
Note on a Priesthood of Believers

Christians should be like a football tema where all are players instead of spectators. Today's U.S. Christians generally sit in the stands as spectators with a coach sermonizing them. The priest-coach may be able to receive tithes and encourage the congregation to right moral conduct, yet it leaves the spectators poor football players since they aren't really far into the game.

A preisthood of believers ecclesiastical structure would be present Christians as players on the field sharing all the roles of Sunday service. Sure there could still be commercial or pro coaches and evangelists making special appearances occassionally, yet each week the Preisthood of Believers Christians would be in the game in small, well organized groups operating from a playbook they have learned in some orthodox way-perhaps a special denominational theology quality control school.

As in football we would not expect all Christian priests at their U-table gatherings to be ready every Sunday, immediately for reading from the old or new testament, working the minutes, taking prayer requests, leading a sing-a-long or reading a ten minute sermon. Simple beignner, intermediate and elder adult roles would advance Christians in Priestly duties as their attendance records and workbook completions indicate.

Tghis is a simple enough, necessary transition for Christian form in the modern world. To fail to upgrade does harm to missiological and maturation of Christian opportunities. It would be easier to actualize in literate nations.

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