
What You See is What You Get in Presidential Candidates

U.S.A. Electing Underqualified Presidents Deserves What it Gets (Debt, Crisis, Eco-Decline etc.)

Presidents Eisenhower and Reagan were the last two fully qualified nationally integrated Presidents. Each was well known and their political ideas published before taking office. The nation knew what to expect from each individual. In recent years the nation has elected local governors or state politicians promoted too rapidly.

Presidents Obama, Bush, Clinton or Carter hadn't a well-developed public economic and environmental platform in which they worked for several years before running for office. If the public simply elects any modestly articulate candidate able to read a teleprompter, a candidate that has not given serious though to development of actual economic and ecological policy that works for many years—they get an unknown untested President happy just to be President. Such Presidents may not really be up to the task of national leadership.

George H.W. Bush was a phi beta kappa in economics and famous for calling Reaganomics 'voodoo economics'. We find other flaws in President Bush I besides economics, that might have faded in to history without too much problem if not followed up with Clintonomics as the actualizer of 'The New World Order'. The protracted rush to concentrate wealth for global financial elites and to liquidate U.S. nationalism and home owning security led down disastrous courses that have yet to play out.

Richard Nixon was brilliant yet flawed—and could not get elected to the U.S. Senate in California. Though he levered his way onto the Eisenhower administration with that Checker’s speech, he was far less public and known over time before taking office Ronald Regan who as a Democrat supported Eisenhower in the 1952 and 1956 Presidential campaigns.

The nation knew much about Ronald Reagan before he took office, and his job performance was basically as expected. Even the Ayatollah Khomeini had an idea what to expect and released the U.S. hostages inauguration day.

I write this article to point out that in the 2012 election the nation is again likely to elect an underqualified candidate without a history of experience in ecological economic affairs of a national and global level, nor of military experience. The next President at best will be another under qualified MBA or governor seeking to promote themselves to the top job—while the nation expects nothing new from their next President except vaguely that he or she would do better in economics. We the people would expect pompous speeches about taxation levels and various kinds of spending, lots of blame and nothing in the way of proven macro-economic competence by the candidate.

It would be a fine thing if several PhDs in economics and ecology with a background as an LT or Captain in the military fought for the nomination every four years. We would like to see candidates run that aren’t simply maximally over-promoted as examples of the American way of perpetual revolution against the citizens that have lived here for a generation or three as if they all were old money and inertially supporters of globalism. Americans expect little and get little from its Presidents. Like the military, a President will perform as they train. If a candidate hasn’t got a real competent plan for reforming and correcting the economy before the campaign, it isn’t likely to be effective if actualized.

As in testing scientific theories, political theories of how to reconstruct or change the economy should be tested substantially before being implemented. That was a major flaw of the Bush II plan to reconstruct Iraq post war for approximately 5 billion dollars. President Obama is confident that his Frankenstinean resuscitation of the Clinton era economy policy with reforms will get the economy going in the right direction under supervision of Clintonista economic advisers, yet some of us believe that a non-sustainable, ad hoc globalist based economic policy is implicitly harmful and likely to crash the economy worse that presently at some point in the future.


Defense Secretary Gates Plans His Own Exit Strategy from Pentagon

Defense Sect. Gates said he is leaving January of next year. Respecting his service we are thankful he has decided to leave.


Often if one announces a plan to leave an employer on a schedule one finds oneself out the door the next day or two. Could this happen to Secretary Gates?

Without 3000 rich people dying each year through terrorism it is hard to say that the perennial occupation of Afghanistan is a necessary policy. If a WTC were being trashed every year then most Americans would support the wastage of a generation of prosperity assuring the rich that the pea under the mattress can be fixed. That might be easier than arresting Osama Bin Ladin and Mullah Omar of course, yet if we leave the area they will probably come out of their caves to gloat and swell thus presenting higher target sillohettes than at present.

Secretary Gates and Chairman of the joint Chiefs Mullins have each made eyes at one another at Senate hearings in support of gaying up the military. We hope that Sect Gates 'coming out' of the Pentagon does not follow a swilling off ending of 'don't ask don't tell' foisting an openly gay policy on the nation as an agent of socialization.

