
Apocalpse Scheduled for Hubble Space Telescope

With the Hubble Space Telescope, human sight has boldly gone where no human vision has gone before. The views of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field series brought visions of galaxies created when the universe was less than a billion years old. N.A.S.A. plans to order the space telescope to activate a small steering rocket in a few years, enter the Earth’s upper atmosphere and burn up in a bright ball of friction flame because U.S. bureaucrats have run out of ideas of anything more useful to do with the brilliant relic of an era of excellence besides ordering it to self-destruct.

The disposable American political ethos has tragically and profligately scheduled the apocalypse for the Hubble Space Telescope. Even though it will be comparatively less modern than the newer James Webb infrared super-giant space telescope scheduled to go up soon the Hubble still would be valuable for a variety of presently unknown future applications.

What can be done with the Hubble; auction it on E-Bay so a private space firm can buy it and move it to some orbital location and perhaps repair it one day? Move it to a stationary orbit Mars? Some use for space materials other than burning them up in the Earth’s atmosphere should become a normal policy- maybe the Hubble could be used to make ice cream or serve as a dog house at a future moon base. Enable the Hubble to make a soft landing on the moon or just send it until on a slow journey around Jupiter until future space farers reclaim it for use-nothing can be as wasteful as just burning it to ashes.

Recurrent Cycle of Evolutionary Capitalism

A recurring cycle of capital concentration in historical evolution is the fundamental post hunter-gathering economic practice of mankind. For reasons of brevity I shall refrain from citing countless historical examples of the point from ancient Rome, to monarchy, feudalism and so forth. From an egalitarian apportionment of natural wealth competition drives the concentration of wealth and power that upon reaching stagnation at the highest feasible form of concentration is broken up with violent revolution to resume the cycle from a new egalitarian foundation.

With the simultaneous progress of human knowledge and technology subsequent cycles of capital concentration resume at a higher level of foundational wealth than previous beginnings. Through history several economic and social analysts have viewed selective stages of the recurrent capital cycles of evolution and have advanced theories about how a ‘fair’ redistribution of wealth might be made. Karl Marx was such an historical figure, who did not recognize, like so many others, that the evolutionary advance of capital concentration cannot be arrested at any particular point and continue to function as a progressive economy. Like the evolution of mass and energy in space time through thermodynamic stages of entropy, economics in capital evolution cannot be stopped.

What can be done to moderate evolutionary capitalism to serve the basic interest of a society is to try to limit the concentration of wealth in order to promote the egalitarian and competitive benefits of complete social participation with meaningful opportunities for ingenuity, invention and private capital concentration. A democratic society cognizant of failures of individuals pervasively to accumulate capital for-themselves should limit the size of corporate employment and attempt to perpetuate a revitalization of individual capital resources for all citizens.

The United States is just one example of a nation in a stage of capital concentration concentrating wealth for trans-national corporations. Concurrently U.S. Government policy fails to create a Mexican border barrier equivalent to a natural barrier effective enough that it cannot be illegal crossed.As the world population and transportation efficiency increases toward 9 billion souls dozens of millions of illegal global migrants enter the U.S.A. to create surplus labor and keep wages down for the working class while wealth is concentrated for corporate rulers of the nation. U.S. cycles of simultaneous concentration of wealth and national political decay provide a glimpse of the future conditions that may precipitate a violent revolutionary transition to stage one of the egalitarian distribution of wealth that evolves toward an eventual concentration of wealth.

The United States began with a violent revolutionary redistribution of wealth and power in destroying British rule over the nation. Natural resources were abundant permitting an egalitarian basis for general capital non-concentration lasting nearly 175 years before the concentration of wealth reached a networking stage that has continued its pace of acceleration. As the population density of the U.S.A. increases the quantity of non-renewable an renewable natural resources per individual decreases. Accelerating global immigration over an ineffectively defended southern border increases the pace of political social inequality with a large internal and external proletariat demanding cultural change.

Instead of being an island of ecospheric rationality and restoration with an exemplary static population size and a continuum of low entropy, full employment economic methodology dampening the cycle of evolutionary capitalism from its terminal, singularity phase the United States has thrown reason to the winds and gone along with the historical drafting force of the cycle of evolutionary capitalism. Karl Mark argued for arrested development at the lowest level of concentrated wealth possible that has the implicit effect of preventing competition and progress, while pure capitalists tend to argue in favor of the cycle of wealth concentration either without comprehending or caring that it inevitably leads to violent social destruction without the interpolation of intelligent design of economic reform.

