
Gingrich’s Private Retirement Plan/Comparable to Obamacare

Each plan puts a corporate hand on every American’s wallet. Obamacare makes all Americans pay corporate insurers money and locks in a health care delivery mode pre-empting better change toward free health care for the poor directly by public facilities. Newt Gingrich’s plan would require all Americans to pay into corporate owned retirement accounts enabling the corporate world to have a vast pool of new wealth to invest and speculate with. In time the corporate world would evolve Former Speaker Newt's plan into decretals stating how much each retiree might receive as a 'dividend' from their 'shares', if their was anything left after the next Wall Street scam by quants with super-computers.

If private corporate retirement accounts replace a reformed public retirement emergency safety net the incipient global corporate oligarchy will have another rope tied around the freedom of the American public. The Wall Street network will require all Americans to deliver a portion of their earnings to it. Wealth will be concentrated and real economic free enterprise annihilated as the universal corporatism state assumes totalized control. Corporate elites will be able to draw in the rest of the world from China to India and require they pay into Corporate retirement accounts further enfeofing the oligarchy. The Newt Gingrich plan is like Obamacare in being a shill of the New World Oligarchic Order.

All that social security needs is a simple, more reasonable means test so just those that actually need the money get it. Americans can save money for themselves I they want besides. The trouble is they don’t earn as much if any these years or decades and the broadcast media is a raving smokescreen to corrupt politics and make Americans happy with possibility of a pizza, an emasculated government half the size to serve the corporate oligarchy, or no government at all with a libertarian reliance on corporate feudalism to supervise indolent America.



Kenyan Distance Runner Marko Cheseto's Frostbitten Feet Amputated in Anchorage

A twenty-eight year old champion distance runner from Kenya on the University of Alaska at Anchorage’s track team had both his feet amputated as a result of severe frostbite. Distance running is a somewhat vulnerable to freezing pastime above 60 degrees north latitude after October 1st. One must use special heat running shoes and intermodal survival attire often lacking from collegiate equipment. I had a nice town an country goose down parka that was absolutely useless with a little sweat and would then refreeze in a wet condition until spring that about April 20th.

Runners should have special running spikes, in head verbal g.p.s instructions if from Kenya in their own Zulu language and an emergency locator beacon with a dead man switch that will alert rescuers an hour after the system is activated because of measured thermal hypothermia transition in the athlete’s body.

I saw one of these Kenyan distance runners on the street near a midtown park in Anchorage last winter and thought then that the light sweat clothing and weather circumstance with frozen icy sidewalks, cool wind and walk/don’t walk signals were not conducive to an equatorial runner’s health.

For six months annual the high temperature in Anchorage is usually below freezing. Wind often rises from salt water cook Inlet even when its 5 degrees Fahrenheit sending the wind chill plummeting far below zero. It is easy to flash freeze and frost damage the little blood vessels on the nose giving one the purple nose appearance associated with drunks. Equatorial African runners given athletic scholarships to provide winning times for the University in intercollegiate competition (one did win this year) have about zero experience with cold weather. The runner who lost his feet did so shortly after the return of seasonal cold weather when running should reasonably have stopped for the winter. The Univ. of Alaska at Anchorage does not import marathoners from Greenland, Iceland or Russia to win races for them. Running these days to win at the highest levels is a year-round training prospect. That’s good in Equatorial Africa yet not so good in Anchorage Alaska.

African runners of an elite caliber on scholarship don’t have the normal years of cold weather experience. Neither do distance runners turn off their innate inertia to run six months a year. So one gets to see the somewhat pathetic sight of ultra-thin distance runners slowly picking their way along slick cold icy streets at a near jog-in-place pace rather unenthusiastically I should imagine. Cold weather to the uninformed is a little like an ocean wave that engulfs you. The cold is its own pressing, saturating immediate reality that requires experience to survive with all of one’s body parts intact.

