
Obama vs Ryan (again)

The last time Barrack Hussein Obama up against a Ryan he won by default. That was in the Illinois 2004 race for the U.S. Senate. Now U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan is the Republican party's preferred challenger versus Barrack Hussein Obama-its as if they want him to win.

I once had a dog named Clancy. He was a nice puppy that I couldn't take with me on the road so I had to give him away to a nice home. later I read the brillliant Tom Clancy novels, yet I never dreampt that the U.S. public would need make believe political fantasy figures in politics of the absurd to persuade them that their government really cares about anything besides enriching the rich.

Running a Tom Clancy hero figure approxie popular political leader as a kind of Jersey Generals against the Globe Trotters isn't really such a bad idea to assure that corporate policy goes through without blame if Barrack Hussein Obama is giving the Republican party nearly everything the rich want in leadership. And I must say that Paul Ryan has the kind of big hair that a Tom Clancy hero ought to if he is going to work for the U.S. Government (well in the late 80's and early 90's at least-now it might be a moslem afro-american named Jinghis from the south pacific region allegedly if the C.I.A. hasn't cooked his birth certificate).

Somehow the political budget will work out in 2011 with the Republicans making hoo haw interminably about letting the poor cut-n-stitch up their own guts when they need abdominable surgery and to quit shamming in emergency rooms at the expense of hard-working CEOs taking millions of dollars in bonuses from federal bank bail out packages.

I suppose the Congress will in some way trim the poor who are increasingly so much lint like externalities to the suave global corporate capitalist set running the U.S.A. with a fine corporate Harvard product front man.



Prospects for Good Jobs for All Americans in Decline

Pragmatic job quality considerations should apply in regarding the realistic value of the opportunities for employment in the U.S.A. The prosperous not uncommonly have a 'let them eat cake' attitude toward job availability in the U.S.A. instead of anywhere globally returning highest personal profit. Like a sardonic pimp they may say that job quantities are more numerous than people available to fill them. People are real however, while mind and ideas about work for others possible in distant locations outside locality that the prosperous might imagine are easily accessible are not restricted to real, physical actualization.

I looked for a job in Anchorage Alaska for an entire year and could find nothing at all-not even in the seafood processing business. Sleeping in a tent in January I was supposed to go to Dutch Harbor to process fish for a Japanese corporation but the Seattle office kept telling me that they could not give me the itinerary to fly out via email like the had everyone else. Eventually they sent the itinerary to Wrangell Alaska about 700 miles away-completely useless. I spent the rest of the winter sleeping on the ground in a tent in Anchorage walking ten miles to the employment office and library on job searches without luck.

Possible numbers of jobs do not correlate to numbers of jobs that would actually better the situation of the unemployed.

President Bush said;'I have opinions of my own-strong opinions-but I don't always agree with them'. The prosperous may have strong opinions with or without understanding. Sometimes they need to reverse those opinions.

Some jobs at minimum wage in inner cities can realistically be filled only by those that don't need to pay rent. Some jobs can be filled by people living rent free with others, or perhaps by members of a given race living in ghetto housing paying very low rent that would be off-limits to other races.

The costs of travel and relocation to minimum wage jobs can bring immediate front-loaded increases of risk and loss of peripheral quality of life factors. It is also dubious that a family should relocate across the nation to an unfamiliar area to take one minimum wage job.

I personally rode a bike about 30,000 miles in the U.S.A. between 1994 and 2008 looking for regular, quality employment that I never did find. Instead I eventually transitioned into self-employed sporadic house painting and writing while continuing to search for some quality work. Not even 'dirty jobs' unless, one means illegal or immoral positions were commonly available . I have even worked recycling bottles in the Alburquerque plant-and that can be a very dirty job, and am not put off by working with trash of low or high quality. Being alumni of the Army chemical corps at least instructs one in cleaning up messy places.

One can scour the nation for work for years and find not even minimum wage jobs during good times as rare as bottles of ice water in the Mojave desert (a truck actually stopped and gave me several bottle of those when I was resting with my bike on a guard rail in the desert one hot August day). There are numerous factors that can make finding and keeping minimum wage work very difficult, and the reception that workers of different backgrounds, races, ages, education and health get can vary radically.