Hippocampus issues nerve cell growth (brain cells)

New nerve cells in the brain were discovered to grow not only in lab rats, but in human beings too. Sciencenews.org reported on January 29, 2011 pages 23-25 on the phenomenon.


New nerve cells in the brain grow in the Hippocampus area. That stimulates some notions of humanities in Florida stimulating ecological reasoning growth in political circles perhaps as legislation limits boaters from speeding along the Indian River with counter-rotating props. Actually though, some particular food groups help brain cell regrowth besides making new connections between existing brain cells. At least its food for thought.

Fish, omega 3 fatty acids, vegetables, herbs and fruit—these are good brain foods evidently.

Happy American Legal Services © 2011 Gibson-fiction

In order to cut the federal budget, the U.S. Supreme Court was replaced recently by an intelligent super computer named HAL. Simultaneously the state of Alaska built a super-size prison near Goose Creek with beds for 1500 prisoners-some legislators were grousing about the size and expense. Enlightened minds realized that the spaces could be filled more quickly with more efficient justice-and thuse entered the era of super-computer, super-swift justice.

favorable points for HAL...

Hal was created with every legal case every brought before a court on Earth in it's memory, HAL cost less to operate annually than the entire federal judiciary.

Computational legal decisions personify the very latest in keen legal reasoning. Like the computer ubermench of Double Jeopardy able to consider every popular question and answer faster than human rivals, HAL too had a special reasoning program able to produce the quickest and most true judgents possible. HAL's motto engraved on its faceplates said it all;'No mercy, no frills legal decisions on the spot'.

No longer were tiresome court room delays made because of a lack of computational wisdom and electrical accuity. HAL not only cut to the chase, it anticipated the verdicts reading re-trial briefs required with anticipatory text. It's omnipresent television cameras knew of all national actions. No time- lost in appeals


Super-Clusters of Galaxies-Largest Structures in Universe

It is said that the largest structures of the Universe are super-clusters of galaxies. There seem to be about fifty of them in the observable area of the Universe which is about twenty-six billion light years across as viewed from the Earth. I ought to point out that the actually area of the Universe may be greater than the area of it that can be seen.


-photo credit Hubble Space Telescope Institute

The reason for that discrepancy is that light has a finite speed of travel, and that space-time itself is expanding away from the Earth in most directions. The earliest light that has been seen-the cosmic microwave background of the universe that long ago was very hot and now has cooled down to 3 degrees above absolute zero, was sent out when the Universe was about 300,000 years old according to physical evolutionary models run in reverse. Presently we live in approximately the year 13 billion, seven hundred million years after the inflation of the Universe from time equals zero (T=0) that is regarded as the proximal beginning.

Light has had thus just 13.7 billion years to travel, and that is also thought to be the size of the universe as a radius in light years from Earth.

Looking in space-telescopes like the Hubble S.T. astronomers can view formations of stellar material and nebulas of dust clouds lit up by waves of particles from burning and exploding stars in all their phases of life. There are more than half a dozen basic shapes of galaxies, and also galaxies themselves are drawn together through gravity to form clusters of galaxies and even super-clusters of galaxies.

If there are larger structures in the universe than galaxies that exist, no one knows of any today. Of course one might count space as a larger structure if nothingness is real, or maybe just dimensions as larger, or possibly even the mysterious missing matter and energy of the universe that are believed to exist and act as a sort of hidden gravity affecting galaxies and also as an anti-gravity phenomena pushing all of space-time outward. Actually there may be several larger structures than super-clusters of galaxies, yet as it is now, known are know to the human community on Earth.

Super-clusters of galaxies are fantastic things though. They are vast clumps of tens of millions of galaxies maybe, surrounding vast empty areas of space-time. Today researchers write that the clumps of super-clusters of galaxies around vast empty regions of space-time is a consequence of the initial distribution of mass and energy in the earliest moments of the life history of this Universe that is believed to have inflated like a space-time balloon faster than light for a fraction of a second then slowing down to expand at a sub-luminal pace.

