
Obama Policy to Stimulate Government Job Increase?

When President Obama misspoke last week saying that the economy is just fine, and needing to have his press secretary clarify the point that the President meant that the private sector is just fine the issue arose about the Presidential paradigm regarding economics.
The first Obama stimulus in retrospect turned out to have mostly been a stimulus for the public sector-a policy that is generally phenomenal like morning dew. The President would again like to stimulate the public sector with new public debt to create new public jobs without reforming the private sector significantly.
The idea that the President cannot be an economic reform leader is simply wrong. Halting illegal labor immigration in order to naturally create demand for U.S. labor and technological innovation, providing economic advantage to new ecologically reforming companies in the U.S.A., new zoning laws to advantage smaller, better designed homes with a low ecosphere footprint that are very affordable-a number of leadership measures were possible in the first Obama term that never saw the light of day.
The administration's leadership in space development was also moribund with significant cuts to N.A.S.A. planetary missions. It is probable that for the U.S.A. to continue space leadership it would need to construct a mass driver launcher on Earth for heavy lift of tech modules to orbit and delivery to the moon whereat another mass driver can be built to hurl things onward toward Mars where another mass driver would be built to llift things into orbit for return to Earth or the moon.
Reliance upon chemical rockets for heavy lift retards the potential for space colonization in the next 100 years quite a lot. Keeping the mass of the Earth, moon and Mars the same in order to not affect local gravity will require mass drivers as high tech is done on Earth and even rocks are exchanged until tech is built on the moon and Mars. The planetary security of the Earth requires a long term human presence on the moon and Mars-its just common sense.

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