The U.S. economy today has an increasing element of decreasing money multiplier values from the people with concentrated wealth. In fact the U.S. economic structure today increasingingly exits simple to concentrate wealth amongst materially non-productive classes without passing reaching the hands of the poor. Banking, finance and Wall Street managers typically do not employee Americans directly when they have capital as might a prosperous farmer hire more hands in the 19th century. Instead they invest the capital abroad in foreign production. Wall Street corporate earnings today are at the highest level since 2001 yet real net job losses continue in the U.S.A., and only 57% of working age Americans are employed.

The immaterial, high paid sector charging fees on everything besides breathing creates only jobs in a service sector to itself at low wages. They may create these jobs only as a way to mollify the restive public. The Government administration of economic investment of effort has been lousy since the end of the cold war.

Before the 2008 banking-mortgage-insurance crisis and federal bailout the financial sector took 40% of Wall Street profits. The non-materially productive sector that dominates the U.S. economy is creating a two-class society of those insiders with easy money compounded through investment and financial networks, and everyone else.

As economists have pointed out machines and electronic technology have made it possible for very few people to produce all of the material needs required to sustain life. In fact a few inventive scientists may create an entire industry. Capital investors may need to merely finance a new technology corporations soon bought in to by other insiders to create more product output-probably in a nation abroad with cheapest labor globally. The local economic multiplier values of the dollar changing hands in America by the financial, banking and capital investment sectors can therefore be very low. Only as the non-material working class sector develops a scheme to employ more in service to itself with more luxury and power, medical support and so forth does it pass dollars along to the poor or working class searching for employment. And then it also allows millions of illegal aliens in to the nation to keep labor costs down. Even the housing bubble seems in retrospect to have been a rope-a-dope way to sell home mortgages to foreign interests such as the Chinese communist party.

Comments 'The Constants of Nature' by John D. Barrow etc.

Reading this book published in 2002 that reviews the scientific quest in physics to determine what the constants of nature and the values are is a good way to get a little farther on with cosmological comprehension. This book may satisfy that existential doubt about the meaning of the fine structure constant .

In the ongoing development of physical investigations of the Universe one of the fundamental points of investigation and comparative tools for discovery is the value of things such as gravitational force, electron charge, the Planck length, speed of light and regarded as constants. These probably are constants across the Universe and never change in value over time, or maybe not? The book by Barrow is an interesting way to view the Universe amidst the profusion of new theories regarding its construction including string and membrane theory.

This sort of book tends to stimulate the appearance of ideas for the reader about the materials of the Universe we live in. That's not altogether surprising since the book mentions the Holderness number's estimate of 10 to the 70 trillionth power of neuron connections in the brain for ideas (electrical circuits). Everyone should be able to think reasonably well, maybe full employment and a healthy environment will politically arise with so much human thinking capacity available.

Like one's personal computer, I suppose that if one just uses mind for quality creative text there is lots of space-even more than one could use in a lifetime, yet if one uses it to store lots of videos and music it gets filled up pretty quickly locking out any room for creativity.

God may have created the Universe in a workshop in six days of something like a movie maker sweating 24 hours a day with lots of coffee splicing, remixing, adding special effects, intro text, voiceovers etc. before releasing the finished product. Unlike us humans, He always completes what He starts with excellent results.

With a well deserved rest on the seventh day God too could watch the Universe play out through its phases- even where man gets to name the animals before he exterminates most of them. With careful planning it would have been possible to make the Universe have liberty and free will in it as multiple choice thought possibilities too numerous to use for mankind in any possible circumstance they might encounter.

Barrow of course has nothing to say about that-just as well-he elaborates instead what many of the great physicists, astronomers and other scientists of history have thought up to discover what the nature of physical constants are and how they relate to the Universe and to life. This book is quite a good read. He describes the validity of the anthropic principle in set theoretic universes such as that of a chaotic inflationary universe. It should be valid in bubble membrane universes as well.

It may me wonder more about the unsaid things that gravity theorists haven't said publicly about black holes and the singularity before the big bang.

Does it really seem reasonable that quantum uncertainty and breaking up of bound pairs of particles should happen at an alleged event horizon around a black hole?