The galactic super cluster our Milky Way Galaxy is located in is a pretty good one named “The Virgo Cluster’. A vast super cluster nearly 730 million light years in size is nearest our Virgo Cluster. It is called ‘The Wall’ or alternately ‘The Great Attractor’ and gives us something slid to ponder being nearly a tenth of the age of the universe itself in comparative expansion of light years in size.

Galactic super-clusters are sad to be connected by thin filament at least. We might one day be able to go on a faster than light journey around the Universe to visit these fifty galactic super-clusters without needing to cross through the deserts of empty space-segregating the essential portions. Without that spacing the superclusters might quickly collapse into a giant black hole prematurely bring an end to al life in the Universe.

Might we travel faster than light by travelling outside of the slid state physical realm f the Universe in which we live, perhaps via extra dimensional did shortcuts? Will we one day have the chance to advise any fellow creatures living in the Universe on important topic like how to live peacefully in dense populations, how to assure that all creatures are given equal opportunity for life’s essential needs, and how to conserve and sustain finite natural resources? Probably not, yet the super-clusters are still worth generations of study for their brilliant status as the largest structures of the visible Universe in which nearly every existing star is set.


President Obama; Frontman for Corporate Imperialist Upgrades in North Africa?

With all the news about Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain and Libya an American voter might overlook the troubles the Congress has in formatting a rational budget this year. With a two week temporary spending bill maybe the Government won't shut down. With tax cuts spending cuts won't be capable of creating a balanced budget. Of course the media has thoughtfully placed national attention upon the end of neo-military regimes in North Africa. For those of us out of work in North America, the prospects of meaningful change for our fortunes via Egypt are somewhat abstract.
Perhaps the President as of African descent and a history as a community organizer needed to do his part to create political change in North Africa. The old guard of the North Africa were fading out of use for corporate imperialist public relations purposes. Out with the old and in with the new.
Someday, if the new neo-military government presence yields to a perfect democracy or at least a fundamentalist Islamic tier of states, our great, great, great American decedents may have the possibility of finding a job in Libya or Egypt. That is a thrilling prospect for me tenting this winter in Alaska. All the more reason to listen to the Washington politicos and pundits considering how to help African change with no fly zones, serious sanctions, creating alternative, temporary governments or maybe sending in the 101st Air Cav from an aircraft carrier.
Reading of the history of the Balkan wars recently I couldn't help but notice the similarities between the ingressions of imperial powers through the Balkans and modern global expansions of organized power through innumerable small nations. Imperial power may be of many forms and led by groups of people rather than bloodlines-human collective leadership is creative in finding ways to expand economic borders, exploit the locals and subvert their political right of self-determination.
The transition of the United States into being a servo-unit of global corporate imperialism isn't quite complete, yet the ecospheric demands upon Americans are present vital interests to our political attention as well as the reconstruction of a nationalist political ethic of full employment, secure borders and non-wasteful economic practices.
Sure people are oppressed in large portions of the globe including the United States. Individual rights to own private property and to have personal material security and freedom from want of fundamental survival requirements are undermined by imperial powers historically. With our national economic leadership incapable and unwilling to separate the preponderance of U.S. economic activity from global corporate imperial control the diversion of the public attention to 'the crowning of the king and king of Hollywood' at the Oscar's, to the new regimes across north Africa, or to the latest foreign threats to global economic powers or just to Boston Massachusetts becomes the perennial focus of media activity.
There are virtually no advocates for American economic nationalism and full employment these days in media broadcasts, and none advocating for synergetic economic use of the ecosphere with concurrent conservation and recovery of what remains of it. The changes in North Africa that may go on for decades might be of more meaning to global imperialists of the business world than to Americans out of work now.

How Darwinian Moral Nihilism Evolved the Death of Liberalism

From the beginning the Word of God designed life to be and become in the Universe. The boundary conditions of the Universe of Universes from its initial state were made to enable life to actualize in a variety of states. On the Earth, with powerful space telescopes, the view of space-time and light that has travelled across it spans nearly twenty-six billion light year-thirteen billion light years in opposite directions starting from our world has been grasped.

Human life has evolved thought enabling rational construction of political and social ideas. With creation of intelligent social philosophy the innate spiritual awareness of the difference between good and evil inspires mankind to form governing institutions that fundamentally reflect concepts of individual liberty. Human thought may exist at a cutting edge of evolution from a certain perspective. Unlike unreasoning life forms that are themselves entirely subject to natural forces of evolution, human beings with free thinking creative, willful thought can determine their own responses for good or bad to natural evolutionary challenges.

