
President Obama Failed to Reach for the Stars

Reading through Jeff Sach's 'Commonwealth' on global challenges one discovers simple paradigmatic appraisals of the world's major challenges regarding demographics, environment and poverty and feasible approaches for solving them. President Obama has failed to nuse the bully pulpit of the Presidency the past four years to educate Americans on several basic points-and they need to know if federal foreign and domestic policy is to ever change from the same old, same old.
The population of Africa is expected to more than double from one billion 2.2 billion by 2050 while Asia's will increase by 1.3 billion. Europe and Russia's population will decrease from 713 million to 630 million appx. Italy's present 1.3 per family rate of population decrease would bring the present population of 58 billion downward by the year 2300 to 600,000 people. Evidently, and hopefully perhaps, population nexplosions can change to poulation implosions reducing population without war, plague or famine.
Most future wars are expected to be in the regions of high populkation growth and poverty, With prosperity the population growth halts and perhaps eventually reverses. Because of heterosexual facts no genetic loss need occurs with population reduction, and the infusing of the human genome may create a genetically rich human population on Earth stabilizing at whatever number is desirable.
Inn a way the demographic growth and war on the environment is a kind o9f battle of the bulge that humanity can win. Poverty needs to be eliminated and full employment occur within a rational free market with competent government. Fossil fuels generate 29 Gigatons of CO2  annually and deforestation seven. With smarter people, better politicians educating the public and a recovering ecosystem stopping loss of existing species humanity has hope that nit can remain alive and reach for the stars.


Weak Job CreationPerformance/Loss of habitat Area for Endangered Species

The dismal job creation rate of the Obama administration is of course a consequence of the social environment. The economy is not an ossified practico-inert structure that functions automatically and from which Americans must merely equally harvest the output. Politically the two parties seem to regard it as such with the results being weak job creation performance.
It is possible to create a positive social environment with full employment for Americans and a good ecosystem recovering from a couple centuries of over-use and abuse yet the blind consumption/greed is good way of viewing politics and life reinforced by the broadcast media isn't likely to move in that direction. Necessarily therefor it is the poor and the ecosystem-the commons and life on Earth beyond the yuppie mirrors and gold-plated bathroom fixtures that take a beating.


Creation and Cosmos - The Literal Values of Genesis 2nd Edition

Happily I released an epub second edition of Creation and Cosmos - The Literal Values of Genesis today at my lulu book store http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/garycgibson
The second edition has much new and improved content over the first that was published in 2005. I liked that edition yet it didn't convert well to epub format. I was able to get a lot of cosmology and philosophy read since 2005 that helped reshape the book.
Epub books are really fairly cool. They have an index that is something like a hyper-text outline that takes the reader to each section of the book. One can download a free epub reader from Adobe. 
The book is available today only at my bookstore-it will be a few weeks before it is available elsewhere.


The Anti-Free Enterprise Effect of Corporate Collectives

In the time of Adam Smith and the Founders of the United States-the 18th century, there were few large non-governmental organizations. In the present era vast corporate conglomerates wield extreme political influence and are essentially antithetical to democracy based on individual rights and competition.

Consider the parable of the Pro Basketball League with a team being regarded as a corporation for illustrative purposes. Each team has a cap upon the number of players that can compete on the floor at one time at five. What if there was no limit on the number of people a basketball team or corporation could hire and play in the game?

The Chicago Bulls with a strong budget might hire 100 strong, tall men to their team to play next year. Because the Bulls are strong and numerous and since the Dayton Doppelgangers can only afford two players the Bulls win each year brushing aside the Celtics and Miami Heat. Investors pour cash into the Bulls and soon the City of Chicago is the entire team although they can't fit on the basketball court at one time. The Dutch Harbor Destroyers have trouble affording enough players to beat Chicago, so the Bulls increase in power and number winning several championships in a row. Without a limit on the number of players or employees a corporation can have at a reasonable number such as 5000, free enterprise competition fades away into a memory with the preferred locations and advantages of global concentrated power buying up everything and even prostitute-broadcasters to kiss their rears extolling the virtues of large corporations.

A simple reform of capitalism and corporatism to promote free enterprise, competition and rectification of individualism in business would cap the number of employees of a corporation at 5000 and the number of corporations an individual could invest in at just three. Microsoft instead of having a preferred location in the software world able to displace through size and power select competition would need to excel through plain intellectual excellence.  Like the 2012 Miami Heat a corporation would need to win through individual excellence of its players, coaches and training rather than dominate a market through gross large scale and political influence.