I would guess that Stephen Hawking envisioned the future era wherein all of the mass of the Universe concentrated in black holes with nothing outside. Obviously if quantum indeterminacy and quantum effects can violate the speed of light or the speed of gravity (also the same as the speed of light) then the underlying subversion of gravity warping space-time could occur given enough time letting virtual particle leakage empty the black hole. Of course, it would be necessary that space-time continued to exist beyond the event horizon of the black hole if quantum uncertainty and superposition is to have a place for particles to leak to. That future condition seems unknown at lest to us non-physicists for the time being. What the theoretical physicsts know about space-time (other than a few loop quantum gravity specialists) on that topic isn't plain.

What relation would mass inside the event horizon have to mass outside? The mass inside has gone all the way to the center and a condition of complete unity as a composite singularity of energy-mass. At the event horizon the only things taken would be from outside and broken up bound particles would be doomed to drift in anyway.

How much is the singular energy state of a black hole like that of the singularity before the start of the Universe? Should we believe it leaked out energy through quantum entanglement before the big bang for a few zillion years then let the rest go in a quick release of space-time? If it did allow quantum uncertainty to occur outside its singular, uniform energy condensed state,where was that if space-time did not yet exist. Oh yes, an infinity of other universes just outside our singularity having no effect at all on the quiet, patient bit of infinitely concentrated energy just waiting to explode.

Stephen Hawking's radiation from a black hole that could over trillions to a very large power of years make a black hole spill its guts of particles to out beyond the event horizon is a brilliant stimulation for creative thought on the nature of what lay within that ponderable gravitational enigma in may ways bearing a resemblance to this Universe. It isn't impossible that instead of recycling the Universe as a process theoretically as one might explain a recurrent supply side economic system that functions forever like a perpetual motion machine, the present Universe may be a one-way event process and black holes send matter on to an uncertain elsewhere as vast, wild scuppers to tax-free havens far abroad. Who knows what God could have in mind for mankind?

If gravity is conveyed by a particle or wave at the speed of light does it also have possibilities for quantum uncertainty and infinite worldlines of which some are selected? Are the selections for effect made because gravity is a concatenated effect of entangled quantum content of mass locally?

Quantum super-positioning and other effects or actions of quantum uncertainty (of which I know little) could be the force driving the expansion of space. If select aspects of quantum particle-wave behavior are not subject to gravitational effect they could incrementally drive apart mass spacing with a chaotic expansion something like that of a gas with heat added. Gravity acting upon large accretions of mass at steady state levels, if it is a phenomena of local quantum entanglement, might have slowed the expansion effects of quantum particle-waves upon space during the era of coalescence and formation of stars and galaxies until the maximum potential for mass quantum entanglement was reached whereafter (approximately 7 billion years after Time of the universe post singularity) super-positioning and quantum uncertainty spacing of distance resumed. It is interesting that quantum uncertainty as an action of energy and interval is coexistent with a quantum unit of time wherein with a black hole and maximum concentration of mass and minimization of quantum effects time is virtually eliminated.

One would think that if space was finite quantitatively and implicitly associated with energy/mass at a singularity that its potential to expand would be finite. Logically constants would represent the function of recurrent processes until they change. The values of processes stable and in transition are possibly what the questions about physical constants (such as the speed of light) lend utility for in constructing theoretical models of the state of the Universe(1).


On 'The New Vichy Syndrome' by Theodore Dalrymple

I had briefly thought that the United States is becoming like Vichy France in being run by globallists rather than a native government recently. So I was rather surprised to find this book of similar title on a library shelf soon thereafter. I checkedit out.

Published in 2010 and written by a British psychiatrist I thought of radovan karoditch at first-with a little bias about psychiatrist writing about social psychology. Yet after surveying the book (a little short of reading every page) I decided that its actually not a polemic. In fact the book hasn't any prescriptive fix for Europe's troubles with miserableism and greivance mongering, low birth rate, low self esteem, influx of Moslems and Moslem culture and lack of a transcendent faith in God or anything else.

The new Vichy Europe described from the point of view of a contemporary history analysis obviously results in a diagnosis as the author is a psychiatrist. Though he offers no cure it is interesting enough to see the way the author views much of the contemporary European mailaise that is also developing in the United States as a pschological phenomenon rather than a result of material, geo-political evolution of history.