We prefer he take General Petraeus with him. Those of us poor in the civilian sector without jobs do not all desire unelected mouthy generals commenting on political policy for United States military deployments abroad. A good General is one with his mouth shut before the media.

Americans like to have a competent professional military cadre, yet they also want them to support democracy rather than Banana Republic. The 10 years war of Afghanistan is not against the Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe, but against shoeless Taliban getting richer perhaps along with the Muslim OPEC world and contributors while the counter-insurgency guru is limited to strategies that spend money like water.

Ike had a right to comment on war policy and economics--yet he seldom troubled Roosevelt. Patton had a loose tongue, yet he was also a winner rather than a bureaucrat deciding to McClellanize U.S. policy with interminable requests for more and more money and troops. Non-sustainable war economics are as much of an attack on the people of the United States as economic damage caused by the Taliban.

Though the Halliburtons and KBRs got rich during these protracted, incompetently designed neo-war/nation rebuilding efforts it does not follow that it is beneficial to U.S. interests. I do not regard General Petaeus as competent for designing a sustainable political or economic system for Afghanistan. I believe the skill set required is more of an anthropological, sociological, political philosopher, historian range rather than that of military though military competence is also required. The President and Secretaries of State are responsible for the lack of intelligent design in their Afghanistan policy and there is little prospect that competence from the U.S. Government is forthcoming.

We hope the next SecDef has creative thought about containment and de frapping of terrorist assault potential from that region while simultaneously cutting back on the cost of such necessities. Without a far higher ratio of ecologically renewable economic development to war personnel in the U.S .Afghanistan budget there is little reason to expect a sustainable post-American Afghanistan with a benign modern government.


Uncle Hussein Offers Support for Mosque Near Ground Zero

At the White House at a feast celebrating the end of Ramadan (not the Hotel chain) President B. Hussein Obama declared support for construction of a twelve story mosque near ground zero.

The American author Ambrose Bierce famous for writing science fiction like neo-horror epics in the 19th century was attached to the civil war Union army of the Cumberland who fought confederates in places such as Chicamaugua and Nashville. Bierce commented that Muhmammadans prosyletize with the sword. The muslim mission to New York at the World Trade Center began with the 9-11 plane urban renewal team authorized of Osama Bin Ladin. President Obama speaking at the dinner said that 'this is America'- perhaps meaning stupid, weak and decadent, and that it is religious freedom that is the issue of a mega-mosque planned to go up near ground zero as the next phase of the Muhammadan mission to America.

If Boston were vaporized by a terrorist from New York, wouldn't it be insensitive if ten years later a group wanted to build a religious temple at Harvard Yard to Worship the 1930's Yankees and the Babe? It may be true that the 714 figure was a number never meant to be broken by an honest player, and no one shall again bat .400, yet worshiping the memory of The Babe at a place devastated by terrorists would be unAmerican rather than an expression of religious tolerance not only because Boston does not deserve any image of Ruth within its swamp of globalism.

Actually the issue is not about religious freedom at all. If the Muslims had wanted to build a Mosque somewhere else no one would have cared, its just about the conflict of interest, the gain and follow up to the sword that the 'moderate' muslims are taking advantage of.

Ulysses Grant actually didn't have a middle name, but took the letter S in order to meet some federal requirement for service. The name was changed to Simpson from another invention, and people called him 'Sam'. U.S. Grant recognized the aggression of the confederate armies as a matter of style. Grant never had his head up his ass on Lee's fighting style or those of confederates generally which was to attack. To attack the dar al harb that be us is also the fundamentalist Muslim style though they are not all so skilled as the Wizard of Os improvisationally. President Obama may find it political correct to shoehorn in a twelve story mega-mosque to reward a crack Muslim urban renewal victory, yet many of us find it dopie if not treasonous. Its not about religious freedom--its about war.

Maybe the Democrat party felt safer electing a President named for the Uncle of the False Prophet. Since 9-11 that party has been fundamentally spineless on resisting spending money in Iraq and Afghanistan or for security. If some Texan former spook had planned to Butch up the military and enrich select oil related military industrial complex corporations through clandestine help in crashing 9-11, he couldn't have done more to harm the U.S. economy than the Democrat Party.