If a newly arrived homeless person from the south arrives and is careless, he may have his toes frozen if left outside a sleeping bag a few hours. A Kenyan runner can ecome disoriented in a snowstorm or slip on ice in a park hitting his head and be covered by snow-and be lucky to wake up. Athletes on scholarship must perform immediately upon arrival and continuously for their four years at college. In Oregon running distances year round might have been reasonable before the Kenyan conditions for better year round running fanaticism arrived. Anchorage Alaska is a better place to import Russian weight lifters or Swiss competition climbers (If there is such a collegiate sport), Indonesian scuba divers or Scandinavian skiers instead of equatorial African runners. If the University f Alaska at Anchorage insists upon giving scholarships to out of nation non-residents it should try for 7 foot indoor basketball players from South Africa or a shot putter or two in order that they can have realistic year-round training opportunity.



Christian Conservativess Don't Need Sharia Law for Economic Reform

Moral issues rather than economic issues are at the core of the Republican political tactic to get mainstream conservative Christian voters to help concentrate wealth in the United States. There is a certain amount of historical logic in expecting some Christians used to hierarchical leadership in their churches to natural transition into being somewhat retro-feudalist in supporting elite business candidates calling themselves conservatives.

I doubt if many Christians would regard the help the rich get richer Republicans as conservatives at all if the moral agenda were removed. In fact the Republicans are nowadays-extreme globalists creating a vast planetary and oily oligarchy with candidates like newt Gingrich-the Genghis Khan of financial globalism speaking in one week from Harvard and on to topics in about the Chinese economy. Former Speaker Gingrich is a kind of retrograde capital gains tax guy who would probably prefer the middle class and poor pick up the tab of a retrograde minus 10% capital gains tax on the rich instead of the present ridiculously low 20%


Christian fundamentalists have been given the completely wrong idea that politics isn't mostly about economics. When they just vote for candidates promising moral change to traditional values and trust in the corporate world acting through God to create employment for them, they get jobs outsourced to China, production shifting to Mexico and Mexican truck drivers delivering the manufacturing all over the U.S.A. Morality is important for individual Christians, and we can do well to be good moral examples ourselves, associate with other Christians and even create an egalitarian [priesthood of believers. Yet Christians should not be so simplistic as to ignore the reforming work of Jesus Christ in leaving the law and hierarchical temple priesthood to have a new relationship to God written in the hearts and minds of believers.

When Christians are duped into voting for candidates that care little about Christian affairs except so far as it helps get them elected and disregard economic issues they tend to help elect the economically corrupt and drive independent voters over to the side already fleeing the party with reproving Christian moralists within. Christians cannot elect a politician who can force decent moral law upon the electorate. -

God's effort to place a moral legal code upon the people of ancient Israel and Judah was never his first choice. Making a King of Saul was never the preferred alternative-the people demanded one and still seem to want to work against the moral laws of God. Jesus led people of faith away from the legalism and Pontius Pilate's and King Herod's of moral authority. Rendering unto Caesar what is Caesars certainly applies in economics and politics. Christians can move toward Christian morality for-themselves quite well. First Christians should reform their own ecclesiastical structure and take up a priesthood of believer’s egalitarianism.

When the ancient Byzantine Empire was driven out of North Africa by the Moslem expansion it was already rotten. Decadent and corrupt and previously displaced by Goth and Vandal invasions the Church was challenged to find its place in the new political world. Until the rise of Pope Gregory the First the Christian Church of Rome was not challenged to move its structure radically toward militarization and relationships nearly as peers with political leaders. In the Byzantine Empire the clergy was increasingly insular from the people as well. It was easy to develop a role as liturgical and monastic specialists when there was no middle class and when free enterprise and individual rights were rather minimal and subordinated to the autocratic powers of monarchs.

It isn't a surprise that Muhammad took for an example of a legal system the Jewish legalism in a new form that would eventually become Sharia. Before the destruction of the Temple in 70 a.d., and during periods when free from direct Greek or Roman rule the Jewish religious authorities were also virtually the legal and political authorities. That direction is one that fundamentalist Christians should not follow in the United States by seeking to elect candidates that simply promise Christians ethics while forsaking economic competence.

Christians have no reason to side with the rich against the poor in the United States, nor scriptural urgency to support ecospherically destructive industrial practices. Instead of using a dead-reckoning pragmatism guessing what candidates seem to have the most moral perfection and then vote for that-or for who promises to end abortion in our lifetimes Christians should recognize that real people care about real economics, security and standard of living while moral issues need to be decided by the heart.