Evolution does not guarantee success to all living things forever. Human beings with human thought can quickly advance or equally swiftly deteriorate their prospects for evolutionary success. If post-liberal Darwinian moral nihilism becomes the norm, humanity’s selection of meaninglessness over reason may be the harbinger of evolutionary failure.

Liberalism developed in opposition to authoritarianism, monarchy, totalitarianism and the concentration of political power within elite minority rule. Darwinianism leaking into political thought neutralized the meaning of political rationalism while undermining liberalism, if not usurping the name. Liberalism was redefined to mean recognition of the meaninglessness of meaning spelling out in the process the delegitimization of all rationally constructed social philosophies including classical liberalism.

The remarkable insights of the natural philosopher Charles Darwin into the mechanical evolution of material in the Universe including living processes provided ad educated leap in social comprehension of how much of the Universe functions. For many political liberals Darwinism became a purely secular replacement to Christian and other religious thought on matters from ethics to cosmological genesis. It was believed by Social Darwinists that the Universe was not big enough for God and Darwinian evolution to be true at the same time.

Of course expansion of Darwinism beyond science wholesale into ethics, philosophy, cosmology and theology was rash and generative of numerous errors in reasoning. Yet this is not an essay upon the myriad ways that Biblical creation parameters might be reconciled with temporal evolution theory; six days in parameters of general relativity and the twins paradox, theistic evolution, alternative extra dimensions, retroactive creation units and are worthy of elaboration beyond the scope of this political essay.

Charles Darwin’s analytical, scientific thought too broadly applied led to a social Darwinism engendering a pervasive belief in an amoral universe amongst liberals.

Liberalism beginning as a revolution against concentrated power was itself annihilated by a Darwinianism that negated the meaning of anything.

In the United States politics tends to take a massified approach over vast expanses of land. A form of hybrid cultural imperialism was assumed too as a mass market for consumerism naturally enough. Popular thought impelled by social Darwinism masquerading as liberalism attacks all traditional moral norms and holds nations and nationalism to be quaint obstructions to the uniform mass culture of commercial imperialists running roughshod upon the fragile world ecosphere.

In reading a history of the Balkan wars it is remarkable to discover the simultaneous problems for political and social peace created by the competition of several imperial governments over time for control of rebellious mountain peoples. Ethnic divisions are increased by religious divisions compelled by imperial power alliances and preferences. In the Balkans, nationalism was repressed even through the modern communist era. Ironically, even the United States of America as an imperialist power with N.A.T.O. bombed Serbia as it fought it latest war for national identification.

Modern imperialism may form in ad hoc or surruptiously designed and/or mislabeled trans-national corporate structures even bringing together former communist elites into the fold of global rulers of men and women within one world neo-imperial order of corporatism One must wonder if the recent Egyptian pseudo-populist revolt against the oppressive Mubarak regime was in part a C.I.A. production enabled by American influence over the Egyptian military through a two billion dollar annual U.S. contribution. As the old American friendly government lost its usefulness and fell from fashion a newer, youthful transition to a military government and an unknown future more popular government was deemed useful. Such actions while perhaps moral would be expressions of corporate imperialism shaping the world inevitably toward its own ends.

The Austrian-Hapsburg Empire and the Ottoman Empire were two prior imperial powers of the Balkans. American assumptions about nationalism and its relationship to peace were in part formed along with particular European ideas drawn from wars largely between France and the Germanic Hapsburg Empire. As a nation the United States had little trouble increasing its borders over history. The nation has little record of conservation of its culture in the modern world, and instead prefers to expand through immigration and global corporatism as a populist, commercial imperial power. Like a class III star it burns resources at a quick pace and might devour from neighboring stars material to keep fusion fires of economics burning, or perhaps it moves abroad its productive centers making the nation itself something of a slum. Corporate leaders have little national allegiance though it might be impolitic to say so too publicly.

In the past few centuries wars have been fought for ideological, ethnic and imperial reasons far more than for nationalism. If peoples were able to live within national boundaries and responsibly use their own resources with liberal political society of individuality based democracy instead of Darwinian political accountability the prospects for human survival would be much increased.

