disposition that the globalists and their lackeys will persecute anyone for not being a proper sycophant. It is hard to compare theistically inspired poetry with maladroit and evilly inspired legal decisions of course, yet they are each made in the U.S.A. If judicial decisions are eventually outsourced to Mexico for $1.98 per judgment, perhaps the federal budget will be balanced and judges vote more against illegal alien lawyers and outsourcing of legal decisions to judging boilerplate sweatshops abroad.
Most modern judges have political class ties in the United States inimical to actual practical work. The judiciary is increasingly corrupt as is Congress and the Executive branch of Government. From my philosophical point of view its simply Toynbean decay as usual. One doesn't live forever, so one gets political and economic relief in the next world at least, and removal of the ruling class is impossible anyway.
Future of Iraq & Afghanistan With Pres Obama's Deceptions and Democratic Party Corruption
As a candidate President Obama called for the immediate closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. As the President Obama has left the facility open approaching two years.
As a candidate Obama said on Iraq that it was a dangerous distraction. As a President Obama has generally continued policy of former President G.W. Bush in Iraq while escalating the costs of an Afghanistan engagement perhaps less well tough out than President Bush’s war policy for Iraq regarding the aftermath and consequences. The policies are equally unrealistic
President Obama’s anemic economic policy has been that of an innocent misled by Larry Summers and Fed Chair Bernancke to enrich the rich and swell globalist harvesting of the economic prospects of the poor and middle class of the United States while cutting the national moon material development Orion program and reinforcing illegal alien rights to exist as ciphers taking laboring and other jobs from Americans.
This September if such a high unemployment economy millions of Americans would migrate south to look for work in Arizona, Texas and other sun belt state is it wasn’t already flooded with millions of illegal Mexican workers that will work for a third of minimum wage. That means the normal relief valve to reduce unemployed northerners is gone, and the President spends 33 billion on extended unemployment benefits—that is several times more than the minimum 4.3 billion dollar Orion project funding.
The President lacks common sense in economic regarding macro-economic allocation of economic resources legitimately within the presidential right to pervert or prosper.
The President has set up several long-term disaster policies domestically and abroad. The United States should cancel the troop spending splurge surge and reinforce the reserves and Guard at home including along the Mexican border building berms and illegal immigration obstacles better than flimsy fencing.
NPR today ran a story on the Outlaws motorcycle gang and how federal law enforcement has sent several infiltrators into the gang operating near the nation’s capitol disturbing bureaucrats. Fully funding D.C. area scofflaw gangs while denying Arizona law officials the opportunity to even ask for I.D. checks on suspicious persons locally is typical Obama elitist wealth Harvard class corruption of national interests.
This fall very likely a Republican majority will return to Congress since the President has not cut out the war spending (with the cost of the surge troops at a million dollars apiece for a year against the $1.98 Taliban terrorists) that has enriched a constellation of corrupt corporate contractors. In 2012 the nation will vote out of office the present war mongering, deceiving former candidate working to make the southwest safe for illegal alien workers and inhospitable for Americans. That means that the present emergency spending as you go forever panic by the corrupt Harvard-World Trade Towers class in government will continue another six years most likely, as the Republican Government will seek to cut the ‘fat’ out of government spending by eliminating money going to broke and poor people in the U.S.A. while increasing funding of foreign nation building fiascoes that profit the Halliburton-Brown and Roots corporations of the world, Dubai or wherever.
The future of Iraq and Afghanistan policy will likely be to work with an emergent dictator acceptable to the United States Harvard class of business globalists. Because we have not supported a democratic Iraq or Afghanistan with land redistribution to all citizens, nor distribution of ownership of mineral resources to all citizens in equal tradable shares, the inevitable default will be that corrupt elites and corrupt governments control the mineral wealth, land and political power against which the people will revolt and support terrorism and dictators as best they can while saluting the rich Americans as they must on occasion do for pragmatic reasons.
The reason Taliban like neo-theocratic governments are popular in replacing corrupt dictatorships is that they are not dictatorships and work with many spiritually minded revolutionaries who owned few resources previously able to step in from a populist base to rule. The socio-economic factors that make a consensus multi-leader theocratic revolutionary organization a natural selection for a form of government in some Muslim nations will persist even after the United States has spent its proverbial cash turmoiling in deserts low and high reducing conflict for a time. With such pervasive poverty and political differences in each region the U.S. is wasting money in, the prospects for making them suitable for reaching an EC kind of economic and political stability right away are slim to none. The policy in DC is simply the wrong one in the case of Iraq and Afghanistan, yet the corrupt nature of the U.S. Government, media and corporatist influence not to mention the Democratic Party today makes the future of the United States economy and foreign policy far less than optimal.
As a candidate Obama said on Iraq that it was a dangerous distraction. As a President Obama has generally continued policy of former President G.W. Bush in Iraq while escalating the costs of an Afghanistan engagement perhaps less well tough out than President Bush’s war policy for Iraq regarding the aftermath and consequences. The policies are equally unrealistic
President Obama’s anemic economic policy has been that of an innocent misled by Larry Summers and Fed Chair Bernancke to enrich the rich and swell globalist harvesting of the economic prospects of the poor and middle class of the United States while cutting the national moon material development Orion program and reinforcing illegal alien rights to exist as ciphers taking laboring and other jobs from Americans.