It would be a good thing to elect a President who does not celebrate the Ramadan every year in the White House. Its disorienting to have a guy who grew up down in Indonesia telling New Yorkers and the nation to f themselvesso they can bow five times a day to Saudi Arabia and the real oily world trade center. .


Federal Judge Vaughn R. Walker Is Just Bent On Veto-ing Calif. Prop 8

Chief U.S. District Judge Vaughn R. Walker in his attack on Proposition 8 offers reasoning that the people of California who passed the measure to change the definition of marriage from heterosexual have no standing to appeal his veto to the 9th circuit court since they aren't homos affected by his ruling.

The Judge seems to believe that the citizens of a state have no interest implicitly in how their social institutions exist or what they are, and that a Judge can expropriate their fundamental rights and design society, language and truth in accord with their personal will, whims, Lewis Carrolian fantasies of reality and what is good for the gays of San Francisco.


Judge Walker is becoming something of a legendary farce for judicial activism in the U.S.A.

The entire human social history of heterosexual marriage joining families together with new births, of exchanging family members of blood to tie together royal dynasties, the value of marriage as a way of tracing bloodlines and ancestry is all at stake as the judge seeks to change the core meaning of marriage to cohabitation with non-reproductive sex of any sorts of beings in whatever numbers. Judge Walker is simply bent and should not try to substitute for social will and legislative action with judicial corruption of law and language. He is perhaps a deep-water Bush-Bohemian Grove Gay putcher himself who does substantial harm to the integrity of the United States.

There are innumerable legal remedies for the things homosexuals desire in seeking a cargo cultists approach to being like heterosexuals. If they want health care benefits or special tax breaks available to heterosexual couples that are married, or inheritance rights there are other means to make such things available for those not heterosexual and married. If is an unfortunate fact that homosexuals seem to wish to attack and destroy heterosexual social norms and institutions because they dissent with heterosexuality. It is a sad fact that Judge Walker as a homosexual advocate in California makes a globalist, corporatist, atheistic perverted putsch to annihilate human decency at its most cherished core values such as the social institution of marriage and a joke of the prose-poem Footprints simultaneously. The corrupting power of the U.S. Judiciary and the California Federal Judiciary in particular is threatening to the security of the United States at times, and definitely not a friend of democracy on this occasion.

There is no need for homosexuals to directly attack and annihilate the heterosexual historical institution of marriage of society in order to secure whatever interests they seek socially as equal citizens. Forcing through Judicial activism the end of marriage as a heterosexual institution upon society would traditionally open the door to destabilizing social remedies through other means than government, when government is corrupted. That has happened more than once in history, and in this challenging era the need for society to defend itself from an attack from within by foreign and domestic homosexual activists is distracting.

Early Universe, Consciousness, Phase Transitions and Hot Tub Heart Attacks

Reading 'The Cosmic Jackpot’ the idea of variable constants in the low temperature range of physics amidst different pocket universes of an eternal inflaton seems a reasonable enough idea. At the trillion trillion degrees range near the very start of time before a Higgs field extended much with inflation there would be no proximal profusion of fundamental force pluralism. Such a regime would be inhospitable to the being of consciousness of a physically supported sort.

Davies seems to suggest that at lower temperature range more 'fancy' aggregation of matter can form, such as life and consciousness. Complexity in matter forms toward low temperature rather than high. Initial values of ratios such as protons to neutrons were formed early in the high temperature era, there is much fine-tuning of constants.

One of the most interesting is dark energy--if it were slightly more matter would be blown apart by a seeming anti-gravity, and slightly less would create a powerful collapsing force such as ultra-gravity. No one knows what dark energy is or if it exists as a particle of some sort getting power from a Higgs or anti-Higgs field in some way. Interesting stuff to think about--including phase transition of water into an ordered crystal lattice at 0 degrees centigrade. Phase transitions of matter may be somewhat like that of consciousness emerging from matter. At some point through the construction of complexity mass is able to transition into consciousness thank God.

Davies mentioned the very low temperature range at which D.N.A. dissociates. It breaks down entirely at 200 some degrees C and is harmed substantially before that. Obviously I regarded hot tub heart attacks and other problems affected by temperature increase--perhaps global warming will affect consciousness too making some fail to support a substantial extra-terrestrial moon base project or California proposition 8-2010.

