
State of Alaska Seems to Create Oil Jobs in Canada and Alter Canadian Ecology

The Governor of the State of Alaska (Sean Parnell-Republican) has supported development of a trans-Canada natural gas pipeline in order to deliver gas supplies to the American Midwest. The impropriety of Alaska state government investing in construction projects in Canada instead of Alaska apparently escaped the notice of a generation of Alaskan politicians.

The Palin administration also supported AGIA-the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act, that gives up to a half a billion dollars to a corporation willing to build the pipeline.


Skeptics might guess that a trans-Canada gas pipe would be stage one of a plan to build a trans-Siberian pipeline to Alaska in the future. With an existing pipeline from Alaska and supplies one day running out it would be a natural step to tie in Iranian and Russia natural gas supplies through their own interconnecting pipelines o Alaska. Such construction projects as well as all on and offshore oil and gas development projects in the Arctic would need to build pipelines along corridors above any potential rise in sea level created by global warming caused in part by burning fossil fuels making greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere.

The state of Alaska has invested in a Trans-Canada and Exxon bid potential gas line development project. Trust of the state government of the Exxon Corporation in something like asking a vampire to keep a pint of blood in their refrigerator when your own has broke.

Many people suspect the global oil corporations of manipulating oil and gas prices over the decades. It is known though that Russia, Iran and Qatar have huge natural gas fields, and many places are not short in supply either. Global political and financial networking has made shareholder investment in transnational corporations common and in conflict with the interests of state governments and democracy in innumerable instances.

The state of Alaska should investment development money in Alaska instead of Canada. It should create jobs in Alaska instead of Canada. It should never, ever trust the Exxon Corporation, and should be aware that a conflict of interest fundamentally exists between seller and buyer in a bargaining situation. It is unlikely that Exxon or any other trans-national oil and gas corporation would seek to maximize the value of a seller of oil and gas reserves. It is also unreasonable that the state of Alaska should permanently make its sales of natural gas dependent upon transportation through a Canadian gas pipeline operated or owned by the Exxon Corporation. Such a plan is idiocy.

In former decades I too have rarely supported construction of a gas line through Canada. Finally I came to my senses through philosophical maturity gained only over time and contemplative thought. Presently the state of Alaska should construct its gas pipeline to tidewater in Alaska at the Kenai Peninsula and keep maximal fluidity of sales of product through super-tanker gas ships to anyplace on Earth in the future (such as Los Angeles) that want to buy the product at a fair price.

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