Politics is not the right realm for religious authority. An activist, reformed Church is the best way to bring the electorate to salvation and good conduct. In times past there was a certain element of rubbing off of faith in the conduct of some politicians toward moral decency reflected in political virtue. Yet lets not go too far in expecting politicians today to be able to form a super-committee and balance a national budget given months, nor to find a way to transform the electorate into being saved and virtuous citizens whom will then create a perfect and just economy. Let’s just vote for Mitt Romney and call it good enough, and leave Shria to the Moslem world.

Dolphin/Whale Multiphase Communications Provide Neutrino Tracking Help

Scientific American has an interesting article on how research into how dolphins and whales communicate at a distance utilizing multipath interference has generated technology that allows astrophysicists to correctly place neutrino detectors in Lake Baikal in an apparatus to track incoming neutrinos from deep space super-novas and so forth from whence they originate.

One must wonder if the neutrino experiment at CERN in the OPERA experiment sending neutrinos to an Italy facility seemingly a little faster than light might also have created some sort of multi-path interference echo effects inducting an anticipatory information formation creating a faster than light superposition of neutrino arrival data.



News of Whales

Reading the free Juneau Alaska newspaper The Capitol City Weekly I encountered a very good article on the topic of preservation of a skeleton of a humpback whale killed by a cruise ship in S.E. Alaska during 2001. The perpetrator of the whale slaughter was caught and fined, yet the damage had been done.

The whale was a 46 year old named Snow that had been tracked by scientists for more than a quarter century. From examination of the carcass they were able to confirm a scientific hypothesis regarding the aging of whale by counting rings in their ears (no not that kind). Rather like tree rings the cartilaginous accretions gain one ring per year.

The most elderly humpback whale carcass was then known to be 96 years old. That is rather equivalent to a human lifespan, and whales with larger brains than human beings have more in common with human life experiences.
Whales are taking a beating from humanity of course with far diminished numbers. A baby killer whale carcass of 8 feet was found recently off the Washington coast. Necropsy showed it to have died from an umbilical hernia. The Puget Sound and probably proximal Pacific waters are rather toxic for whales.

That reminds me-why not invent some sort of cheap, lightweight stick on whistle that would sound a warning for birds when an electric power fan is turning quickly so they can avoid the choppy death? Bird hearing might be adequate for recognizing that sort of sound and identify it with a material object.

Whale brains are larger yet have larger parts too making them run a little slower I would guess. Human brains have optimal packing of circuits for processing data rather comparable to a computer chip density. Although Intel recently completed a teraflop chip, biological 'chips' are optimalized in the human brain form. Too larger means slower because of longer distances to send information, too much heat and too thick of axons-dendrites and so forth. Too small means not enough computing capacity, yet of course even mosquitoes fly as well as human airline pilots so kinds of thought are rather automatic.

The skeleton of Snow was conserved and will be displayed at Gustavus Alaska in the future.

Reaganomics of the Cold War Era-Why It Fails in a Plastic New World Order

Reaganomics of perpetual deficit financed stimulus spending on military hardware, tax cuts for the rich and plundering of non-renewable energy resources increased job creation during the declining phase of the cold war in the United States. The policy was a diffuse temporal solution rather like world war two high altitude bombing runs. Imprecise and not an optimal investment of human resources yet a logical, powerful action that let loose non-renewable development force in the U.S.A. without economic labor competition from China, Africa or much of the rest of the world including Russia.

Reaganomic policy today is incapable of producing more than deficits, as the leaky bucket national labor market has billions of new labor rivals and millions of economic migrants from Mexico illegally as well as myriad free trade agreements signed into law by every President since Bill Clinton.

Americans might wonder about the rationale of providing tax dollar industrial subsidies for cheap electric power supply, roads, bridges, airports and wars to get oil contracts for communist elite exclusivists global business totalitarians seeking to force a new age of feudalism upon the poor and middle class. Private enterprise should build their own electric power supplies instead of the public. Public power ought to be simply residentially used if at all.

Insider congressional trading, low, low capital gains and class taxes for the wealthy, globally traded home mortgages, quantified dark pool stock trading-the elites have corrupted The American economy pervasively and defend it through their media mouthpieces.
With the low, low capital gains tax of just 15% the rich are making money running away from ordinary Americans, and increasingly invest abroad. They have more economic leverage than the Spanish fascists of General Franco comparatively before the Spanish civil war. Brits and other globalists with computers should not be able to game the U.S. economy from abroad. The center of American economic effort ought to be in the U.S.A. rather than London, Beijing or Boomtown Africa.