More Reasons Why Art Is Useful and Important

Computer art is useful and sometimes important for education as well an entertainment .From sketches of synthetic extra-terrestrial planets to some really excellent civil war drawings of Lee's army of Virginia crossing the Potomac on their way to forage for food and war in Pennsylvania in which Taoist water, wood and mist settings with a few fuzzy logic soldiers leaning on muskets as if they were staffs for a long journey while they waited on a small boat amidst the reeds along the shore, art may inform us of history and brief us on philosophical or scientific concepts. Symbolism in art works may be very fine today including presentation of imaginary portrayals of the big bang and inflation.

Such cosmological art would have been exploited by the pre-Socratic philosophers if they had time away from interminable war with the Persians, Spartans or whomever was taxing their time. Word art in writing is also helpful for illustrating points. The art of logic and the art of chess are skills, yet they are also developed with singular styles as one's ability allows. 'The Portrait of The Artist as A Young Man' by Joyce leads us toward 'Finnegan's Wake' and a wealth of comparative linguistic and historical ideas regarding the potential for word construction and meaning.

Wittgenstein, Sartre and Quine were all probably aware of Joyce, Lewis Carrol was a linguist and something of a logician who invented his own language as well as an alternate fiction reality. The creative mind of the artist may even find its way like three quarks for muster mork into naming the constituent units from the Higgs field at the smallest level providing the strong force to hold things together so far as we know or guess.
Some of the good artists educate as well entertain. The use of symbols to convey meaning has few arbitrary limits.


Judge Walker Redefines Language-Meanings & Forces 'Gay Marriages' On Caliifornia

I am not an advocate of Clintonomics. Clintonomics was an ultra-voodoo outsource U.S.productivity abroad and convert the nation to indirect income money skimmers and labor work exploiters. It is the heart of a non-renewable capitalism with an irrational premise. Cristie Whitman's 90 million dollar California Senate primary campaign budget is one expression of the irrationality of the Displacement and Replacement aspects of Democratic and Republican politics in the new era (more about that below). If one has a 1000 cell phone users and consolidates them with one party line efficiency is not increased even with a hierarchy to manage the line. Networks and concentrated wealth decrease rather than decrease economic efficeincy.

The U.S. and global economy is not one micro-economy or one corporation that can have its efficiency increased through allocation of resources. Consolidating and merging corporations decreases inventiveness and competition as well as actualization of new ideas. The post-war transitory phase in the U.S. economy to increase the range and power of U.S. corporations and to transition from a productive economy to a managing economy implicitly is anti-capitalistic if one may consider the reduction of competition and the elimination of the total number of individuals nationally who are significant capital accumulators.

I am for cutting the Department of Defense significantly as it already has 51% OR MORE OF THE DISCRETIONARY BUDGET. While Clintonomics is a globalist policy of irrational displacement based ecoomics that was an ultra-voodoo policy with a balanced federal budget as it parted out the U.S. economy with Glass-Steagle and other invest in China and Wal-Mart the economy techniques developed by Larry Summers, moon base construction is real work and challenging at that. The comfort based U.S. lazy Clintonomics continued by Obama and militarized for redistribution of wealth to the rich purposes by Bush II implicitly concentrates wealth and reduces local ownership of mortgages and business/politics, yet it has no momentum for rational public works project to advance citizen security existentially.

Judge Walker’s decision to end the stay on his decision to veto the California proposition limiting marriage to heterosexuals seems an oddly Satanic judicial political implementation of public policy directions. Federal judicial corruption of democracy has occurred before in order to conform the nation’s progress toward a satanic secular conformity, in this instance the decision by a member of the third branch of elitists corrupting the popular will presents a few interesting facts that resonate with history.

Aristotle believed that a democracy would destroy itself and break down into a tyranny through the popular intemperance and immoderation of the masses. In the case of the defeat by a verdict of one judge of the opinion of a majority vote of seven million citizens, it was an educated elite cadre with an activist agenda who served to advance the destruction of democracy through overturning the popular conservatism of California voters.

Not to be fancy for purposes of obfuscation, marriage is a social support for reproduction and child raising. Marriage cannot be anything other than heterosexual for humans reproduce only heterosexually. Judicial, legal fictions of course can declare otherwise for reasons of political correctness and economic advantage real or apparent. Judge Walker’s decision to overturn several thousand years of historical reason with a legal fiction is such a circumstance.