This September if such a high unemployment economy millions of Americans would migrate south to look for work in Arizona, Texas and other sun belt state is it wasn’t already flooded with millions of illegal Mexican workers that will work for a third of minimum wage. That means the normal relief valve to reduce unemployed northerners is gone, and the President spends 33 billion on extended unemployment benefits—that is several times more than the minimum 4.3 billion dollar Orion project funding.
The President lacks common sense in economic regarding macro-economic allocation of economic resources legitimately within the presidential right to pervert or prosper.
The President has set up several long-term disaster policies domestically and abroad. The United States should cancel the troop spending splurge surge and reinforce the reserves and Guard at home including along the Mexican border building berms and illegal immigration obstacles better than flimsy fencing.
NPR today ran a story on the Outlaws motorcycle gang and how federal law enforcement has sent several infiltrators into the gang operating near the nation’s capitol disturbing bureaucrats. Fully funding D.C. area scofflaw gangs while denying Arizona law officials the opportunity to even ask for I.D. checks on suspicious persons locally is typical Obama elitist wealth Harvard class corruption of national interests.
This fall very likely a Republican majority will return to Congress since the President has not cut out the war spending (with the cost of the surge troops at a million dollars apiece for a year against the $1.98 Taliban terrorists) that has enriched a constellation of corrupt corporate contractors. In 2012 the nation will vote out of office the present war mongering, deceiving former candidate working to make the southwest safe for illegal alien workers and inhospitable for Americans. That means that the present emergency spending as you go forever panic by the corrupt Harvard-World Trade Towers class in government will continue another six years most likely, as the Republican Government will seek to cut the ‘fat’ out of government spending by eliminating money going to broke and poor people in the U.S.A. while increasing funding of foreign nation building fiascoes that profit the Halliburton-Brown and Roots corporations of the world, Dubai or wherever.
The future of Iraq and Afghanistan policy will likely be to work with an emergent dictator acceptable to the United States Harvard class of business globalists. Because we have not supported a democratic Iraq or Afghanistan with land redistribution to all citizens, nor distribution of ownership of mineral resources to all citizens in equal tradable shares, the inevitable default will be that corrupt elites and corrupt governments control the mineral wealth, land and political power against which the people will revolt and support terrorism and dictators as best they can while saluting the rich Americans as they must on occasion do for pragmatic reasons.
The reason Taliban like neo-theocratic governments are popular in replacing corrupt dictatorships is that they are not dictatorships and work with many spiritually minded revolutionaries who owned few resources previously able to step in from a populist base to rule. The socio-economic factors that make a consensus multi-leader theocratic revolutionary organization a natural selection for a form of government in some Muslim nations will persist even after the United States has spent its proverbial cash turmoiling in deserts low and high reducing conflict for a time. With such pervasive poverty and political differences in each region the U.S. is wasting money in, the prospects for making them suitable for reaching an EC kind of economic and political stability right away are slim to none. The policy in DC is simply the wrong one in the case of Iraq and Afghanistan, yet the corrupt nature of the U.S. Government, media and corporatist influence not to mention the Democratic Party today makes the future of the United States economy and foreign policy far less than optimal.
Pres. Obama Guts Orion Program; Moons Nation's Working Class
Creating American jobs in high tech and getting much materials production constructed for the Orion program increased to build a settlement on the moon would stimulate the economy better than bank bailouts. The work would be done in the United States more so than in Iraq or Afghanistan. Flunking that Moon exploration and scientific base construction was bad economic judgment
What is America's core economic agenda? To enrich the rich, to build more highways, to make bankers and mortgage holding corporation around the world prosperous, is that the Congressional and Presidential business plan?
Congress and the Presidency seem corrupt. The small business loan package now before congress would give 10 billion to banks to make small loans. With seniorage they can loan 300 billion--maybe they will, maybe they will just selectively enrich whatever sectors they like.
If the public spends money on a real public works project of long range growth value to the economy like the Orion and Moon Base project its fairly plain. When the money is given to banks then more rope is given to those concentrating wealth and corrupting a fair economic field to oppress the poor and middle class. Fundamentally it seems stupid for the taxpayers already far in public debt to give more money to the traditionally moneyed class of bankers.
The White House sued Arizona to prevent law enforcement officials form discovering if people locally are illegal aliens from Al Qa'eda's friendly nations or wherever. The white color lawyer class of non-physical workers also gave the raspberry to U.S.laborers that want work and higher wages with a better labor market. One wonders if the President has ever done an honest days physical work in his life?
What is America's core economic agenda? To enrich the rich, to build more highways, to make bankers and mortgage holding corporation around the world prosperous, is that the Congressional and Presidential business plan?
Congress and the Presidency seem corrupt. The small business loan package now before congress would give 10 billion to banks to make small loans. With seniorage they can loan 300 billion--maybe they will, maybe they will just selectively enrich whatever sectors they like.