Since the end of the cold war in December 1989 the leading political and fiduciary class of the U.S.A. has played the American public for chumps largely. Economic oligarchy has been promoted and Wall Street deregulation permitted accelerating concentration of wealth perhaps collaterally with the rate of expansion of the Universe. Wall Street brought physicists into its quantitative economic teams making ordinary work something of a joke in the U.S.A. Work is sometimes regarded as something dishonorable that the stupid or minorities do. Work is alternately redefined to mean electron-shuffling positions of non-material productivity-maybe in the financial sector, corporate consultancies or government. Traditional workers, preferably illegally in America or overseas as new rising majorities can do the manual work cheaper and with fewer labor problems.

The United States political leadership has largely turned away from the responsibility of managing national politics to serve all of the people equally well in an ecospheric house that God provided. Keeping the nation green and a good environment for citizens and wildlife is a challenge for good government. Too much the aloof give ‘the business’ to American nationalists seeking to build America rather than Asia. America can be a good example to other nations, when they can become a good example instead of training the world to be disposable product consumers of non-renewable resources while the atmosphere moves its temperature to something better for lizards than mankind.

There is a perennial social battle in human history of the corrupt, cruel, stupid and ignorant oppressors of the majority of humankind who seek to concentrate their wealth and power over the masses. The United State began in fundamental revolt against that principle of tyranny. Historical circumstance has made course navigations to the free enterprise and land ownership rights of the people, of the property of civil rights of the people necessary in order to prevent the encroachment of tyranny in concentrated wealth and power from profiting by exploiting the work or degrading the liberty of their fellow citizens.

Taxation has been one method used to combat the usurious acquisition of wealth. Good political leaders have supported regulations in business and commerce from anti-monopoly laws to laws against insider trading as well as tax policy to prevent the impoverishment of the populous. The nation is most creative and inventive when the disparity between rich and poor is not too great, and when the native brilliance of Americans may quickly emerge from behind the vicissitudes of poverty, bureaucracy, oppressive establishment or government perfidy.

American political leadership is more of an indolent disposition today-to self-seeking, rather than simply corrupt or wicked. It is possible that American politics might be reformed along pragmatic lines of national ecospheric quality free enterprise with reinforce vales of full employment.

Limits to networking of capital need be set to keep free enterprise a more proximal activity developed by original inventors and entrepreneurs employing fewer than 10,000 souls in order to keep a competitive domestic economy alive. No shareholders should have investments in more than three corporations.

The United States’ economic renewal requires five or more axis of reform and no politician is offering more than just one. Mitt Romney is a Presidential candidate with seemingly the best prospect for traditional economic improvement while the rest apparently have no plans for improvement at all that are realistic. That is, they are zero for six or seven.

Here are a few of the ways the economy should be changed…

1) Create a sloped tax with no deductions at 70% for those earning more than 250,000 dollars annually, 20% for the middle class and 1% for the poor.
2) Set a capital gains tax rate of 50%
3) Zero tolerance for illegal immigration
4) Free public health care for the poor and veterans in public hospitals
5) End Obamacare and tracking of poor, uninsured interstate workers. Next thing they'll want is to implant g.p.s. chips in the poor and middle class.
6) New super-conductor electrical grid along interstates to power electricity cars
7) Atomic power plants for agriculture on moon as well as for electro-magnetic mass drivers on Earth and Moon
8) Investment in zero-net loss of biosphere national ecosphere reconstruction projects
9) Design and support for high quality low energy use no-net-loss of biosphere dome homes for any homeless American with a cost of 25,000 dollars or less.
10) Accentuate the positive aspects of comparative advantage trading internationally instead of unlimited trade in order to cut down on transport and ecosphere inefficiency
11) Create economic growth while decreasing resource use. The use of intelligence getting more with less is the way to accomplish that. Smaller, more adaptable business infrastructure able to improve units of economic infrastructure quickly within acceptable ecosphere parameters are desirable.
Obviously means tests on social security and other existing federal programs should be used to assure that the programs are used only if necessary rather than for living high off the hog.