The United States today is facing many deep challenges resulting from Clintonomics carried on by Bush II and Obama. The nation’s economic foundations were shifted to concentrate wealth and send material production abroad. The majority of American workers became service workers and financial workers, homes and home mortgages were commodified and purchased by global corporatists and local economic autonomy destroyed.

Clintonomics was facilitated by the rise of cheap labor abroad and also imported into the United States from Mexico. Democrat and Republican parties both supported Clintonomics with different styles. Democrats were a displacement and replacement of white straight males party generally, while the Republicans were a CEO support party for corporatism that would also wink at homosexuals as useful consumers.Judge Walker was an appointee of George H.W. Bush(I) who was a ‘moderate’ country club, globalistist, New World Order Republican founder.

The democratic Party through a variety of legal ‘liberalizations’ had sought equal pay for equal work for women, and to eliminate advantaged work areas in construction and elsewhere for white straight men in the U.S.A. Females had no opportunity to avoid being drafted into the workforce of course though they may believe otherwise. American women since Rowe v. Wade and birth control pills have logically moved into the non-physical areas of the economy such as the financial and service sector, government bureaucracy and offices provide steadily while reducing the independent U.S. construction phenomena to a dependent, phenomenal tool of mass commodified housing regulated by legions of businesses sometime employing illegal alien sub-sub contractors phenomenally to put together mass produced packaged homes at high prices.

Neither the Displacement Party nor the C.E.O. Party seeks the advantage of American workers or small business though they give lip service to the latter commonly. Clintonomics has no interest in creating a more organic locally owned home construction industry or reversing Glass-Steagle. With so much of the nation centered on collecting large checks to buy imported cars and fuel, buying goods made in China and globally sending their cash out of the nation to destinations unknown, the likelihood of the U.S. economy improving much is improbable.

Clintonomics reinforced a networked concentration of wealth and global totalized exploitation of natural and economic resources. As the destruction of boundaries proceeds and local security declines so does the independence of free enterprise becomes subsumed by concentrated capital and decreased local initiative arises. Paradoxically the problems associated with Soviet Communist ‘business’ also arise in a totalized global corporate environment as personal autonomy is sapped or killed, individual freedom to find work ad creative land and construction opportunities eliminated and the solely important economic issues are found in vast networked political questions of control and balance with government largely an irrational cheerleader of an irrational corporatist ad hoc collection of controllers seeking to extract profits for concentrated wealth.

Judge Walker’s choice to sew the infective social leavening of homosexual sin into California and the nation merely accelerates the perversion of mass networked power and its attack on personal and local political and social self-determination. The judiciary too is caught up in the corporatist government trend of neo-liberalism with its irrational Soviet business bureaucracy corrupting the political and actual economic environment through the power of technology and destruction of classical reason.

Stephen Hawking said that humanity must leave Earth in order to survive. Jacque Cousteau gave humanity about 200 years to live. James Lovelock said that in a few hundred years North America will be a desert.judge Walker has perhaps advanced the time for the end of life on Earth with his decision. The effort to create a rational, sustainable, non-evil society is never helped when depravity becomes the judicial norm.


A.C.L.U. Sues City of Anchorage to Get Tax Breaks for Homosexual Groups of Two (or More?)

When the A.C.L.U. sued the city of Anchorage to get tax breaks for homosexual pairs equal to that of married heterosexuals they brought up the entire idea of taxes, tax exceptions and the reasons for that. Rather dishonorably talk radio and some writers locally have compared the tax breaks for heterosexual couples as being as unfair as that for those over the age of 65. I will make a few comments therefor about the philosophy of taxation in this region over history.

Originally in the early 2oth century married couples commonly had women getting pregnant and one male breadwinner supporting with cash the entire family. Not only was that tough, yet it was considered socially responsible, for society had to reproduce itself and times were often hard. If all were just quakers or homosexuals society would die out. Tax breaks were thus give. to married people.

Groups of two or more homosexuals might approximate some sexual activities of heterosexual couples in a cargo cult sort of fashion, and triadic or quadratic relationships of sex and house-holding culture could be satisfying, possibly, four some. The reasoning behind equalizing the dyadic house-holder tax rate beyond that of heterosexuals who are young and disadvantaged is not valid in the A.C.L.U. suit parameters though.