With a finite world the age of exploration seems dead. There is no place for a Frobisher or Drake, Magellen or Columbus to go. Exploration is filtered through bureaucracy, and humanity cannot just transition into the destruction of its fellow humans because the room is full.

This book does provide some interesting insights into European phenomena that I was unaware of or had forgotten. It also reiterates some useful facts of life-such as that not all people can be scholars and they actualize in this era fully in vulgarity and even debauchery in the absence of obvious productive activity. In a faithless world of luxury and ego the individual has no humility before God to be concerned about and crude, loud expression better serves to persuade that llife is being lived to the full.

I am a supporter of a steady state economy myself. New forms of high tech green agriculture incorporated in complex, intricate urban renovations could give people something to do while alive in a stable population. The Egyptians had a nation that changed little for thousands of years. Perhaps we could build solar photon collecting, thinking in artificial intelligence mountain range buildings brick by brick-exciting to climb on and live in-while conservative, responsive minimal resource wasting space colonization andplanetary exploration is advanced.

I believe that real,material, rational solutions to problems of civilization are better than diagnosing them as mass psychological issues thatmight be changed through irrational action. The author does not suggest irrational responses, yet he seems unaware that the 1960s created real awareness of the world limits to population growth vs. resource availability, and so the implication that Europe should increase its birth rate or perhaps resume the age of colonization, though not made explicitly, is about all in the book one might consider implicitly. While Moslem immigration to Europe would help destroy European culture, the proactive creation of a new way of the advance of civilization in Europe and the U.S.A. needs to be based on new inclusive principles exportable with isotropic political advantage multilaterally.

U.S. Middle East Policy & Future Concerns

The Obama administration's attempt at constructive engagement with restive middle eastern nations including Yemen, Lybia and Syria bring into the mix a potential packet of new troubles and concerns for Americans in addition to those anticipated to arise as America withdraws from Iraq and Afghanistan. Hubris, misunderstanding and shortsightedness seem to have increased markedly in foreign policy since the end of the Reagan administration.

Syria's government by an Allawite minority has a violent, repressive history without question-and they have not been friends of either the United States or Israel, yet helping to displace that government and force in a sunni or orthodox government possibly as a way to curb Iranian influence is an exceptionally blindered point of view.

The United States has taken upon itself the task of spending trillions of dollars and billions for maintennence of hegemony in a moslem world that won't be converted to assured economic compliance with misguided U.S. interests through money and war. As a way to expand a bent kind of economic, expansive megelomania and resource access abroad, the U.S.A. forgoes rational national economic and environmental security interests and the need to develop a steady state economy nationally while encouraging the same internationally to instead invest in ill-conceived protracted, incompetant neo-military nation shaping abroad.

President Reagan's economic approach invested in the U.S.A. rather than overseas. His energy policy and taxation rates are not correct for today either. Iraq is likely to falir into terrorist incidents after the U.S. military leaves entirely, Afghanistan will not transition to a nation of Ford salespersons soon, and Lybia will probably encounter terrorism rather than a smooth transition into the Waldensian Jeffersonian democracy in the near term-at least the French have a chance to fly Mirages over North Africa for a while. The United States should not invest more hundreds of billions in these Moslem ventures at interminable temporary stabilization even if they might by more Ipads someday.

U.S. Air Traffic Controllers Dropping Like Flies

Air Traffic controllers are being fired like flies for snoozing on the job. Plainly it would be more cost effective to keep the highly trained, hard working people on the job-but no more than truck drivers are allowed to work per day.

Unlike truck drivers, air traffic controllers could be wired to an alpha wave monitoring anti-snoozing device on the job and awakened should they nod off for 40 winks involuntarily. Certainly, if N.A.S.A. is given the task, or a scientific prize cash award is given to the inventor of a way to keep over-worked air traffic controllers awake (don't let them here the President's speeches), the air traffic controllers fired could be rehired with public confidence that they won't again fall asleep on the job.


Political Free Speech In the Internet Era

Free speech during the Obama and Clinton eras took a hit as so-called liberals made an effort to destroy the freedom for individuals to use their own natural language of choice to express themselves. The rubric of 'hate speech' and more recently 'bullying' were used to grease the skids of a homosexual political agenda through the court systems running roughshod over public referenda, popular sentiment, tradition and justice. The Internet era brought free speech use to a height perhaps never before reached in the United States. It also brought new forms of censorship and intimidation-bullying by the state, corporate and internet partisan eras to new forms of personal and financial assault upon non-partisan political posting.