American socio-economic inefficiency can be overcome with good ideas from environmental economists and others, probably not by lawyers seeking to just reinforce the concentration of wealth or global socialism. It is a reasonable goal for a democracy within an artificially transformed empirical national boundary to keep all of the polity in happy, productive, free lifestyles using our own national resources as efficiently as humanly possible. Perpetual revolution in technical efficiency increases getting more with less entropy should be a national priority.

Many Americans are not philosophers or brilliant interdisciplinary thinkers aware of all of the world’s ecospheric and business challenges as they go about earning a living. The broadcast media is a kind of dumbing down bludgeon of ignorance and social control making national progress improbable. Actually I am not too optimistic that any American President or Congress can get many transformative and positive economic changes done that would really leave no American out in the cold. Cold war rhetoric is perennial favorite of the media and the rich and even socialists too it seems. Forgotten is the philosophical insight and practical brilliance of the founders of the American Revolution. It’s a tough world out there.

American Republican leadership has taken an Ayn Randish turn into economic existential too convenient for the wealthy in denial that competent social economic management can exist; hence all federal policy that does not support the networked totalization of financial flow control for the benefit of the rich should be defunded.

Democrats on the other hand have moved into moral existentialism with nearly complete support for a godless human physicalism in order to reinforce a phenomenal amorality well funded and controlled by vague, elite gang leadership. Each major party reinforces organized economic control by globalists instead of a moderated national free enterprise. As a team the U.S.A. can outperform China in the century ahead with our own resources if intelligent low-entropy economic leadership takes charge. If self-reliance as a nation on our own resources that are equal to or better than those of China becomes a national political virtue perhaps the United States can lead the way into a new era of high tech low entropy renewable economic reform with full employment, liberty and justice for all.


Popular Science for November 2011 (page 91) reported that the 2008 earthquake in china's Sichuan province that left nearly 5 million people homeless was caused by the water behind the dam pressing on a seismic fault line. Concerned citizens have raised concerns of similar earthquake pricipitation by the construction of a potential huge multi-billion dollar dam on Alaska's Susitna River-an area known to be in an active geological fault prone region not too far from the National earthquake Data Center office Alaska branch facility.



Gov. Parnell signs legislation to fund Susitna Dam study

A few Alaskans have experienced the decade of problems to Columbia River fisheries created by Columbia river hydroelectric dam building and have offered alternative ideas for providing energy for the Fairbanks to Anchorage region. The area has rich geothermal potential, wind, solar and hydrogen fuel cell sub-station possibilities that could be made far less likwely to devastate fish habitat, game units or stimulate devastating Earthquakes and downriver floods. Of course dam building is as old as beaver technology so its hard to get politicians to move into new and less harmfell methods of producing energy.

A Susitna river dam may significantly alter wieght upon crustal plates, accellerate global warming, alter oxygen levels in the river and impede the migration of fish. Fish generally hate to go up fish ladders that politicians like to extoll as the express lane for easy fish travel.

Iran, Atomic Bomb development and Ineffective U.S. Foreign Policy

The Clinton administration notably failed to prevent North Korea from developing atomic weapons, the world has survived these years since, though perhaps,, just barely. It is not certain that if Iran develops nuclear weapons that it will use them liberally as soon as possible. One might hope that the U.S. political conversation with Iran could take more positive turns even as it has its belligerant and even bellicose interactive posture (it may be necessary I cannot say).

If or when Iran develops an atomic bomb what difference will it make to regional security and diplomacy? Does the United States typically have a correct or effective, just or logical policy approach to Iran vis security and bilateral relations?

Most politically minded Americans are a little aware of the U.S. history with Iran. Until we appeared to have reinforced a coup by a nearly deposed Shah to rid the increasingly democratic majlis (congress) and Prime Minister Mosadeq we were on fairly good terms. In fact the Iranian government had previously hired an American economist to be their advisor on budgetary matters (possibly not a good idea these days).

Evidently President Eisenhower was advised that the dangers of communist takeover of Parliament in Iran were too much to tolerate and so we developed an antipathetic policy toward the Iranian democratic evolution, and have been on the wrong side since through the last Shah of the Pahlavi dynasty. Paradoxically it was leftist sympathy for the Ayatollah Khomeini that helped the fundamentalist Shi'a clergy take power.

