
'Shovel Ready Jobs' for Egypt, Syria; Giving Illegal Aliens a Pathway to Mexico? (fiction)

President Obama recently declared that he will not enforce immigration laws and deport youthful illegal aliens to Mexico, where most of them are from. We expect that the ad hoc California-Harvard Axis of Globalism bringing to the table Socialist Imperialist leaders from Hollywood and Capitalist Imperialist leaders from the 1% conferred upon the matter of further emasculating U.S. citizens and their puny prospects for democracy still clinged to by a few before moving onto the Tahrir Square incident following dissolution of the Egyptian Parliament.
With the Egyptian military firmly in charge of that nation's destiny the change toward a fundamentalist Muslim State led by the Muslim Brotherhood was forestalled. Burkhas mass produced in China for 50 cents per unit would have sold millions and created shovel ready jobs with firing squads used to liquidate prisoners with more than 20 years remaining on their ticket (in order to save tax dollars). Foggy Bottom is working hard to correct the deficiency.
http://www.jpost.com/MiddleEast/Article.aspx?id=273993 French May Send Syrian Rebels Communications Equip.
The Imperialist Council of Socialist Trans-Border operations may have noted that a reversal of democracy to establish the Muslim States could be done with mass illegal immigration to  Egypt from Nigeria with a 'right of return' to collegial spots in government, along with the addition of a few hundreds of billions of debt to employ comrades in shovel ready jobs.
Mincy Easycarn, press secretary for the Ad Hoc imperial council explained; 'These are hard-working illegals willing to work for 10 cents an hour unlike the corpulent citizens. With millions more we can remove national obstructions to sovereignty that we can't accomplish with trans-national corporations and global financial marketing.' An unofficial response by a high level opposition force leader was 'Tweet me Mandrake, Tweet me."
Taking a cue from the Nikita files, the Nigerian illegals would dilute the Egyptian electorate enough to dampen opposition to further migration from Nigeria in the mosquito method of infiltration that safely exfiltrates legal citizens to soup kitchens. The model of a successful Sendero Luminoso Maoist government in Egypt might evolve through the Syrian connection, yet traditionally purges of the communist party follow stabilization of a Muslim Government in the Middle East; this is regarded as a 'win-win' scenario by the more ruthless of the Imperialist Socialist-Capitalist BroSis Trans-sexualhood'.
President Obama probably plans to add another five trillion dollars of public debt to hasten the slide toward economic collapse and emergency federal supervision of the economy by the Hollywood Stars with excellent photo shots and hard-biting interviews in several years.
In the global paradigm for concentration of wealth and power that is the current dialectic between capitalists and socialists the prospects for strong national citizen's rights are eroded and the drift toward planetary ecological collapse preceded by war egresses. It seems like fiction anyway.

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Sartre, Determinism, Experience/Existence and Essents

 I wrote this in replying to a point someone made about Sartre's opinion on determinism... I read the works of Sartre I mentioned exhaus...