In pre-Columbian North America just before colonization the most popular Aboriginal sport was a war-like game crossed between field hockey and rugby in which anything was fair except murder. Many died of course getting punched, kicked and hit with sticks. It was a decadent era in which the more refined sport of javelin hurling at a rolling puck on a fine clay court had been lost with the fall of Cohokia. The logic of global Corporate expansion and decrease of government competence is to move toward the vast, unregulated sport of anarchy ball war before falling under corporate-communist global tyranny by a few elite representatives.

Large multi-national corporations decrease competition and corrupt local politics. Politicians are bought and paid for by multi-nationals and environmental and social agendas are corrupted in favor of the powerful. Broadcast media outlets are owned by concentrated wealth and power while politicians are unwilling to reform federal law to reallocate wavelengths for democratic, local podcast citizen use.

Corporations are after all just phenomenal large collectives of people not dissimilar to large Soviet collectives. One might read Sartre's Critique of Dialectical Reason' and get a clue about the phenomenal nature of social collectives such as corporations and communes. Governing a nation of individuals with a free enterprise ethos and rationally regulated corporations advancing ideas creatively and taking market share through superior creativity would be far less expensive and corrupted than as in the present era. The founders would have been quite concerned about the influence of huge non-governmental organizations and their anisotropic political influence upon public affairs.


Media Belief In 'God Particle' Between Rock and Hard Place

A Higgs Particle is one of the bosun class of elementary particles and appears or condenses when the Higgs Field is over-excited. The particle quickly decays into hadrons and electrons. Some high-tech neo-pagan media swags call the hypothetical particle 'The God Particle'. Also known as the Higgs Particle after its theoretical physics progenitor (something like the mother of the god particle), the medialosophical ramifications of the expected announcement on the 4th of July of the very probably, almost for-sure inferential evidence of the existence of the 'God Particle' at the European C.E.R.N. facility will be a kind of larger sky-rocketing of certainty that there is a basic particle that in some way emerged or emerges from a basic Higgs Field.
A Higgs particle appearing from a quantum Higgs Field brings one to wonder about its relationship to dimensions, quarks, strings, membranes and time. One wonders how an entire field emerges with space-time isotropy to experience local anisotropy and energetic precipitation. Actually the Higgs Particle if discovered raises more questions than it solves philosophically speaking. It might be better regarded as a demi-urge particle, or of some less than absolute particle even if it was or is common at some point in the history of space-time. Not even the Higgs Field should be regarded as a 'God Field' except in the sense that the Creator issued everything that exists at some point or in some way, even if it can't be pointed to in any particular particle.

More Bang From Extended Unemployment Bucks/Manufacturing Downturn

With unemployment benefits extending for many Americans throughout the first Obama term, and with manufacturing taking a downturn (in the U.S.A.-see Reuter's article)it would be a good idea to get more for the manufacturing and business sector from those millions of Americans collecting unemployment benefits that can't find a job. Matching the unemployed collecting benefits with potential employers that can't afford to hire could work. What is needed is creative thought and the will to win.
Let employers hire people collecting unemployment benefits at below to prevailing wage while the new workers keep collecting unemployment benefits for up to two years. Employers would need to pay insurance benefits and such, yet they might need to pay the new workers just 40% of the minimum, or 40% of the prevailing wage for that job. Employers could then afford to be productive at lower cost while the unemployed collecting benefits would earn more than just the unemployment check.
After two years the employer could decide to keep the  employee on and pay the prevailing wage as the U.I. benefits stop. Maybe the economy would be better by then. No employer that fires workers in a given area should be eligible to hire employees in that area for two years though-since some employers might take advantage of the availability of bargain price skilled workers.

In the economic cycle of consumerism-production, supply and demand buyers of product need to be able to afford product. It is also requisite that producers be able to afford workers to produce product. Producers and consumers benefit in the cycle when the consumer-workers earn more and when producers can afford to hire workers to manufacture product.

Letting potential workers sit idly as well as producers is a phenomenality of the low energy state conundrum where unemployment benefits aren't sufficient to allow major purchases. Those people should be at work. letting them work full time and keep their benefits two years (while employers contribute unemployment and social insurance at the full salary rate to workers employed at a steep discount) lets the economy tighten up with reduced numbers of idle individuals. Producers also have increased sales as workers have increased disposable income.