Life was shorter than today. At the turn of the 20th century an average American life span was about 45 contrasted with todays three extra decades. The Federal Government seldom ran significant deficits back then either, and the working family needed to save a few extra bucks if they could beside s growing their own vegetables at home.

There weren't too many older people either. Giving tax breaks to those over age 65 that were not working was just plain compassionate. America wasn't a perverted evil empire or anything seeking to exploit everyone possible to run up more debt.

If everyone gets tax breaks then no one pays taxes. Today the rich and homosexuals want special tax breaks not uncommonly.

The government runs up huge debts and globalist Republicans support multi-trillion dollar foreign wars of dubious competence and the rich want tax breaks. Homosexuals who are not know to reproduce want tax breaks equal to that of married people.

To be fair, the reason for tax breaks is that the people as a class need them in these special circumstances. I suppose the retarded might deserve tax breaks too, and of course politicians. Married couples beyond child bearing age (the wife) and without minor childred perhaps no longer deserve tax breaks just for being married.

Not only is marriage and good sex, savings on housing and shared work advantage not only not a disadvantage, it is an advantage over single people perhaps homeless that must pay 10% for self-employment tax while global corporations pay no net taxes. Plainly homosexuals deserve no tax breaks. Neither iis there any reason why three or four homosexuals in group 'marriage' should not have a tax break equal to the poor, young heterosexual couple struggling to have housing, afford diapers and feed their screaming kids that are not happy when they don't get fed. Someone may get a government grant to find out why starving children don't just fast and show monastic discipline.

Tax breaks are supposed to help those that really need the help. Homosexuals don't deserve breaks for living together. Retired people or those over age 65 with plenty of income and savings also don't deserve tax breaks.

Ia a retired senior citizen or married couple over 65 has a huge Wall-Street income why should they get tax breaks? The idea for giving tax breaks to senior citizens is that they don't have any more earnings opportunities and are poor and need to make the savings last a lifetime (the remainder of it). Thats a valid point. Already at age 65 here in Anchorage I encounter age discrimination in getting a job. ts just more difficult--even Russian speaking youth at the state Job Service might feel they have a right to get hired first...and I disagree.

Today one must work perhaps until 75 or 80 if single and homeless. I had to pay my lot for living on to a physician for surgery, and then got a bill from an anesthesiologist wanting more. If I had property to get tax breaks on, I would deserve that as much as homosexual pairs or threesomes living together.

It would be possible to reform tax rates I suppose, yet the powerful want things their way and so the interests of the nation sink traditionally, and that just the way it is. I commend the A.C.L.U. for having an interest in securing justice for the oppressed, yet homosexuals wanting heterosexual tax breaks for raising kids are not amongst the oppressed. The tax breaks should be reformed so just those financially poor and vulnerable in a social class for whatever reason such as the elderly and young couples front-loaded with huge living expenses, get them.

If no one really needs to pay taxes at all and the government runs a surplus from the manna from heaven phenomena then that would be fine. In the meantime the nation already runs on a substantial amount of borrowed money that almost everyone will want t pay off or have some kind of war and new deal (I am not for that).

While Alaska does have some oil income,its state budget has experienced challenges in meeting expenses in recent years, and the city of Anchorage cannot even afford a decent Internet wireless access speed at the public library or a year round bike-path system, much less tax cuts for homosexuals that own their own homes.

The Inflationary Universe as a Portrayal of the Leavening of Sin/Temporality

May the inflationary Universe continuing to expand represent the leavening of sin? Bread leavened with yeast rises inflating in size and scale. Some scientist speculate that the Universe rose from a zero-scale singularity atemporal state inflating faster than light for a fraction of a second before continuing to increase. Jesus Christ is the spiritual bread of life Who overcomes the world. The leavened bread of this world, and also of its high entropy economics, is sin.

Before God created time and space, or perhaps contemporary with it-for it is difficult for us presently to juxtapose eternal non-temporality with time, a perfect Garden of mind or spirit may have existed in which Adam and Eve could live without the leavening of temporality. Temporality was deleterious in regard to a pre-dimensional Garden of Eden, and the peace consistent with the will of God.

