
U.S. Corporations/Government Leak Military Technology and/or Illegal Aliens In Economic Attrition

Espionage in military and economic areas-often over lapping is on the rise. Not too surprisingly the United States with porous borders, globalist business models and a desire for short term profits lets more than 13 billion bucks worth of propriatary data get swipped by China and other countries every year. Lenin did say that "the capitalists will sell us the rope we hang them with".
Since the U.S.A. cannot run a balanced budget anyway and borrow money to pay for government etc, I suppose it makes sense to the unimaginative that selling the Red Army plans, kits or whatever to build weapons that might one day be used to help defend Washington D.C. politico lobbiists is a good enough business method.
That Z-10 attack helicopter is a bad lookin buzzard-I suppose the corporate ngovernance plans to sell better plans illegally to India too.
image credit Z-10 Attack Helicopter: Public Domain- Peoples Republic of China-Commander

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