
New World Order to Buy the New York Stock Exchange

The value of the N.Y. Stock Exchange after its purchase by Deutsche-Boerse AG will be about 24 billion dollars. With this bid likely to go through, and the NFL negotiations with owners seeking to reverse the 60-40% share of profits with players, the New World Order agenda is moving forward concentrating wealth and peonizing the American working class.

The administration is a cheerleading group of the rich. They are not alpha (a-hole) males and females; they are simply B-male (and female) spoilers and mouthpiece executive officers for the rich. They are the super-shill class subverting U.S. nationalism.


The United States needs a rectification of capitalism and democracy that will support an invigorated ecosphere within national borders. No citizen should be permitted to own shares in more than three corporations, and no corporation should be permitted to employee more than 3000 people. The U.S. Government is a pimp for globalists whoring American workers. They are shameless and thoughtless stuffed suits enslaving Americans in debt while killing the ecosphere.

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