
Einstein's Special Theory & The Six Days of Creation

Some of us have wondered how God could create the world in six days. Its a mighty prospect of creation. Yet we believe that God is omnipotent and easily able to accomplish such projects. How then we wonder, as we believe in evolution theory too, can we reconcile these too theories?

Einstein helped us quite a lot. His Twins Paradox provides an example of one way time could move differently at the same speed in two different places. An hour for one twin moving at the speed of light would seem to a twin hanging out in the U.S. Congress listening to a speech to take a hundred years. Time is relative to motion. Motion is a function of the scalar field of dimensions, mass and energy perhaps. God is above all that and issued the mass and energy to start with.

No that does not mean He had to just issue the Universe like a croquet player giving a hit to one ball next to an opponent's sending it outward while He can only watch it travel. God's continuing super-reality power above the subjective Universe would allow Him to do whatever he likes with it at any place of space-time.

We don't want to make that the point of this essay though. The explanation for how evolution's apparent 13.7 billion year-old Universe could fit in to six days of creation is pretty obvious by now though-you might have guessed. The use of God of one day might be a little faster and qualitatively better than a human-earth centered use of one how. His one hour may seem like a billion years to us.

We might wonder if he only needed to create the first three minutes of the Universe though with the rest pre-designed within it letting it grow like a plant seed. I think it's possible to believe that he created the entire history of the Universe though-including the future, in that six days. As in computer programming on a hierarchical flowchart, larger, higher level modules may contain smaller units with vast detail. In theory even a few seconds for God might be enough to issue a trillion year Universe from start to finish. Our own universe may have been entirely completed in those six days, and our futures determined there and then. Human beings are limited to living within space time at it’s slower relative pace, and have no higher-level ability to view the completed modules that comprise the space-time of our Universe.

If the entire history and future of the Universe was made in six days letting God take a day off on the seventh-that would explain how everything is predetermined yet seems to be somewhat free from our human point of view.

God could create six large modules and several smaller branch modules. Like a wheeled mechanism with gears, larger wheels could travel more slowly yet include as much time as smaller gear space-time modules turning much faster. Those smaller module-gears could be compared to the time experience of God at His faster speed to our universe of billions of years that were to God like six days.

Thinking about space-time and relativity within this theistic speculation of reconciliation of the Bible to evident facts of physics and cosmology I have thought a little more about neutron stars and black holes as smaller gears with a faster spin rate than planets in some instances, and with more power. Not being a physicst I may upset a few establish notions here, yet it is just a contemplation of solid-state physics a little though since I am on the topic.

Singularities of black holes compact and reduce mass to its smallest components-maybe one dimensional strings. There is an absurdity in the concept of gravitational force concentrationg mass, breaking it up into smaller pieces such as neutrons and may strings of one dimensions before packing it all together into one super-string solid. That’s just not very logical. That super-concentrate would be some kind of thing for-itself.
What force could keep the strings apart under such pressure? Could one string made from all the other strings acquire infinite energy or would some hypothetical limit exist?

One logical possibility is that black holes breaking down mass convert it, or stuff it as basic string energy, into extra dimensions (the six extra dimensions of string theory). That energy stuffed into extra dimensions under extreme pressure converts the strings into space-time within six dimensions. That infusion of energy into extra-dimensions displaces or slopes the normal four dimensions of space time creating the appearance of space-time curvature and the affects of gravity. I prefer that concept to one with gravitons as particles flowing outwardly as a field to draw in mass and energy forcefully.

Even Hawking radiation would fail to exist in this theoretical context. At least the amount of Hawking radiation would not account for a preponderance of the escape of information and mass-energy from the black hole back into normal space-time required for the criteria of Shannon entropy to be satisfied wherein no information is lost from the Universe.

With all that mass converted into a basic form and energy as well converted into a third state of being as six extra dimensions of space-time, information easily goes outside the event horizon of the black hole as space-time curvature effects of the four normal dimensions by the smaller dimensions infused with the mass-energy input to the black hole singularity.

Perhaps the concept has no support, yet it is an interesting consideration for myself at least. There is a little more though. I should clarify that gravitons would not exist since the curvature of space time by smaller dimensions acting upon our four normal dimensions would be sufficient for the appearance of gravity. The six extra dimensions and there space-time field acting upon our four might also produce the scintillation of ‘virtual particles’ that appearance in the four-dimensional vacuum briefly. The transfer of mass to black holes and extra dimensions through singularities may also displace the normal four dimensional space time, or augment it, increasing the rate of expansion of out Universe.

The neo-Platonist philosopher Plotinus believed that The One – the Person we think of as God, required no physical extension into space or time. Perhaps the ultimate concentration of mass or energy as a space-time field itself concentrated requires nothing at all if it is a product of God. The concept of creation ex nihilo becomes somewhat simple in a context like that. Well, if not simple, at least intellectually what one might expect.

A release of dimensions from the most powerful concentrated form possible-from a Supreme Being that has no need at all for physical existence or lower level emanations such as mass or energy, might have occurred faster than light before slowing to sub-light speed, yet we might anticipate that the omnipotent, omnipresent and infinite Being that requires no physical existence to Create a Universe is not restricted or limited to one particular location or idea before the issuance of any sort of Universe or multiverse.

The six days of God referenced in the book of Genesis was ample time at His relative experience of time to create billions of years, or trillions of years of human, Earth relative time-at least that’s what I believe we might infer from Einstein’s special theory of relativity and Genesis.

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