The ongoing maladroit effect of political Darwinism undermining reason and intelligent design of social boundaries and traditions because of a false belief that nihilistic thought is the truest evolution of liberalism would be funny if it weren’t so serious. Mass market political idea producers believe that liberal thought is the best advocate for the meaninglessness of morality and for the reduction to phenomenalism of any thoughtful political construction of human intelligence.

Popular social political Darwinism logically negates the reality or value of any thought. Perhaps one might associate that with a perfection of Zen philosophy, yet Zen is at least logically consistent and an atemporal belief while Darwinian political secularism and corrupted liberalism are worldly with a self-negating, contradictory political irrationality of nihilism at their core.

Within a temporal universe with apparent evolutionary processes, there are physical values in cosmology not at all well understood. The whole being of the Universe has indefinable boundaries from large to small. Dimensions and time are only being researched. Language development is researched neurological and philosophically investigated. Languages are codes sharing data socially. Amongst researchers languages share data as coded references about the structure of the phenomenal universe. The effort to interpret reality is done with data structures associated through language codes.

Mathematics is a kind of language code that describes the shapes, transitions and quantitative relations logically possible for hypothetical constructions. Meaning in coded structures is valid just so far as it rationally, accurately describes objects of reference in their apparent states of being. The process of interpreting data and inventing concepts are rational, meaningful activities. They are not found within a wrongly transferred Darwinian political philosophy of liberal meaninglessness derived from material evolution theories of life, geology, being or time.

One may require only one language code (as English for example) to unify a nation or people so far as possible within a common possibility of comprehension of meaning criterion. It is also possible to believe that the ability to say the same thing with several codes better, although the language of math universally understood works well enough. When languages, cultures, polities and rational political structures are held to be implicitly meaningless the consequences can be as critical as it could be in any field of human construction such as aeronautical engineering. Liberalism was designed to safeguard individual freedom within a political system rather than to promote anarchy and the opinion that everything is intrinsically meaningless.

Darwinism is not a viable political philosophy for a rational society. It ought to be rightly limited to use as a scientific method for regarding materials formations. If it’s applied too broadly in fields of human behavior including thought, reason is neutralized and intelligent social design eclipsed. It may seem a narrow and sharp line drawn in the sand that points an arrow toward good and intelligent directions instead of random and meaningless chance or whim. If society is to progress toward a rational and optimal social alliance with God’s provisioning of nature, meaning rather than meaninglessness must be accentuated positively.

Nature itself follows highly structured physical courses of orderly change. Human life can be sustained within just a narrow temperature range of perhaps fifteen degrees Fahrenheit of body temperature flux while the Universe ranges over tens of millions of degrees. Comprehending the ordered structures of the Universe; developing human reason to comprehend and construct advanced conceptual possibilities of invention and enterprise within reasonable boundaries in respect to nature and human liberty are works of reason rather than phenomena of meaninglessness and nihilism.


Righteous Christian Tithing

For much of Christian history righteous tithing has been supplanted by unrighteous tithing. Instead of following the parameters of tithing given in Deuteronomy Christians have followed their own guidelines suggested by the receivers of the tithe.

In the Bible book the tithe was to be the first fruits of agricultural production. Ten percent of an individual's work produce was to be put into his storehouse and saved for a celebration of God at some holy place once a year. If any Christian followed the Biblical way he would be blessed with abundance materially, for obviously he would always have a savings account with enough in it to enjoy a worshipful feast each year.
Except in the third year the producer was to give his ten percent to widows, orphans and non-producing clergy. The non-working clergy of the Levitical era were just ordinary men who would infrequently serve a year or less in priestly duties. They were not career ten per cent annually tithe collectors of everyone's produce as they are today. Instead, they were humble individuals who would return to work their own fields after serving God a year.

In ancient Israel and Judah it would have been difficult to meet in a priesthood of believers unlike today where it would be instantly possible and a good way to have Christians gain maturity in the faith. Modern literacy and communication enable all responsible Christians to perform well-ordered liturgical and worship sharing tasks, yet a hierarchical priesthood devoted to ten percent tithe collecting usurps that formation.
It is useful to remember that God did not want Israel to have a King. God was their leader and he only allowed them to have Saul as their king when he was out chasing his lost ass and wandered into the people who recognized the tall searcher as their king. Eventually King David's male line would die out and Jesus Christ-the King of the Jews, would arise from David's line through Mary.