Obamacare, Big Brother Papering the Poor & The Death of 18th Century American Ideals

Obamacare's invasive tracking of the nation's poor with 50 states of bureaucracies out-of-phase with each other can tend to make one think that America is dead and Big Brother alive and well. Alternatively the population density of the nation and globalization of the economy through deregulation have made many of the criteria of the past politically speaking obsolete. Intelligent regulation is good, dumb designs of regulation created to promote bureaucratic power is bad.
It might be possible to adapt the nation's political paradigm to some better future state of being I would hope. The euthanasia of U.S. economic independence and sovereignty through deregulation of banks, mortgage trading and globalization might be reversed by competent politicians some day-in a real political dream act making even the southern border secure.
I wrote a modest post on how deregulation can mean loss of sovereignty. In the 18th century the founders hadn't a need to be concerned with how traders in London on the Footsie would react live to the price of farm goods on the Chicago Exchange instantly. Neither had they to be concerned about home mortgages bought and sold as commodities with derivatives, or even with deregulation so far as to allow a hundred million Chinese Red Army members to rent vacation property in Nebraska or fight-jet space at Reagan National-that is a logical extrapolation of deregulation.
Adam Smith's concept of free market economic with just competition governing them wasn't intended to be applied to government in general. Corporations are highly regulated preponderantly rather than anarchic ensembles of personnel doing their own thing. The business of government is the business of setting parameters and criteria that promote business activity that serve the best interests of the citizens including environmental concerns.
The United States has had mostly incapable leadership since Reagan-Bush. Two or three good Presidents in a row can make as much of a difference as two or three less capable ones, just as in the Roman Republic and Empire the leadership mattered much. If the United States continues upon ineffective economic and environmental courses  running up debt it could spell more trouble ahead. Creative solutions to those challenges are possible, however the failure to find good leadership or respect it are classical problems with democracy (eg. Aristotle's 'Politics'.

Deregulation Enables Death of National Economic Sovereignty

Whenever the government yields to pressure to deregulate banking, business and mortgages it runs the risk of giving up U.S. sovereignty over practical, national affairs. With the death of deregulation by a thousand cuts global firms develop advantages over ordinary U.S. citizens. The poor in the U.S.A. mare over-run by both cheap illegal immigrant labor as well by concentrated alien wealth able to scarf up distressed U.S. homes as at present.
Right wing pundits may cite Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' out of context as a rationale for explaining why dumb executive leadership in government is best. They may say that the invisible hand of a non-rational market works for government too and that if the government would just butt out the economy would function optimally. In that opinion they are dead wrong-not even Federal Express or Microsoft work on a non-regulated business model with workers setting their own agendas to best deliver product-they are tightly regulated, highly organized structure. Government leaders must also set economic agenda and criteria that direct the optimal national economic and environmental outcomes for the populous.
Competence in government economic direction and goal setting and coherence of political machinery of the U.S.A. into the future require secure borders and good meta-regulatory goals toward accomplishing specific results rather than an existential faith in non-rationality. The business of government is the welfare of the entire nation and that requires reason rather than global conquest of national real properties and economics.
Certainly Obamacare creates a vast attack on the freedom of the poor from invasive government tracking. With 50 different health care state bureaucracies the mobility of the poor may be grossly hindered by bureaucracy and paperwork costs. One free federal health care structure providing treatment for the poor if they need it would have been a more American rather than of a Soviet style of governance.


Sen. Murkowski Seeks To Bury McKinley Once More

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski has brought legislation to the U.S. Congress seeking to put down the name of Mt. McKinley and replace it with a traditional Alaska native name 'Denali' probably derived from the name of the Dena'ina Athabascan Indians of Alaska.

Athabascans were a great tribe of immigrants to Alaska that were the source of several branches such as Tlingit and Navaho tribes as well as numerous others.

It might be better to rename the tallest mountain in North America 'Tenados'-another traditional name. I believe Mt. McKinley has more than 27 different names.

Tenados is more readily traceable linguistically to ancient origins-perhaps even the large island named Tenados in the far Eastern Mediterranean Sea. There was an ancient Mediterranean Sea area people with a blood group found in Druse people as well as Algonquin and Yakima that migrated to America long ago probably bringing there language with them via Siberia.

The word 'Ka' is found in the word Ka'ba or spirit house in the Middle East, and the word Desh is a very ancient Egyptian name for 'land'. The Deshka River in Alaska is a drainage of Mt. McKinley running into the Susitna.

U.S. Corporations/Government Leak Military Technology and/or Illegal Aliens In Economic Attrition

Espionage in military and economic areas-often over lapping is on the rise. Not too surprisingly the United States with porous borders, globalist business models and a desire for short term profits lets more than 13 billion bucks worth of propriatary data get swipped by China and other countries every year. Lenin did say that "the capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with".
Since the U.S.A. cannot run a balanced budget anyway and borrow money to pay for government etc, I suppose it makes sense to the unimaginative that selling the Red Army plans, kits or whatever to build weapons that might one day be used to help defend Washington D.C. politico lobbiists is a good enough business method.
That Z-10 attack helicopter is a bad lookin buzzard-I suppose the corporate ngovernance plans to sell better plans illegally to India too.
image credit Z-10 Attack Helicopter: Public Domain- Peoples Republic of China-Commander

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...