
How to Unify Space-Time With Quantum Mechanics (a non-scientific comment)

Einstein’s generally theory of relativity unified time and space creating a new paradigm for viewing the composition of the Universe. New ways of considering the nature of the Universe arise now and then. Einstein provided a revolutionary perspective creating a new basis from which to speculate on cosmological topics.

Einstein’s sought to unify his general theory with the developing paradigm of quantum mechanics. Traditionally the philosophical view of matter has considered things to be made of progressively smaller pieces. Large dirt clods are made up of lots of smaller ones. After a Mars size chunk of mass slammed into the Earth early in its history debris cast into orbit around the Earth consolidated to form the moon. The same reduction of things to smaller sizes and a search for ‘fundamental particles’ gave us a theory of atoms, fermions and bosons (the particles that carry force), strings, rings and membranes.

What if Einstein’s theory of general relativity could be extended to the quantum mechanical realm? Perhaps mass does not actual exist as particles, waves, strings or membranes but is instead a phenomenon of space-time curvature at a very small scale.

Energy might be transferred not between sub-atomic particles such as quarks with a strong nuclear force. Instead the orbital states of particles might be curvature of space-time in particular states that might resemble particles in orbital states. Flattening out of orbital energy levels might be the equivalent of a wave passing through the ocean to another location, or upon a river arriving in places to form a stable, standing wave.

If energy is equivalent to space-time curvature in some way, and if the most compact curvature of space time has the most energy, it is consistent with space time singularities in black holes and perhaps the acceleration of the expansion of the space-time of the Universe.

The notion that a space-time media pre-existing the Universe was given an initial waveform pattern to initiate general and local distortions that would appear to be matter eventually to human observers is just one possible way of regarding the comoposition and/or construction of this Universe. Though the fundamental or proximal paradigm does not require theo-relativity to elaborate, considering logical principles in an Aquinian methodical way would not find necessary contradictio with that approach.

It is interesting that Thomas Acquinus lived to be just 49 years of age. He died in a riding accident hitting his head on a tree. That occurred just three months after he completed his Summa contra Gentiles and said that everything he had written so far was simply chaff. Some of the most deep human contempletive thinkers have discovered transcending paradigms in their investigations. It is difficult to believe that the possibilities for human understanding have approached any sort of conclusion.

Einstein's cosmological development was a sublime innovation for human knowledge. Perhaps it could be applied farther, in the quantum mechanical realm.

If there are a trillion, or a hundred trillion galaxies in the observable Universe, there are also 100 trillion connection in the human brain that support the creation of thought. There may be repeatable patterns at several levels in the Universe, and phase transitions too effectively creating more than the sum of the parts.

That last point seems evident when the Universe produces pluralism from a generally more monistic original condition at nominal Time equaled zero. One might describe an original monistic unified field of space time in various states of curvature and local distortion with string theory or particle-waves, perhaps distortion of space-time into mass occurs more readily in areas with increased gravitatational distortion.

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