
White Youths are Now a Minority in Ten States-More States to Follow as Boomers Fade

The increase of the population of white youth in America was just one percent in the past decade. In fact non-whites accounted for more than eighty percent of the population increase of the United States. The significant cultural changes that will likely continue to accelerate in pace as the boomer generation has left the reproductive age presents numerous long range political issues impacting America presently.

Of concern to me as a member of the set of the youngest of the boomer generation is the increase of racial bias in the workforce against whites and white males who are older workers or unemployed. A pervasive increase in a manifest destiny of racial empowerment has already led to the practical definition of civil rights in the U.S.A. to mean the rights of non-whites. Political civil rights issues are pervasively biased toward disempowering white males.

Unemployed white males not of the prosperous classes may have significant challenges in getting hired within a non-white work force. Social class biases are a class of life. If all of the workers at a Wal-Mart are women, Filipinos or other 'minorities', it is common that non are aging white males.

There are concatenated social disadvantages of non-white bias against extended life employment for aging white Americans. If not employed they, like others, may need food stamps, social security, Medicare, Medicaid and other taxpayer supported costs that younger workers must pay for, and that makes little economic sense. Keeping older people employed at least until age 75 if possible in the non-heavy lifting contemporary workplace is a better goal than to force them out of work, fail to rehire them if unemployed, and add trillions to the national debt.

White America's birth rate is quite low, and may soon be in decline. White American youth face the prospects of becoming a national minority as boomers fade from the season. The space program and other science advancements may become underfunded as non-whites and a flood of illegal aliens seek to reallocate social spending from former 'white' interests to social remediation of poverty in the new America. In that transitional era it would be a good idea to let people find a friendly work environment realistically accommodating the abilities of aging people in order to keep society humane and the national debt from increasing far beyond the 20 trillion dollars that President Obama plans to leave as a legacy by 2015.

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