Undoubtedly the New World order has brought change quickly through internet and elite political organization from the top down. The security and economic interests of the United States have slipped toward reinforcing the concentration of wealth through banking, financial network, government and banking perfidy. One compares the value of the homosexual led Nazi S.A. and Carl Roemer to the value of the homosexual political organizational methods and there value to the corporate world and concentration of wealth.

Free speech in the U.S.A. has gone through permutations of principle, progress and ethical content often with unethical rapidity. How might free speech writers preserve the integrity of their expressions and avoid compulsory use of politically correct words without suffering financial and personal attacks from networks rotten with homosexual loyalists of the corporate agenda of consolidating global power?

The answer is uncertain-even unknown. The theory of why free speech is necessary for a democracy to exist and develop meaningful reform and responses to new challenges isn't featured much anywhere in the United States. Like the former Soviet Union freedom and free speech increasingly are described as agreement with the politically correct happy speech of leadership-in the U.S.A. an insider feminized, neutered if not homosexualized government and corporate leadership.

Personal attacks on writers to repress free speech are an abstraction of personal attack on individuals. It is the right of individuals to be secure in-themselves and to freely express their political views without coercion that is most endangered in an advancing corporatist social environment rotten with pervasive networks and fee charging for no material product.

Gather.com so far has presented about the best model for conserving free speech integrity on the Internet. Writers have the opportunity to screen out comments and criticism from their posts and motion picture products. Everyone may read-yet few may destroy, and it is that latter group of concern.

For there are many ways to censor writers-in the global Internet era where foreign governments may contribute thousands of small anonymous political contributions to a Presidential campaign in the U.S.A., corporations with deep pockets may simply purchase corporations like Helium (where I was banned as a top 5% peer rated writer on Dec. 24, 2009 not so long after Helium got a new 'partner'. I had used no more than 50 politically incorrect words amidst my half million words of essays and that was enough for permanent lock out and confiscation of future ad sharing earnings) or Gather, change the rules and create havoc in the life of an individual writer.

Not only may an individual suffer from the corporate power to compel writers to conform to their preferred political and language points of view, a nation may suffer as well. Global corporations may buy off Internet content through a number of means in any nation that might advance the corporate agenda-and of course foreign nations may choose to do the same.

A functioning democracy is only as intelligent as the ideas expressed by the people publically. One surely wouldn't want to depend on the Congress or the President for intelligent ideas-the two parties mulling over the 2012 budget couldn't do anything right for the poor and working class in a century. Thought they spent trillions on bail outs for corrupt banks and other financial institutions-and even bailed out A.I.G., General Motors and Chrysler as well as spending trillions in incompetent foreign 'kinetic military actions' and nation-rebuilding, the first thing assaulted to balance the budget is health care for the poor. I personally had to trade my future home lot in thirty miles from Wasilla to pay half of a medical bill for three hernias covered while working for myself painting and roofing unable to afford insurance and unwelcome in the corporate world that possibly might have insurance. Even the federal government gives nearly free medical to faggot partners of government workers-straight, poor painters and writers get to sleep homeless in Alaska in a tent in the winter. No, the U.S. Government bites.

Free expression may survive even though cliques of elitist atheist, violent anti-personnel repressors of all kinds, wrong headed clerics and mafioso from sundry ethnic backgrounds seek to prevent it. In some way, democratic free expression-personal liberty to say what one thinks about their own corrupt, rotten, putrid, corrupt, incompetent, unjust, idiotic government of bullies and thugs may survive. It is vital that creative liberty to not be circumstantially forced out of creative free expression opportunity continue-as much so as that government isn't entirely depersonalized and depraved avoiding prosperity and balanced budgets, good health for the poor and full employment because of sophomoric ideas about how government should work that are wrong.


A Comment on Ensemble 3 Multiverses and Christian Theology

I wanted to write something about the cosmological concept that there may be more than one universe briefly. These days I am very limited on computer time. The wikipedia article on multiverses linked below is to the point and worth reading for its ensemble 1-4 classification system devised perhaps by Tegmark (I hadn't time to read the entire article).