God forbid Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, or of the tree of life, yet once they willfully sinned the correction of quantum valence phase transition into an inflationary, temporal universe—even perhaps with an eternal recycling expansion and destruction was inevitable.

If the expansionary Universe may be symbolized with the leavening of bread rising along with sin and departure from the unleavened preternatural condition of the Garden before space-time, then perhaps the destiny of the unsaved may be associated with that temporal inflating Universe into eternal flames of correction.

Hell may be the eternal removal of sin from the perfect will of God. If an eternal condition in accordance with the will of God is the right destiny, and the removal of sin from human conduct such that The Lord may donate a pure spiritual grace for salvation of the faithful, the temporal destiny of mass-energy may be in the fires of correction. In ancient Biblical Israel the Levite priesthood kept the fires for the sin offering perennial burning. Perhaps a similar reasoning of fate was why Mayor Bloomberg supported the construction of a 13-story mosque near ground zero in N.Y.C.

Cosmology today might speculate about the eventual destiny of this material universe in a big crunch of gravitational collapse and fire or plasma. Extreme heat and compaction of mass-energy in a black hole where time stops in accordance with principles of general relativity as it is compacted perhaps to a neo Hartle-Hawking quantum fuzziness reflecting conditions before the first trillionth of a second of the start of this Universe is another astrophysical example of the potential for mass-energy to end in flames. Extreme, pure heat with zero entropy—eternal flames, may guard the most pure realms of absolute spirit associated with the eternal perfection of God. None except the redeemed through the atoning sacrificial work of the Savior Jesus Christ may enter into the perfect eternity of God.

The unleavened bread of simple faith, in the plain truth of the Word of God, transcends the temporal world and inflationary universe of sin and broken forms. This temporal Universe may be one pocket Universe of an eternally chaotic expansionary realm of temporality in which every sort of creature may abound. The sole salvation from the leavened bread moksha (mocha) of time and consumption temporal leavening of sin is with faith in Jesus Christ that the Spirit draws us to. The body and blood of Christ are a transcending way to the Spiritual rather than temporal material.

This Christian way of removing our dependence pervasively upon the forces of the mass-energy continua and dimensions of space and time, for God is more than that, and bringing us beyond that conveyor belt of perpetual recycling and burning up of sin and imperfection that is the perpetual destiny of the lost, is a mysterious and beautiful thing. ‘For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in Him might not perish, but would have everlasting life.’ The words from the book of John provide the transcending answer to the question of why does the Universe exist, and what is our human role in overcoming the challenges it presents implicitly. None may overcome the temporal condition of sin and imperfection without the grace of God proved through Jesus Christ.

Timeline: Muslims Destroy WTC 9-11, Build 13 Story Mega-Mosque Near Ground Zero

Timeline: Muslims Destroy WTC 9-11, Build 13 Story Mosque Near Ground Zero

This is becoming a factual historical sequence for the city of New York. It is somewhat remarkable yet commensurate with the lax defense attitudes regarding border and national security of the era. With so much Muslim purchases of global corporate influence through profits from oil sales the purchase of expensive and sensitive New York City real estate for development into a Muslim cultural center for missions to godless New Yorkers is easy to understand.

Mohammedans lack a sense or theology of sin. It is easier to comprehend how some fanatics may find it practical to make real world ad hominem attacks on civilians of a politically antipathetic nature if one lacks a sense of sin and the implicit moral wrongness of certain acts. Muslims and atheist homosexuals each lack a sense of sin. It is a paradox that two groups so far apart on fundamental social and political orientation should strive for controlling political influence of the city of New York through the corporate world power center of the East Coast.

For the time being the U.S. military is a target of an Obama Administration policy to make openly homosexual sailors, marines, airpersons and soldiers a new norm. The increasing Eastern urban Muslim fundamentalism may be a reply to such secular insinuations of sin as a government supported policy; one wonders where and when Muslim fundamentalists will reach into the Department of Defense through official advancements to vie for control of a military without a sense of sin.

The President of the United States today B. Hussein Obama nominally represents the Muslim and pro-homosexual union of duplicity of effort. His middle name is that of Muhammad’s uncle and he is also the top homosexual militant in the United States through his effort to end ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ military policy on homosexual behavior in favor of the deconstruction of sin.