If Iran develops atomic bombs it will change the Sunni-Shia nuclear balance presently in favor of Pakistan and the Sunni. It would mean that the Northern Alliance Shia would have a kind of proxy Shia co-religionist nuclear power next door to offset the Pakistani nuclear coreligionists that have supported the Taliban and other national terrorist groups.

The United States should develop more into9lligent rather than inertially driven Iranian policy in order to help move toward better relations rather than perennially toward war. The Iranian Prime Minister may be voted out or run into term limits, and changes can occur. The Indian, Shi, Sunni atomic power balance along with China and Russia make for fairly interesting international relations scenarios.

Iran has for more than 500 years been a center for the development of civilization. Early artful carvings of Shahdad circa 2400 B.C. provide some examples of ancient hetero relationships as a social topic. Travel through Iran in ancient times was a natural course in the journey of mankind. With a better U.S. policy of progressive diplomacy-at the least a different tone, it should be possible to find a better way of exiting the interminable bilateral monologues of political speech flowing toward the public and past the U.S.A. and Iran.

The fact that the United States seems to have an amateurish and/or churlish attitude toward Iran is not to say that Iranian domestic or international policies are either good or bad. It simply is a criticism of the low level of competence in U.S. diplomacy as well as in domestic economic management that has continued several decades.

Will Iran be a threat to Israel with atomic weapons? They would know that Israel would survive a nuclear attack to launch a devastating retaliation upon all Iranian cities were vaporizing. Iran would have a nuclear deterrent that would limit its options in turn in engaging in conventional wars with its neighbors, yet it hasn't started a war with anyone since the late wars with the Tsar of Russia I( believe, and that did not go well.

The United States may or may not man up to destroying Iranian atomic weapons capability, but it can at least smile and have a good and fuller attitude even so. Iran may believe that the United States has no possibility of launching a pre-emptory anti-atomic bomb construction nuclear strike, yet it certainly won't be bluffed into stopping its development program in the meantime. Many of the world’s nations are rather undisturbed about the possibility that commands so much attention in the U.S.A.

If the United States had its oars in the water on domestic budget, energy and ecospheric management, if the U*.S.A. wasn't in the long run process of concentrating wealth and impoverishing most Americans, or at least stagnating a balanced distribution of wealth., if the government wasn't something of a yippee tool for the rich the perpetual concern with Iran might be taken more seriously as if the government of the United States was competent and not just deficit spenders with lots of big standoff weapons of immense power. One wishes the U.S. government would at least offer a continues open door to Iran to develop better relations from a menu of realistic trade and education avenues should they decide to do so, instead of presenting an all or nothing approach to what is for Washington an appropriately small belligerent power worthy of decades of ineffective discourse by politicians.


Slithy Toves of Power ©2011GARY CLIFFORD GIBSON

Viewed from the Earth the moon looked the same as it had thirty years ago before the rush to development ramped up with a profusion of atomic powered electro-magnetic mass drivers built n Earth and the moon. U.N. resolution Alpha-Lunar 1737 declared there could be no net change of the lunar albedo pattern index from the baseline year that the effect on the Earth might not be changed. Neither was the gross weight of the moon permitted to increase or decrease. Imports and exports must be neutrally balanced.

Well, reflected Saul Ehrenfrist, we got the best of that exchange exporting quality mass an importing quality cash. Viewed from the moon, the Earth did not look the same as it did thirty years before. The line of desiccation and burning grass fires expanding the brown regions northward and south from the equator to 50 degrees north and south latitude. Without vast freshwater making evaporation sea canals to water agriculture the population chaos and line of control diminished visibly over the video-history app. Saul regarded his sub-surface far at New Jerusalem on Pluto for a second then returned to contemplation of old world issues

With the foreign policy of the United States particularly inept at fiscal efficiency, and with domestic economic management equally ineffective it became a good idea to consider new directions in U.S. immigration policy.

Antigen immigrants from the high country of Central Asia were brought in by the millions to counteract a moral infection spread by a Democratic party. Democrats had brought in millions of left-leaning voters so Republicans felt turnabout was fair play.

The Democratic Party had accomplished little the past several decades to reform the national economy. They acquiesced in a western people to padrone utopia for CEO’S. The rich led the party and wheedled for homophagic power. It led the way in to deeper moral decline.

