
Feminized Wisconsin Unionism vs Gov. Walker

Feminized government and education unions that failed to adjust to the post cold war economy led a recall drive of tough Wisconsin Governor Walker that reaches a vote today. The analysis of contemporary political and economic events was always vital for the prospects of democracy and the present rump unionism leftover from the 70s economy that became a bubble of feminine economic expansion and upward mobility while the white male portion of the economy was in decline or stagnation-along with the workers in the private sector eventually. The Democratic Party became detached from economic reality following the end of the cold war and the Clinton era.

The Unionism of the early 20th century was a hard fought heads busted and mortal injury fight against concentrated wealth to improve the lives of the poor workers. By the end of the cold war when the end of communism in China, Russia and Eastern Europe created vast new pools of labor in competition with U.S. workers, and when factories began to relocate production abroad in order to increase profits exporting product to the U.S.A. from cheap production cost nations, Unionism in the private sector was in steep decline. Feminized government unionism increased its wealth and power becoming old girls clubs in education and government adversely and unrealistically influencing U.S. political development.
A Democratic Party dominated by elites and insular, prosperous unions concerned with expanding its bubble is not cognizant of the interests of the nation's poor and middle class interests. Feminized unionism has supported the dissolution of the traditional family, taught atheistic, immoral social values to youth, and continued to believe that they are agitating against white male concentrations of wealth in 1950s style economic circumstance. That economic structure fled abroad after the end of the cold war.
Feminized Wisconsin unions seek to recall Gov. Walker and halt slippage of union economic leverage downward toward the standard of living of other Americans. it isn't likely that the 70s era feminine union economic bubble through government was ever cognizant that the comparatively remote northern regional economy when fully integrated with the southern states migratory citizenship would drive down the anisotropic northern income advantages. Some would argue that northern unionism helped drive so much U.S.business south. An now it has left the nation entirely even while the unionism of San Francisco and Madison create sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. The feminized unions are not tough warriors for the rights of all American citizens at all.
The feminized union era is a rump unionism compared with those statistics of the glory days of U.S. unionism, yet because it is one of the fundamental channels through which U.S. female economic advantage is distributed it is tenaciously unresponsive to the interests of other non affirmative-action-class citizens unprotected even by special status hate crimes laws.
One should not have to argue for common sense and traditional economic values for the Democratic Party as it was once its heritage in the 20th century. The Democratic Party should fight for zero illegal immigration, full employment through creation of new ecologically restorative, low entropy new businesses, roll back the global trading of home mortgages in the U.S.A. through various means and created safety nets that are used for emergency instead of entitlement.
The Democratic Party should not be the shop steward for privileged government unions requiring private sector taxpayers to fund full insurance benefits for homosexual playthings of government workers. The Democratic Party should not fight for Orwellian corporate health insurance coverage  for all citizens-the Obama plan instead of support for traditional free public clinic health service for the poor and veterans perhaps in the same facilities.
The natural economic balance of the United States in the expanded global labor and production market is for a lower standard of living in comparison to the rest of the world's people. A Democratic Party with meaningful leadership would be aware that feminized union bubbles taking up its agenda tends to block economic response and reform to the new world order of advantage to the majority of Americans. It should return to its populist yet intelligent roots and not become the idiot party that Plato wrote stupidly collapses into tyranny.
The Democrats of Wisconsin should vote to keep Gov. Walker on the job of moving the U.S.A. in the right direction toward and egalitarian social environment in government. Unions should appear last in Government rather than hanging on when the remainder of the economy is in decline.
A non-spoiled unionism would oppose most immigration today except perhaps with a fair lottery of a 180,000 poor people annually from the rest of the world and maybe 300 geniuses beside. It would scrimp up and defend its borders and let the Bush tax cuts expire. it would pay down the U.S. debt and reform government spending so that it serves necessary purposes rather than just accumulating vast public debt that will bring it to ruin eventually. A good union would regard the U.S.A. as a nation with an economy worth defending intrinsically without a large difference between rich and poor earnings (less than a couple orders of magnitude).
Feminized unionism that is a sort of existential bubble unconcerned with the exterior national economy nullifies that prospects for pragmatism that should be first in the minds of democrats along with liberty and justice for all citizens. A Democratic Party co-opted by national and global imperialism isn't worth a damn at defending the rights of all Americans rather than just special classes. It leads a nation into decay and gives the public the need to hope for at least true Republicanism uncorrupted by oligharchy and global wealth with a crank trickle down effect from abroad that will evolve into place within a few thousand years in America.

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