Deuteronomy 14
"22Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year.
23And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always.
24And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to carry it; or if the place be too far from thee, which the LORD thy God shall choose to set his name there, when the LORD thy God hath blessed thee:
25Then shalt thou turn it into money, and bind up the money in thine hand, and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose:
26And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household,
27And the Levite that is within thy gates; thou shalt not forsake him; for he hath no part nor inheritance with thee.
28At the end of three years thou shalt bring forth all the tithe of thine increase the same year, and shalt lay it up within thy gates:
29And the Levite, (because he hath no part nor inheritance with thee,) and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, which are within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied; that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hand which thou doest."

Modern Christians should establish a priesthood of believers. The annual, individual’s family feast will assure that God's will that Christians save their produce and do not want might be carried out with a pow wow and spirit dance perhaps with hired performers of song. The feast should place Jesus Christ at the center of the worship festivity. Obviously the third year donation to the Salvation Army, Catholic Social Services or other charitable organization dedicated to relieving poverty and bring the lost unto reconciliation with God through the saving grace of the Son Jesus Christ would be two thirds of the third year tithing allocation. Perhaps the other third would go to maintenance of the priesthood of believer’s staff and facility financial needs. Those should be far less than in a hierarchically led church structure as an activist priesthood would be the normal form of Christian association.

God has so often sought to provide rational social structures for human living. Usually society has disregarded those enlightened instructions for living and preferred to make life difficult for themselves after a nominal, superficial compliance. The righteous tithing methods were brilliant financial advice that made it an obligation for the faithful to work and save for themselves and not give away their savings to predatory ‘high priests’. Jesus Christ alone is the high priest for humanity.

Today’s clergy have made church meetings entertaining of course, yet they collect a ten per cent cut of everyone’s income for themselves, and that is plain wrong. Christians are urged to give away the ten percent of their produce to a professional clergy that they were to store for a celebration once a year. As Christian give away their savings they are left vulnerable to the vicissitudes of poverty and leverage financially from predatory lenders and others offering dubiously honorable employment opportunities or ‘deals’.

Christian’s bereft of their annual tithing savings account are told to rely upon God magically to produce abundance for them and forsake the practical word of God as given in Deuteronomy quoted above. God have provided a rational way of material provisioning for each individual. With ten percent of a crop in storage (perhaps grain or corn), the godly would not be a consumer or ever find himself without something to eat in an emergency. Today, even in hard times, the corruption of over-tithing a hierarchical priesthood 3000% persists with little chance of church reform into creation of a priesthood of believers.

The Fine Structure Constant Value of the Universe May be A-Changin

The fine structure constant of the Universe is a mathematical value determined by physicists to give the strength of the force that exists when an electron gives up its force carrying particle the photon. Since the early 20th century origin of quantum mechanics the value was believed to be a universal constant at about 1/137. Now that certainty is changing.


Astrophysicists in recent years have found evidence in very distant stellar light sources to support the conclusion that the fine structure constant actually has varied in different regions of the Universe. If it changed by 4% or more stars could not be made from the present methods whereby they are composed. Neither would life exist as we know it without stars.

The Economist and others (see the Feb 2011 article by Bob Berman in Astronomy) have issued articles on the recent change in theory. The topic is interesting especially for those interested in cosmology for if the constant of physics may change much it indicates that underlying causes that are unknown may affect similar processes differently. Perhaps the space-time dimensions of the early inflaton also changed the values of what is called the ‘alpha’ force.

Changes in the fine structure constant may indicate the presence of extra hidden dimensions, or it may indicate that early hidden dimensions were not as compact, or alternately, more compact than today. The quasars or bright galactic sources more than 9 billion light years away in each direction have differing values. In one direction alpha is a little smaller while in the opposite direction 18 billion light years distant it is a little larger. Naturally we would guess that the unfolding of space time dimensions from an initial extremely compacted state might occur with different strengths of force as the intervals of the ball of yarn unrolled (a humorous salute to string theory).

The differential values of alpha that seem possible confirms our appreciation for the subtle constructions of God in issuing select dimensions from a field perhaps of all possible-dimensions in some divine construction yard.

-note to Christian readers- I believe that God may have an Einstinean relativistic realtion to the six days of creation. That is, he can construct several billion years worth of work of Universe building in what to Him might seem a 24 hour day. refer to 'the twins paradox'.