Democratic homophages reinforced the padrone’s peonization of culture aborting hypothetical business and political competition. Some remaining conservative nationalist Republicans passed a law beginning a new age, slowly. The immigration of millions of elite Moslems including families of Omar to the city of Nizhny Omar in Massachusetts created a dynamic moral tension in politics stimulating escalation of off-whirled industrial activity.

Lunar construction of agricultural colonies stimulated extra-terrestrial atomic energy business to empower sealed-under- polarized-glass agri-grow fields of highly productive organic farms. The Omar control tower at New Omar guided New Wranglers robotic space-craft round-up of incoming comets nearing the inner solar system to intercept and change the water ice toward more felicitous melt-down orbital storage around the moon.

Water recycled within the sealed lunar glass agri-domes moved through the completely efficient organic plant growth cycle with enhanced temperature and atmospheric content regulation. The lunar regolith lacked the viruses by the millions that existed on Earth allowing a variety of new growing processes to be actualized phenomenally.

The Earth stagnation in Toynbeen fin de sicle phenomenalites set loose a number of forms of homophages at social war upon the pre-existing social structures as if annihilation of structure and reason could solve the technical challenges of too many people inefficiently consuming limited resources. For a decade the importation of plant food to Earth from the moon’s rich organic farms stabilized and reduced the increasing planetary starvation reaching billions of people.

Taking a new direction toward a revitalized spiritual polity is not a bad thing. Science and philosophy may continue, and perhaps the decline of the west under the overweening moral decadence of godless atheism can be arrested, the dynamics of intelligent social governance requires an election of leaders of a quality rarely found unfortunately.

The hedonistic concentration of wealth led by U.S. historical incompetence was a serious factor of political malpractice that worked against the three millennia of western liberalism that sought to bring equal political and social standing to mankind enslaved by aristocrats and dictators.

The Moslem world was in the process of revolting en mass in a populism that continued a few decades. Communist China moved toward limited free enterprise yet kept the controlling power of governance in the interests of the masses, Europe experienced a retrograde concentration of wealth and returned to its historical cycle of evolutionary wars of liberation-all of these people resisted the direction of concentrating wealth for one reason or another.

Directional microwaves warmed the atmosphere in living domes directly, mineral slurries exchanged heat in pipe from atomic power plants before being super-cooled running in the vacuum outside on the return to the power generators. Most of the lunar construction used implicitly photon energy generating nano-technology and in the low temperature super-conducting circuits were the usual.

Christians were able to adapt in a Moslem friendly moral atmosphere more readily than in the atheist friendly environment that produced so many homophage political legislative actions. Christian hierarchy transitioned toward a priesthood of believers rather than a hierarchical clergy, and like the Moslem immigrants of the United States who sent employment remittances to relatives in Afghanistan and Kurdistan stabilizing the political environment at a distance, sent non-homophagic ruled remittance money down to Earth to reinforce challenged small scale free enterprise.

At a terrace table on an extrusion from the maze of lunar salmon habitat water storage tunnels Saul read from an e-book of the library of genetic registry on the ancestry of salmon living in tunnels and underground aquifers of the moon, Mars and Pluto. He considered the elementus regulus advocates insinuating Earth continuum environments around the solar system to be the best voices for political liberty today. The list of free flowing bio-transfer life forms developing away from the Earth and its usual gravity was substantial. The life forms changed and the presence of ancillary life forms to adapt to ecospheric increase requirements was a continuum for-itself. The new life forms increasingly adapted to the input of Zulu world minerals and exo-material factors. The main problem in natural adaptation was the intentional anti-human phages attacking the health of reason for-itself sociologically. Maintenance of a spirit of the times cognizant of human integrity and the exo-designs supporting an increase of a human friendly exo-ecosphere required delimitation of homophages to channels with other predators. Predators are part of any ecosphere; after all it’s a matter of perspective, yet predation does degrade the primary opportunity for use of human reason in designing an exo-biological ecosphere under God commensurate with high quality and advancing human civilization.

Saul walked to a window overlooking the crater floor a thousand feet below the lunar surface. His white nylon thobe caught a breeze from the thermals of the drying season cycle and gracefully flowed toward the catchment streams of a dialectical series of which he wondered.

