
Britain to Stick Finger in Every Pie Looking for Hot Terror

British authorities have publicized a plan to invade the privacy of every individual in the United Kingdom and of those communicating with the British. The plan is believed to be intended to enhance the ability of aristocrats to foist British imperialism through insider financial doping upon the reset of a formerly somewhat free world.

With modern cable splicing equipment and pressure upon Internet and phone corporations as well as through the proprietary postal service Britain will keep archives for at least a year and perhaps in ghost files forever copies of every communication made through communication media in British controlled regions of the globe.
A top British law enforcement balrog said only conspiracy theorists and criminals would object to British skimming of information from all the peons of the planet that in error believe the state should not keep track of their private lives and communications generally. A trans-gender government official said that more convenient lies would be forthcoming on an ad hoc basis to prop-dope up chumps in the U.S.A.
The appeal to patriotism was made; after all George Orwell's 1984 was never actualized in reality and Orwell/Eric Blair was a true patriot British Patriot foreseeing the need for an Orwellian state named for his alter ego in addition to the 'what me worry' argument drawn on a MAD magazine espirit de fogedaboutit principal useful for keeping aristocratic hegemony over citizenry for-themselves.
The public has been given additional and probably redundant assurances that Imperial forces would never ever use any surveilled information to gain a financial advantage in any way, and that no information would be used to construct abstract financial models or high-speed political flow-charting of current trends for quantitative analysis of political economy of the globe. That probably won't satisfy the criminals and conspiracists out there, it it ought to.

This action could be a reflection of the future when human vocabulary and each word becomes thought in hypertext language with each word a representation from an ad hoc topology of multi-dimensional matrices of meaning clusters amidst an ocean of one-level differentia; and that could be a  concern of forward think political futurists

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Sartre, Determinism, Experience/Existence and Essents

 I wrote this in replying to a point someone made about Sartre's opinion on determinism... I read the works of Sartre I mentioned exhaus...