Stephen Hawking of course published his controversial book on an ensemble 3 universe (I believe it was) 'The Grand Design' in 2010. Hawking is a better theoretical physicist and mathematician than historian or theologian though, so I wanted to provide a few comments on the relationship of ensemble 3 universes with their all-possible quantum permutations to theological ideas.

Fundamentally there are no delimitations upon the quantity of universes that God may have created, must create, could create or might have created in scripture. It is exceedingly challenging even for theoretical physicists to delimit the meaning of time-periods of creation such as the six days of Genesis. Days to God even with relativistic concepts have a value uncertain to human intellect.

The idea of an infinite profusion of Universes created anew as a continua seems to require that a universe itself becomes the minimal quantum size or element requiring a new universe birthed from each individual 'new' idea or act. Such universes would be implicitly incomplete and emerge in particular space-time vectors even though the physical constants might be entirely different. A caphony of chaotic universes not seperated by supervening laws could result, and the production of an infinite number of universes and space would require an even greater supply of virtual particles and even virtual space-time borrowed from an inexhaustable supply.

My comments aren't written with just Dr. Hawking's bookin mind, for ensemble three ideas for infinite numbers of universes are not his alone.

God is not limited to physical laws and constants in his universe or multiverse. The entire continuum of an infinite number of universes might exist just within the mind of God in zero-dimensional space known entirely from alpha to omega complete in eternity even as it expands infinitely. For God, I would think that all space-time and universes in whtever scale are contingent being. He might create an infinite number of Universes and reduce the focus of creation to just a particular one instantly.

Theological cosmology considerations would differ from those of physical cosmology. Philosophy too would not be bound from considering metaphysical multiverse topics drawn fromand going beyond that of physical cosmology.

Five Easy Rube Goldberg Schemes to Achieve 2 Dollar Average National Gasoline Prices (humor)

Some of us feel that drilling deep in the Earth is truth, and especially at high latitudes and offshore. Those truth-challenged persons regarding carbon based fuels as less than perfection rightly are regarded as flakes. High gasoline prices are a certain way to retard U.S. economic growth measured by poor people with a jobs and plenty of quarters or not. Thus, heroic, medal of freedom deserving efforts by righteous oil men can deliver us from the doom of energy independence that is efficient energy design.

Costly gas supply increases demands for Hitler designed motor cars or Cheap Chinese low gas consumption vehicles or even Communist Party Electric vehicle imports, but that won't help either.Gas prices rise because the U.S. auto fleet gets worse gas mileage than it did in 1935 and a few billion more people want to use the same finite pool of oil resource for-themselves.

For decades the American left has said that all cultures have relatively the same values and that there is no right and wrong-'nothing to live or die for'. Now they have awakened and discovered that forcing the 2 dollar per gallon gas export way of life upon regimes oppressing women in order to bring the superior form of government-corporate-socialist democracy is necessary through the reason of predator drones and female jet aircraft warrior-bombers. Lying, cheating, stealing, homosexuality and abortion-values of the leader V.I. (Victory) Lenin, are superior cultural values the left realizes after all. Plainly it is necessary to discover new ways to lower gasoline prices to the all-important for the economy 2 dollah a gallon range.

Thus the need to reduce global gasoline demand-persuade the Chinese and Indians that global atmospheric circulation indicates that burning gasoline anywhere outside the U.S.A. will emit critical levels of warmth to specific scientific circuits capable of ending life as we know it.

Secondly, some have suggested taking over Libya with a puppet government to secure its gas fields then construct an undersea pipeline to Europe and across the Atlantic to Boston bringing much needed 2 dollar per gallon gasoline relief to New England patriots.

Thirdly, construct a hyper-dimensional gas pipeline branching at the distal end-using safe, advanced industry leading flexible pipeline technology to several moons of Jupiter and Saturn that have ample, proven hydrocarbon reserve oceans capable of producing 2 dollar per gallon gasoline if not obstructed by government regulation, red tape, and too-high income taxes on rich folks and those without a cow.