The dialect of material theory formed in structural abstract paradigms of thought. G.W.F. Hegel could reasonably contemplate dialectical evolution of spirit as the languages of the Logos are words of immanent purpose. Teleos take the form of a language dialect of spirit. The words providing meaning actualize as structure. Karl Max never understood the dialectical spirit of materials foundation. Leibniz reached most closely in theoretical physics until the modern age at inducting an insight into the nature of reality as one-dimensional spiritual monads. M-Theory offered the concepts of strings and membranes of one dimension ground n extra-dimensional configurations. At the fundamental stage spirit issues a waveform modality through the space time appearance of mass and energy. The dialectical phase of the language of experience changes in order to fulfill the purpose of The Spirit.

The spirit actualizing purpose through ordered sequential change implicit through space-time presented myriad possibilities for reason to advance ideas of understanding. For what greater purpose comprehension of material foundations of cosmic quantum structures should be in part learned and understood by mankind as a dialect of physical thought he did not know. In the proximal beginning of Universe 1 energy compacted most fully would be entirely ossified as mass reduced to most minimal unchanging size It would have no release of energy as radiation. It would b undifferentiated membrane without temporality, gravity or extraneous physical forces. That infinitely compact bit of all possible mass set aside for the lifetime of Universe 1 would await the dialect of the spirit speaking to shape and release its energy converted into space time expansion flowing until the purpose of creation was done.

In the solar system Saul realized, the book of ecosphere changes inventoried billions of life forms and life form segments-viruses that lived only within other life forms and social structures. Phages; attackers upon contemporary life forms, were also inventoried and illuminated for Saul the fundamental paradox of life existing organically as a network of contradictory impulses evolving the ecosphere to increase its overall mass upon the inorganic foundation serving as its essential host. Saul could not comprehend how the homophages of the Eastern liberal establishment of the United States could fail to understand that its radically anti-heterosexual nature destroying individual civil rights and free enterprise through corporate and federal tyranny was reducing the gross dimensional area and diversity of the endo and exo ecosphere with endo and exo phages promotion.

Saul left his contemplations and moved to an elevator to the crater rim view deck more than three thousand feet above. As he looked at the Earth beyond considering its foolishness he resolved once more to survive to restore its verdant Gaia after Lemmingway brought the population crash to its basic Lovelock reduction stability level of 200 million. Nothing could be done before he knew. The illogical, unnecessary destruction of the biosphere and most of Earth’s humanity would run its course.


Bugetageddon Approaches

The Congressional super-committee to balance the federal budget has just two weeks to produce before automatic cuts trim 600 billion of defense pork from the federal budget along with Draconian cuts to social services.

Independent voters have hopes that a rapture will happen before the prophesied doom to lift them from the bi-partisan political impudence and deliver the heaven of full employment, free medical and recovering ecosphere in the happy voter ground.

In the Budgetageddon talks Republicans have asked Democrats to sell their souls to the devil and accept a mark-o-the-beast 999 plan, and Democrats have replied asking Republicans to have comprehensive sex change operations. The positions of the two parties are thus still far enough apart that agreement is not anticipated.

Insiders have leaked negotiations on a possibility compromise wherein fertilized human conservative eggs are implanted in liberated hog surrogates to free-up transgender patented starts by Evil Super committee of Doom.

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said that he will not accept defense cuts (his state survives on defense spending). Legislators plan to scuttle the automatic cuts of Budgetageddon and transfer several trillion dollars of debt to Greece and Italy too if Greece is topped up with debt and lacking additional sink capacity.

President Obama has viewed the budget impasse with impatience and has invested his time on fulfilling his 2008 campaign pledge of outsourcing U.S. Justice proceedings offshore to Guantanamo Bay. The Supreme Court of Harvard is expected to move into a new time-share soon after Pilipino laborers relocated from Nepal working for a no-bid defense contractor leave the North Slope and pour a few more concrete columns with a modicum of fiduciary entasis at Gitmo. The President said ‘police agencies have the right to place tracking sticky-chips on citizen-pets in order to track their potential for evading shopping at Wal-Mart, but not the right to place g.p.s. tracking devices on cars without warrants because anyone else could too and they might find out where federal automobiles really go.’


A Flat progressive tax with differential rates for rich, middle class and poor is the obvious fair way to go on tax reform, and thus the least evident and most hidden from the committee. The 70-20-1 plan as it is known is not in consideration because it is rational.

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