If the public spends money on a real public works project of long range growth value to the economy like the Orion and Moon Base project its fairly plain. When the money is given to banks then more rope is given to those concentrating wealth and corrupting a fair economic field to oppress the poor and middle class. Fundamentally it seems stupid for the taxpayers already far in public debt to give more money to the traditionally moneyed class of bankers.
The White House sued Arizona to prevent law enforcement officials form discovering if people locally are illegal aliens from Al Qa'eda's friendly nations or wherever. The white color lawyer class of non-physical workers also gave the raspberry to U.S.laborers that want work and higher wages with a better labor market. One wonders if the President has ever done an honest days physical work in his life?
Kim Il Threatens Nuclear War: Big Dongs Move Upright (satire)
Kim Il, North Korean Dictator, after much personal bio-mass component mind searching, finally has threatened nuclear war upon foes to the south because of troop excercises of the United States,South Korea as well perhaps as the vast federal deficit that should tick off reasonable people everywhere.
The benevolent and excellent foreign dictator, speaking at the Elvis Presley Memorial Imitator Awards, where he was given a lifetime achievement award--a velvet coat and commemorative Elvis jumpsuit thought aloud to our ESP'n correspondent 'get into the physical, got to make the body politic talk of me'.
Commandante Clint Cappo of the U.S. Bomber administration is said to have replied to a question on potential responses to this belligerancy " Fine, that makes my day. If he wipes out the south it will save us a lot of future spending over there, and we can finally launch some of our sea-fish product to toast the North, reduce inventory and simultaneously increasing through-put."
Dictator Kim may have as many as a dozen nuclear bombs to place upon his big dong missiles. These are considered in technical political jargon as prophylaxtics against peace and prosperity.
Republican politicians inside the federal belltway are said to have thought that if worst comes to worst and Dictator Kim decides to go ahead and launch, "that the missiles can hit Boston and spare the rest of the nation from the horror of nuclear holocaust and we hate NPR and the Red Sox."
President Obama's press secretary Mel Gibson answered questions for the press mob on the potential for nuclear conflict. The press secretary said " I deserve bleep before any missiles are launched. Its all a blast and they can toast maybe Japan and Queensland even if the big dongs can't reach L.A Thats a funny statement to me that the big dongs can't reach L.A. I know how the Dictator feels."
Big Dong missiles are the concern of Chairman Mullins of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. An expert on the typo dong missile program, the Admiral in Afghanistan searching for lost seaman that took a car into a Taliban area for a firefight last night on their way to the beach is said to have thought that "If the military can let these guys with the big dongs have a little space maybe we can increase enlistment numbers and blast the bad guys. The greater east Asian coo-prosperity sphere may be just a dream today, but war is hell. Oh bomb them to hell anyway."
The administration was said to be considering sending Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Seoul and points north to encourage Chairman Dictator Kim Il to cool off his big dongs. The Bourgeois Think tank thinkers thought that if war does break out we hope it is finished n three hours and produces many excellent mushroom clouds for instant replay and analysis by the global media. It could stimulate economic development.
The benevolent and excellent foreign dictator, speaking at the Elvis Presley Memorial Imitator Awards, where he was given a lifetime achievement award--a velvet coat and commemorative Elvis jumpsuit thought aloud to our ESP'n correspondent 'get into the physical, got to make the body politic talk of me'.
Commandante Clint Cappo of the U.S. Bomber administration is said to have replied to a question on potential responses to this belligerancy " Fine, that makes my day. If he wipes out the south it will save us a lot of future spending over there, and we can finally launch some of our sea-fish product to toast the North, reduce inventory and simultaneously increasing through-put."
Dictator Kim may have as many as a dozen nuclear bombs to place upon his big dong missiles. These are considered in technical political jargon as prophylaxtics against peace and prosperity.
Republican politicians inside the federal belltway are said to have thought that if worst comes to worst and Dictator Kim decides to go ahead and launch, "that the missiles can hit Boston and spare the rest of the nation from the horror of nuclear holocaust and we hate NPR and the Red Sox."
President Obama's press secretary Mel Gibson answered questions for the press mob on the potential for nuclear conflict. The press secretary said " I deserve bleep before any missiles are launched. Its all a blast and they can toast maybe Japan and Queensland even if the big dongs can't reach L.A Thats a funny statement to me that the big dongs can't reach L.A. I know how the Dictator feels."
Big Dong missiles are the concern of Chairman Mullins of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. An expert on the typo dong missile program, the Admiral in Afghanistan searching for lost seaman that took a car into a Taliban area for a firefight last night on their way to the beach is said to have thought that "If the military can let these guys with the big dongs have a little space maybe we can increase enlistment numbers and blast the bad guys. The greater east Asian coo-prosperity sphere may be just a dream today, but war is hell. Oh bomb them to hell anyway."
The administration was said to be considering sending Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Seoul and points north to encourage Chairman Dictator Kim Il to cool off his big dongs. The Bourgeois Think tank thinkers thought that if war does break out we hope it is finished n three hours and produces many excellent mushroom clouds for instant replay and analysis by the global media. It could stimulate economic development.
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