From the beginning the Word of God designed life to be and become in the Universe. The boundary conditions of the Universe of Universes from its initial state were made to enable life to actualize in a variety of states. On the Earth, with powerful space telescopes, the view of space-time and light that has travelled across it spans nearly twenty-six billion light year-thirteen billion light years in opposite directions starting from our world has been grasped.
Human life has evolved thought enabling rational construction of political and social ideas. With creation of intelligent social philosophy the innate spiritual awareness of the difference between good and evil inspires mankind to form governing institutions that fundamentally reflect concepts of individual liberty. Human thought may exist at a cutting edge of evolution from a certain perspective. Unlike unreasoning life forms that are themselves entirely subject to natural forces of evolution, human beings with free thinking creative, willful thought can determine their own responses for good or bad to natural evolutionary challenges.
Evolution does not guarantee success to all living things forever. Human beings with human thought can quickly advance or equally swiftly deteriorate their prospects for evolutionary success. If post-liberal Darwinian moral nihilism becomes the norm, humanity’s selection of meaninglessness over reason may be the harbinger of evolutionary failure.
Liberalism developed in opposition to authoritarianism, monarchy, totalitarianism and the concentration of political power within elite minority rule. Darwinianism leaking into political thought neutralized the meaning of political rationalism while undermining liberalism, if not usurping the name. Liberalism was redefined to mean recognition of the meaninglessness of meaning spelling out in the process the delegitimization of all rationally constructed social philosophies including classical liberalism.
The remarkable insights of the natural philosopher Charles Darwin into the mechanical evolution of material in the Universe including living processes provided ad educated leap in social comprehension of how much of the Universe functions. For many political liberals Darwinism became a purely secular replacement to Christian and other religious thought on matters from ethics to cosmological genesis. It was believed by Social Darwinists that the Universe was not big enough for God and Darwinian evolution to be true at the same time.
Of course expansion of Darwinism beyond science wholesale into ethics, philosophy, cosmology and theology was rash and generative of numerous errors in reasoning. Yet this is not an essay upon the myriad ways that Biblical creation parameters might be reconciled with temporal evolution theory; six days in parameters of general relativity and the twins paradox, theistic evolution, alternative extra dimensions, retroactive creation units and are worthy of elaboration beyond the scope of this political essay.
Charles Darwin’s analytical, scientific thought too broadly applied led to a social Darwinism engendering a pervasive belief in an amoral universe amongst liberals.
Liberalism beginning as a revolution against concentrated power was itself annihilated by a Darwinianism that negated the meaning of anything.
In the United States politics tends to take a massified approach over vast expanses of land. A form of hybrid cultural imperialism was assumed too as a mass market for consumerism naturally enough. Popular thought impelled by social Darwinism masquerading as liberalism attacks all traditional moral norms and holds nations and nationalism to be quaint obstructions to the uniform mass culture of commercial imperialists running roughshod upon the fragile world ecosphere.
In reading a history of the Balkan wars it is remarkable to discover the simultaneous problems for political and social peace created by the competition of several imperial governments over time for control of rebellious mountain peoples. Ethnic divisions are increased by religious divisions compelled by imperial power alliances and preferences. In the Balkans, nationalism was repressed even through the modern communist era. Ironically, even the United States of America as an imperialist power with N.A.T.O. bombed Serbia as it fought it latest war for national identification.
Modern imperialism may form in ad hoc or surruptiously designed and/or mislabeled trans-national corporate structures even bringing together former communist elites into the fold of global rulers of men and women within one world neo-imperial order of corporatism One must wonder if the recent Egyptian pseudo-populist revolt against the oppressive Mubarak regime was in part a C.I.A. production enabled by American influence over the Egyptian military through a two billion dollar annual U.S. contribution. As the old American friendly government lost its usefulness and fell from fashion a newer, youthful transition to a military government and an unknown future more popular government was deemed useful. Such actions while perhaps moral would be expressions of corporate imperialism shaping the world inevitably toward its own ends.
