
French Election Round 2, Game Three N.B.A. Final, Gang of 20 Meeting in Mexico, U.S. Open Round 4, Greek Election,

A full plate for video viewing today-one hopes the play-by-play analysis is up to the task. I will provide a little commentary on the International Banking dialectical evolution between the socialists and avaricious capitalists.

With Bill Clinton setting the stage for a renewal round of global British Imperialist gains in the U.S.A. signing off on de-regulation measure enabling global banking and mortgage predation, the stopping of U.S. national economic development in the post cold-war era preceded. Eventually banking and mortgage crises developed and Barack Obama-a ganja qualified Indonesian trained 'outsider' able to accelerate the rise of godless socialism in the U.S.A. appeared to lead the increase of U.S. public debt development. The socialist paradigm was that the avaricious global capitalists need tax cuts to consolidate wealth and global banks could rely upon increasing public debt to make the global economy smoothly vacuum up loose lifetime assets of the middle class.
Paradoxically socialists and capitalists sought both sought to globalize and totalize the economy. The election of a French socialist President to match the Harvard-ganja/Hawaii/Indonesian axel-rodham of egress leadership of President Barrack Hussein Obama. The French sough to make European debt a common debt obligation selling bonds that would enable the Germans to pay for everything the Greeks and Spaniards charged on their Eurocards, yet the desire of global bankers to vacuum up loose, unprotected assets of the middle class and assets in Europe and the United States meant that bailing out banks with national finances would globalize and lose the money to vague powers of concentrated wealth filtered through Swiss and Cayman Island accounts.
The meeting of the gang of 20 in Mexico to resolve the imbroglio might take a back seat in the ratings today behind the U.S. Open and game three of the Miami Heat vs. the Oklahoma City Super-Sonic-Thunder. Probably the European debt crisis will be resolved with investors fleeing to safe Neo-Comm Chinese authoritarian acquisitions.

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Sartre, Determinism, Experience/Existence and Essents

 I wrote this in replying to a point someone made about Sartre's opinion on determinism... I read the works of Sartre I mentioned exhaus...