President Obama Gives Up on Defense of Marriage Act- Grounds for Impeachment?

Such executive decisions in other times have motivated congressional party opponents to consider filing articles of impeachment. What else can an ordinary congress do when it passes a perfectly good law and the President chooses unilaterally not to enforce it?

President Obama directed Attorney General Holder-evidently with the Attorney General’s assenting opinion, not to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act. Homosexual militants declared that a victory and the President’s home state of Hawaii concurrently signed in to law a homosexual civil unions law further perverting that island paradise.


The President declared the 1996 law to be unconstitutional. Evidently he has taken upon himself the judicial prerogative of interpreting the constitutionality of laws passed by the congress for-himself.

The duty of the President is to execute laws passed by the congress.

Article I section 1 U.S. Constitution; “

Section 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House

from Article 1 Section 2 U.S. Constitution “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.”

That is very simple. The President has unconstitutionally exercised a line item veto (actually vetoing enforcement of a complete law). Executive constitutional disobedience and dereliction of duty are grounds for impeachment. The founders did not create an imperial presidency.

I do not want to be churlish about this issue. Yes, in this yippish raving global media era it is cool to be ignorant for many. Leftists want to limit public employment in government agencies to those swearing allegiance to leftist labor unions, and the President has offered support to those seeking to expand the meaning of marriage to include not only men and women, but homosexuals and wildebeests too like as not.

The basic issue though is the President’s assertion that defining marriage as a heterosexual union is not constitutional. The President has taken a libertarian opinion on the point of homosexual marriage, and seeks to find that right in the U.S. Constitution. That is an effort to make a lie of the constitution.

The U.S. Constitution was not designed to be unintelligible to the common man (or woman). It is not founded in Byzantine legalisms requiring a Cabbalistic scholar to define its meanings. Neither is the character and personalities of the founders a matter lost in the mists of time. We know these were goodly and practical men who held social and moral values common to their era. Needless to say, homosexual marriage was not a practice of the era nor of any of the signers of the Declaration of Independence nor delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention.

It may be a practice of the left to construction legal fictions from the Constitution that puts social and political opinions into the mouths of the founders that they would have found abhorrent. President Obama may have missed out on basic U.S. History growing up in Indonesia. He really may not realize that revolutionary America had no gay liberation chapter, that it did not consent to abortion, and that it wasn’t liberal enough to legalize bestiality.

If the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence or delegates to the Constitutional Convention were polled in their day on the issue of homosexual marriage, to a man they would have voted ‘nay’. The Presidential effort to pervert the historical truth is an ungraceful work forcing historical lies upon Americans. Not even today would Americans vote approval of an Amendment to make homosexual marriages lawful. Yet the Constitution is not a document of contemporary opinion. Like the Bible it was written at a particular place and time by individuals with real beliefs. Dissimulating those beliefs in order to succor a minority trying to steer the nation into decadence is simply wrong.

Signers of the Declaration of Independence... http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/signers/

• George Read • Caesar Rodney
• Thomas McKean

• George Clymer • Benjamin Franklin
• Robert Morris • John Morton
• Benjamin Rush • George Ross
• James Smith • James Wilson
• George Taylor

• John Adams • Samuel Adams
• John Hancock • Robert Treat Paine
• Elbridge Gerry

• Josiah Bartlett • William Whipple
• Matthew Thornton

• Stephen Hopkins • William Ellery

• Lewis Morris • Philip Livingston
• Francis Lewis • William Floyd

• Button Gwinnett • Lyman Hall
• George Walton

• Richard Henry Lee • Francis Lightfoot Lee
• Carter Braxton • Benjamin Harrison
• Thomas Jefferson • George Wythe
• Thomas Nelson, Jr.

• William Hooper • John Penn
• Joseph Hewes

• Edward Rutledge • Arthur Middleton
• Thomas Lynch, Jr. • Thomas Heyward, Jr.

• Abraham Clark • John Hart
• Francis Hopkinson • Richard Stockton
• John Witherspoon

• Samuel Huntington • Roger Sherman
• William Williams • Oliver Wolcott

• Charles Carroll • Samuel Chase
• Thomas Stone • William Paca

Veganism Experienced Inflated Food Prices Too

Apparently there are two major branches of veganism; dietary and ethical. The first is for health and the latter to stop cruelty to animals....