The Austrian-Hapsburg Empire and the Ottoman Empire were two prior imperial powers of the Balkans. American assumptions about nationalism and its relationship to peace were in part formed along with particular European ideas drawn from wars largely between France and the Germanic Hapsburg Empire. As a nation the United States had little trouble increasing its borders over history. The nation has little record of conservation of its culture in the modern world, and instead prefers to expand through immigration and global corporatism as a populist, commercial imperial power. Like a class III star it burns resources at a quick pace and might devour from neighboring stars material to keep fusion fires of economics burning, or perhaps it moves abroad its productive centers making the nation itself something of a slum. Corporate leaders have little national allegiance though it might be impolitic to say so too publicly.
In the past few centuries wars have been fought for ideological, ethnic and imperial reasons far more than for nationalism. If peoples were able to live within national boundaries and responsibly use their own resources with liberal political society of individuality based democracy instead of Darwinian political accountability the prospects for human survival would be much increased.
The ongoing maladroit effect of political Darwinism undermining reason and intelligent design of social boundaries and traditions because of a false belief that nihilistic thought is the truest evolution of liberalism would be funny if it weren’t so serious. Mass market political idea producers believe that liberal thought is the best advocate for the meaninglessness of morality and for the reduction to phenomenalism of any thoughtful political construction of human intelligence.
Popular social political Darwinism logically negates the reality or value of any thought. Perhaps one might associate that with a perfection of Zen philosophy, yet Zen is at least logically consistent and an atemporal belief while Darwinian political secularism and corrupted liberalism are worldly with a self-negating, contradictory political irrationality of nihilism at their core.
Within a temporal universe with apparent evolutionary processes, there are physical values in cosmology not at all well understood. The whole being of the Universe has indefinable boundaries from large to small. Dimensions and time are only being researched. Language development is researched neurological and philosophically investigated. Languages are codes sharing data socially. Amongst researchers languages share data as coded references about the structure of the phenomenal universe. The effort to interpret reality is done with data structures associated through language codes.
Mathematics is a kind of language code that describes the shapes, transitions and quantitative relations logically possible for hypothetical constructions. Meaning in coded structures is valid just so far as it rationally, accurately describes objects of reference in their apparent states of being. The process of interpreting data and inventing concepts are rational, meaningful activities. They are not found within a wrongly transferred Darwinian political philosophy of liberal meaninglessness derived from material evolution theories of life, geology, being or time.
One may require only one language code (as English for example) to unify a nation or people so far as possible within a common possibility of comprehension of meaning criterion. It is also possible to believe that the ability to say the same thing with several codes better, although the language of math universally understood works well enough. When languages, cultures, polities and rational political structures are held to be implicitly meaningless the consequences can be as critical as it could be in any field of human construction such as aeronautical engineering. Liberalism was designed to safeguard individual freedom within a political system rather than to promote anarchy and the opinion that everything is intrinsically meaningless.
Darwinism is not a viable political philosophy for a rational society. It ought to be rightly limited to use as a scientific method for regarding materials formations. If it’s applied too broadly in fields of human behavior including thought, reason is neutralized and intelligent social design eclipsed. It may seem a narrow and sharp line drawn in the sand that points an arrow toward good and intelligent directions instead of random and meaningless chance or whim. If society is to progress toward a rational and optimal social alliance with God’s provisioning of nature, meaning rather than meaninglessness must be accentuated positively.
Nature itself follows highly structured physical courses of orderly change. Human life can be sustained within just a narrow temperature range of perhaps fifteen degrees Fahrenheit of body temperature flux while the Universe ranges over tens of millions of degrees. Comprehending the ordered structures of the Universe; developing human reason to comprehend and construct advanced conceptual possibilities of invention and enterprise within reasonable boundaries in respect to nature and human liberty are works of reason rather than phenomena of meaninglessness and nihilism.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
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