Fourthly, the development of Alaskan and 48 state oil fields will increase dramatically when either the price of gasoline reaches the critical 5 dollah per gallon threshold in accord with proven market forces of supply-demand, or synthetic Lennonist new-man model songs are developed yielding critical record profits to global oil corporations that will develop local chtonic puddles of gasoline with proven fragging and a fracting techniques besides reversing oppressive regulating laws of entropy to free up the market from oppressive forces of determinism.

Fifthly we see the glimmering hope of additional politically splendid prospects for subsidization of young, new, too big to fail banks, securitized mortgages and 100 dimensional derivatives, insurance for each American with federal and global tracking numbers to help reduce population and terminate fecundity at least temporarily wrecking expansion plans of a green winter economy; they can be used as models for borrowing a trillion dollars from the Chinese to bail out young, new, too big to have an alternate fuel infrastructure oil corporations so they can have double record profits and prove up the social benefits of deregulation.

In America the future is assured when foreign military corporations and former communist parties own mortgages, collect fees from networks and sell a remodeled Henry Ford product to the people with state of the art, modest, big production-small footprint annual inflation of fees in exchange for allegiance, loyalty and easy annual payments too numerous to pay. Complex new geometric calculus financial product theories too difficult for anyone besides investor sails reps with Harvard Law School degrees to understand will safely navigate investor capital through the shoals of democracy to offshore, tax-free banking ports.

Many of the poor and middle class in the U.S.A. will not be owning stock in New World Order, Post Mao-Mao Afric-China or India Bogupward Inc. (who may own their home mortgage at a variable rate of interest) nor even have a passel of illegal Mexican workers building a hacienda for them in Denver, and thus won't share in the profitable concentration of wealth.

As a special one-time offer, available for those most willing abroad to send small amounts of Internet cash to the Committee to Re-Elect the President, an insider report on the secret sixth sense of 2 dollah per gallon political technology tactics may be made available in limited quantities.

A secret study of the plan to install a generation of Moslem lesbian leaders in OPEC countries this special report has only leaked slowly dripping details through Eleatic paradoxes easily resolved with the differential and integral calculus developed back in the day. Rumored to be a lost predictive text manuscript of John Dee-adviser to queens and potentates, this is the best prospect for building a new pipeline full of 2 dollar per gallon gasoline, fully stocked refrigerators and shovel ready projects available today.

We learn from the Arctic Inuit people the model for energy efficiency. Americans as the least efficient home heating and cooling energy people on earth could learn much from the concepts of minimal energy use for heating-cooling homes of better design.Antipathetically, U.S.popular sentiment expresses the common sense notion that world resources and national liberty are infinitely renewable and non-depletable if a Lennonist new-atheist-man model is syncopated however. With the beat in time saving nine Dewian transformation education adaptations to those tone bars we may realize with confidence assurah of 2 dollah a gallon gas in the intermediate future.

With less government regulation there is a real prospect for 2 dollar per gallon gas out there (down the road next right or left) to get the economy moving.


A Review of 'Unknown Shore' by Robert Ruby

This fine book on Martin Frobisher, Charles Hall, the Inuit of Iqaluit, the court of Queen Elizabeth I and more fascinating historical figures is a well researched and written investigation of the voyages of the 16th century privateer turned captain-general Martin Frobisher's voyages of discovery and foundation of an emphemeral British Arctic colony at the eponyomous Frobisher Bay off Davis Strait at about 60 degrees north latitude. I have read a few other books on topics of arctic exploration and this one published in 2001 fits in with the best.

Martin Frobishers character development is brought alive in this work. One becomes familiar with 16th century England and learns something of the political morality of the era and why the search for a northwest passage to China was of substantial importance to England.

The author tells the story from three temporal points of view; that of Frobisher and his time, that of the author in visiting Frobisher Bay and the people living there in his time, that of the American newspaperman and explorer of the mid 19th century Charles Francis Hall who travelled to Frobisher Bay to journey with the Inuit upon the ice sharing their lifestyle.

Frobisher's life of discovery was rough, and the voyages to Africa and America via Greenland difficult. His ships were not the best designed he might have had, the dangers immanent compensated for by nerve, innovation and resolute action. One may also learn a significant amount about human nature, necessity and the way civilization evolves social behavior over the course of history.

Saved by Faith, Not Works

Calvinists believe one is saved through faith alone (sola fide). Yet believe that if one is saved they shall do good works. Some say that if...