Will the world’s best Muslim terrorists visit the New York Ground Zero Muslim Culture Center on vacation terror planning junkets? Perhaps future Al Qa’eda missions will be inspired from visits to the unofficially named Oz Bin Ladin Commemorative Victory Mosque. If America today seems to have its head up its as in some respects, perhaps it does, we humble cannot offer our personal opinion on that controversial topic.

Mayor Bloomberg of N.Y. City has supported construction of the mosque as some sort of an expression of tolerance for different religions and cultures. Just a decade after 9-11 that is asking like asking the people of the United States to tolerate construction of a 13 story Japanese Shinto Shrine at Pearl Harbor in 1951, if the Japanese had not lost the second world war, but had only retreated a little to ‘safe mode’. The defense against illegal alien terrorists and legal visiting Muslim terrorists is not yet over.

We understand Mayor Bloomberg’s Jewishness as a factor in shaping his attitude about Muslims, yet he has got it wrong. To Americans the Jews are not just another middle eastern tribe like those of Muslims that Jews might hide behind in the U.S.A. Americans regard the Jews as a special people because of the shared religious history.

Some Jews may worry about latent Aryan supremist blue eyed blondes waiting to incinerate the remnant of Jews. There is no need to safeguard their own minority religious security in the United States by flooding it with Muslims and rashly supporting a mosque of traumatic insult near ground zero.

How often have liberals protested civil war monuments or confederate flags on state property even after 150 years post-war? How vitrolic are the anti-ten commandments statue protesters to keep religious symbols away from public spaces, yet there is a blindness on the crash power symbolism of construction of a mega-mosque near ground zero. Is New Jersey or Massachusetts really that bad of a spot to build a mosque?

The trauma of World War Two gave some Jews 'the queer eye' for Europeans perhaps, yet Mayor Bloomberg could perhaps alternatively have been pursuing an appeasement policy in view of the nation of Israel's precarious position amidst hundreds of millions of Muslims. Such wrong political judgments have led in history to a record of becoming locally out of touch with political interests. Mayor Bloomberg said that giving in to popular sentiment would be giving in to terrorism; actually it would be giving in to democracy, which is not terrorism.

I do not wish to pick on Mayor Bloomberg. I write about issues rather than individuals unless the political office of the person concerned and their official job performance is the issue. Ad hominem attacks are the common method of homosexual militants these days. They were also the real practice of Hitler's S.A. American Christians will continue to support the nation of Israel--while they can.

The Jewish religion is an exclusive, tribal, non-missionary oriented religion that has a lot of wealthy people and has historically had some troubles in blending in to foreign nations following the Diaspora from their own. The Muslim religion is not however, a demure, worship in minor buildings and make a lot of money and influence politics globally like Trotsky and the Solomon Brothers kind of religion.

Muslims are not a bunch of Pharisees trying not to break any of 2001 religious laws and quietly worship in a Synagogue. Muslims have no concept of sin or atonement. They are expansionary as a matter of jihad upon infidels of the Dar al Harb even if trading with the business week from the strength of crude oil dispensationalists. Tolerating the construction of a Mosque near ground zero is absolute idiocy, and like unto giving the Tiger a large piece of raw meat. The ‘moderate’ Muslims set to build the Mosque near ground zero are at best like placing Hugh Hefner to supervise a nunnery…for perennial enmity of non-Muslims with no guilt about it is just a way of life.

Mayor Bloomberg’s ‘moderate; Jewishness and synagogic ideas of tolerance developed with just 13 million Jews on Earth (one for each year of the Universe) is not the same as the moderation of a billion plus followers of the false prophet of Mecca. Mayor Bloomberg could have been more pragmatic and suggested the Bronx or New Jersey as a place to build the mosque. The ‘Imams’ plan was far less than sensitive, and very pushy. Mayor Bloomberg will be remembered next time large Muslim terrorism occurs in N.Y.C. Jews has a historically recurrent problem of making bad political judgments for others because of their historical conditioning. The one place they are good at making political judgments without surprise, is Israel.

Writing Fiction- A Method

Jorge Louis Borge said writing fiction is an unnatural act. That was informative for me. In rural isolation I increasingly immerse myself in...